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         Hemingway Ernest Miller:     more books (21)
  1. Biography - Hemingway, Ernest (Miller) (1899-1961): An article from: Contemporary Authors Online by Gale Reference Team, 2005-01-01
  2. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Miller Hemingway, 1966
  3. Ernie: Hemingway's Sister ""Sunny"" Remembers (Ernest Hemingway's Great Lakes Connection) by Madelaine Hemingway Miller, 1999-07-14
  4. A tribute to Gregory Hemingway.(Ernest Hemingway's youngest son): An article from: The Hemingway Review by Linda Patterson Miller, 2002-03-22
  5. Americans in Paris 1903-1939 (Gertrude Stein, E. E. Cummings, Man Ray, Ernest Hemingway, Virgil Thomson, Henry Miller). by George Wickes, 1969
  6. Transition Workshop with the works of Kay Boyle, Erskine Miller, Andre Gide, Stuart Gilbert, Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Henry Miller, Elliot Paul, Katherine Anne Porter, William Saroyan, Gertrude Stein, Dylan Thomas, Franz Werfel, William Carlos Williams, etc.
  7. Ernie: Hemingway's Sister ""Sunny"" Remembers (Ernest Hemingway's Great Lakes Co by Madelaine Hemingway Miller, 1999-01-01
  8. Ernest Hemingway
  9. HEMINGWAY VS. STENDHAL, OR PAPA'S LAST FIGHT WITH A DEAD WRITER.: An article from: The Hemingway Review by Paul W. Miller, 1999-09-22
  10. WHAT'S FUNNY ABOUT TRUE AT FIRST LIGHT?: An article from: The Hemingway Review by Linda Miller, 1999-09-22
  11. Hemingway and Women: Female Critics and the Female Voice
  12. Heritage for my children by Grace Hall Hemingway, 1974
  13. Técnicas y hábitos de los escritores.(TT: Technics and habits of writers.): An article from: Siempre!
  14. Winner Take Nothing-Facsimile Dust Jacket for the first edition book...NO BOOK INCLUDED. by Ernest Hemingway, 2010

41. [LD] Ernest Hemingway - životopis
ernest miller hemingway 21.7.18992.7.1961. ernest miller hemingway -fotografie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Americký prozaik, žurnalista a esejista,

Ernest Hemingway
životopis dílo odkazy Ernest Miller Hemingway
Americký prozaik, žurnalista a esejista, autor moderního románu a povídky. Narodil se v Oak Parku (Illinois). Psal pøevážnì o mužích vedoucích nebezpeèný zpùsob života (napø. o vojácích, rybáøích a lovcích), respektive o toreadorech provozujících býèí zápasy. Jeho díla jsou oslavou jejich odvahy, ale také sondou do jejich psychologie a do pozadí jejich skutkù. Pod vlivem modernistických autorù (zejména Ezry Pounda a Gertrudy Steinové) a požadavkù objektivního žurnalismu si vypracoval charakteristicky úsporný, citovì nezaujatý styl, èasto založený na pouhém záznamu dialogu (tzv. "objektivní vypravìèství"). Vìtšina jeho dìl byla inspirována bohatými osobními zážitky - dìtské zkušenosti z Michiganu, kontakt s pøírodou a motivy války se objevují už v jeho prvních povídkách. Pozdìji se stal mluvèím tzv. "ztracené generace" - válkou poznamenaných a rozèarovaných Amerièanù, hledajících útoèištì zejména v Paøíži. První svìtovou válku prožil dobrovolnì v Evropì, ve dvacátých letech pùsobil ve Francii jako korespondent listu 'Toronto Star'. Bìhem španìlské obèanské války pomáhal bojovat proti nastupujícímu fašismu. Ve svém pováleèném díle zobrazil èlovìka uprostøed válek a násilí a vzdal hold lidské stateènosti, zobrazil však i život umìlecké bohémy. Vzápìtí po nástupu diktátorského politika Fidela Castra Ruze (1926) k moci v roce 1960 opustil Kubu a vrátil se do Spojených státù. Postupem èasu však neunesl tíhu vlastní samoty a spáchal sebevraždu, když se zastøelil v Ketchumu (Idaho).

