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Herschbach Dudley R: more detail | ||||||
81. Computers In Physics Annual Index 1994 Germann, Timothy C., dudley R. herschbach, and Bruce M. Boghosian, 325;herschbach, dudley R. See Germann, Timothy C. Hotz, D. See Bajema. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/toc/cip94.html | |
82. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Herschbach, Du Translate this page dudley herschbach è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1986,per la dinamica di processi chimici elementari. Vedi anche http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Chimica/Chimici_e_Ricercator | |
83. Chemistry Academic Genealogy - Footnotes dudley R herschbach 76 Email communication with JP Marino (12 Feb 02) 77 Schwartz,ME Ab initio quantum mechanical studies of small molecules using 1s http://chemistry.library.nd.edu/resources/History/footnotes_000.html | |
84. Grow The Market Locally the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1986 with dudley R herschbach and John CPolanyi. Joined professor dudley herschbach at Harvard University as a http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=69767 |
85. Index To Scientists And Engineers Biographical File (Library Of Congress) HERRING, WILLIAM C. P, BIB. herschbach, dudley R. P, BIB. HERWALD, DEYMOUR W.P, BIB. HERZFELD, KARL F. P, BIB. HEWLETT, WILLIAM R. P, BIO, BIB http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/sci-eng-em.html | |
86. John Polanyi Official Website Pictures (left to right) dudley R. herschbach, Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi; 1986.Nobel Laureates, Chemistry, (left to right) dudley R. herschbach, Yuan http://www.utoronto.ca/jpolanyi/pictures/pictures7.html | |
87. University People Those retiring are Sacvan Bercovitch, Cabot professor of American literature;dudley R. herschbach, Baird professor of science; Walter J. Kaiser, http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/0702105.html | |
88. Women In The Sciences dudley R. herschbach, Baird professor of science, found just six women on thechemistry faculties of the top 25 research universities in 1975 (all of them http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/0100128.html | |
89. On Working In Widener John R. Stilgoe is Robert and Lois Orchard Professor of the History of LandscapeDevelopment. dudley herschbach is Baird Professor of Science. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~fdo/essays/contrib.htm | |
90. Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) J.; Lehn, herschbach, dudley R. (1986) Hershko, Avram (2004) http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28c.htm | |
91. Dudley Herschbach - Carnegie/DOE Alliance Center - CDAC dudley herschbach, Print Email Song, Y., RJ Hemley, HK Mao and DR herschbach,Nitrogen-containing. molecular systems at high pressures and http://cdac.gl.ciw.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=44&Itemid=40 |
92. Nat' Academies Press, The Door In The Dream: Conversations With Eminent Women In herschbach, dudley R., Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads, Annals of the NewYork Academy of Sciences, 7751130, 1996. Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, Mother Nature http://www.nap.edu/books/0309065682/html/241.html | |
93. Wittenberg University -- The Wittenberg Series 2004-2005 Emulating Maxwells Demon Wednesday, Nov. 10, 3 pm Bayley Auditorium, BarbaraDeer Kuss Science Center. Site Link dudley R. herschbach Autobiography http://www4.wittenberg.edu/news/series/04-05/lecture.html | |
94. Bates College | 09-23-96 NOBEL LAUREATE TO SPEAK AT BATES LEWISTON, Maine Harvard University scientist dudley R. herschbach, winner ofthe Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986, will present two lectures at Bates http://www.bates.edu/x8879.xml | |
95. ANNALS ONLINE -- Sign In Page herschbach, dudley R., Frances A. Houle Sally A. Sullivan. Goals for affirmativeaction. 1976. Chem. Eng. News August 9, p. 3. http://www.annalsnyas.org/cgi/content/full/869/1/66 | |
96. DADES DEL SUMARI DE NATURE -LONDON- Títol Obituary Kent R Wilson (19372000) Autor herschbach, dudley, pg - 902Demanar-lo. Títol Nutrition Antioxidant activity of fresh apples http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/sumari.cgi?issn=00280836&idsumari=A2000N006789V00040 |
97. Gallileus - Literature Metasearch Selected Papers of dudley R. herschbach New Search Title Selected Papers of dudley Author herschbach, dudley R. Ed. New Search Author herschbach, http://www.gallileus.info/search/search_history/nobel prize 2004 in physics/sear | |
98. Publications List (dudley R. herschbach Festschrift issue.) Effect of Solvent on NonradiativeProcesses in Xanthene Dyes Pyronin B in Alcohols and AlcoholWater Mixtures, http://www3.tltc.ttu.edu/quitevis/personal/publicat.htm | |
99. Bapc September 15 ? 21, 2002 THE BOSTON AREA PHYSICS CALENDAR The 700pm Harvard University A Symposium in Honor of dudley R. herschbach WelcomeReception (by registration) Faculty Club Terrace Saturday, September 21, http://www.het.brown.edu/seminars/bapc/fall.02/9.15.02.txt |
100. Innovations En Sciences Et Techno - National Research Council Canada http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/education/sti-inno_nobel_f.html | |
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