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         Hounsfield Sir Godfrey N:     more detail

61. Godfrey Hounsfield, Premio Nobel De Medicina -
Translate this page godfrey hounsfield, premio nobel de Medicina sir godfrey hounsfield, untécnico en electricidad británico que fue premio nobel por su trabajo en la
la portada lo último el índice lo más ... el archivo Jueves , 15 de septiembre de 2005 document.write(cadRegistro);
Godfrey Hounsfield, premio Nobel de Medicina

Sir Godfrey Hounsfield, un técnico en electricidad británico que fue premio Nobel por su trabajo en la creación del escáner de tomografía axial por ordenador, un instrumento de diagnóstico utilizado en los hospitales en todo el mundo, murió el 12 de agosto en el hospital New Victoria de Kingston Upon Thames, Inglaterra. Tenía 84 años. No se ha informado de la causa de la muerte, dijo Ken Gray, amigo y antiguo colega.
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62. Nobel-premiarii En Medicino E Fiziologio - Wikipedio
1963 – Eccles, sir John Carew Hodgkin, Alan - Huxley, Andrew 1964 – Bloch,Konrad - Lynen, Feodor 1979 – Cormack, Allan M. - hounsfield, godfrey N.
Nobel-premiarii en medicino e fiziologio
From Wikipedia
Nobel-premio esas donita da Nobel-fonduro Nobel-premiarii en medicino e fiziologio – von Behring, Emil
– Ross, sir Ronald
– Finsen, Niels R.
– Pavlov, Ivan P.
– Koch, Robert
– Golgi, C. - Ram³n y Cajal, S.
– Laveran, Alphonse
– Ehrlich, P. - Mecnikov, I.
– Kocher, T.
– Kossel, A.
– Gullstrand, A. – Carrell, A. – Richet, Ch. – B¡r¡ny, R. – (ne premiizita) – Bordet, J. – Krogh, A. – (ne premiizita) – Hill, A. V. - Meyerhof, O. – Banting, F. G. - McLeod, J. – Einthoven, W. – (ne premiizita) – Fibiger, J. A. G. – Wagner-Jauregg, J. – Nicolle, Ch. J. H. – Eijkman, C. - Hopkins, F. G. – Landsteiner, K. – Warburg, O. – Sherrington, Ch. S. - Adrian, E. D. – Morgan, Th. H. – Whipple, G. H. - Minot, G. R. - Murphy, W. P. – Spemann, H. – Dale, H. - Loewi, O. – von Szent-Gy¶rgyi, A. – Heymans, C. J. F. – Domagk, G. – (ne premiizita) – Dam, H. C. P. - Doisy, E. A. – Erlanger, J. - Gasser, H. S. – Fleming, A. - Chain, E. B. - Florey, H. W.

63. Nobel Prices Related To Neuroscience
1932 sir Charles Scott Sherrington (Great Britain) and Edgar Douglas Adrian 1979 Allan M Cormack and godfrey Newbold hounsfield for the development of
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Nobel prices related to neuroscience
1973 Physics: Brian David Josephson (Great Britain) "for his theoretical predictions of theproperties of a supercurrent through a barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects" 1991 Erwin Neher (Germany) Bert Sakmann (Germany) "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells" Alfred G. Gilman (USA) Martin Rodbell (USA) "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells" Send comments to Risto Ilmoniemi (
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64. Godfrey N. Hounsfield - Autobiography
godfrey N. hounsfield I was born and brought up near a village in Nottinghamshire From Les Prix nobel. The nobel Prizes 1979, Editor Wilhelm Odelberg,
I was born and brought up near a village in Nottinghamshire and in my childhood enjoyed the freedom of the rather isolated country life. After the first world war, my father had bought a small farm, which became a marvellous playground for his five children. My two brothers and two sisters were all older than I and, as they naturally pursued their own more adult interests, this gave me the advantage of not being expected to join in, so I could go off and follow my own inclinations.
During this time I was learning the hard way many fundamentals in reasoning. This was all at the expense of my schooling at Magnus Grammar School in Newark, where they tried hard to educate me but where I responded only to physics and mathematics with any ease and moderate enthusiasm.
Aeroplanes interested me and at the outbreak of the second world war I joined the RAF as a volunteer reservist. I took the opportunity of studying the books which the RAF made available for Radio Mechanics and looked forward to an interesting course in Radio. After sitting a trade test I was immediately taken on as a Radar Mechanic Instructor and moved to the then RAF-occupied Royal College of Science in South Kensington and later to Cranwell Radar School. At Cranwell, in my spare time, I sat and passed the City and Guilds examination in Radio Communications. While there I also occupied myself in building large-screen oscilloscope and demonstration equipment as aids to instruction, for which I was awarded the Certificate of Merit.

