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41. Nobel-medicina 1988 Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, george H. hitchings 1987 SusumuTonegawa 1986 Stanley Cohen, Rita LeviMontalcini 1985 Michael S. Brown, http://buscabiografias.com/nobelmedicina.htm | |
42. Hitchings - Definition Of Hitchings By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Definition of hitchings in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of hitchings. Hitch·ings Pronunciation (h ch ngz), george Herbert 19051998. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Hitchings | |
43. Nobel Prize For Medicine george H. Whipple, george R. Minot, William P. Murphy Sir James W. Black,Gertrude B. Elion, george H. hitchings http://www.nndb.com/honors/214/000068010/ | |
44. Biologists Elion worked with American biochemist george H. hitchings at a research divisionof the Burroughs Wellcome Company. Elion and hitchings studied how growth http://www2.worldbook.com/features/wscimed/html/biologists.htm | |
45. Gertrude B. Elion, January 23, 1918February 21, 1999 | By Mary Ellen Avery | B Working in collaboration with george H. hitchings, she synthesized a large The prize was shared with her longtime associate george H. hitchings and http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/gelion.html | |
46. JBC -- Index By Author (Sep 1959; Volume 234, Number 9) Benno Hill, Robert J. Hillyard, LA hitchings, george H. hitchings, george H.Holman, Ralph T. Holtzer, RL Horner, William H. Hurwitz, Jerard http://www.jbc.org/content/vol234/issue9/aindex.shtml | |
47. Previous Gairdner Foundation Winners 1968, Bruce Chown, James L. Gowans, george H. hitchings. Jacques Oudin, J.Edwin Seegmiller. 1967, Christian DeDuve, Marshall W. Nirenberg, george E. Palade http://www.gairdner.org/priorwinner.html | |
48. 20th Century Year By Year 1988 1999; and hitchings, george H., USA, Wellcome Research Laboratories, ResearchTriangle Park, NC, b. 1905, d. 1998 for their discoveries of important http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1988.html | |
49. Nobel Prizes (table) Robert Huber Hartmut Michel, Leon M. Lederman Melvin Schwartz Jack Steinberger,Gertrude B. Elion george H. hitchings Sir James Black, Naguib Mahfouz http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0835783.html | |
50. Biography-center - Letter H hitchings, george H. www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1988/hitchingsautobio.html;Hitler, Adolf www.pathfinder.com/time/time100/leade rs/profile/hitler.html http://www.biography-center.com/h.html | |
51. TAPPI -- Leading Technical Association For The Pulp, Paper, And Converting Indus James F. Hern george B. Hills, Jr. Robert W. Hisey Robert G. hitchings george E. Shaad george H. Sheets Morioki Shibuya Philip E. Shick Luiz T. Simao http://www.tappi.org/index.asp?pid=27920 |
52. TAPPI -- Leading Technical Association For The Pulp, Paper, And Converting Indus hitchings, Robert G. (1979) Hobbs, Robert B. (1969) Hodgson, Clarence H. (1994) Sheets, george H. (1970) Shick, Philip E. (1983) Singh, Rudra P. (1987) http://www.tappi.org/index.asp?pid=16230 |
53. George H. Hitchings Biography .ms george H. hitchings. Related Links. george Washington quotes george Bush degeorge Herbert hitchings From the University of Washington, hitchings went http://www.biography.ms/George_H._Hitchings.html | |
54. Cirencester, Gloucestershire, War Memorial Ernest H Curran. Francis J Curran. george Curtis. Robert Curtis. Thomas R Curtis george Thomas hitchings Frederick Harry Houseman Harry Wilfred Jackson http://www.glosgen.co.uk/warmem/cirenwm.htm | |
55. Listings H, Newport, Rhode Island Directory, 1856. File Hinson Elizabeth D. 34 Levin hitchings george, mariner, h. 4 Stephens wharfHixon Pembroke, driver, 11 Pelham Hlasko M. teacher dancing, h. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ri/newport/newprt_h.txt | |
56. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine george H. hitchings Sir James Black, United States United States Great Britain.1989, J. Michael Bishop Harold E. Varmus, United States United States http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelmed.htm | |
57. Duke Medical Archives, Inventories Warner Craig, MD, Ph.D. SC07100213 Hackel, Dr. Donald SC07100214 Harmel, Dr.Merle H. SC07100215 Hart, Dr. J. Deryl SC07100216 hitchings, george H., http://archives.mc.duke.edu/clippings_med_center_sc7_txt | |
58. The Rudder schooner, 172 , Resolute, hitchings, george H. Jun 02304. Hodgdon Brothers.cruiser, 27 3 , no name, Hodgdon, Geo. I.,Jr. Feb 4938 http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/rudderBuilder.cfm?mlet=H |
59. The Rudder Resolute, schooner, 172 , hitchings, george H. hitchings Joyce, Jun 02304.Restless, sloop, 38 , Sparkman Stephens, Oxford Boatyard Co. Dec 5034 http://www.mysticseaport.org/library/initiative/ruddervessels.cfm?mlet=R |
60. Distinguished Artist Series: Alphabetical Index Of American Artists (deceased) H. John Haberle Elmer Stanley Hader John C. Hafen Nels Hagerup Claude Raguet Hirst george Hitchcock Henry hitchings george Hitt http://www.tfaoi.com/calendar/da-h.htm | |
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