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         Hulse Russell A:     more detail
  1. Russell Alan Hulse
  2. University of Texas at Dallas Faculty: Alan MacDiarmid, Mihai Nadin, Murray Leaf, Frederick Turner, Luc Anselin, Russell Alan Hulse, Frank Bass

81. Research Penn State Was Einstein Right?
In 1974, russell hulse and Joseph Taylor, then at the University of Massachusetts,discovered the first binary pulsar a system of two rapidly spinning

82. Physics News 147, October 13, 1993
THE PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE GOES TO JOSEPH TAYLOR AND russell hulse, both of PrincetonUniversity, for their discovery of the first binary pulsar and for
Physics News 147, October 13, 1993
PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE A digest of physics news items prepared by Phillip F. Schewe, AIP Public Information Number 147 October 13, 1993 Previous

October 1993

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particle physics
AN ACTIVE GALAXY'S CENTER AND ITS NUCLEUS do not always coincide. E. Mediavilla and S. Arribas, astronomers working in the Canary Islands, report that two-dimensional spectra of the Seyfert galaxy NGC3227 reveal the galaxy's nucleus-identified in the spectral map as being that area with intense broad emission lines, indicative of high-velocity gas moving under the presumed influence of a supermassive black hole-is offset from the galactic center by about 750 light years. The astronomers offer several explanations: the displacement may have resulted from the merger of two galaxies or the black hole, if one is there at all, may be orbiting some concentration of dark matter. (Nature, 30 Sept. 1993.) astronomy PROTON HALOES have been observed around several nuclei. Analogous to the neutron haloes around nuclei such as lithium-11 (

83. Nobel Prizes In Physics
russell A. hulse. American. astrophysics. 1993. Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. American.astrophysics hulse, russell Alan. 1975. U Massachusetts, Amherst
Nobel Prizes in Physics
Department of Chemistry, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEAR NAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen German radiation Henrik Antoon Lorentz Dutch magnetism, radiation Pieter Zeeman Dutch magnetism, radiation Pierre Curie French radiation Marie Curie French radiation Antoine Henri Becquerel French radiation Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh British gases Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Hungarian-German cathode rays Sir Joseph John Thomson British gases Albert Abraham Michelson German-American spectroscopy Gabriel Lippmann French optics Guglielmo Marconi Italian telegraphy Carl Ferdinand Braun German telegraphy Johannes Diderik van der Waals Dutch gases Wilhelm Wien German radiation Nils Gustaf Dalen Swedish gases Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Dutch cryogenics Max von Laue German crystallography Sir William Henry Bragg British crystallography Sir William Lawrence Bragg British crystallography no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla British radiation Max Planck German quantum theory, radiation

84. NASA - Orbiting Stars Flooding Space With Exotic Gravitational Waves
This white dwarf pair is similar to the orbiting neutron stars leaking gravitationalwaves discovered by russell hulse and Joseph Taylor, who won the 1993
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Orbiting Stars Flooding Space With Exotic Gravitational Waves
A scientist using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has found that two white dwarf stars orbiting each other in a death grip, destined to merge spectacularly, may be flooding space right now with gravitational waves. These waves are ripples in space-time predicted by Einstein but never detected directly.
Image/animation to right: As a pair of white dwarfs steadily spiral inward, they churn the sea of space-time. The gravitational waves become more intense as the stars accelerate faster and faster, edging ever closer to a merger. Stars in the binary system RX J0806.3+1527 are only 50,000 miles apart. Merging white dwarfs might create a neutron star. Although they won't merge for another few hundred thousand years, these stars now might be one of the brightest sources of gravitational waves known. The Chandra X-ray Observatory has found indirect evidence for this; direct detection could come with the launch of the LISA mission.

