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Heeger Alan J: more detail | |||||
41. Conducting Poloymers Interview With Dr. Alan Heeger Dr. alan J. heeger Institute of Polymers and Organic Solids University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA, USA http://www.esi-topics.com/conducting-polymers/interviews/Dr-Alan-Heeger.html | |
42. Alan J. Heeger Translate this page Kunststoff-Lexikon Glossar für Kunststoffe, Halbzeuge und technische Kunststoffteilevon der Kern GmbH, dem Hersteller technischer Kunststoffteile. http://www.kern-gmbh.de/kunststoff/service/glossar/heeger.htm | |
43. Alan G. MacDiarmid Translate this page Im Jahr 2002 wird ihm der Nobelpreis zusammen mit alan J. heeger und HidekiShirakawa für das Entdecken und Entwickeln von leitenden Polymeren verliehen. http://www.kern-gmbh.de/kunststoff/service/glossar/macdiarmid.htm | |
44. Bio.Alan J. Heeger Dr. alan J. heeger received his BS degree with high distinction in 1957 from theUniversity of Nebraska, and received his Ph.D. from the University of http://www.jspsusa.org/FORUM2001/bio.Heeger.htm |
45. Fred Hopf Library alan J. heeger, alan G. MacDiarmid, and Hideki Shirakawa Tribute (2002).Journal Information. Journal Title. Macromolecules. Volume Number http://www.optics.arizona.edu/library/PublicationDetail.asp?PubID=11108 |
46. Professor Alan.J Heeger Professor alan J. heeger. Semiconducting and Metallic Polymers. Professor heegerand his colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, http://inform.bappy.com/bio/heeger/ | |
47. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists alan J. heeger and his colleagues at the University of California, Santa Barbara, alan J. heeger was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 in http://www.sanbenito.k12.tx.us/district/webpages2002/judymedrano/Nobel Winners/a | |
48. Alan J. Heeger Translate this page Pagina do Professor Carlos Fernandes resumos de biografias de personalidades dahistoria da humanidade premios nobel, cientistas, engenheiros, escritores, http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/AlanJHee.html | |
49. Alan J. Heeger - Nobelpreis Für Chemie Entwicklung von leitenden Polymeren ( gemeinsam mit alan G. MacDiarmid und Hideki http://www.nobelpreis.org/chemie/heeger.html | |
50. Online NewsHour: Nobel Prize In Chemistry -- October 10, 2000 alan J. heeger, American, 64, University of California, Santa Barbara. alan G.MacDiarmid, New Zealandborn American, 73, University of Pennsylvania http://www.pbs.org/newshour/nobel2000/chemistry.html | |
51. Meetings Of Nobel Laureates In Lindau alan J. heeger alan heeger grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. He completed his Bachelorof Science degree at the University of Nebraska where he majored in Physics http://lindau.umantis.com/Public/Laureates/360/Profile | |
52. Distinguished Guests - The Library, The Abdus Salam ICTP http//library.ictp.trieste.it . ictp home library our distinguished guests heeger, alan J. heeger, alan J. (b.1936, Sioux City, IA, USA) http://library.ictp.trieste.it/FP-DB/detail.php?ID=42 |
53. Lehigh University - Alan J. Heeger Will Hold A Public Master Class Nobel chemistry laureate alan heeger to give talk and hold master class for student alan J. heeger will hold a public master class for undergraduate and http://www3.lehigh.edu/engineering/news/heegermasterclass2.asp | |
54. Macdiarmid alan G. MacDiarmid shared a Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Dr. alan J. heeger and The ensuing collaboration between MacDiarmid, Shirakawa and alan heeger http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/~eugeniik/history/macdiarmid.htm | |
55. Heeger,Alan J - StormingMedia Pentagon reports and documents by alan J. heeger. alan J. heeger. Click onthe titles below to find US governmentauthored or -collected reports written http://www.stormingmedia.us/authors/Heeger,Alan_J_.html | |
56. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 2000 For The Discovery And alan J. heeger, alan G. MacDiarmid. USA, USA. University of California SantaBarbara, CA, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/2000npchem.htm | |
57. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results alan J. heeger Contact Info Office Broida Hall 6125 Office Phone (805) Professor alan J. heeger Phone 805893 3184, Fax 805-893 4755 E-mail http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Alan Heeger& |
58. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results alan J heeger heeger shared a Nobel Prize for chemistry for the discovery ofconducting polymers. This biography, part of the electrochemical history site http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?term1=Alan Heeger&limit=0&su |
59. JSPS Awards For Eminent Scientists Professor alan J. heeger, University of California, and Professor alan G.MacDiarmid, University of Pennsylvania) to meet together. http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-awards/report/heeger.html |
60. JSPS Awards For Eminent Scientists Research discussion with Professor Emeritus Hideki Shirakawa, University ofTsukuba and Professor alan J. heeger, University of California, at the hotel. http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-awards/report/alan.htm |
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