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         Haworth Sir Walter Norman:     more detail

81. Nobel Prize For Chemistry
The Prize was divided equally between sir walter norman haworth (Great Britain,19.3.1883 19.3.1950) Great Britain, Birmingham University,
Nobel Prize for Chemistry
This directory is compiled and maintained by Carlo Nervi and Mauro Ravera
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Last updated ( or ): 13 October 1999
Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff (The Netherlands, 30.8.1852 - 1.3.1911)
Germany, Berlin University,
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions"
Hermann Emil Fischer (Germany, 9.10.1852 - 15.7.1919)
Germany, Berlin University,
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses"
Svante August Arrhenius (Sweden, 19.2.1859 - 2.10.1927)
Sweden, Stockholm University,
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" Sir William Ramsay (Great Britain, 2.10.1852 - 23.7.1916) Great Britain, London University, "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system" Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer (Germany, 31.10.1835 - 20.8.1917)

Translate this page haworth, sir walter norman (1883-1950) Gran Bretaña, Premio Nobel de Química porsus investigaciones sobre los carbohidratos y la vitamina C
Premios Nobel
En otras disciplinas con relevancia en medicina
RONTGEN, Wilhelm C. (1843-1923) Alemania. FISHER, Hermann E (1852-1919) Alemania ZSIGMONDY, Richard Adolf (1865-1929) Austria WIELAND, Heinrich Otto (1877-1957, Alemania WINDAUS, Adolf Otto Reinhold (1876-1959), Alemania FISHER, Hans (1881-1945) Alemania HAWORTH, Sir Walter Norman KARRER, Paul (1889-1971) Suecia, Premio Nobel de Quimica por suss investigaciones sobre las vitaminas A y B KUHN, Richard (1900-1967) Alemania BUTENANDT, Adolf Friedrich Johann (1903-1990) Alemania SUMNER, James Batcheller (1887-1956) Estados Unidos, NORTHROP, John Howard ( ) Estados Unidos, STANLEY Wendell Meredith ROBINSON, Sir Robert SANGER, Frederick PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand (n. 1914) Austria ; KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery BERG, Paul (n. 1926) Estados Unidos, GILBERT, Walter (n. 1932) Estados Unidos, SANGER, Frederick

83. Nobelpreise Für Chemie (eine Liste Zur Ehrung Und Erinnerung) Bei
Translate this page (Frankreich) 1935 Irène Joliot-Curie (Frankreich) 1936 Petrus Josephus WilhelmusDebye (Niederlande) 1937 sir walter norman haworth (England) 1937 Paul"main1" Horoskop
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84. Haworth
haworth, sir (walter) norman (szül. 1883. márc. 19. Chorley, Lancashire, Anglia ?megh. 1950. márc. 19. Birmingham), brit vegyész, 1937ban Paul Karrer
Haworth, Sir (Walter) Norman (szül. 1883. márc. 19. Chorley, Lancashire, Anglia – megh. 1950. márc. 19. Birmingham), brit vegyész, 1937-ban Paul Karrer svájci kémikussal közösen megosztott kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott a szénhidrátok és a C-vitamin szerkezetének meghatározásáért. Haworth 1906-ban a Manchesteri Egyetemen szerzett diplomát, 1910-ben pedig Göttingenben doktorált. Tanított a St. Andrews-i (1912–20) és a Durhami Egyetemen (1920–25). St. Andrewsban Sir James Irvine és Thomas Purdie brit kémikusok társaságában szénhidrátokat tanulmányozott: a cukrokat, a keményítôt és a cellulózt. Felismerték, hogy a cukor szénatomjainak elrendezôdése inkább gyuruszeru, mint egyenes vonalú; a cukormolekulák ilyen gyuruszeru ábrázolását nevezik Haworth-formulának. Könyve, a The Constitution of Sugars (A cukrok szerkezete; 1929) alapmuvé vált. Haworth 1925-ben lett a Birminghami Egyetem kémiatanszékének vezetôje. Itt kezdte el a szerkezetében az egyszeru cukrokhoz hasonló C-vitamin tanulmányozását. 1934-ben Sir Edmund Hirst brit kémikussal együttmuködve sikeresen szintetizálta e vitamint, amely az elsô mesterségesen elôállított vitamin volt. Ez az eredmény nagyban hozzájárul a szerves kémiai ismeretek fejlôdéséhez, és lehetôvé tette a C-vitamin (vagy ahogy Haworth nevezte, az aszkorbinsav) olcsó, gyógyászati célú gyártását. Haworth-t 1947-ben lovaggá ütötték. Vissza az Arcképtárba

85. SAMTEL - Vive L'Anarchie !
Translate this page Aaron Hauptman - sir walter norman haworth - Werner Karl Heisenberg - HermannLudwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz - Lawrence Joseph Henderson - sir
Langues du Monde Anarchie ...