65. Britannica Student Encyclopedia
hounsfield, sir godfrey Newbold English electrical engineer who shared the 1979Nobel Autobiographies of Allan M. Cormack and godfrey N. hounsfield.

66. RSNA 2004 - Dedication
godfrey N. hounsfield, DSc godfrey N. hounsfield, DSc. On a solitary countrywalk sir godfrey hounsfield had an idea that forever changed radiologic

67. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine: Information From
nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine List of nobel Prize laureates in 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assisted
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Wikipedia Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day.
Year Name Topics Emil Adolf von Behring "for his serum therapy to treat diphtheria Ronald Ross "for research on malaria Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the digestive system Robert Koch "for discovering the cause of tuberculosis Camillo Golgi Santiago Ram³n y Cajal "for research on the nervous system Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran "for research into protozoa causing disease" Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich "for study of the immune system Emil Theodor Kocher "for work on the thyroid gland Albrecht Kossel "for research in cell biology , especially proteins and nucleic acids Allvar Gullstrand "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye Alexis Carrel "for work on suture of blood vessels and transplantation Charles Robert Richet "for the discovery of anaphylaxis Robert B¡r¡ny "for research on the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear Jules Bordet "for discovery of the complement in the immune system Schack August Steenberg Krogh "for showing that the gas exchange in the lungs is ordinary diffusion Archibald Vivian Hill Otto Fritz Meyerhof "for research on muscles , especially their generation of heat and the relationship between

68. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine
A list of the winners of the nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. godfrey N.hounsfield, United States Great Britain. 1980, Baruj Benacerraf
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Nobel Prize Winners for Physiology or Medicine
Chemistry Physics Literature Peace ... Economics Emil A. von Behring Germany Sir Ronald Ross Great Britain Niels R. Finsen Denmark Ivan P. Pavlov Russia Robert Koch Germany Camillo Golgi
Santiago Ramon y Cajal Italy
Spain Charles L. A. Laveran France Paul Ehrlich
Elie Metchnikoff Germany
France Emil Theodor Kocher Switzerland Albrecht Kossel Germany Allvar Gullstrand Sweden Alexis Carrel France Charles R. Richet France Robert Barany Austria Jules Bordet Belgium Schack A. S. Krogh Demmark Archibald V. Hill
Otto F. Meyerhof Great Britain
Germany Frederick G. Banting
John J. R. Macleod Canada
Scotland Willem Einthoven Netherlands Johannes A. G. Fibiger Danmark Julius Wagner-Jauregg Austria Charles J. H. Nicolle

69. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assistedtomography Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred nobel
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day. Year Name Topics Emil Adolf von Behring "for his serum therapy to treat diphtheria Ronald Ross "for research on malaria Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the digestive system Robert Koch "for discovering the cause of tuberculosis Camillo Golgi Santiago Ram³n y Cajal "for research on the nervous system Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran "for research into protozoa causing disease" Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich "for study of the immune system Emil Theodor Kocher "for work on the thyroid gland Albrecht Kossel "for research in cell biology , especially proteins and nucleic acids Allvar Gullstrand "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye Alexis Carrel "for work on suture of blood vessels and transplantation Charles Robert Richet "for the discovery of anaphylaxis Robert B¡r¡ny "for research on the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear Jules Bordet "for discovery of the complement in the immune system Schack August Steenberg Krogh "for showing that the gas exchange in the lungs is ordinary diffusion Archibald Vivian Hill Otto Fritz Meyerhof "for research on muscles , especially their generation of heat and the relationship between oxygen consumption and lactic acid metabolism " Frederick Grant Banting John James Richard Macleod "for the discovery of insulin Willem Einthoven "for the discovery of the mechanism of the

70. History Of Neuroscience
1972 godfrey N. hounsfield develops x-ray computed tomography 1981 - DavidHunter Hubel and Torsten N. Wiesel-nobel Prize-visual system
Milestones in Neuroscience Research to 1500 AD 1500 to 1600 AD 1600 to 1700 AD 1700 to 1800 AD ... 1950 to present The following dates and events were gathered from several sources . These events are certainly not all of the important events to take place in neuroscience...just some of the ones that I have selected.
4000 B.C. to A.D
ca. 4000 B.C. - Euphoriant effect of poppy plant reported in Sumerian records
ca. 4000 B.C. - Clay tablets from Mesopotamia discuss how to use alcohol to dilute medicine
ca. 2700 B.C. - Shen Nung originates acupuncture
ca. 1700 B.C. - Edwin Smith surgical papyrus written. First written record about the nervous system
ca. 1400-1200 B.C. - Ayuvedic system of Hindu medicine develops
ca. 500 B.C. - Alcmaion of Crotona dissects sensory nerves
ca. 500 B.C. - Alcmaion of Crotona describes the optic nerve
ca. 500 B.C. - Empedocles suggests that "visual rays" cause sight
460-379 B.C. - Hippocrates discusses epilepsy as a disturbance of the brain
460-379 B.C. - Hippocrates states that the brain is involved with sensation and is the seat of intelligence
387 B.C. - Plato teaches at Athens. Believes brain is seat of mental process

71. LP: Nobel Prizes (Men Vs Women)
1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, 1978 Werner Arber, Someone elseneeds to do the same research about blacks and the nobel Prize.

72. LP: Nobel Prizes (Men Vs Women)
Liberty Post nobel Prizes (Men vs Women) 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N.hounsfield, 1978 Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith,

73. Previous Gairdner Foundation Winners
1976, sir godfrey N. hounsfield, Thomas R. Dawber, William B. Kannel. Eugene P.Kennedy, George Klein, George D. Snell. Keith JR Wightman (Wightman)
The Foundation is proud to present a complete list of winners from previous years and congratulate all of them on their impressive list of achievements and their contributions to our understanding of health, healing and the natural world. To return to the Foundation home page, click here Jeffrey M. Friedman Douglas Coleman Craig C. Mello ... James D. Watson
(Award of Merit) Clay Armstrong Bertil Hille Roderick MacKinnon Marc Kirschner ... Janet D. Rowley Bruce M. Alberts Arthur Kornberg Roger Y. Tsien Pamela J. Bjorkman Don C. Wiley Tony Hunter Anthony J. Pawson Donald Metcalf Mario R. Capecchi Oliver Smithies Alvin R. Feinstein Stanley B. Prusiner Michel M. Ter-Pogossian Leland H. Hartwell Yoshio Masui Paul M. Nurse Richard Peto Bert Vogelstein Robert A. Weinberg John R. Evans (Wightman) Sydney Brenner John E. Sulston M. Judah Folkman Robert F. Furchgott David H. MacLennan Kary B. Mullis Francis S. Collins John R. Riordan Lap-Chee Tsui Victor Ling Oliver Smithies Edwin M. Southern E. Donnall Thomas Mark M. Davis Tak W. Mak Jean-Marie Ghuysen Louis M. Kunkel

74. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Enpsychlopedia
1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer It uses material from the Wikipedia article nobel Prize in Physiology or
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Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day.
Year Name Topics Emil Adolf von Behring "for his serum therapy to treat diphtheria Ronald Ross "for research on malaria Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the digestive system Robert Koch "for discovering the cause of tuberculosis Camillo Golgi Santiago Ramón y Cajal "for research on the nervous system Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran "for research into protozoa causing disease" Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich "for study of the immune system Emil Theodor Kocher "for work on the thyroid gland Albrecht Kossel "for research in cell biology , especially proteins and nucleic acids Allvar Gullstrand "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye Alexis Carrel "for work on suture of blood vessels and transplantation Charles Robert Richet "for the discovery of anaphylaxis Robert Bárány "for research on the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear Jules Bordet "for discovery of the complement in the immune system Schack August Steenberg Krogh "for showing that the gas exchange in the lungs is ordinary diffusion Archibald Vivian Hill Otto Fritz Meyerhof "for research on muscles , especially their generation of heat and the relationship between oxygen consumption and lactic acid metabolism " Frederick Grant Banting John James Richard Macleod "for the discovery of insulin Willem Einthoven "for the discovery of the mechanism of the

75. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Enpsychlopedia
(Redirected from nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine) 1979 Allan M.Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer assisted tomography
home resource directory disorders quizzes ... support forums Advertisement (
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
(Redirected from Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day.
Year Name Topics Emil Adolf von Behring "for his serum therapy to treat diphtheria Ronald Ross "for research on malaria Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the digestive system Robert Koch "for discovering the cause of tuberculosis Camillo Golgi Santiago Ramón y Cajal "for research on the nervous system Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran "for research into protozoa causing disease" Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich "for study of the immune system Emil Theodor Kocher "for work on the thyroid gland Albrecht Kossel "for research in cell biology , especially proteins and nucleic acids Allvar Gullstrand "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye Alexis Carrel "for work on suture of blood vessels and transplantation Charles Robert Richet "for the discovery of anaphylaxis Robert Bárány "for research on the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear Jules Bordet "for discovery of the complement in the immune system Schack August Steenberg Krogh "for showing that the gas exchange in the lungs is ordinary diffusion Archibald Vivian Hill Otto Fritz Meyerhof "for research on muscles , especially their generation of heat and the relationship between oxygen consumption and lactic acid metabolism " Frederick Grant Banting John James Richard Macleod "for the discovery of

76. The Prize
For academics and institutions, a nobel Prize is used to attract the best andthe brightest minds, 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield
hosted by HISTORY of NOBEL PRIZE Winning a Nobel Prize is a life-changing honor. Whether the laureate is an internationally known figure (such as Nelson Mandela, winner of the 1993 Peace Prize) or a scientist plucked from obscurity (like Richard R. Ernst, who won the 1991 prize in chemistry for refinements in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy), the award brings with it worldwide recognition that highlights one's life work and provides the funds to continue and further the mission. For academics and institutions, a Nobel Prize is used to attract the best and the brightest minds, whether students or scholars.
ALFRED B. NOBEL Alfred B. Nobel (1833–1896), the Swedish chemist and engineer who invented dynamite, left $9 million in his will to establish the Nobel Prizes, which are awarded annually, without regard to nationality, in six areas (peace, literature, physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and economic science) "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." At first glance, it seems odd that the inventor of a powerful explosive would endow a group of awards that includes a peace prize. But Nobel was an industrialist with a conscience. He is credited with creating a controllable combustible that made blasting rock and the construction of canals and tunnels a relatively safe process. Nobel also contributed to the inventions of synthetic rubber, artificial silk, and synthetic leather. He held more than 350 patents. His interests were not limited to science. In fact, he was a lover of English literature and poetry and wrote several novels and poems. At his death, he left a library of more than 1,500 books, from fiction to philosophy.

