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Hershey Alfred D: more detail |
61. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine alfred D. hershey Salvador Luria, United States United States United States.1970, Julius Axelrod Sir Bernard Katz Ulf von Euler, United States http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelmed.htm | |
62. Information Please: 1969 Physiology or Medicine Max Delbruck, alfred D. hershey, and Salvador E. Luria (allUS), for study of mechanism of virus infection in living cells http://www.infoplease.com/year/1969.html | |
63. Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine 1969 Max Delbruck, alfred D. hershey, and Salvador E. Luria (all US), for studyof mechanism of virus infection in living cells. 1970 Julius Axelrod (US), http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0105787.html | |
64. Nobel Prizes (table) 1969, International Labor Organization, Derek HR Barton Odd Hassel, Murray GellMann,Max Delbrück alfred D. hershey Salvador B. Luria, Samuel Beckett http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0835783.html | |
65. People Files Fred / Helfman, David / Hengartner, Michael / Herr, Winship / Hernandez,Nouria / hershey, alfred D. 5.10 / Herskowitz, Ira / Hertwig, Richard / Hiatt, http://library.cshl.edu/archives/archives/people.htm | |
66. JD Watson Archives Telegrams and congratulatory letters include those sent by prominent scientistssuch as alfred D. hershey, Salvador Luria, and Sydney Brenner. http://library.cshl.edu/archives/archives/Watson Archives/watson_archives_home.h | |
67. Nobel Prizes In Molecular Biology hershey, alfred D., USA, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Long Island, NewYork, NY, b. 1908;. and. LURIA, SALVADOR E., USA, Massachusetts Institute of http://home.sandiego.edu/~cloer/molecnobels.html | |
68. Alfred Charles Kinsey - Definition Of Alfred Charles Kinsey By The Free Online D alfred Cooper alfred Coppel alfred Cornu alfred Cortot alfred D. Chandler alfred D. Chandler, Jr. alfred D. Herger alfred D. hershey http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Alfred Charles Kinsey | |
69. Yale History Faculty William Summers Entries on Trofim Lysenko and Lysenkoism; LuriaDelbrück Experiment; SalvadorLuria; Max Delbrück; alfred D. hershey; Walter Gilbert; Félix d Herelle. http://www.yale.edu/history/faculty/summers.html | |
70. BAMBED -- Sign In Page (2000) We Can Sleep Later/alfred D. hershey and the Origins of Molecular Biology,Cold Spring Harbor Press, New York http://www.bambed.org/cgi/content/full/33/3/159 | |
71. DNAFTB Reference List A B C D F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Z A Allen, Garland concepts 7 V; 9 V; 10 V; *hershey, alfred concept 18 A, G, V, B Hewish, Dean concept 29 A http://www.dnaftb.org/dnaftb/dnaftbref.html | |
72. Blog Of Death: Martha Chase Chase was only in her 20s when she worked with biologist alfred D. hershey onthe blender experiments at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York. http://www.blogofdeath.com/archives/000254.html | |
73. EB Past Award Winners 1974 Richard N. Hofmaster; hershey 1975 James McDonald Grayson; Philadelphia 1994 Karl R. Valley and alfred G. Wheeler, Jr.; Newport http://www.ento.vt.edu/EBESA/EBPastAwardWinners.html | |
74. Nobel-medicina 1969 Max Delbrück, alfred D. hershey, Salvador E. Luria 1968 Robert W. Holley, H.Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg http://buscabiografias.com/nobelmedicina.htm | |
75. Science Timeline Hamilton, William D., 1964, 1970, 1973. Hamilton, William Rowan, 1828, 1832, 1833, hershey, alfred, early mid1940s, 1952. Hertwig, Oscar, 1883, 1885 http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_h.htm | |
76. CNN.com 1969 Max Delbrück, alfred D. hershey, Salvador E. Luria. 1968 Robert W. Holley,Har Gobind Khorana, Marshall W. Nirenberg. 1967 Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/medicine.html | |
78. Allan Campbell - Faculty & Researcher Profiles - Stanford School Of Medicine Campbell A, Stahl FW alfred D. hershey. Annu Rev Genet. 1998; 32 16. Karlin S,Mrázek J, Campbell AM Codon usages in different gene classes of the http://med.stanford.edu/profiles/frdActionServlet?choiceId=printerprofile&fid=62 |
79. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Nobel Laureates 1969 alfred D. hershey 1969 Salvador E. Luria 1970 Julius Axelrod 1971 Earl W.Sutherland, Jr. 1972 Gerald M. Edelman 1974 Christian de Duve http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/overview/nobel.shtml | |
80. AllRefer.com - Nobel Prizes (table) - Encyclopedia 1969, International Labor Organization, Derek HR Barton Odd Hassel, Murray GellMann,Max DelbrUck alfred D. hershey Salvador B. Luria, Samuel Beckett http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/N/NoblPrzTABLE.html | |
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