42. Hemingway, Ernest Miller (1899-1961), American Novelist And Short-story Writer,
hemingway, ernest miller (18991961),. American novelist and short-story writer,whose style is characterized by crispness, laconic dialogue, and emotional
Hemingway, Ernest Miller American novelist and short-story writer, whose style is characterized by crispness, laconic dialogue, and emotional understatement. Hemingway's writings and his personal life exerted a profound influence on American writers of his time. Many of his works are regarded as classics of American literature, and some have been made into motion pictures. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, Hemingway was educated at Oak Park High School. After graduating from high school in 1917, he became a reporter for the Kansas City Star, but he left his job within a few months to serve as a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I (1914-1918). He later transferred to the Italian infantry and was severely wounded. After the war he served as a correspondent for the Toronto Star and then settled in Paris. While there, he was encouraged in creative work by the American expatriate writers Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. After 1927 Hemingway spent long periods of time in Key West, Florida, and in Spain and Africa. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), he returned to Spain as a newspaper correspondent. In World War II (1939-1945) he again was a correspondent and later was a reporter for the United States First Army; although he was not a soldier, he participated in several battles. After the war Hemingway settled near Havana, Cuba, and in 1958 he moved to Ketchum, Idaho. Hemingway drew heavily on his experiences as an avid fisherman, hunter, and bullfight enthusiast (

43. Hemingway (Ernest Miller)
Hemingway, Ernest Trois Histoires et dix poèmes (1923), sa toute première publication, De nos jours (1925), ensemble de contes inspirés de sa jeunesse, ou encore Hommes sans femmes (1927). Un peu plus tardif, le recueil le Gagnant ne gagne rien (1933) décrit la vie de nécessiteux en Europe. C'est avec le roman le Soleil se lève aussi (1926), qu'il établit sa renommée. En 1929, Hemingway publia son second grand roman, l'Adieu aux armes . Vinrent ensuite deux œuvres réalistes, Mort dans l'après-midi (1932), recueil de nouvelles ayant pour thème principal la tauromachie et les Vertes Collines d'Afrique (1935), ouvrage consacré à la chasse au gros gibier. Hemingway avait commencé par explorer les thèmes du désespoir et de la défaite mais, à la fin des années 1930, il s'intéressa de plus en plus aux problèmes sociaux. Son roman En avoir ou pas (1937) et son unique pièce de théâtre, la Cinquième Colonne (1938), condamnaient avec véhémence les injustices économiques et politiques. Deux de ses nouvelles les plus connues, l'Heure triomphale de Francis Macomber et les Neiges du Kilimandjaro , furent écrites dans le même esprit. Dans le roman

44. Arts: Literature: Authors: H: Hemingway, Ernest Miller - Open Site
Arts Literature Authors H hemingway, ernest miller Open Site.,_Ernest_Miller/
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project home submit content become an editor the entire directory only in H/Hemingway,_Ernest_Miller Top Arts Literature Authors ... H : Hemingway, Ernest Miller
Chronological Publication Listing (as at May 8, 2004) (Click here for OEP Publication Abbreviation Codes and Meanings )
(Stories include Up in Michigan, Out of Season and My Old Man)
  • 1926 - The Torrents of Spring [F]
    1926 - The Sun Also Rises [F]
    1927 - Men Without Women [F,SS]
    1929 - A Farewell To Arms [F]
    1932 - Death In The Afternoon [F]
    1933 - Winner Take Nothing [F,SS]
    1935 - Green Hills of Africa [F]
    1937 - To Have and Have Not [F]
  • (Blend of three stories, two previously published "One Trip Across" (1934) and "The Tradesman's Return" (1936))
  • 1938 - The Fifth Column and the First Forty-nine Stories [F,SS,D] 1940 - For Whom the Bell Tolls [F] 1950 - Across the River and Into the Trees [F] 1952 - The Old Man and The Sea [F] 1964 - A Moveable Feast [NF] 1970 - Islands in the Stream [F] 1972 - The Nick Adams Stories [F,SS]
  • (Stories with Nick Adams as a character.)
  • 1985 - The Dangerous Summer [F] 1986 - The Garden of Eden [F] 1953 - The Hemingway Reader [F]
  • (Hemingway's different works, edited by Charles Poore)

    45. International: Italiano: Arte: Letteratura: Premi Letterari: Nobel: Hemingway, E
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    46. Ernest Miller Hemingway Was Born On July 21, 1899, In Oak
    On a Sunday morning, July 2, 1961, ernest miller hemingway killed himself ernest hemingway takes much of the storyline of his novel, A Farewell to Arms,\Ernest_M
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    47. Ernest Miller Hemingway Biography / Biography Of Ernest Miller Hemingway Main Bi
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    Name: Ernest Miller Hemingway Birth Date: July 21, 1898 Death Date: July 2, 1961 Place of Birth: Oak Park, Illinois, United States Place of Death: Ketchum, Idaho, United States Nationality: American Gender: Male Occupations: author Ernest Miller Hemingway Main Biography Ernest Miller Hemingway (1898-1961), American Nobel Prize-winning author, was one of the most celebrated and influential literary stylists of the 20th century. Ernest Hemingway was a legend in his own life-timein a sense, a legend of his own making. He worked hard at being a composite of all the manly attributes he gave to his fictional heroesa hard drinker, big-game hunter, fearless soldier, amateur boxer, and bullfight aficionado . Because the man and his fiction often seemed indistinguishable, critics have had difficulty judging his work objectively. His protagonistsvirile and laconichave been extravagantly praised and vehemently denounced. In his obsession with violence and death, the Hemingway creation has been rivaled only by the Byronic myth of the 19th century. Despite sensational publicity and personal invective, Hemingway now ranks among America's great writers. His critical stature rests solidly upon a small body of exceptional writing, distinguished for i.....