Nobel laureate Dr. russell A. hulse will speak about unraveling the mystery thatled to the discovery WHO Dr. russell hulse, Nobel Laureate in Physics
For Immediate Release Contact: John B. Townsend II, Communications Director April 1, 2004 Press Release NOBEL PHYSICS LAUREATE TO SPEAK TO STUDENTS
DURING THE EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON LECTURE SERIES Event Will Be Held Next Week at Dallas’ Townview Magnet School Dallas, Texas - The discoverer of the first binary pulsar and co-recipient of the 1993 Nobel Prize in physics will be the featured speaker in the second presentation of the Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson Lecture Series on Math and Science. The lecture will be held Monday, April 5th at the Townview Magnet School.
Nobel laureate Dr. Russell A. Hulse will speak about unraveling the mystery that led to the discovery of the binary pulsar. The finding of a new kind of pulsar has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation. Dr. Hulse was recently named as a visiting professor of physics and of science and math education at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). In addition, he serves as the principal research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University.
The Nobel Foundation awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1993 to Dr. Hulse and Dr. Joseph Taylor in recognition of their joint discovery a twin star system known today as the binary pulsar. The scientific breakthrough, which occurred in 1974, is of great significance for astrophysics and gravitational physics research. A binary pulsar is a small and dense neutron star with two heavy bodies that rotate around each other at otherworldly velocity and emit regular pulses of polarized radiation. The significance of this discovery is that the behavior of these two bodies deviates greatly from what classical Newtonian mechanics predicts. The behavior of this system has been studied closely and used to verify Einstein’s general theory of relativity, especially the existence of gravitational radiation.

86. Three Nobel Laureates To Speak At 06 AACBNC Meeting
Dr. Aaron Ciechanover, Dr. russell hulse and Dr. Alan MacDiarmid to discuss thefuture of interdisciplinary research and training
Public release date: 22-Feb-2005
E-mail Article

Contact: Dr. Steven R. Goodman

University of Texas at Dallas Dr. Charles A. Blake (SEBM)

University of South Carolina School of Medicine American Physiological Society
Three Nobel laureates to speak at 06 AACBNC Meeting
Dr. Aaron Ciechanover, Dr. Russell Hulse and Dr. Alan MacDiarmid to discuss the future of interdisciplinary research and training
February 22, 2005 - The theme of the next annual meeting of the Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neurobiology Chairpersons (AACBNC) will be "The Future of Interdisciplinary Research and Training: Breaking Down the Barriers." Dr. Steven R. Goodman, President of the AACBNC, organized the meeting that will be held on January 18th to 21st 2006. Dr. Goodman stated, "My dream was to have three Nobel Laureates who worked in the physical and life sciences attend the meeting to discuss the future of interdisciplinary research and training. Sometimes dreams come true." Goodman has recruited Dr. Aaron J. Ciechanover (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2004), Dr. Russell A. Hulse (Nobel Prize in Physics, 1993), and Dr. Alan G. MacDiarmid (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000) to participate in the 06 meeting. "They won their Nobel Prize for discovering the ubiquitin-proteasome system, binary pulsars, and conducting polymers respectively. These are fundamental discoveries in cell biology, chemistry, and physics." said Goodman. Hulse, MacDiarmid, and Goodman all hold endowed chairs at the University of Texas at Dallas, while Ciechanover holds a chair at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology.

87. Astronomy - Pulsars Could Help Unravel Space-time - Amanda Gefter
It was discovered in 1974, winning russell hulse and Joseph Taylor of PrincetonUniversity a Nobel Prize. Since this discovery, only one other system

88. University Of Nevada Press
Senator Alan Bible and the Politics of the New West; Elliott, russell . Forty Years in the Wilderness Impressions of Nevada, 19401980; hulse,
Listing by Author A B C D ... Z Return to index.

