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21. Hertz Gustav Gustav Hertz est le neveu de Heinrich Hertz . http://hebergement.ac-poitiers.fr/l-jv-larochelle/site_eleves_2/Pages/francais/s | |
22. EMV TESTHAUS :: Who Was Gustav Hertz Gustav Ludwig Hertz. (July 22, 1887, Hamburg October 30, 1975, Berlin). He was a german physicist. He won a Nobel Prize in 1925 for studies in cooperation http://www.emv-testhaus.com/english/en_dienstleistungen_hertz.htm | |
23. [atomowe] - Naukowcy hertz gustav. hertz gustav. hertz gustav. (18871970), fizyk niemiecki; profesor m.in. uniwersytetów w Halle i Lipsku; w latach 1945-54 pracowal w ZSRR; http://www.atomowe.kei.pl/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=50&Itemid=67 |
24. Gustav Ludwig Hertz: Awards Won By Gustav Ludwig Hertz Gustav Ludwig Hertz Awards won by Gustav Ludwig Hertz. http://www.123awards.com/artist/1456.asp | |
25. Gustav Ludwig Hertz - Wikipédia http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Ludwig_Hertz | |
26. Gustav Hertz - Wikipedia Translate this page Gustav Ludwig Hertz (n. Hamburgo, 22 de julio de 1887 - Berlín, 30 de octubre de Hertz midió también los potenciales de ionización de varios gases, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Hertz | |
27. Gustav Hertz - Wikipedia Translate this page NAME, Hertz, Gustav Ludwig. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, deutscher Physiker und Nobelpreisträger. GEBURTSDATUM, 22. Juli 1887. GEBURTSORT, Hamburg http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Hertz | |
28. Gustav Hertz - Wikipedia (Omdirigert fra Gustav Ludwig Hertz). Gustav Ludwig Hertz (født 22. juli 1887 i Hamburg, død 30. oktober 1975 i Berlin) var en tysk fysiker. http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Ludwig_Hertz | |
29. Www.Gustav-Hertz-Gymnasium.de Ver¶ffentlicht neben aktuellen Mitteilungen auch einen Kalender sowie Fotos, Sch¼lerzahlen und einen berblick der Lehrer. Projekte werden mit Bildern dokumentiert. http://www.uni-leipzig.de/ods/GHG/ | |
30. Physics 1925 James Franck, gustav Ludwig hertz. James Franck, gustav Ludwig hertz. half 1/2 of the prize, half 1/2 of the prize. Germany, Germany. Goettingen University http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1925/ | |
31. Gustav Hertz Winner Of The 1925 Nobel Prize In Physics gustav hertz, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1925b.html | |
32. Hertz, Gustav, gustav hertz. HistoriaPhoto. in full gustav LUDWIG hertz (b. July 22, 1887, Hamburg, Ger.d. Oct. 30, 1975, Berlin, E.Ger. http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/269_8.html | |
33. Hertz, Gustav -- Encyclopædia Britannica hertz, gustav German physicist who, with James Franck, received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1925 for the Franckhertz experiment, which confirmed the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040252 | |
34. Hertz, Gustav Ludwig gustav Ludwig hertz was born in Hamburg on July 22nd, 1887, the son of a lawyer, Dr. gustav hertz, and his wife Auguste, née Arning. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/H/Hertz1/Hertz.h | |
35. Hertz, Gustav (1887-1975) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography hertz, gustav (18871975). German physicist (and great-nephew of physicist Heinrich hertz) who shared the 1925 Nobel Prize in physics with James Franck for http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/HertzGustav.html | |
36. Hertz: Definition And Much More From Answers.com hertz ( hûrts ) n. , pl. hertz . ( Abbr. Hz ) A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. Synonyms gustav hertz, gustav Ludwig hertz http://www.answers.com/topic/hertz | |
37. Hertz, Gustav. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 hertz, gustav. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/Hertz-Gu.html | |
38. Gustav Ludwig Hertz [Pictures And Photos Of] gustav Ludwig hertz pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Hertz_Ludwig.html | |
39. AIP International Catalog Of Sources hertz, gustav, 1887. by title. Oral history intervi MARC Display. Oral history interview with gustav Ludwig hertz, 1963 May 14 and 15. by hertz, gustav http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/4667.html | |
40. Gustav Hertz hertz, gustav, goos täf herts Pronunciation Key. hertz, gustav , 18871975, German physicist. He is noted for his work on the atom, and he shared with http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0823569.html | |
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