    48. Ernest Hemingway -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    ernest miller hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an (A native orinhabitant of the United States) American (Writes (books or stories or articles
    Ernest Hemingway
    [Categories: ISBN needed, People from Idaho, Autodidacts, American World War I people, American writers, Suicides, Chicagoans, People from Illinois, Nobel Prize in Literature winners, American short story writers, American novelists, 1961 deaths, 1899 births]
    Ernest Miller Hemingway (A native or inhabitant of the United States) American (Writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)) author . He was born in (Click link for more info and facts about Oak Park, Illinois) Oak Park, Illinois , and committed (The act of killing yourself) suicide in (Click link for more info and facts about Ketchum, Idaho) Ketchum, Idaho
    Hemingway was one of the 20th century's most important and influential writers, and many details of his own life have become nearly as well-known as has his work, along with his absence of punctuation. His image was of a (Someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions) stoic (Click link for more info and facts about macho) macho , adventurous figure, and he often drew heavily on his own experiences for his writing.
    He was a leading figure of the so-called (Click link for more info and facts about Lost Generation) Lost Generation . Hemingway's fiction, especially his early work, was dominated by two types of characters. The first type were people altered by their

    49. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection
    Sites about these individual works by ernest miller hemingway. Collected Storiesof ernest hemingway Biographical sites about ernest miller hemingway

    50. Hemingway In Africa - Ernest Miller Hemingway On Safari In Kenya - The African S
    Introduction to ernest hemingway s African adventures and writings. The legendaryAmerican writer travelled twice to Africa and wrote some of his best
    home sitemap search help ... about me Content on this page: Hemingway in Africa
    The Africa stories

    More on this site: Photos from Africa 1937
    East African Photo Safari

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    Hemingway links: Hemingway foundation of Oak Park
    Timeless Hemingway

    Hemingway Society

    Hemingway Resource Center
    Michael Palin's Hemingway adventure
    Hemingway in Africa
    Introduction to Ernest Hemingway's African adventures and writings. The legendary American writer Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) was probably the one introducing the Swahili word "safari" to the English language. Hemingway traveled in East Africa two times in his life and the experiences gave him material for several short stories and novels. The remarkable personality of Hemingway also contributed to the image of the Great White Hunter. He was probably not the greatest of hunters but he had a true love affair with the hunting experience, the nature and wildlife of Africa. Without learning the kiswahili language he also managed to have some understanding of the Kenyans, which was far from common at that time.
    First safari
    From early in his life Hemingway traveled more than most people at that time. He had an enormous appetite for adventure, war and danger. That gave him a chance to show of the macho image he was creating for himself all his life. The first visit to

    51. The World At War
    On August 25, 1944 ernest miller hemingway became the first allied war ernest miller hemingway ended his own life with a gunshot on July 2, 1961.
    Ernest Miller Hemingway
    ...novelist, short story writer, journalist. Ernest Hemingway was the preeminent American author of his time. He was a restless soul who wandered the globe in search of adventure be it on the battlefield, in the bullring or at the bistro. Paris, Key West, Africa, Spain, Cuba, Idaho... wars, marriages, life amongst the literati, hunting and fishing all fired his imagination. Writing brought wealth and celebrity, le bon vie from Sloppy Joe’s in Key West to Paris’ Les Deux Magots to the Casino in Ketchum.
    Hemingway was born into an upper middle class family in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park on July 21, 1899. His father was a physician, his mother an opera singer. His boyhood summers were passed at the family cottage near Traverse Bay in the northwoods of Michigan and there he acquired his love of the outdoors. Hemingway’s parents encouraged collegiate endeavors but Ernest opted for a job as a cub reporter on the Kansas City Star after graduation from high school in 1917. America had just entered the First World War but hereditary vision problems disqualified Hemingway from service. Still, the lure of adventure on the field of combat shone brighter than that offered by the newsroom. Hemingway was accepted by the Red Cross for service as a volunteer ambulance driver and was off to the Italian front in 1918. He was carrying a wounded man off the battlefield when the fragments of an Austrian mortar shell ripped through his legs. His wounds were severe enough to require a lengthy convalescence in Milan during which he fell in love with nurse Agnes von Kurowsky. They planned to marry but a short while after Ernest returned to Oak Park the postman delivered a "Dear Ernest..." The incident was the basis for his later novel