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LIENS EXTERNES : aller voir le vénérable du sommet Liens de Chimie une espèce de page de liens ultime pour tout ce qui est chimie
ALCHIMIE : les site sur l'alchimie sont soit des trucs savants soit des trucs faits par des mecs chelou, bon t'façon on repère tout de suite les mecs chelou et puis c'est sympathique, je trouve, quelqu'un qui délire sur l'alchimie. L'emmerde c'est que c'est rarement un truc isolé, délirer sur l'alchimie çà implique aussi souvent de délirer sur tout un tas d'autres trucs classés occultes
The Alchemy Web Site and Virtual Library très chouette sites où ya un max de bouquins anciens sur l'alchimie qui ont été mis en ligne Alchimie et spagyrie traditionnelles encore un très chouette site mais euh y fait plutôt partie de la deuxième catégorie
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ANCIENS : [ Albert le Grand Altus Jean Aurelle Augurel Arnaud De Villeneuve Avicenne Valentin Basile Cagliostro Cyliani Roger Bacon

86. Walter Norman Haworth
Denne side indeholder information om walter norman haworth. Dette stof lykkedesdet ham og sir Edmund Hirst at fremstille kunstigt i 1934.
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Walter Norman Haworth
Walter Norman Haworth (* den 19. marts 19. marts var en engelsk forsker, som blev professor organisk kemi først i Durham og senere i Birmingham Han opdagede, at en række kulhydrater og deriblandt glucose er bygget over en ringformet struktur af forbundne kulstofatomer. I forbindelse med sit arbejde opfandt han Haworth-projektionen, der viser strukturen i dens rumlige form. Han fandt en forbindelse, som han kaldte ascorbinsyre (fordi den modvirker scorbutus , = skørbug) eller C-vitamin . Dette stof lykkedes det ham og Sir Edmund Hirst at fremstille kunstigt i Han modtog sammen med Paul Karrer Nobelprisen i kemi i 1937 for arbejdet med C-vitamin og kulhydrater.
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87. Gé - GEH Théorie
Translate this page 1937, walter norman haworth (Grande-Bretagne) 1956, sir Cyril normanHinshelwood (Grande-Bretagne) et Nikolai Nikolaievitch Semionov (Union soviétique)
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Lauréats du prix Nobel de chimie
Le prix Nobel de chimie est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciences de Suède, à Stockholm. Année Récipiendaire Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff (Pays-Bas) Hermann Emil Fischer (Allemagne) Svante August Arrhenius (Suède) sir William Ramsay (Grande-Bretagne) Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer (Allemagne) Henri Moisan (France) Eduard Buchner (Allemagne) lord Ernest Rutherford (Grande-Bretagne) Wilhelm Ostwald (Allemagne) Otto Wallach (Allemagne) Marie Curie , née Sklodowska (France) Victor Grignard (France) et Paul Sabatier (France) Alfred Werner (Suisse) Theodore William Richards (États-Unis) Richard Martin Willstätter (Allemagne) NON ATTRIBUÉ NON ATTRIBUÉ Fritz Haber (Allemagne) NON ATTRIBUÉ Walther Hermann Nernst (Allemagne) Frederick Soddy (Grande-Bretagne) Francis William Aston (Grande-Bretagne) Fritz Pregl (Autriche) NON ATTRIBUÉ Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (Autriche) Theodor Svedberg (Suède) Heinrich Otto Wieland (Allemagne) Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (Allemagne) sir Arthur Harden (Grande-Bretagne) et Hans Karl August Simon On Euler-Chelpin , (Suède) Hans Fischer (Allemagne) Carl Bosch et Friedrich Bergius (Allemagne) Irving Langmuir (États-Unis) NON ATTRIBUÉ Harold Clayton Urey (États-Unis) Jean-Frédéric Joliot (France) et Irène Joliot-Curie (France) Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye (Pays-Bas) Walter Norman Haworth (Grande-Bretagne) Richard Kuhn (Allemagne) Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt

88. Nobelpreisträger
Translate this page 1937 walter norman haworth, Paul Karrer 1938 Richard Kuhn 1945 sir AlexanderFleming, Ernst Boris Chain, sir Howard walter Florey

89. Anthroposophie Forum - Bibliothek: Biographien Bedeutender Forscher
haworth, sir walter norman Heisenberg,Werner Karl Hinshelwood, sir Cyril norman Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot


Rudolf Steiner
Biographien bedeutender Forscher
4000 Years of Women in Science
Deborah Crocker ( ), Sethanne Howard (
Actually, how long have people been active in science? The answer is the same for both women and men as long as we have been human. One of the defining marks of humanity is our ability to affect and predict our environment. Science - the creation of structure for our world - technology - the use of structure in our world - and mathematics - the common language of structure - all have been part of our human progress, through every step of our path to the present. Women and men together have researched and solved each emerging need.

THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1937 The prize was divided equally between haworth,sir walter norman, Great Britain, Birmingham University, * 1883,
THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1901 VAN'T HOFF, JACOBUS HENRICUS, the Netherlands, Berlin University, Germany, * 1852, + 1911: "såsom ett erkännande av den utomordentliga förtjänst han inlagt genom upptäckten av lagarna för den kemiska dynamiken och för det osmotiska trycket i lösningar"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1902 FISCHER, HERMANN EMIL, Germany, Berlin University, * 1852, + 1919 "såsom ett erkännande av den utomordentliga förtjänst han inlagt genom sina syntetiska arbeten inom socker - och purin-grupperna"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1903 ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST, Sweden, Stockholm University, * 1859, + 1927 "såsom ett erkännande för den utomordentliga förtjänst han genom sin elektrolytiska dissociations-teori inlagt om kemiens utveckling"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1904 RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM, Great Britain, London University, * 1852, + 1916: "såsom ett erkännande av den förtjänst han inlagt genom upptäckten av de indifferenta gasformiga grundämnenena i luften och bestämmandet av deras plats i det periodiska systemet"; "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1905 VON BAEYER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF, Germany, Munich University, * 1835, + 1917: "såsom ett erkännande av den förtjänst han inlagt om den organiska kemiens och den kemiska industriens utveckling genom sina arbeten rörande organiska färgämnen och hydroaromatiska föreningar"; "in recognition of his services in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1906 MOISSAN, HENRI, France, Sorbonne University, Paris, * 1852, + 1907: "såsom ett erkännande av den stora förtjänst han inlagt genom sin undersökning och isolering av elementet fluor samt genom införandet av den efter honom uppkallade elektriska ugnen i vetenskapens tjänst"; "in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1907 BUCHNER, EDUARD, Germany, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule, (Agricultural College), Berlin, * 1860, + 1917: "för hans biologiskkemiska undersökningar och upptäckt av den cellfria jäsningen"; "for his biochemical researches and his discovery of cellfree fermentation". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1908 RUTHERFORD, Lord ERNEST, Great Britain, Victoria University, Manchester, * 1871 (in Nelson, New Zeeland), + 1937: "för hans undersökningar rörande elementers sönderfallande och de radioaktiva ämnenenas kemi"; "for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1909 OSTWALD, WILHELM, Germany, Leipzig University, * 1853 (in Riga, then Russia), + 1932: "såsom ett erkännande åt hans arbeten över katalys jämte hans härför grundläggande undersökningar över kemiska jämviktsförhållanden och reaktionshastigheter"; "in recognition of his work on catalysis and for his investigations into the fundamental principles governing chemical equilibria and rates of reaction". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1910 WALLACH, OTTO, Germany, Goettingen University, * 1847, + 1931: "såsom ett erkännande av den förtjänst han inlagt om den organiska kemiens och den kemiska industriens utveckling genom sina banbrytande arbeten på de alicykliska föreningarnas område"; "in recognition of his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1911 CURIE, MARIE, née SKLODOWSKA, France, Sorbonne University, Paris, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "såsom ett erkännande för den förtjänst hon inlagt om kemiens utveckling genom upptäckten av grundämnena radium och polonium, genom karakteriserandet av radium och dess isolerande i metalliskt tillstånd samt genom sina undersökningar angående detta märkliga grundämnes föreningar"; "in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1912 The prize was divided equally between: GRIGNARD, VICTOR, France, Nancy University, * 1871, + 1935: "för det av honom uppfunna så kallade Grignard'ska reagenset, som i hög grad främjat den organiska kemiens framsteg under de senare åren"; "for the discovery of the so-called Grignard reagent, which in recent years has greatly advanced the progress of organic chemistry"; and SABATIER, PAUL, France, Toulouse University, * 1854, + 1941: "för hans metod att hydrera organiska föreningar vid närvaro av fint fördelade metaller, varigenom den organiska kemiens framsteg under de senare åren i hög grad främjats"; "for his method of hydrogenating organic compounds in the presence of finely disintegrated metals whereby the progress of organic chemistry has been greatly advanced in recent years". