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Hounsfield Sir Godfrey N: more detail |
61. Godfrey Hounsfield, Premio Nobel De Medicina - ELPAIS.es Translate this page godfrey hounsfield, premio nobel de Medicina sir godfrey hounsfield, untécnico en electricidad británico que fue premio nobel por su trabajo en la http://www.elpais.es/buscadores/articulo/20040826elpepiage_2/Tes/elpepigen/ | |
62. Nobel-premiarii En Medicino E Fiziologio - Wikipedio 1963 Eccles, sir John Carew Hodgkin, Alan - Huxley, Andrew 1964 Bloch,Konrad - Lynen, Feodor 1979 Cormack, Allan M. - hounsfield, godfrey N. http://io.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel-premiarii_en_medicino_e_fiziologio | |
63. Nobel Prices Related To Neuroscience 1932 sir Charles Scott Sherrington (Great Britain) and Edgar Douglas Adrian 1979 Allan M Cormack and godfrey Newbold hounsfield for the development of http://www.biomag.hus.fi/braincourse/nobelneuroscience.html | |
64. Godfrey N. Hounsfield - Autobiography godfrey N. hounsfield I was born and brought up near a village in Nottinghamshire From Les Prix nobel. The nobel Prizes 1979, Editor Wilhelm Odelberg, http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1979/hounsfield-autobio.html | |
65. Britannica Student Encyclopedia hounsfield, sir godfrey Newbold English electrical engineer who shared the 1979Nobel Autobiographies of Allan M. Cormack and godfrey N. hounsfield. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/print_toc?tocId=9320365 |
66. RSNA 2004 - Dedication godfrey N. hounsfield, DSc godfrey N. hounsfield, DSc. On a solitary countrywalk sir godfrey hounsfield had an idea that forever changed radiologic http://rsna2004.rsna.org/rsna2004/V2004/index.cvn?id=66606&p_navID=272 |
67. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine: Information From Answers.com nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine List of nobel Prize laureates in 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assisted http://www.answers.com/topic/nobel-prize-in-physiology-or-medicine | |
68. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine A list of the winners of the nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. godfrey N.hounsfield, United States Great Britain. 1980, Baruj Benacerraf http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelmed.htm | |
69. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assistedtomography Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred nobel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize_in_Physiology_or_Medicine | |
70. History Of Neuroscience 1972 godfrey N. hounsfield develops x-ray computed tomography 1981 - DavidHunter Hubel and Torsten N. Wiesel-nobel Prize-visual system http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/hist.html | |
71. LP: Nobel Prizes (Men Vs Women) 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, 1978 Werner Arber, Someone elseneeds to do the same research about blacks and the nobel Prize. http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=103984 |
72. LP: Nobel Prizes (Men Vs Women) Liberty Post nobel Prizes (Men vs Women) 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N.hounsfield, 1978 Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith, http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=103984&Disp=2&Trace=on |
73. Previous Gairdner Foundation Winners 1976, sir godfrey N. hounsfield, Thomas R. Dawber, William B. Kannel. Eugene P.Kennedy, George Klein, George D. Snell. Keith JR Wightman (Wightman) http://www.gairdner.org/priorwinner.html | |
74. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Enpsychlopedia 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer It uses material from the Wikipedia article nobel Prize in Physiology or http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Nobel_Prize_in_Physiology_or_Medicine | |
75. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Enpsychlopedia (Redirected from nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine) 1979 Allan M.Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assisted tomography http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Nobel_Prize_for_Physiology_or_Medicine |
76. The Prize For academics and institutions, a nobel Prize is used to attract the best andthe brightest minds, 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield http://www.hosted-webs.com/prize/ | |
77. Gagnants Du Prix Nobel Liste des gagnants du Prix nobel. 1979, godfrey N. hounsfield. 1980,Baruj Benacerraf. 1980, Jean Dausset. 1980, George D. Snell. 1981, David H. Hubel http://www.mots-croises.ch/Listes/prix_nobel.htm | |
78. American Nobel Prize Winners The nobel Prize is an international award given yearly for oustanding achievementsin the fields of physics, chemistry, godfrey N. hounsfield. Medicine http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h2007.html | |
79. Biology Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine This is a list of the nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine 1901 Emil Adolf von godfrey N. hounsfield for developing computer assisted tomography 1980 http://www.public-domain-content.com/Biology/Physiology_or_medicine.shtml |
80. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Definition Of Nobel Prize In Physiology List of nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Nobel_Prize_in_Physiology_or_Medicine | |
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