89. University Of Essex Choir - Past Performances
Eileen hulse, Michael JamiesonSmith, Quentin Hayes, russell House School ChoristersTOWARD THE UNKNOWN REGION (Vaughan Williams)
Background The Conductor Future Performances Joining the Choir ... Reviews
Past Performances
07/05/05 A Sea Symphony (Vaughan Williams)
Double Concerto for Violin and Bass (Brahms)
Snape Maltings
Anna Leese - soprano
Michael Pearce - bass
Florence Cooke - violin
Marie Macleod - cello 23/01/05 Christmas Oratorio parts 4,5, and 6 (Bach)
Lucy Crowe - soprano
Christina Astin - alto Andrew Staples - tenor Roderick Earle - bass 01/05/04 The Kingdom (Elgar) Chelmsford Cathedral 02/05/04 Snape Maltings Aldeburgh Katarina Jovanovic - soprano Louise Poole - mezzo Jamie McDougall - tenor Roderick Earle - bass 29/11/03 Overture: Don Giovanni (Mozart) Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola (Mozart) Mass in C Minor (Mozart) Adrian Butterfield-violin Jane Rogers-viola Ditte Højgaard Andersen Ann Christine Göransson, Robert Burt, Peter Cox

90. Entrez PubMed
hulse DJ, Webster RG, russell RJ, Perez DR. Division of Virology, Department ofInfectious Diseases, St. Jude Children s Research Hospital,

91. Russell_A._Hulse - Lexikon - Russell_A._Hulse - Beschreibung - Physik
Translate this page russell hulse. (Weitergeleitet von russell A. hulse). russell Alan hulse (* 28.November 1950 in New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Physiker und Träger des

92. Alumni In The News
For russell hulse 66, the Nobel means a chance to expand my horizons.I ve always had eclectic interests in science, but the world does not always
Alumni in the News (1995)
Please send additional Bronx Science alumni in the news to latest 2002 and 2001 1993 and prior December 4, 1995 , page 70, "The American Way of Dying" by Susan Brink. "Surgeon Sherwin Nuland ['48] , who spent his career overseeing countless last-ditch efforts to rescue fading lives, is not surprised by the study results. The author of the bestselling book How We Die Nuland argues, 'We forget that death is something that belongs to the dying person.'" November 6, 1995 The Philadelphia Inquirer , "Experts reduce estimates of future global warming" by Mark Jaffe. "Some dissenters remain. 'The analysis is still convoluted,' argued Richard Lindzen ['56] , a prominent Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorologist. 'The IPCC still continues to couch its pronouncements in soft language. ... They say the data is `broadly consistent' with global warming. Now what does that mean? Do they see it or don't they?' Lindzen asked. Still, Lindzen concedes, 'the data is getting better. ... in a short time, we are really going to get a good handle on this.' ... As a result, critics, including Lindzen and Balling, argue that the models are grossly overstating the warming effect."

93. Hulse, Russell Alan
History of Astronomy Persons (H)hulse, russell A. (b. 1950). The Nobel Prize in Physics 1993 Including anautobiography. Very short biography Very short biographical data and links
Hulse, Russell Alan
(b. Nov. 28, 1950, New York, N.Y., U.S.), American physicist who in 1993 shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with his former teacher, the astrophysicist Joseph H. Taylor , for their joint discovery of the first binary pulsar. Hulse studied at Cooper Union College in New York City (B.S., 1970) and earned a Ph.D. degree in physics (1975) from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he was a graduate student under Taylor. Using the large radio telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, they discovered dozens of pulsars, which are rapidly spinning neutron stars that emit rapid, regular bursts of radio waves. Irregularities in the radio emissions of the pulsar PSR 1913 + 16 led them to deduce that the pulsar had a companion neutron star with which it was locked in a tight orbit. This discovery was made by Taylor and Hulse in 1974. PSR 1913 + 16 proved doubly important because it provided the first means of detecting gravity waves. The two stars' enormous interacting gravitational fields were affecting the regularity of the radio pulses, and by timing these and analyzing their variations, Taylor and Hulse found that the stars were rotating ever faster around each other in an increasingly tight orbit. This orbital decay is presumed to occur because the system is losing energy in the form of gravity waves. This finding, as reported by Taylor and Hulse in 1978, afforded the first experimental evidence for the existence of the gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity.

