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         Herzberg Gerhard:     more books (66)
  1. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure - Vol I by Gerhard Herzberg, 2008-11-04
  2. Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure by Gerhard Herzberg, 2010-08-19
  3. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: Spectra of Diatomic Molecules by Gerhard Herzberg, 1989-01
  4. Gerhard Herzberg: An Illustrious Life in Science (NRC Press Biography) by Boris P. Stoicheff, 2003-01
  5. Atomic spectra and atomic structure, by Gerhard Herzberg ... translated with the co-operation of the author by J.W.T. Spinks ... by Gerhard (1904-) Herzberg, 1937
  6. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: Infrared and Raman of Polyatomic Molecules by Gerhard Herzberg, 1991-12
  7. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules (Molecular Spectra & Molecular Structure) by Gerhard Herzberg, 1991-12
  8. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure (3 Volume Set) by Gerhard Herzberg, 1992-06
  9. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, I. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules by Gerhard Herzberg, 1951
  10. The Spectra and Structures of Simple Free Radicals: An Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy (Dover Phoenix Editions) by Gerhard Herzberg, 2003-02-20
  11. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure, Volume 2) by Gerhard Herzberg, 1945-05-01
  12. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. II. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules. Ninth Printing. by Gerhard Herzberg, 1966-08-01
  13. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules (Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure). Second Edition, Seventh Printing. by Gerhard Herzberg, 1961
  14. Canadian Chemists: Thorbergur Thorvaldson, Gerhard Herzberg, Bertram Fraser-Reid, Willis Adcock, Michael Smith, Keith Fagnou, Raymond Lemieux

1. Gerhard Herzberg - Biography
Gerhard herzberg gerhard Herzberg was born in Hamburg, Germany, on 25 December, 1904. He was married in 1929 to Luise Herzberg neé Oettinger and has two
Gerhard Herzberg was born in Hamburg, Germany, on 25 December, 1904. He was married in 1929 to Luise Herzberg Oettinger and has two children. He was widowed in 1971.
Herzberg received his early training in Hamburg and subsequently studied physics at the Darmstadt Institute of Technology where in 1928 he obtained his Dr.Ing. degree under H. Rau (a pupil of W. Wien James Franck and Max Born and the University of Bristol. In 1930 he was appointed Privatdozent (lecturer) and senior assistant in the Physics Department of the Darmstadt Institute of Technology.
In August 1935 Herzberg was forced to leave Germany as a refugee and took up a guest professorship at the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada), for which funds had been made available by the Carnegie Foundation. A few months later he was appointed research professor of physics, a position he held until 1945. From 1945 to 1948 Herzberg was professor of spectroscopy at the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago. He returned to Canada in 1948 and was made Principal Research Officer and shortly afterwards Director of the Division of Physics at the National Research Council. In 1955, after the Division had been divided into one in pure and one in applied physics, Herzberg remained Director of the Division of Pure Physics, a position which he held until 1969 when he was appointed Distinguished Research Scientist in the recombined Division of Physics.

2. Gerhard Herzberg - Biography
Gerhard Herzberg Biography Gerhard Herzberg was born in Hamburg, Germany, on 25 December, 1904. He was married in 1929 to Luise Herzberg

3. Chemistry 1971
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971 Presentation Speech Gerhard Herzberg Biography Nobel Lecture Banquet Speech Other Resources 1970 1972

4. Gerhard Herzberg
Gerhard Herzberg. Dr. Herzberg was born and educated in Germany which he left in 1935 to teach at the University of Saskatchewan.

5. Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics Herzberg, Gerhard
Herzberg, Gerhard (1904) DOI 10.1888/0333750888/3702. Published. November 2000. Full text (PDF, 17K)

6. Herzberg - - American Heritage Dictionary
com for "Herzberg" TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search (Pronunciation Key) Herz berg Listen h rts b rg , Gerhard 19041999.

7. Atomic Spectra And Atomic Structure (in VSCCAT)
English Author Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904 Spinks, J. W. T. (John William Tranter), 1908- Published New York, Dover publications, 1944. Subject

8. Records For Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904- Atomspektren Und
Herzberg, Gerhard, 1904 Atomspektren und Atomstruktur. English. Not found or no more entries match key

9. Gerhard Herzberg - Scientist
Gerhard Herzberg Born December 25, 1904 Died March 3, 1999 Place of Birth Hamburg, Germany Major Notes

