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Hooft Gerardus T: more detail |
61. Physics News 452, October 12, 1999 THE 1999 NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS goes to gerardus t hooft of the University ofUtrecht and Martinus Veltman, formerly of the University of Michigan and now http://newton.ex.ac.uk/aip/physnews.452.html | |
62. The International Who's Who : Browse t hooft gerardus Dutch physicist and academic; Professor of Theory of Solids,University of Utrecht. TABACHNIK Dmitro Volodimirovich Ukrainian historian http://www.worldwhoswho.com/views/browse.html?letter=T |
63. Lubo Motl's Reference Frame: Sidneyfest The first talk on Saturday afternoon was by gerardus t hooft 99. Before thetalk, I had roughly 20 seconds to chat with Peter Woit. http://www.physics.harvard.edu/QFT/SidneyfestBlog.htm | |
64. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1999 Professor gerardus t hooft, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, gerardus t hooft and Martinus JGVeltman are being awarded this year s Nobel Prize http://www.matpack.de/Info/Chronics/nobel99-physics.html | |
65. : Physical Sciences Reiter's Scientific And Professional Bookstore $19.00 50 Years of YangMills Theory. hooft, gerardus t. 2005. Hardback bk.$84.00 50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory. hooft, gerardus t. 2005. Paperback http://www.reiters.com/index.cgi?f=t&pt=bk&sid=555 |
66. : Physics & Astronomy Reiter's Scientific And Professional Bookstore hooft, gerardus t. 2005. Paperback bk. $34.00 700 Solved Problems In VectorMechanics for Engineers Dynamics, 1st ed. Shelley, Joseph F. 1991. Paperback http://www.reiters.com/index.cgi?f=st&pt=bk&sid=555-112 |
67. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS SINGAPORE Professor gerardus t hooft 1999 Nobel Laureate in Physics Atoms and Universes Unifying Small and Big in the Physics of 2005 http://lckwek.myplace.nie.edu.sg/ips/WYP.html | |
68. T'Hooft -- Veltman gerardus t hooft és Martinus JG Veltman holland fizikusokat Nobeldíjjal jutalmazták1999-ben az elektrogyenge kölcsönhatás kvantumszerkezetének http://lxsa.physik.uni-bonn.de/outreach/wyp/exercises/hands-on-cern/old_hu/stdmo | |
69. Ohio State?s Nuclear Experimental Group Reports On Atom Smashing gerardus ?t hooft is also wellknown for a long standing debate with StephenHawking over one of the deepest problems in theoretical physics the conflict http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/magazine/2000/page3.php | |
70. Commencement Commencement Speakers include Joseph M. Margiotta, Dr. gerardus Ât hooft, WalterB. Kissinger, Dr. Sharon M. Oster, Dr. Jonathan Fanton, Rev. http://www.hofstra.edu/News/UR/Press/ur_sms_commencement.cfm | |
71. Computer Algebra Pioneer Wins Nobel Prize Dr. Veltman shares the award with Dr. gerardus t hooft, his former student andcolleague, now a professor of physics at the University of Utrecht in the http://www.wolfram.com/news/nobelprize.html | |
72. FermiNews - December 17, 1999 Web home page of Professor gerardus T hooft, University of Utrecht, Netherlands.by Mike Perricone. In the early 1970s, Chris Quigg was a young physicist http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/ferminews99-12-17/p2.html | |
73. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-GERARDUS 'T HOOFT T hooft. La Repubblica-5 FEBBRAIO 2002; HAWKING ULTIMA SFIDA. IL CELEBRESCIENZIATO HA COMPIUTO SESSANT ANNI Qual è il punto di non ritorno dello http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/rassegna/hooft.htm | |
74. World Scientific Edited by gerardus t hooft, and scheduled to be released this winter, the volumeconsists of contributions from an international team of experts such as S http://www.worldscientific.com/news/news.shtml | |
75. Science -- Sign In was awarded last week to gerardus t hooft and Martinus Veltman, In 1969,Veltman, a professor at the University of Utrecht, and t hooft, http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/286/5440/667a | |
76. The Hindu : Sci Tech : Understanding How The Basic Forces In Nature Work gerardus t hooft and Martinus Veltman received the 1999 Nobel Prize for thefinal formulation of this theory. The strong interaction http://www.hindu.com/seta/2004/10/07/stories/2004100701211500.htm | |
77. BBC News | Sci/Tech | Dutch Physicists Win Nobel Prize Professor gerardus t hooft, at the University of Utrecht, and Professor EmeritusMartinus Veltman, formerly of Utrecht and Michigan Universities, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/472243.stm | |
78. 54th Lindau Meeting - 2004 Trip Report For Day Four biege bullet, Dr. gerardus t hooft presentation Supertheories . biege bullet,Dr. Martinus Veltman presentation The Development of Particle Physics http://www.orau.gov/lindau2004/report/day4.htm | |
79. CNN - Dutch, Egyptian Scientists Win Nobels - October 12, 1999 Hours earlier, Dutch scientists gerardus t hooft and Martinus JG Veltman wonthe 1999 Nobel Prize for physics for their theoretical work on the structure http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9910/12/nobel.01/ | |
80. SPACE.com -- Dutch Particle Physicists Win Nobel Prize Dutch physicists gerardus t hooft and Martinus Veltman won the 1999 Nobel PhysicsPrize on Tuesday for their studies in highenergy physics. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/generalscience/nobel_physics_991012.html | |
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