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1913 WERNER, ALFRED, Switzerland, Zurich University, * 1866 (in Mulhouse, Alsace, then Germany), + 1919: "på grund av hans arbeten angående atomernas bindningsförhållanden inom molekylen, varigenom han belyst äldre och öppnat nya forskningsområden, särskilt inom den oorganiska kemien"; "in recognition of his work on the linkage of atoms in molecules by which he has thrown new light on earlier investigations and opened up new fields of research especially in inorganic chemistry". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1914 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1915 The prize for 1914: RICHARDS, THEODORE WILLIAM, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1868, + 1928: "såsom ett erkännande för hans noggranna bestämmningar av ett stort antal kemiska grundämnens atomvikter"; "in recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements". The prize for 1915: WILLSTÄTTER, RICHARD MARTIN, Germany, Munich University, * 1872, + 1942: "för hans undersökningar av färgämnen i växtriket, framförallt klorofyll"; "for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1916 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1917 The prize money for 1916 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1917: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1918 The prize money for 1917 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1918: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1919 The prize for 1918: HABER, FRITZ, Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Fritz-Haber-Institut) für physikalische Chemie und Electrochemie, Berlin-Dahlem, * 1868, + 1934: "för hans syntes av ammoniak ur dess element"; "for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements". The prize for 1919: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1920 The prize money for 1919 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1920: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1921 The prize for 1920: NERNST, WALTHER HERMANN, Germany, Berlin University, * 1864, + 1941: "såsom ett erkännande för hans termokemiska arbeten"; "in recognition of his work in thermochemistry". The prize for 1921: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1922 The prize for 1921: SODDY, FREDERICK, Great Britain, Oxford University, * 1877, + 1956: "för hans bidrag till kännedom om de radioaktiva ämnenas kemi och hans undersökningar rörande isotopers förekomst och natur"; "for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes". The prize for 1922: ASTON, FRANCIS WILLIAM, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1877, + 1945: "för hans medelst masspektrografen gjorda upptäckt av ett stort antal ej radioaktiva grundämnens isotopiförhållanden samt av den s.k. heltalslagen"; "for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1923 PREGL, FRITZ, Austria, Graz University, * 1869, + 1930: "för den av honom uppfunna mikroanalysen av organiska ämnen"; "for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1924 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1925 The prize money for 1924 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1925: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1926 The prize for 1925: ZSIGMONDY, RICHARD ADOLF, Germany, Goettingen University, * 1865 (in Vienna, Austria), + 1929: "för uppvisandet av de kolloida lösningarnas heterogena natur och för de därvid använda metoderna, som varit grundläggande för den moderna kolloidkemien"; "for his demonstration of the heterogenous nature of colloid solutions and for the methods he used, which have since become fundamental in modern colloid chemistry". The prize for 1926: SVEDBERG, THE (THEODOR), Sweden, Uppsala University, * 1884, + 1971: "för hans arbeten rörande dispersa system"; "for his work on disperse systems". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1927 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1928 The prize for 1927: WIELAND, HEINRICH OTTO, Germany, Munich University, * 1877, + 1957: "för hans undersökningar över gallsyrornas och närsläktade ämnens konstitution"; "for his investigations of the constitution of the bile acids and related substances". The prize for 1928: WINDAUS, ADOLF OTTO REINHOLD, Germany, Goettingen University, * 1876, + 1959: "för hans förtjänster om utforskandet av sterinernas konstitution och deras samband med vitamingruppen"; "for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1929 The prize was divided equally between: HARDEN, Sir ARTHUR, Great Britain, London University, * 1865, + 1940; and VON EULER-CHELPIN, HANS KARL AUGUST SIMON, Sweden, Stockholm University, * 1873 (in Augsburg, Germany), + 1964: "för deras undersökningar av sockerarters jäsning och därvid verksamma enzym"; "for their investigations on the fermentation of sugar and fermentative enzymes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1930 FISCHER, HANS, Germany, Technische Hochschule (Institute of Technology), Munich, * 1881, + 1945: "för hans arbeten över blad - och blodfärgämenenas konstitution samt för hans syntes av hämin"; "for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1931 The prize was awarded jointly to: BOSCH, CARL, Germany, Heidelberg University and I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Heidelberg, * 1874, + 1940; and BERGIUS, FRIEDRICH, Germany, Heidelberg University and I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Mannheim-Rheinau, * 1884, +1949: "för deras förtjänster om kemiska högtrycksmetoders uppkomst och utveckling"; "in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1932 LANGMUIR, IRVING, U.S.A., General Electric Co., Schenectady, NY, * 1881, + 1957: "för hans upptäckter och undersökningar inom ytkemien"; "for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1933 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1934 The prize money for 1933 was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1934: UREY, HAROLD CLAYTON, U.S.A., Columbia University, New York, NY, * 1893, + 1981: "för upptäckten av det tunga vätet"; "for his discovery of heavy hydrogen". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1935 The prize was awarded jointly to: JOLIOT, FRÉDÉRIC, France, Institut du Radium, Paris, * 1900, + 1958; and his wife JOLIOT-CURIE, IRÈNE, France, Institut du Radium, Paris, * 1897, + 1956: "såsom ett erkännande för deras gemensamt utförda syntes av nya radioaktiva grundämnen"; "in recognition of their synthesis of new radioactive elements". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1936 DEBYE, PETRUS (PETER) JOSEPHUS WILHELMUS, the Netherlands, Berlin University, and Kaiser-Wilhelm- Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) für Physik, Berlin- Dahlem, Germany, * 1884, + 1966: "för de bidrag, som han genom sina undersökningar över dipolmoment och över röntgen och elektronstråleinterferens i gaser lämnat till kännedom om molekylernas byggnad"; "for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1937 The prize was divided equally between: HAWORTH, Sir WALTER NORMAN, Great Britain, Birmingham University, * 1883, + 1950: "för hans undersökningar över kolhydrat och vitamin C"; "for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C". KARRER, PAUL, Switzerland, Zurich University, * 1889, + 1971: "för hans undersökningar över karotinoider och flaviner samt vitaminerna A och B2"; "for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1938 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1939 The prize for 1938: KUHN, RICHARD, Germany, Heidelberg University and Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) für medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg, * 1900 (in Vienna,Austria), + 1967: "för hans arbeten över karotinoider och vitaminer"; "for his work on carotenoids and vitamins". (Caused by the authorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal.) The prize for 1939 was divided equally between: BUTENANDT, ADOLF FRIEDRICH JOHANN, Germany, Berlin University and Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) für Biochemie, Berlin-Dahlem, * 1903, U 1995: "för hans arbeten över sexualhormoner"; "for his work on sex hormones". (Caused by the authorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal); and RU ZI CKA LEOPOLD, Switzerland, Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschule, (Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich, * 1887 (in Vukovar, then Austria-Hungary), + 1976: "för hans arbeten över polymetylener och högre terpenföreningar"; "for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1940 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1941 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1942 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1943 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1944 The prize for 1943: DE HEVESY, GEORGE, Hungary, Stockholm University, Sweden, * 1885, + 1966: "för hans arbeten över isotopers användning som indikatorer vid studiet av kemiska processer"; "for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes". The prize for 1944: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1945 The prize for 1944: HAHN, OTTO, Germany, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, (now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie, Berlin-Dahlem, * 1879, + 1968: "för upptäckten av tunga atomkärnors klyvning"; "for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei". The prize for 1945: VIRTANEN, ARTTURI ILMARI, Finland, Helsinki University, * 1895, + 1973: "för hans undersökningar och uppfinningar inom agrikultur- och näringskemien, särskilt för hans foderkonserveringsmetod"; "for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1946 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: SUMNER, JAMES BATCHELLER, U.S.