10. Gerhard Herzberg: Definition And Much More From
Herz·berg ( hûrts bûrg ) , Gerhard 1904–1999. Germanborn Canadian physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his contributions to.
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German-born Canadian physicist. He won a 1971 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his contributions to the understanding of the electronic structure and geometry of molecules. Encyclopedia Herzberg, Gerhard gĕr h¤rt h»rts b»rg ) , 1904–99, Canadian physicist, b. Hamburg, Germany. He studied at Darmstadt, G¶ttingen, and Bristol, England, receiving a doctorate in engineering physics from Darmstadt Technical Institute in 1928. He started as a lecturer at Darmstadt but because of Nazi persecution left (1935) for the Univ. of Saskatchewan. Applying spectroscopic study to astronomy, he succeeded in analyzing and matching the spectrum of the CH ion with a previously unidentified spectrum from outer space, pioneering the analysis of stars, planetary atmospheres, and interstellar matter by spectrographic technology. In 1945 Herzberg joined the Yerkes Observatory of the Univ. of Chicago, where he continued his spectroscopic studies. From 1948 to 1994, he was on the staff of the National Research Council (NRC). Herzberg received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research into the electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals, which had important implications in such diverse fields as astrophysics, biology, chemistry, medicine, and physics. The NRC established the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa in his honor in 1975. His three-volume

11. Bfi_ucv Autor Alejandr A BE
Autor Herzberg, Gerhard (Comienzo) 2 registros cumplieron la condici n especificada en la base de informaci n bfi_ucv.

12. Gerhard Herzberg
Gerhard Herzberg. A man of power and resource.(Gerhard Herzberg An Illustrious Life in Science)(Book Review) (Queen s Quarterly)
var zflag_nid="350"; var zflag_cid="44/43"; var zflag_sid="11"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14"; in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 15, 2005

13. Gerhard Herzberg
Gerhard Herzberg. Dr. Herzberg was born and educated in Germany which he left in 1935 to teach at the University of Saskatchewan.
Gerhard Herzberg Dr. Herzberg was born and educated in Germany which he left in 1935 to teach at the University of Saskatchewan. In 1945 he left for the Yerkes Observatory in Chicago seeking better research opportunities until 1948 when he returned to join the staff of the National Research Council. Here he became director of physics from 1949-1969, and worked with the NRC president to establish NRC's postwar reputation as a scientific "centre of excellence". Herzberg's field of research was molecular spectroscopy. This entails the analysis of the spectra of molecules in order to determine their structure. Herzberg's research focussed largely on free radicals -intermediates of chemical reactions that last only microseconds under laboratory conditions, but much longer in interstellar space. He worked to develop new methods for their spectroscopic analysis, and published over 200 scientific papers in the course of his career. Dr. Herzberg was awarded many honours, including fellowship in the Royal Society of London (1951), the Order of Canada and the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1971), and the reorganization of the astronomy and spectroscopy units of the NRC in 1975 as the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in his honour. Back

14. STACKhhii
Revised 1/03/2005. Author(s). herzberg gerhard. Previous. Up. Next. MOLECULAR SPECTRA AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Vol. 3 Electronic Spectra and Electronic
Revised 1/03/2005 Author(s) Herzberg Gerhard Previous Up Next MOLECULAR SPECTRA AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE - Vol. 3: Electronic Spectra and Electronic Structure of Polyatomic Molecules Edition 2nd Ed 1966, Reprint Ed. 1991 Description Pages In contrast to diatomic molecules, the spectroscopic study of polyatomic molecules was for a long time carried out principally by work in the infrared region and by the study of the Raman effect. However, the considerable improvement in vacuum ultraviolet techniques and the development for the study of free radicals have made possible a rapid development of the study of electronic spectra. The object of this book is to present the results of this new development without neglecting the significant older work on the subject. Krieger Book Number ISBN # Reviews Cloth/Paper C U.S. Dollars Ordering Information and Policy Page
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15. STACKhhii
Revised 1/03/2005. Author(s). herzberg gerhard. Previous. Up. Next. MOLECULAR SPECTRA AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Vol. 2 Infrared and Raman of Polyatomic
Revised 1/03/2005 Author(s) Herzberg Gerhard Previous Up Next MOLECULAR SPECTRA AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE - Vol. 2: Infrared and Raman of Polyatomic Molecules Edition Orig. Ed 1945, Reprint Ed. 1991 Description Pages This present volume represents the continuation of a series on Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Illustrations have been included to make the reader visualize clearly the significance and meaning of results of the theory. A large number of tables have also been included in which theoretical results are summarized, or observed data collected, for the benefit of those carrying out research work in the field of infrared and Raman spectra or related fields. Krieger Book Number ISBN # Reviews Cloth/Paper C U.S. Dollars Ordering Information and Policy Page
Clicking the [E-mail Qoute Form button] will take you to the Krieger Information Request Form, where you can verify book prices and shipping charges. You can also make other inquiries about titles of interest. Remember to include your e-mail and address information so we may contact you if there are any questions. And don’t forget that our TOLL FREE ORDER LINE is available! Toll Free Order Line 1-800-724-0025 U.S. or

