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Hinshelwood Sir Cyril Norman: more detail |
41. Www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/CyrilNor.html Imperial College London Nobel Laureates1956, hinshelwood, sir cyril norman FRS (1897-1967), (Joint award) for hiscontribution to researches into the mechanisms of chemical reactions http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/CyrilNor.html |
42. Hinshelwood hinshelwood, sir cyril norman (szül. 1897. jún. 19. London, Anglia megh. 1967.okt. 9. London), brit vegyész, a reakciók sebességét és mechanizmusát http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/diak/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/hinshel.html | |
43. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Walter norman President 19441946 hinshelwood, sir cyril norman AR0557 hinshelwood, sir cyril norman President 1946-1948 Heilbron, sir Ian http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/searchpublishers2.pl?limit=875&term1=phot |
44. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results sir cyril hinshelwood Biography HOME SITE HELP ABOUT SEARCH NOBEL PHYSICS EDUCATIONAL sir cyril hinshelwood Biography sir cyril norman hinshelwood was http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Norman&limit |
45. Nobelpreistraeger Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood Vip Promi Und Vip http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.Sir._.Cyril._.Norman._.Hinshel |
46. Wikipedia Vip - Suchergebnisse Auf Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl. Stars & Sternch Translate this page (Weitergeleitet von cyril hinshelwood). sir cyril norman hinshelwood (* 19. NAME, hinshelwood, cyril norman. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, sir cyril norman http://www.multifind.de/wikipedia/erg_20.htm | |
47. Lexikon Cyril Norman Hinshelwood Translate this page cyril norman hinshelwood. sir cyril norman hinshelwood (* 19. NAME, hinshelwood,cyril norman. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, sir cyril norman hinshelwood http://lexikon.freenet.de/Cyril_Hinshelwood | |
48. (Sir) Cyril (Norman) HINSHELWOOD Translate this page (sir) cyril (norman) hinshelwood, A excepción del breve período de su servicioen la guerra, donde realizó algunos trabajos sobre explosivos en una fábrica http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/quimicos/hinshelwood.htm | |
49. Biografia De Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman Translate this page hinshelwood, sir cyril norman. (1897-1967) Químico inglés, n. y m. en Londres.Estudió en la Universidad de Oxford, donde enseñó desde 1937. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/h/hinshelwood.htm | |
50. CNN.com 1956 sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov. 1955 Vincent duVigneaud. 1954 Linus Carl Pauling. 1953 Hermann Staudinger http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/chemistry.html | |
51. Prix Nobel De 1955 à 1959 Translate this page sir cyril norman hinshelwood et Nicolas Nicolaevitch Semenov sir cyril normanhinshelwood naquit à Londres le 19 juin 1897. http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1955.html | |
52. ASÍ FUNCIONA hinshelwood, sir cyril norman (Compartido), Inglaterra, 1956. Hodgkin, DorothyCrowfoot, Inglaterra, 1964. Hoffmann, Roald (Compartido), EE.UU. 1981 http://www.asifunciona.com/que_quien/nq_apellido/nobel_quimica_apellido.htm | |
53. CRONOLOGÍA NOBEL QUÍMICA 1956, sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov. 1955, Vincent duVigneaud. 1954, Linus Carl Pauling. 1953, Hermann Staudinger http://www.asifunciona.com/que_quien/nq_cronologia/nobel_quimica_crono.htm | |
54. AIP International Catalog Of Sources hinshelwood, cyril norman, sir, 18971967. by title. Papers, 1919-1943 .MARC Display. Papers, 1919-1943. by hinshelwood, cyril norman, sir, 1897-1967. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/606.html | |
55. Nobel Laureates: Oxonian Award Winners: About Oxford University - University Of sir cyril norman hinshelwood, Balliol, 1956, CHEMISTRY, jointly with Semenov,researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions, Tutor, trinity College http://www.ox.ac.uk/aboutoxford/awardwinners/nobel.shtml | |
56. Cyril Norman Hinshelwood - Wikipedia Translate this page (Weitergeleitet von cyril hinshelwood). sir cyril norman hinshelwood (* 19. NAME, hinshelwood, cyril norman. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, sir cyril norman http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Hinshelwood | |
57. June 19 - Today In Science History For their pioneering work on penicillin, Chain, Florey, and Fleming shared the1945 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. sir cyril norman hinshelwood http://www.todayinsci.com/6/6_19.htm | |
58. 20th Century Year By Year 1956 The prize was awarded jointly to hinshelwood, sir cyril norman, Great Britain,Oxford University, b. 1897, d. 1967; and SEMENOV, NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH, USSR, http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1956.html | |
59. Royal Society About The Society History Of Science Past Officers sir cyril norman hinshelwood. 1955. sir Henry Gerard Thornton. 1960. sir ReginaldPatrick Linstead. 1965. sir Harold Warris Thompson http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?id=1725 |
60. Royal Society | About The Society | Library And Archives | Archives sir John Herschel (17921871), astronomer. sir cyril norman hinshelwood (1897-1967),physical chemist, biochemist. sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946), http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?tip=1&id=1708 |
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