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Hesse Hermann: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
41. Hermann Hesse International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/forfatter.asp?nr=808 |
42. Hermann Hesse - Biographie Translate this page hermann hesse Eine Kurzbiographie. 1877 - geboren am 2. 1956 - Stiftung eines hermann-hesse-Preises durch die Förderungsgemeinschaft der deutschen Kunst http://www.hermann-hesse.com/html/deutsch/biographie.html | |
43. LOdE-1999-3 de hermann hesse. Fabelo pri tri fratoj arestitaj. Tradukis el la germana Wolfgang Kirschstein http://www.sezonoj.itgo.com/53-lode.htm#53-27 | |
44. Biographie: Hermann Hesse, 1877-1962 Translate this page Juli hermann hesse wird als Sohn des pietistischen Missionars Johannes hesse und dessen Frau Marie (geb. Gundert) in Calw geboren. http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/HesseHermann/ | |
45. Association Culturelle Pour Le Voyage En Suisse - Association For The Study Of T The transformations of the Swiss myth, from the Antiquity till today, through the testimony of the travellers who have come from the whole world. Montaigne answers to Erasmus, Rousseau converses with Voltaire, Goethe plays opposite Gibbon, Tolstoy was succeeded by Dostoyevski, Nietzsche and hermann hesse. http://www.unil.ch/acvs |
46. Literature 1946 hermann hesse. hermann hesse. Switzerland. b. 1877 (in Calw, Wuerttemberg, Germany) d. 1962. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1946 Presentation Speech http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1946/ | |
47. HERMANN HESSE PAGE JAPAN w} wbZ y[W Wp æ¥æ¬ã¸ã«ãã³ã»ããã»åã®ä¼/ç 究ä¼ãç¥æ´ãé¢é£æ¸ç±ããããã®å°ã®ç´¹ä»ããã®ä»ãè©©ãæ²è¼ãã¦ããã http://www.h5.dion.ne.jp/~diyberg/ | |
48. Hermann Hesse Home Page (©"HHP", 1996). This Bilingual Site (English And German The hermann hesse Page (HHP) has been published since 1996 by Prof. Sound files on the hermann hesse Page may require a freeplayer like the one from http://ic.ucsb.edu/~ggotts/hesse/ | |
49. ETH-Bibliothek: Spezialsammlungen Manuskripte und Autographen von ETHDozentInnnen und anderen Pers¶nlichkeiten (darunter Albert Einstein, hermann hesse, Carl Gustav Jung). http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/about/spezialsammlungen.html | |
50. RTSI - Mondi Vicini Raccolta di materiali audio e video della Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana sul rapporto tra Oriente e Occidente, lâopera di Werner Weick, la tradizione del Monte Verit , il ritiro di hermann hesse, lungo i sentieri della filosofia, della musica, della preghiera e della cura di s©. http://www.rtsi.ch/mondivicini/ | |
51. Home Of Music & Poetry: Songtexte, Gedichte Und Musiker Im Saarland Auswahl von Werken von Erich Fried, Bertolt Brecht, Erich K¤stner, hermann hesse, James Douglas Morrison und anderen. http://members.aol.com/mdersch/poetry.html | |
52. Hesse, Hermann Biography and criticism may be found in GW Field, hermann hesse (1970); Joseph Mileck, hermann hesse Biography and Bibliography, 2 vol. http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/269_43.html | |
53. Hesse, Hermann -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia hesse, hermann (18771962). In the 1960s many of the books written by hermann hesse became cult novels for the collegeage generation. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9274869 | |
54. Klassentreffen Der 10a Von 1984 Hermann-Hesse-Realschule Tuttlingen Mittlere R Website zum Klassentreffen der Klasse 10a anl¤sslich des 20j¤hrigen Abschlusses. http://www.hhrs1984.de/ | |
55. Revolutionary Girl Utena Review By Xuande - DALnet #anime An overview of the story, with opinions on character development and links to hermann hesse's Demian. 80/100 http://anime.oddball.net/reviewshow.cfm?ReviewID=38 |
56. Cousins Im Geiste : Literaturkritik.de Rezension zu Anni Carlsson und Volker Michels (Hrsg.) hermann hesse Thomas Mann Briefwechsel . Von Thomas Bollwerk in literaturkritik.de 7/1999. http://www.literaturkritik.de/public/rezension.php?rez_id=272 |
57. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German Writer. (18771962) German writer. hermann hesse was a German poet and novelist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946. He s famous for Steppenwolf http://classiclit.about.com/od/hessehermann/ | |
58. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Ernst Of Hesse-Rheinfels The sixth son of Moritz, Landgrave of hesseCassel, after whose resignation of the government in 1627 to his son Wilhelm V, Ernst and his brother hermann respectively founded the collateral lines of hesse-Rheinfels and hesse-Rotenburg. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05524a.htm | |
59. Hesse, Hermann. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 hesse, hermann. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/Hesse-He.html | |
60. Hesse, Hermann. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002 hesse, hermann. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002. http://www.bartleby.com/59/5/hessehermann.html | |
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