94. Amherst College Biographical Record: Class Of 1912
Corwin, Arthur russell. S. of Charles R. and Mary E. (Cleveland), b. Somerville, N.30, 1887. hulse, Gould Kenneth. S. of EE and Flora M. (Gould), b.
Home Genealogy Amherst College Biographical Record
Amherst College Class of 1912
(from the Amherst College Biographical Record, Centennial Edition (1821-1921) Previous Class... Menu Index ... Bacon , Howard Rogers Banfield , Everett Colby Barton , Frederick Bushnell Baumann , Albert Vogt Beatty , Claudius Francis Bishop , Stanley Guard . S. of Wesley G. and Anne F. (Loane), b. Glyndon, Md., Aug. 21, 1890. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Prepared Randolph Macon Acad. Address, 312 Bridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bishop , William Woolley Brock , Roland Humphrey Brown , Edmund Burns , Howard Fletcher Burt , Wilbur Farnham . S. of Dr. James E. and Josephine (Howland), b. Ocean Grove, N. J., Ap. 3, 1890. Psi Upsilon. Prepared Peddie Institute, N. J. Supt. Pratt Works, Standard Oil Co. of N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. With B. E. F., France, 1917-18; with A. E. F., 1918. Married O. 16, 1920, Evelyn Mildred, da. of George F. Peck, N. Y. City. Ch. Wilbur F. Address, 465 West End Ave., N. Y. City. Bussom , Thomas Wainwright Campbell , Archibald Brush Clarke , Herbert Houghton Colton , James Zearing Cook , Allan Wylie Cushing , Bartlett Ellis Davenport , Russell Lounsberry Davis , Clarion Almado Dawson , George Littleton de Chasseaud . S. of Jasper B. and Ella R. (Folie), b. Brooklyn, N. Y., N. 20, 1887. Beta Theta Pi.

95. Fernando Enfrenta Tempestade Mas Mantém Liderança Na Fórmula Russell
Translate this page A 4ª etapa do campeonato norte americano da Fórmula russell 2005 vai ficar nasmemórias Ao passar para 3ª posição, valendo-se de um erro de Chuck hulse,
Fernando enfrenta tempestade mas mantém liderança na Fórmula Russell A 4ª etapa do campeonato norte americano da Fórmula Russell 2005 vai ficar nas memórias do piloto brasileiro Fernando Dias Ribeiro como uma das mais tempestuosas e perigosas. Completamente diferente do que ocorrera na vitória do dia anterior, quando da realização da 3ª etapa , esta prova foi uma verdadeira tempestade, demonstrando como neste esporte do automobilismo as coisas mudam da noite para o dia. Já na distribuição dos carros a má notícia: Fernando é sorteado com o mesmo carro #9 com que Eddie Caballero correra no dia anterior, com o qual não pode sustentar a pole-position e nem mesmo um lugar no pódium. Para agravar a situação, 3 dos pilotos mais rápidos foram sorteados com os melhores carros disponíveis na categoria; Resultado: Uma diferença de quase 1 segundo a ser descontada. Guiando com a faca na boca, o piloto do Distrito Federal consegue com muitíssimo esforço classificar na 3ª fila do grid de largada, mas devido a rodadas e saídas de pista de outros concorrentes, subiu para a 2ª fila. Consciente de que sua única chance na corrida seria manter contato com os ponteiros, dada a largada Fernando consegue manter o quarto lugar. Ao passar para 3ª posição, valendo-se de um erro de Chuck Hulse, o piloto brasileiro é surpreendido por um violento contra ataque do norte americano que lança seu Fórmula Russell por dentro na freada da curva 2, numa ultrapassagem tardia e suicida. Num lance de reflexo e grande livramento, Fernando joga seu carro para fora da linha de traçado a tempo de evitar o choque só para ver seu adversário passar de lado. No meio de muita poeira, os dois pilotos conseguem sobreviver à tempestade, mais aí já era tarde para Fernando manter qualquer contato com os líderes, perdendo várias posições mas, felizmente, saindo ileso de um incidente que certamente o colocaria fora da temporada e com problemas financeiros maiores.