77. Gagnants Du Prix Nobel
Liste des gagnants du Prix nobel. 1979, godfrey N. hounsfield. 1980,Baruj Benacerraf. 1980, Jean Dausset. 1980, George D. Snell. 1981, David H. Hubel
Gagnants du Prix Nobel Chimie Economie Paix Physique
Chimie Jacobus H. van 't Hoff Emil Fischer Svante Arrhenius Sir William Ramsay Adolf von Baeyer Henri Moissan Eduard Buchner Ernest Rutherford Wilhelm Ostwald Otto Wallach Marie Curie Victor Grignard Paul Sabatier Alfred Werner Theodore W. Richards Fritz Haber Walther Nernst Frederick Soddy Francis W. Aston Fritz Pregl Richard Zsigmondy The Svedberg Heinrich Wieland Adolf Windaus Arthur Harden Hans von Euler-Chelpin Hans Fischer Friedrich Bergius Carl Bosch Irving Langmuir Harold C. Urey Peter Debye Norman Haworth Paul Karrer Richard Kuhn Adolf Butenandt Leopold Ruzicka George de Hevesy Otto Hahn Artturi Virtanen John H. Northrop Wendell M. Stanley James B. Sumner Sir Robert Robinson Arne Tiselius William F. Giauque Kurt Alder Otto Diels Edwin M. McMillan Glenn T. Seaborg Archer J. P. Martin Richard L. M. Synge Hermann Staudinger Linus Pauling Vincent du Vigneaud Sir Cyril Hinshelwood Nikolay Semenov Lord Todd Frederick Sanger Jaroslav Heyrovsky Willard F. Libby Melvin Calvin John C. Kendrew Max F. Perutz Giulio Natta Karl Ziegler Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Robert B. Woodward

78. American Nobel Prize Winners
The nobel Prize is an international award given yearly for oustanding achievementsin the fields of physics, chemistry, godfrey N. hounsfield. Medicine
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American Nobel Prize Winners
The Nobel Prize is an international award given yearly for oustanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economic science, and for peace. Since its inception in 1901 by Alfred Nobel , many have received the prestigious award. Listed below are the Americans who have received the prize amount, a gold medal and a diploma (with any non-American co-recipients listed in parentheses, as applicable).
Recipient Name
Nobel Prize Category Year Awarded Summary ... Theodore Roosevelt Peace President of United States; collaborator of various peace treaties" top of page Alexis Carrel Medicine "In recognition of his work on vascular suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs" Elihu Root Peace Former Secretary of State; "Originator of various treaties of arbitration" Theodore W. Richards Chemistry "In recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements" Woodrow Wilson Peace President of United States of America; Founder of the League of Nations

79. Biology Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
This is a list of the nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine 1901 Emil Adolf von godfrey N. hounsfield for developing computer assisted tomography 1980

80. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Definition Of Nobel Prize In Physiology
List of nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the 1979 Allan M. Cormack, godfrey N. hounsfield, for developing computer
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List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1901 to the present day.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1900s Year Name Topics Emil Adolf von Behring "for his serum therapy to treat diphtheria Ronald Ross "for research on malaria Niels Ryberg Finsen "for his light treatment of lupus vulgaris Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "for work on the physiology of the digestive system Robert Koch "for discovering the cause of tuberculosis Camillo Golgi Santiago Ramón y Cajal "for research on the nervous system Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran "for research into protozoa causing disease" Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov Paul Ehrlich "for study of the immune system Emil Theodor Kocher "for work on the thyroid gland
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1910s Year Name Topics Albrecht Kossel "for research in cell biology , especially proteins and nucleic acids Allvar Gullstrand "for research on the image formation by the lens of the eye Alexis Carrel "for work on suture of blood vessels and transplantation Charles Robert Richet "for the discovery of anaphylaxis Robert Bárány "for research on the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear Jules Bordet "for discovery of the complement in the immune system
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1920s

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