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Hodgkin Dorothy Crowfoot: more detail | |||||
61. (IUCr) Crystallographers The Papers Of Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin dorothy Mary crowfoot was born in Cairo in 1910 and educated at the Sir John Papers of hodgkin s parents John Winter and Grace Mary crowfoot arid her http://www.gh.wits.ac.za/iucr-top/people/crowfoot.htm | |
62. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results You searched for dorothy* +crowfoot* +hodgkin (subject(s) All ). The womeninclude dorothy crowfoot hodgkin, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Helen Sawyer Hogg, http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?term1=Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgk |
63. BBC - Radio4 Womanshour -Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Womans hour timeline content page biography of dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/timeline/dorothy_crowfoot_hodgkin.shtml | |
64. INFORMATION About Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Professor dorothy crowfoot hodgkin Vice President 1992 1996, presenting the1st dorothy hodgkin prize on the occasion of her 80th birthday. http://bca.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/BCA/obits/CVS/DCH.html | |
65. The Work Of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin On X-ray Crystallography The work of dorothy crowfoot hodgkin on Xray crystallography. 14 May 2001,University of Oxford. This landmark, which recognised the work of Nobel-prize http://www.rsc.org/ConferencesAndEvents/RSCEvents/Landmarks/DorothyHodgkinLandma | |
66. Her Name Is Dorothy dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. born May 12th 1910 died 1994 .. Nobel prizewinningchemist who was appointed the FIRST Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal http://web.ukonline.co.uk/m.gratton/Names/Dorothy.htm | |
67. MSU Chemistry - Gallery Of Chemists' Photo-Portraits And Mini-Biographies - Indi dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkin. The sole Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 1964, shewas the third woman and the first Englishwoman to receive it. http://poohbah.cem.msu.edu/Portraits/PortraitsHH_Detail.asp?HH_LName=Hodgkin |
68. FECS Millennium Project - Hodgkin hodgkin, dorothy (born crowfoot) Born Cairo (Egypt), 1910 DiedWarwickshire (England), 1994. hodgkin studied at the Somerville College, Oxford. http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/enc/FECS/Hodgkin.htm | |
69. Hodgkin, Dorothy Definition - Medical Dictionary Definitions Of Popular Medical hodgkin, dorothy British crystallographer and Nobel Prize winner (19101994).dorothy crowfoot, as she was born, was educated at Somerville College, http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=26256 |
70. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin - Nobelpreis Für Chemie wichtiger http://www.nobelpreis.org/chemie/hodgkin.html | |
71. Articles - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Source Original text fromthe article in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia dorothy crowfoot hodgkin. http://www.1-electric.com/articles/Dorothy_Crowfoot_Hodgkin | |
72. Oxford Brookes University: Medical Video Archive: Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hod Professor dorothy crowfoot hodgkin OM FRS (19101994), Royal Society WolfsonResearch Professor, University of Oxford, 1960-77, then Emeritus Professor, http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/bms/medical/synopses/hodgkin5.html! | |
73. Oxford Brookes University: Medical Video Archive: Professor Dorothy Crowfoot Hod Professor dorothy crowfoot hodgkin OM FRS (19101994) in interview with Max BlytheInterview II Oxford, March 1988. 06.11.87, MSVA 25. 03.88, MSVA 037 http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/bms/medical/synopses/hodgkin2.html! | |
74. (IUCr-CWW) An Obituary Of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin By M. Vijayan Professor dorothy crowfoot hodgkin, who passed away on July 30, 1994, at the ageof 84, was an outstanding scientist, great humanist and above all a http://www.minerals.csiro.au/mirror/w3vlc/his.hodgkin.html | |
75. Pugwash Review - Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life dorothy hodgkin A Life by Georgina Ferry Granta Books Website ©1998 Granta Books.dorothy crowfoot hodgkin (19101994) spanned the era of the 1920s to the http://www.pugwash.org/reports/pim/hodgkin.htm | |
76. Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin MF Perutz about dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkin. dorothy Mary crowfoot was bornin Cairo, Egypt, on May 12, 1910. She attended Somerville College at Oxford http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/100import/hodgkin.html | |
77. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin hodgkin, dorothy crowfoot (19101994), British chemist and Nobel laureate, bestknown for her use of hodgkin, dorothy crowfoot Microsoft(R) Encarta. http://dbois.8media.org/hodgkin.html | |
78. Mayo Clinic Proceedings English chemist and crystallographer dorothy Mary crowfoot hodgkin After hermarriage, dorothy crowfoot hodgkin continued her work at Oxford University. http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.com/inside.asp?AID=108&UID= |
79. Granta: Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life From dorothy hodgkin A Life. By Georgina Ferry. dorothy crowfoot hodgkin is soobvious a subject for a biography that I was astonished when I discovered, http://www.granta.com/books/chapters/20 | |
80. Hodgkin - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary hodgkin, dorothy Mary crowfoot 19101994. Egyptian-born British chemist. She wona 1964 Nobel Prize for determining the structure of compounds needed in http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/h/h0230500.html | |
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