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81. Servei De Publicacions Autors Títols; hoffmann, roald Honoris causa roald hoffmann. Comentaris sipu-sec@org.ub.es. Última actualització 3 d abril de 2002. http://www.ub.es/spub/autors/8667.htm | |
82. Alibris: Vivian Torrence by hoffmann, roald, and Torrence, Vivian, and Sagan, Carl (Foreword by) In a unique collaboration with artist Torrence, Nobel Laureate hoffmann reveals the http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Torrence, Vivian | |
83. The Scientist :: Nobelist Roald Hoffmann: Chemist, Poet, Above All A Teacher, De Nobelist roald hoffmann Chemist, Poet, Above All A Teacher. By Julia King return to webpage. Want to read more? This article is in our premium content http://www.the-scientist.com/1989/12/11/13/1 | |
84. Maney Publishing - Search Our Catalogue roald hoffmann Affiliations / Location Ithaca, NY, USA Publications authored or edited by roald hoffmann . Journal , Interdisciplinary Science Reviews http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=showauthor&fwauthor_id=802 |
85. Spiked-science | Survey | E=mc2 Centenary Survey | Scientists Do Experiments And roald hoffmann Frank HT Rhodes professor of humane letters and professor of roald hoffmann is author of The Same and Not the Same (buy this book from http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/0000000CAA42.htm | |
86. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography roald hoffmann Autobiography. I came to a happy Jewish family in dark days in Europe. On July 18, 1937 I was born to Clara (née Rosen) and Hillel Safran http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Nobel/Hof.htm | |
87. Roald Hoffmann Addresses Adelphi roald hoffmann shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1981 with Kenichi Fukui, and has won fame for communicating science to nonscientists as an http://events.adelphi.edu/news/archive/20020925.php | |
88. American Scientist: Roald Hoffmann Among Forum Speakers. Access the article, roald hoffmann Among Forum Speakers. from American Scientist, a publication in the field of Reference Education, through LookSmart s http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb010/is_200107/ai_hibm1G176442717 | |
89. Cornell Chemistry Faculty Research - Garegin Papoian and roald hoffmann, Angew. Chem. 39, 24082448 (2000). A comparative theoretical study of the hydrogen, methyl and ethyl chemisorption on http://www.chem.cornell.edu/faculty/index.asp?fac=32 |
90. Hoffmann hoffmann, roald (szül. 1937. júl. 18. Zoczów, Lengyelország), lengyel születésu amerikai vegyész, a japán Fukui Kenichi társaságában 1981ben kémiai http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/diak/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/hoffm.html | |
91. Gallileus - Literature Metasearch Author Djerassi, Carl hoffmann, roald New Search Author Djerassi, Carl hoffmann, roald ; Publisher/Year Weinheim, Deutschland WileyVCH Verlag, http://www.gallileus.info/search/advanced?query.publisher:record=Wiley-VCH, Wein |
92. Leonardo/OLATS - Observatoire Leonardo Des Arts Et Des Technosciences - Afrique Translate this page hoffmann, roald, « Fraudulent Molecules », American Scientist, July-August 1997 hoffmann, roald, « Molecular Mimicry, Rachel and Leah, the Israeli Male, http://www.olats.org/africa/biblio.shtml | |
93. Daedalus : On Poetry & The Language Of Science. @ HighBeam Research Daedalus; March 22, 2002; hoffmann, roald. Read the Full Article, Get a FREE Trial for instant access ». hoffmann, roald. Daedalus. March 22, 2002 http://static.highbeam.com/d/daedalus/march222002/onpoetryampthelanguageofscienc | |
94. Roald Hoffmann Translate this page roald hoffmann Químico estadounidense Nació el 18 de julio de 1937 en Zloczów, Polonia en 1937. Tras la II Guerra Mundial se desplazó hacia Estados Unidos. http://buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=8881 |
95. MSN Encarta - Hoffmann, Roald Translate this page hoffmann, roald (1937- ), chimiste américain dorigine polonaise, spécialiste de chimie Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher hoffmann, roald http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761583217/Hoffmann_Roald.html | |
96. Biografia De Hoffmann, Roald Translate this page hoffmann, roald. (1937- ) Científico estadounidense de origen polaco, n. en Z9oczew. Marcha muy joven a los Estados Unidos, donde se nacionaliza en 1955. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/h/hoffmann_roald.htm | |
97. Lexikon Roald Hoffmann roald hoffmann aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist http://lexikon.freenet.de/Roald_Hoffmann | |
98. Roald Hoffmann - Nobelpreis Für Chemie gemeinsam mit Kenichi Fukui ). roald hoffmann *1937 http://www.nobelpreis.org/chemie/hoffmann .html | |
99. Solids And Surfaces Roald Hoffmann http://www.vms-service.de/Solids-and-Surfaces-000001130975.html | |
100. Encyclopedia: Roald Hoffmann Other descriptions of roald hoffmann. roald hoffmann (born July 18, 1937) is a Polish theoretical chemist. He was born in Zloczów, Poland (now Ukraine) and http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Roald-Hoffmann | |
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