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, * 1887, + 1955: "för hans upptäckt av enzyms kristalliserbarhet"; "for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized". the other half jointly to: NORTHROP, JOHN HOWARD, U.S.A., Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, NJ, * 1891, + 1987; and STANLEY, WENDELL MEREDITH, U.S.A., Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, NJ, * 1904, + 1971: "för deras arbeten över renframställning av enzymer och virusproteiner"; "for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1947 ROBINSON, Sir ROBERT, Great Britain, Oxford University, * 1886, + 1975: "för hans undersökningar över biologiskt betydelsefulla ämnen ur växtriket, särskilt alkaloider"; "for his investigations on plant products of biological importance, especially the alkaloids". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1948 TISELIUS, ARNE WILHELM KAURIN, Sweden, Uppsala University, * 1902, + 1971: "för hans elektroforetiska och adsorptionsanalytiska arbeten, särskilt hans upptäckter rörande serumproteiners sammansatta natur"; "for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1949 GIAUQUE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1895, + 1982: "för hans insatser på den kemiska termodynamikens område, särskilt beträffande ämnenas förhållande vid extremt låga temperaturer"; "for his contributions in the field of chemical thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1950 The prize was awarded jointly to: DIELS, OTTO, PAUL HERMANN, Germany, Kiel University, * 1876, + 1954; and ALDER, KURT, Germany, Cologne University, * 1902, + 1958: "för deras upptäckt och utveckling av diensyntesen"; "for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1951 The prize was awarded jointly to: McMILLAN, EDWIN MATTISON, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1907, + 1991; and SEABORG, GLENN THEODORE, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1912: "för deras upptäckter inom de transurana grundämnenas kemi"; "for their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1952 The prize was awarded jointly to: MARTIN, ARCHER JOHN PORTER, Great Britain, National Institute for Medical Research, London, * 1910; and SYNGE, RICHARD LAURENCE MILLINGTON, Great Britain, Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn (Scotland), * 1914, U 1994: "för deras uppfinning av fördelningskromatografien"; "for their invention of partition chromatography". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1953 STAUDINGER, HERMANN, Germany, University of Freiburg im Breisgau and Staatliches Institut für makromolekulare Chemie (State Research Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry), Freiburg in Br., * 1881, + 1965: "för hans upptäckter inom de högmolekulära ämnenas kemi"; "for his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1954 PAULING, LINUS CARL, U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1901, U 1994: "för hans arbeten över den kemiska bindningens natur med tillämpning på komplicerade ämnens byggnad"; "for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1955 DU VIGNEAUD, VINCENT, U.S.A., Cornell University, New York, NY, * 1901, + 1978: "för hans arbeten över biokemiskt betydelsefulla svavelföreningar, särskilt för den första syntesen av ett polypeptidhormon"; "for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1956 The prize was awarded jointly to: HINSHELWOOD, Sir CYRIL NORMAN, Great Britain, Oxford University, * 1897, + 1967; and SEMENOV, NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH, USSR, Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, * 1896, + 1986: "för deras undersökningar över kemiska reaktioners mekanism"; "for their researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1957 TODD, Lord ALEXANDER R., Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1907: "för hans arbeten över nucleotider och nucleotida coenzym"; "for his work on nucleotides and nucleotide co-enzymes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1958 SANGER, FREDERICK, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1918: "för hans arbeten över äggviteämnenas, särskilt insulinets byggnad"; "for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1959 HEYROVSKY, JAROSLAV, Czechoslovakia, Polarographic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague, * 1890, + 1967: "för hans uppfinning och utveckling av den polarografiska analysmetoden"; "for his discovery and development of the polarographic methods of analysis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1960 LIBBY, WILLARD FRANK, U.S.A., University of California, Los Angeles, CA, * 1908, + 1980: "för hans metod att använda kol-14 som tidmätare inom arkeologi, geologi, geofysik m.fl. vetenskaper"; "for his method to use carbo 14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1961 CALVIN, MELVIN, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1911: "för hans undersökningar av växternas kolsyreassimilation"; "for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1962 The prize was divided equally between: PERUTZ, MAX FERDINAND, Great Britain, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, * 1914 ( in Vienna, Austria); and KENDREW, Sir JOHN COWDERY, Great Britain, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, * 1917: "för deras undersökningar rörande globulära proteiners byggnad"; "for their studies of the structures of globular proteins". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1963 The prize was divided equally between: ZIEGLER, KARL, Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Max-Planck-Institute for Carbon Research) Mülheim/Ruhr, * 1898, + 1973; and NATTA, GIULIO, Italy, Institute of Technology, Milan, * 1903, + 1979: "för deras upptäckter inom högpolymerernas kemi och teknologi"; "for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1964 HODGKIN, DOROTHY CROWFOOT, Great Britain, Royal Society, Oxford University, Oxford, * 1910, U 1994: "för hennes med röntgenmetoder utförda bestämningar av biokemiskt viktiga ämnens byggnad"; "for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1965 WOODWARD, ROBERT BURNS, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1917, + 1979: "för hans förtjänster om den organiska synteskonstens utveckling"; "for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1966 MULLIKEN, ROBERT S., U.S.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, * 1896, + 1986: "för hans grundläggande arbeten över kemisk bindning och molekylers elektronstruktur medelst molekylorbitalmetoden"; "for his fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules by the molecular orbital method". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1967 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: EIGEN, MANFRED, Federal Republic of Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Goettingen, * 1927; and the other half jointly to: NORRISH, RONALD GEORGE WREYFORD, Great Britain, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge, * 1897, + 1978; and PORTER, Lord (GEORGE), Great Britain, The Royal Institution, London, * 1920: "för deras undersökningar av ytterst snabba kemiska reaktioner genom jämviktsstörning med kortvariga energipulser"; "for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equlibrium by means of very short pulses of energy". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1968 ONSAGER, LARS, U.S.A., Yale University, New Haven, CT, * 1903 (in Olso, Norway), + 1976: "för upptäckten av de efter honom uppkallade reciprocitetsrelationerna, som är grundläggande för den irreversibla termodynamiken"; "for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1969 The prize was divided equally between: BARTON, Sir DEREK H. R., Great Britain, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, * 1918, and HASSEL, ODD, Norway, Kjemisk Institutt, Oslo University, Oslo, * 1897, + 1981: "för deras insatser för konformationsbegreppets utveckling och tillämpning inom kemien"; "for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1970 LELOIR, LUIS F., Argentina, Institute for Biochemical Research, Buenos Aires, * 1906, + 1987: "för hans upptäckt av sockernukleotider och deras funktion vid biosyntesen av kolhydrater"; "for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1971 HERZBERG, GERHARD, Canada, National Research Council of Canada, Ottava, * 1904 ( in Hamburg, Germany): "för hans bidrag till kännedomen om elektronstruktur och geometri hos molekyler, särskilt fria radikaler"; "for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic stucture and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1972 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: ANFINSEN, CHRISTIAN B., U.S.A., National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, * 1916: "för hans arbeten över ribonukleas, särskilt rörande sambandet mellan aminosyrasekvensen och den biologiskt aktiva konformationen"; "for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active confirmation"; and the other half jointly to: MOORE, STANFORD, U.S.A., Rockefeller University, New York, NY, * 1913, + 1982; and STEIN, WILLIAM H., U.S.A., Rockefeller University, New York, NY, * 1911, + 1980: "för deras bidrag till förståelsen av sambandet mellan kemisk struktur och katalytisk aktivitet hos ribonukleasmolekylens aktiva centrum"; "for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1973 The prize was divided equally between: FISCHER, ERNST OTTO, Federal Republic of Germany, Technical University of Munich, Munich, * 1918; and WILKINSON, Sir GEOFFREY, Great Britain, Imperial College, London, * 1921: "för deras var för sig utförda pionjärarbeten över de metallorganiska så kallade sandwichföreningarnas kemi"; "for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1974 FLORY, PAUL J., U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1910, + 1985: "för hans fundamentala insatser, såväl teoretiska som experimentella, inom makromolekylernas fysikaliska kemi"; "for his fundamental achievements, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of the macromolecules". