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Hooft Gerardus T: more detail |
81. News From UiB - Encountering Nobel Minds - 02.10.2001 Professor Sir Harold Kroto (Chemistry 1996) and Professor gerardus t hooft (PhysicsProfessor Sir Harold Kroto (Chemistry 1996) and Professor gerardus http://www.uib.no/info/english/news/php/?xmlfil=051001131340.xml |
82. Gerardus_t'_Hooft - Lexikon - Gerardus_t'_Hooft - Beschreibung - Physik hooft. aus Physik, der freien Enzyklopädie. gerardus t hooft (* 5.Juli 1946 in Den Helder) niederländischer Physiker. http://www.physik-lexikon.de/wiki/index.php?title=Gerardus_t'_Hooft |
83. News And Information - The Ohio State University Nobel laureate gerardus t hooft has been professor of physics at the Universityof Utrecht in The Netherlands since 1977. Born into a family of scientists, http://www.osu.edu/news/lvl2_news_story.php?id=656 |
84. Gerardus 't Hooft - Wikipedia t. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, hooft, Gerard t. KURZBESCHREIBUNG,Niederländischer Physiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 5. Juli 1946 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerardus_'t_Hooft | |
85. October 15, 1999, Hour One: Nobel Roundup gerardus t hooft, a professor at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands,and Martinus JG Veltman, a Professor Emeritus there, were awarded the Nobel http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/1999/Oct/hour1_101599.html | |
86. Nobel Prize gerardus t hooft receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty the King Martinus JGVeltman receiving his 1999 gerardus t hooft and Martinus Veltman http://www1.phys.uu.nl/wwwitf/welcome/nobel.html | |
87. Nobelpreistraeger Gerardus 't Hooft Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl. Stars & St t hooft vip Promi und Vip Linklisteinkl. Stars Sternchen mit Bildanzeigen! - multifind.de! http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.Gerardus._.'t._.Hooft.html | |
88. European Commission Spokesman's Briefing For 00-06-09 Professor gerardus t hooft, who is himself a partner in one of the new networks,will give a plenary lecture on the research that led to his award. http://www.hri.org/news/europe/midex/2000/00-06-09.midex.html | |
89. Gerardus 't Hooft - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin gerardus t hooft. Född i Den Helder 5 juli 1946. Holländsk Nobelpristagare ifysik år 1999. Han tilldelades priset för sina avgörande insatser rörande http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerardus_'t_Hooft | |
90. ISSSP99.HTML These Special Sessions will be chaired by gerardus t hooft. Invited ScientistsA group of distinguished physicists has been invited to contribute to the http://www.ccsem.infn.it/ccsem99/ISSP99.html | |
91. 1999 Çì¶ó¸£µà½º ƮȣÇÁÆ®(Gerardus¡¯t Hooft), ¸¶¸£Æ¼´ Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.newtonkorea.co.kr/newton/magazine/novell/h1999.htm | |
92. Physics, Chemistry Nobels Awarded went to gerardus t hooft and Martinus JG Veltman, Dutch theorists whose t hooft, 53, and Veltman, 68, won the physics prize for tackling one of http://www.jlab.org/news/internet/1999/nobel.html | |
93. Spektrumdirekt t hooft und Martinus JG Veltman stellten diese Theorie mit ihren gerardus t hooft wurde 1946 in Den Helder in den Niederlanden geboren. http://www.wissenschaft-online.de/artikel/343219&template=d_nd_y | |
94. Nobel-premio Pri Fiziko En 1999 La Nobel-premion Pri Fiziko En La Nobelpremion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis gerardus t hooft, de la Universitatode Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman, antaûe profesoro de la http://luisguillermo.com/fiziko/nobela/nobel99.htm | |
95. 370 t hooft, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, gerardus thooft and Martinus JGVeltman are being awarded this year s Nobel Prize for http://www.if.ufrgs.br/spin/1999/370.htm | |
96. Svt.se/nyheter 991012 - Nobelpriset I Fysik Årets Nobels i fysik går till de två holländarna gerardus t hooft och MartinusJG Veltman för att de har satt partikelfysikens teori på fastare matematisk http://www.svt.se/nyheter/1999/991012/fysik.htm | |
97. New Page 9 Az 1999. évi fizikai Nobeldíj kitüntetettjei gerardus t hooft és Martinus Mára gerardus t hooft, és Martinus JG Veltman, a tavalyi év fizikai http://www.fidibusz.hu/3/2/1/fiz2.htm | |
98. Skolavpohode.cz gerardus, t hooft (1946). Narodil se v roce 1946 v prístavním meste Den Helderv Nizozemí. Vysokou kolu dokoncil v Haagu v roce 1964. http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=4031 |
99. Gerardus T Hooft 1946 Gerard T Hooft Studied Mathematics And Gerard t hooft was supervised by Veltman when taking his PhD and easy tomake a trade of being a Nobel Prize winner t hooft states. gerardus t hooft http://www.uu.nl/uupublish/homeuu/homeenglish/aboututrechtuniv/corporateinforma/ | |
100. Veltman Et ,t Hooft t hooft. Veltman, né en 1931; t hooft, né en 1946aux Pays-Bas (Hollande). Prix Nobel 1999 http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/physique/hisVelt.htm | |
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