16. In Memoriam - G. Herzberg
Gerhard Herzberg, 19041999. Dr. Gerhard Herzberg. Gerhard Herzberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1971, Distinguished Research Scientist at the National
Gerhard Herzberg Gerhard Herzberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1971, Distinguished Research Scientist at the National Research Council, and Past-President of the CAP (195657), died at his home in Ottawa on 3 March 1999 at the age of 94. He was born on Christmas day in 1904 in Hamburg to a modest middle-class family, and was only ten when his father, who had suffered from chronic ill health, died. Herzberg attended the main Gymnasium in Hamburg with a scholarship, and was blessed with excellent teachers who instilled in him a love of astronomy, other branches of science, and mathematics. When it came time to think of university, he explored the possibility of studying astronomy but was advised that it would be impossible to make a living in this way. Instead he opted for a program in Engineering Physics at the Technical University in Darmstadt, and was fortunate to get a private scholarship which enabled him to attend. He studied under Hans Rau, carried out his first research on atomic hydrogen, and photographed an extensive series of Balmer lines, which is reproduced in countless texts to this day. His thesis on the spectrum of nitrogen and its afterglow earned him the Doctor of Engineering degree in 1928. He returned to Darmstadt in November 1930 as Privatdozent, and remained there for almost five years during which he established an important spectroscopy laboratory and supervised the research of several students and visitors. Among the latter was John Spinks from the University of Saskatchewan (later its president), who was to play a major role in bringing the Herzbergs to Canada. An early contribution (1933) was a seminal paper with Edward Teller on the theory of vibrational intensities in electronic transitions. Teller was one of the pioneers in the application of quantum mechanics to polyatomic molecules, and continued over many years to have fruitful exchanges of ideas with Herzberg. Unhappily, with the rise of Nazism the political situation in Germany became rapidly worse and, because Luise was Jewish, the Herzbergs were forced to consider leaving their native country.

17. Canada Science And Technology Museum
Portrait of Gerhard herzberg gerhard Herzberg When I was born in 1904 the electron had only recently been discovered Interesting Link Gerhard Herzberg

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    When I was born in 1904 the electron had only recently been discovered, giving scientists the first clues to the structure of the atom. By the time I had completed my university studies just 24 years later, the theory of quantum mechanics had provided the key to understanding the behaviour and structure of atoms, although there was still much work to be done in this area. The structure of molecules, however, remained elusive. With the exception of a few simple molecules, both molecular structure and its relationship to chemical processes and reactions was largely unknown, and without an understanding of these fundamental relationships we could only guess at the behaviour and properties of most chemical compounds. I used spectroscopy to discover some of the simplest and most important molecules in the universe and to determine their structure. I measured the wavelengths of the light absorbed or emitted by these molecules; in other words, I studied the molecule's spectrum. Each molecule or atom has its own unique spectrum, just like each person has a fingerprint which is unique to them. By studying the molecules' spectra, I was able to precisely calculate their rotational, vibrational and electronic energies. This knowledge then allowed me to determine their molecular geometries: the distances between and positions of atoms in the molecule. My work on molecular geometry has been used by other researchers to understand how and why molecules react in a specific way with each other. Perhaps
  • 18. Gerhard Herzberg
    Gerhard Herzberg. 1984. Appointed in 1968 for his service as a physicist of international renown. He was Director of the Division of Pure Physics at the
    Companions of the Order of Canada Gallery E-H
    Gerhard Herzberg Appointed in 1968 for his service as a physicist of international renown. He was Director of the Division of Pure Physics at the National Research Council. Back to Gallery of the Companions of the Order of Canada. E-H
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    19. Gerhard Herzberg - Definition Of Gerhard Herzberg In Encyclopedia
    Gerhard Herzberg (December 25, 1904 – March 3, 1999) was a pioneering theoretical chemist. Born in Germany, he fled in 1935 to Canada, where he continued
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    Gerhard Herzberg December 25 March 3 ) was a pioneering theoretical chemist. Born in Germany, he fled in to Canada, where he continued his distinguished scientific career. Herzberg's main work concerned atomic and molecular spectroscopy . He is well known for using these techniques to determine the structures of diatomic and polyatomic molecules, including free radicals difficult to investigate in any other way, and for the chemical analysis of astronomical objects. Contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Life
    2 Other honours

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    3.1 Obituaries

    20. Profile : Gerhard Herzberg
    Gerhard Herzberg bends over the piles of paper on his big desk. Gerhard Herzberg has 1 activity for you to try in the Activities section.

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