96. Russell - Definition Of Russell By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Enc
Definition of russell in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of russell. What doesrussell mean? russell synonyms, russell antonyms. Information about russell in
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Cite / link Email Feedback Rus·sell (r s l) Bertrand Arthur William. Third Earl Russell. 1872-1970. British philosopher, mathematician, social critic and writer who had a profound influence on the development of symbolic logic and 20th-century analytic philosophy. His numerous written works include Principia Mathematica (1910-1913), written with Alfred North Whitehead. He won the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature. Russell Charles Taze American religious leader who founded (1884) the sect now called Jehovah's Witnesses. Russell George William Pen name "A.E." Irish writer and nationalist who was a leader of the Irish literary renaissance at the turn of the 20th century. Russell Henry Norris American astronomer who developed a theory of stellar evolution and devised the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

97. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1993: Russel Alan Hulse
Russel Alan hulse *1950 (USA). For the discovery of a new type of pulsar, adiscovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1993

Home ... Economics Russel Alan Hulse
(USA) "For the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation"
( jointly with Joseph H. Taylor jr. External links The Nobel Prize - Russel Alan Hulse
The Nobel Foundation

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98. Der Nobelpreis Für Physik: Russel Alan Hulse
rotierender Neutronenstern) in einem Doppelsternsystem
Home Chemie ... Wirtschaft Russel Alan Hulse
(USA) "Für ihre Entdeckung eines Pulsars (ein schnell rotierender Neutronenstern) in einem Doppelsternsystem"
( gemeinsam mit Joseph H. Taylor jr.

99. Russell Hulse - Wikipedia
CHERCHEURS, THEORICIENS HPHULSE russell et TAYLOR Joseph H. Physiciens américains spécialistes des étudesde pulsars et ondes gravitationnelles, prix Noble de Physique en 1993.
Russell Hulse
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Russell Alan Hulse 28. November in New York ) ist ein US-amerikanischer Physiker und Tr¤ger des Nobelpreises f¼r Physik, den er mit seinem Professor Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. teilt. Verliehen wurde ihnen der Nobelpreis f¼r " die Entdeckung eines neuen Typs von Pulsar , der neue M¶glichkeiten zur Erforschung der Gravitation er¶ffnete. Bearbeiten
In seiner Jugend besuchte er die Bronx High School of Science und die Cooper Union, ein privates College. Nach seinem Bachelor -Abschluss wechselte er zur University of Massachusetts in Amherst wo er in Physik promovierte . 1974 entdeckte er w¤hrend seiner Arbeit am Arecibo Observatorium gemeinsam mit Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. den ersten bin¤ren Pulsar PSR 1913+16 ), eine Entdeckung f¼r die sie 1993 den Nobelpreis verliehen bekamen. Nach seiner Promotion arbeitete er von 1975-1977 beim National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia . Er bewarb sich 1977 beim Plasma Physics Laboratory der Princeton University , da er in der Astronomie wenig Karrierechancen sah und um die Distanz zu seiner an der University of Pennsylvania studierenden Freundin zu verringern. Seit 2003 arbeitet er zus¤tzlich als Gastdozent an der

100. Russel Alan Hulse
Translate this page Pagina do Professor Carlos Fernandes resumos de biografias de personalidades dahistoria da humanidade premios nobel, cientistas, engenheiros, escritores,
Russel Alan Hulse Filho de Alan e Betty Joan Hulse bachelor's degree Foto copiada do site NOBEL e-MUSEUM:

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