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Heeger Alan J: more detail | |||||
21. Encyklopedia: Heeger Alan heeger alan j. (ur. 1936), amerykanski fizyk. Profesor fizyki i dyrektor InstytutuPolimerów i Materialów Organicznych na Uniwersytecie http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0157dd.html | |
22. 2003 Fifth Annual Beckman Scholars Symposium - Alan Heeger Alan J. Heeger, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physics and Materials Alan J.Heeger serves as Professor of Physics and Professor of Materials at the http://www.beckman-foundation.com/03bsp/heeger.html | |
23. Alan J. Heeger - Wikipedia Translate this page Alan J. Heeger. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Alan Jay Heeger (* 22.Januar 1936 in Sioux City, Iowa) ist ein US-amerikanischer Chemiker und http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_J._Heeger | |
24. Heeger Alan J. HEEGER Narozen Siúxské mesto, IA, 22. ledna 1936. Alan J. Heeger a jehokolegové objevili rídící polymery, novou trídu materiálu s elektrickými a http://www.jergym.hiedu.cz/~canovm/objevite/objev4/hee.htm | |
25. UCSB Nobel Laureates Finn E. Kydland David J. Gross Alan J. Heeger Herbert Kroemer Walter Kohn Alan J. heeger alan j. Heeger Professor of Physics and of Materials http://www.ucsb.edu/nobel/index.shtml | |
26. Alan J. Heeger - Wikipedia, Déi Fräi Enzyklopedie Translate this page Alan J. Heeger. Vu Wikipedia, der fräier Enzyklopedie. Den Alan Jay Heeger, gebuerden 22. Januar 1936 zu Sioux City am US-Staat Iowa ass en http://lb.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_J._Heeger | |
27. Chemistry 2000 alan J. heeger, alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa. alan J. heeger, alan G.MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa. third 1/3 of the prize, third 1/3 of the prize http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/2000/ | |
28. Alan Heeger - Autobiography alan heeger Autobiography. alan heeger. I was born on a bitter cold morning (20ºF below zero) in Sioux City (Iowa) on January 22, 1936. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/2000/heeger-autobio.html | |
29. Professor Alan J. Heeger Professor alan J. heeger. Phone 805893 3184, Fax 805-893 4755. E-mailajhe@physics.ucsb.edu. Semiconducting and Metallic Polymers. http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/mrl/faculty/heeger.html | |
30. Alan J. Heeger Winner Of The 2000 Nobel Prize In Chemistry alan J. heeger, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/2000a.html | |
31. National Academy Of Sciences - Members heeger, alan J. University of California, Santa Barbara. heeger discovered thatorganic polymers can be doped into metallic states with conductivities http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/naspub.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58N4GR?opendocum |
32. HEEGER, ALAN J. - CIRS heeger, alan J. Email ajh@physics.ucsb.edu Physics Department, University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Research Interests http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/researchers.php?id=201 |
33. MSN Encarta - Heeger, Alan J. heeger, alan J., born in 1936, American physical chemist and cowinner of the 2000Nobel Prize in chemistry. heeger received the Nobel Prize along with http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_701500006/Heeger_Alan_J.html | |
34. Heeger, Alan J. -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All Brit heeger, alan J. body US chemist. New Zealandborn American chemist who, withalan J. heeger and Shirakawa Hideki, was awarded the Nobel Prize for http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9384270 | |
35. MacDiarmid, Alan G. -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All Japanese chemist who, with alan G. MacDiarmid and alan J. heeger, won the NobelPrize for Chemistry in 2000 for their discovery that certain plastics can be http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9384268 | |
36. Famous Belarus Related Personalities: People With Roots In Belarus: A-K alan heeger Autobiography, Nobel eMuseum (en); alan J. heeger, Center forPolymers and Organic Solids (en); alan J. heeger, So Biografias (pt); alan J. http://www.geocities.com/albaruthenia/FP/belroots.html | |
37. [ISI Highly Cited Researchers Version 1.1] Highly Cited Researcher heeger, alan J. Professor heeger and his colleaguesat the University of California, Santa Barbara, have done pioneering http://isihighlycited.com/author.cgi?&link1=Browse&link2=Results&id=299 |
38. Alan J. Heeger Science. alan J. heeger alan heeger in 1982 in 2000 the clothes are blackand the hair is white, but no other changes http://www.punjabilok.com/science/alan_heeg.htm | |
39. Alan J. Heeger (Physicist) alan J. heeger (Physicist). 1936 Born in USA. 1961 Ph.D., University of California,Berkeley. 1962 Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania http://www.pol.chalmers.se/Pages/nobellect/tsld009.htm | |
40. Alan J. Heeger (Physicist) Första Föregående Nästa Sista Index Hem Text. Bild 9 av 34. http://www.pol.chalmers.se/Pages/nobellect/sld009.htm |
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