    52. Fiesta Van Hemingway, Ernest Miller - Scholieren . Samenvattingen . Com
    Samenvattingen Grootste verzameling samenvattingen en uittreksels voor de WOen HBO-student. Samenvattingen van studieboeken, tentamens en alles wat de

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    • Home Scholieren Loginnaam Wachtwoord Fiesta Hemingway, Ernest Miller Geplaatst op Maandag 12 februari 2001
      scholieren, door scholieren ... nodig. Heb jij nog wat liggen, stuur dat dan op zodat anderen ze kunnen gebruiken.
      Fill in or underline whatever applies to the work you have read:
      1. Author: Ernest Hemingway
      Title: Fiesta (the sun also rises)
      Year of first publication: 1926
      2. Genre: novel
      3. Structure of the book: 19 chapters
      4. Is the story told in the chronological order?
      Yes, it is. 5. Who tells the story / Who narrates the story? The "I" character; Jake Barnes 6. Is the ending open or closed? The ending is open, the lives of the important chracters go on. 7. When and were does the story take place? It takes place in mostly Paris and Pamplona in the 1920's. 8. What is the story about / What is the subject matter? Personal relationships, 9. Theme / What's the author's message? Personal pains are not removable by drinking and parties. 10. Main characters ( explain their mutual relationships ) : Name: Jake Barnes Disposition: good at heart Name: Brett Ashley Disposition: charming Name: Robert Cohn Disposition: shy Mutual relationships: The three af them are all friends, in the story a couple of things happen to them. Jake and Brett fall in love but Jake's impotence makes it impossible to have a relationship. Robert, who is with Frances, has a brief afair with Brett and wouldn't mind if it would continue.

    53. - Biography Of Ernest Miller Hemingway
    Library of essays, termpapers and book reports for high school, college anduniversity. Categorized, commented and rated. Free unrestricted access to active

    54. - Ernest Miller Hemingway
    Library of essays, termpapers and book reports for high school, college anduniversity. Categorized, commented and rated. Free unrestricted access to active

    55. Ernest Hemingway - Enpsychlopedia
    ernest hemingway, 1950. ernest miller hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, Barron s Book Notes on ernest hemingway s A Farewell to Arms. Stuttgart Klett.
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    Ernest Hemingway
    Missing image
    Hemmingway.jpg Ernest Hemingway, 1950 Ernest Miller Hemingway July 21 July 2 ) was an American novelist and short story writer . He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris , coined by Gertrude Stein and popularized as the Lost Generation . Leading a turbulent social life, Hemingway married four times, apart from various romantic relationships he formed during his lifetime. His work, which drew from his wide range of experiences in World War I , the Spanish Civil War , and World War II , is characterized by terse minimalism and understatement ; it exerted a significant influence on the development of twentieth century fiction . Hemingway's protagonists are typically stoic, courageous individuals who have been interpreted as reflections of his own character. Many of his works are now considered classics in the canon of American literature . Hemingway received the Nobel Prize in Literature in , seven years before his death by suicide in Contents showTocToggle("show","hide")

    56. Ernest Hemingway: A Storyteller's Legacy
    1899 ernest miller hemingway came to town wrapped in a light blue comforter. Scrapbook prepared by Grace Hall hemingway A Record of ernest miller
    Go to Content Home Hemingway Collection Cover Illustration Ernest Hemingway: A Storyteller's Legacy
    By Megan Floyd Desnoyers
    " A t 8 o'clock on the morning of July 21st. 1899 Ernest Miller Hemingway came to town wrapped in a light blue comforter. It was a very hot morning. The sun shone brightly and the Robins sang their sweetest songs to welcome the little stranger to this beautiful world "The little lad weighed 9 lbs., had thick black hair, dark blue eyes, black eyebrows, Mahogany colored complexion, a dimple in each cheek, Grandpa Ernest Hall's nose and mouth, like a cupid's bow, Hands and nails just like Grandpa Ernest's. Plump and perfect in form with a deep toned voice," wrote Grace Hall Hemingway of her second child's birth in the first of five lavishly annotated scrapbooks of photographs, newspaper clippings, and letters she made. The paper record that begins with her lovingly compiled scrapbooks comes full circle with the donations to the John F. Kennedy Library by Hemingway's fourth wife and widow, Mary Welsh Hemingway, and his sons, Jack, Patrick, and Gregory, of Hemingway's manuscripts, letters, scrapbooks, notebooks, photographs, and memorabilia. Fading French copybooks with handwritten drafts of

