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61. CNN.com 1988 Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, george H. hitchings. 1987 SusumuTonegawa. 1986 Stanley Cohen, Rita LeviMontalcini. 1985 Michael S. Brown, http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/medicine.html | |
62. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Nobel Laureates 1988 Gertrude B. Elion 1988 george H. hitchings 1992 Edmond H. Fischer 1992 Edwin G.Krebs 1994 Alfred G. Gilman 1998 Robert F. Furchgott http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/overview/nobel.shtml | |
63. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Nobel Laureates george H. hitchings Leon M. Lederman Melvin Schwartz Jack Steinberger 1989Sidney Altman Hans G. Dehmelt Norman F. Ramsey 1990 Elias James Corey http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/overview/nobel.year.shtml | |
64. Clowes Memorial Award | American Association For Cancer Research 1972 Sidney Weinhouse; 1971 Howard E. Skipper; 1970 Charles Heidelberger;1969 James A. Miller; 1968 george H. hitchings; 1967 george Klein http://www.aacr.org/page1704.aspx | |
65. Emory University -- Office Of The Secretary -- J. george Harrar. President, Rockefeller Foundation (Sc.D., 1966) george H.hitchings. Pharmaceutical chemist; President, Burroughs Wellcome Fund (Sc.D. http://www.emory.edu/SECRETARY/HonoraryDegrees/HDsAlphaHL.html | |
66. Grants And Scholarships Of Triangle Community Foundation Of North Carolina Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Chronology 1997 STANLEY B 1988 SIR JAMES W. BLACK , GERTRUDE B. ELION and george H. hitchings for theirdiscoveries of important principles for drug treatment. http://www.trianglecf.org/static/grants_and_scholarships.shtml | |
67. GlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KG () Translate this page george Herbert hitchings wurde 1905 als Sohn des Schiffsbauers george H. hitchings george H. hitchings und Gertrude Elion entwickelten eine Substanz, http://www.glaxosmithkline.de/forschung/wissenschaft/auszeichnungen/nobel_preis. | |
68. Directory - College Of Pharmacy - University Of Arizona 1988 george H. hitchings Award in Innovative Methods for Drug Design 1987 OleGisvold Lectureship, University of Minnesota http://www.pharmacy.arizona.edu/person.php?id=97 |
69. Caerleon Directory 1970 - Haddock - Hyne Hill, george H., 11, ROMAN WAY Hill, Ivy J., 29, LODGE AVENUE hitchings, VeraM., 47, CAESAR CRESCENT Hobbs, Betty, 13, BELLIN CLOSE http://www.caerleon.net/history/1970/surnames/h.htm | |
70. BioZoom: Drømmen Om Amerika - Biokemisk Forening Gertrude B. Elion og george H. hitchings arbejdede i Wellcome Research Laboratories,Burroughs Wellcome Co., som ligger i Research Triangle Park i North http://www.biokemi.org/biozoom/2000_2/bz_0200a.htm | |
71. Hadiah Nobel Kedokteran | Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia - Indonesian Famous - Toko Gertrude Elion, AS Dr. george H. hitchings, AS Sir Jamis Black, Inggris 1987Susumu Tonegawa, Jepang 1986 Rita Levi M. dan Stantey Cohen, AS http://www.tokohindonesia.com/aneka/nobel/kedokteran/index.shtml | |
72. Reunion 05 Lost Alumni 1940 Robert G. hitchings. Mr. Harold J. Hoffman. Ms. Ruth B. Hoffmann. Ms. Ruth B.Hofmann Mrs. george H. Richardson Clayton, Marjorie A. Mrs. Jean R. Rider http://alumni.syr.edu/Reunion05/Lost1940.htm | |
73. Graduate Catalog, 1999-2001. Graduate Studies Committee Laurence H. Hurley, Professor, george H. hitchings Regents Chair in Drug Design,College of Pharmacy BPhr, Bath, 1967; PhD, Purdue, 1970 http://www.utexas.edu/student/registrar/catalogs/grad99-01/ch5/hij.html | |
74. PREMI NOBEL Per La MEDICINA george H. hitchings. 1989. J. Michael Bishop. Harold E. Varmus. 1990. Joseph E.Murray. E. Donnall Thomas. 1991. Erwin Neher. Bert Sakmann http://www.windoweb.it/guida/medicina/premi_nobel_per_la_medicina.htm | |
75. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY hitchings, george H. 1988. Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd, 1963. Holley, Robert W. 1968.Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland, 1929. Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey N. 1979 http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelc.htm | |
76. Grants And Awards: Previous Society Award Recipients For The Oscar B. Hunter Awa 1984 george H. hitchings, PhD, ScD 1983 - C. Gordon Zubrod, MD 1982 - GerhardLevy, PharmD 1981 - Albert Sjoerdsma, MD, PhD 1980 - John A. Oates, MD http://www.ascpt.org/awards/award1prev.html | |
77. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Current Research/Awards george H. hitchings, Ph.D., 1974 george Klein, MD, D.Sc. (Hon.), 1973 Howard M.Temin, Ph.D., 1972 Elizabeth C. Miller, Ph.D., 1971 James A. Miller, Ph.D., http://www3.mdanderson.org/~resrep/awards.htm | |
78. ON THE MECHANISM OF OVERPRODUCTION OF URIC ACID IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY GOUT1 PubMed; hitchings, george H.; Falco, Elvira A. The Identification of Guaninein Extracts of Girella Nigricans The Specificity of Guanase*. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=293124 |
79. Premios Nobel De Fisiología Y Medicina Translate this page Whipple, george H. (EEUU). 1935, Spemann, Hans (Alemania) hitchings, george (EEUU).1989, Bishop, J. Michael (EEUU) Varmus, Harold E. (EEUU) http://fcmjtrigo.sld.cu/nobel.htm | |
80. Gertrude Elion, Drug Developer, Dies At 81 In perfecting one compound after another, Ms. Elion worked for four decades with Dr.george H. hitchings, who died a year ago. http://www.wellesley.edu/Chemistry/chem227/news/obit-elion.html | |
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