    57. Ernest Hemingway - Definition Of Ernest Hemingway In Encyclopedia
    ernest hemingwayernest miller hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961) was anAmerican author. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois, and committed suicide in
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    Ernest Hemingway Ernest Miller Hemingway July 21 July 2 ) was an American author . He was born in Oak Park, Illinois , and committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho Contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Works
    1.1 Novels

    1.2 Nonfiction

    1.3 Short story collections
    6 External links
    Short story collections
    In Cinema
    Hemingway was one of the 20th century's most important and influential writers, and many details of his own life have become nearly as well-known as has his work. His image was of a stoic macho , adventurous figure, and he often drew heavily on his own experiences for his writing.

    58. Ernest Miller Hemingway
    ernest hemingway Biography 1899 1961, born in Ohio, started his career inKansas, served in the Italian Army.
    This site is for sale contact 1-904-260-7599
    Ernest Hemingway
    Nobel Prize for Literature 1954 Bibliography Nobel Laureates 1901 - Nobel Laureates English Language Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961), born in Oak Park, Illinois, started his career as a writer in a newspaper office in Kansas City at the age of seventeen. Before the United States entered the First World War, he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army. Serving at the front, he was wounded, was decorated by the Italian Government, and spent considerable time in hospitals. After his return to the United States, he became a reporter for Canadian and American newspapers and was soon sent back to Europe to cover such events as the Greek Revolution. Ernest Hemingway: Wrestling with Life Hemingway : A Biography Paperback Hemingway: A Five Volume Biography by Michael Reynolds The Young Hemingway Hemingway: The Homecoming Hemingway : The 1930s Hemingway: The Paris Years ... Hemingway: The Final Years During the twenties, Hemingway became a member of the group of expatriate Americans in Paris, which he described in his first important work, The Sun Also Rises Hardcover Paperback . Equally successful was A Farewell to Arms Hardcover Paperback Audio Cassette e-book Microsoft ... VHS , the study of an American ambulance officer's disillusionment in the war and his role as a deserter. Hemingway used his experiences as a reporter during the civil war in Spain as the background for his most ambitious novel

    59. Ernest Miller Hemingway - I Like Canadians Excerpt Provided By ALS International
    ernest miller hemingway i like canadians excerpt provided by ALS International.
    i like canadians
    by Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) I like Canadians.
    They are so unlike Americans.
    They go home at night.
    Their cigarettes don't smell bad.
    Their hats fit.
    They really believe that they won the war.
    They don't believe in Literature.
    They think Art has been exaggerated.
    But they are wonderful on ice skates.
    A few of them are very rich.
    But when they are rich they buy more horses Than motor cars. Chicago calls Toronto a puritan town. But both boxing and horse-racing are illegal In Chicago. Nobody works on Sunday. Nobody. That doesn't make me mad. There is only one Woodbine. But were you ever at Blue Bonnets? If you kill somebody with a motor car in Ontario You are liable to go to jail. So it isn't done. There have been over 500 people killed by motor cars In Chicago So far this year. It is hard to get rich in Canada. But it is easy to make money. There are too many tea rooms. But, then, there are no cabarets. If you tip a waiter a quarter He says "Thank you."

    60. Ernest Miller Hemingway - I Like Americans Excerpt Provided By ALS International
    ernest miller hemingway i like americans excerpt provided by ALS International.
    i like americans
    by Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) I like Americans.
    They are so unlike Canadians.
    They do not take their policemen seriously.
    They come to Montreal to drink.
    Not to criticize.
    They claim they won the war.
    But they know at heart that they didn't.
    They have such respect for Englishmen.
    They like to live abroad.
    They do not brag about how they take baths.
    But they take them. Their teeth are so good. And they wear B.V.D.'s all the year round. I wish they didn't brag about it. They have the second best navy in the world. But they never mention it. They would like to have Henry Ford for president. But they will not elect him. They saw through Bill Bryan. They have gotten tired of Billy Sunday. Their men have such funny hair cuts. They are hard to suck in on Europe. They have been there once. They produced Barney Google, Mutt and Jeff. And Jiggs. They do not hang lady murderers. They put them in vaudeville. They read the Saturday Evening Post And believe in Santa Claus.

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