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1975 The prize was divided equally between: CORNFORTH, Sir JOHN WARCUP, Australia and Great Britain, University of Sussex, Brighton, * 1917: "för hans arbeten rörande enzymkatalyserade reaktioners stereokemi"; "for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions"; and PRELOG, VLADIMIR, Switzerland, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, * 1906 (in Sarajevo, Bosnia): "för hans arbeten rörande organiska molekylers och reaktioners stereokemi"; "for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1976 LIPSCOMB, WILLIAM N., U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1919: "för hans arbeten över boranernas struktur och därmed sammanhängande problem rörande den kemiska bindningens natur"; "for his studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1977 PRIGOGINE, ILYA, Belgium, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussells (University of Texas, U.S.A.), * 1917 (in Moscow, Russia): "för hans bidrag till den irreversibla termodynamiken, särskilt teorien för dissipativa strukturer"; "for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1978 MITCHELL, PETER D., Great Britain, Glynn Research Laboratories, Bodmin, * 1920, + 1992: "för hans bidrag till förståelsen av biologisk energiöverföring genom utvecklingen av den kemiosmotiska teorin"; "for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1979 The prize was divided equally between: BROWN, HERBERT C., U.S.A., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, * 1912 (in London, Great Britain);and WITTIG, GEORG, Federal Republic of Germany, University of Heidelberg, * 1897, + 1987: "för deras utveckling av borföreningar respektive fosforföreningar till viktiga reagens inom organsk syntes"; "for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1980 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BERG, PAUL, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1926: "för hans grundläggande arbeten över nukleinsyrors biokemi, särskilt avseende hybrid-DNA"; "for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA"; and the other half jointly to: GILBERT, WALTER, U.S.A., Biological Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, * 1932; and SANGER, FREDERICK, U.S.A., Great Britain, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, * 1918: "för deras insatser rörande bassekvensbestämning i nukleinsyror"; "for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1981 The prize was awarded jointly to: FUKUI, KENICHI, Japan, Kyoto University, Kyoto, * 1918; and HOFFMANN, ROALD, U.S.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, * 1937 (in Zloczow, Poland): "för deras var för sig utvecklade teorier för kemiska reaktioners förlopp"; "for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1982 KLUG, Sir AARON, Great Britain, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, * 1926 (in Lithuania): "för hans utveckling av kristallografisk elektronmikroskopi och hans klarläggande av strukturen hos biologiskt viktiga nukleinsyra-proteinkomplex"; "for his development of crystallographic electron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nuclei acid-protein complexes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1983 TAUBE, HENRY, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1915 (in Saskatoon, Canada): "för hans arbeten över mekanismerna för elektronöverföringsreaktioner, särskilt hos metallkomplex"; "for his work on the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1984 MERRIFIELD, ROBERT BRUCE, U.S.A., Rockefeller University, New York, NY, * 1921: "för hans utveckling av metodik för kemisk syntes på fast matris"; "for his development of methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1985 The prize was awarded jointly to: HAUPTMAN, HERBERT A., U.S.A., The Medical Foundation of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, * 1917; and KARLE, JEROME, U.S.A., US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, * 1918: "för deras avgörande insatser vid utveckling av direkta metoder för kristallstrukturbestämning"; "for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1986 The prize was awarded jointly to: HERSCHBACH, DUDLEY R., U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1932; LEE, YUAN T., U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1936 (in Hsinchu, Taiwan); and POLANYI, JOHN C., Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto, * 1929: "för deras insatser rörande dynamiken hos kemiska elementarprocesser"; "for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1987 The prize was awarded jointly to: CRAM, DONALD J., U.S.A., University of California, Los Angeles, CA, * 1919; LEHN, JEAN-MARIE, France, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, and Collège de France, Paris, * 1939; and PEDERSEN, CHARLES J., U.S.A., Du Pont, Wilmington, DE, * 1904 (in Fusan, Korea, as a Norwegian citizen), + 1989: "för deras utveckling och användning av molekyler med strukturspecifik växelverkan av hög selektivitet"; "for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1988 The prize was awarded jointly to: DEISENHOFER, JOHANN, Federal Republic of Germany, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, TX, U.S.A., * 1943; HUBER, ROBERT, Federal Republic of Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried, * 1937; and MICHEL, HARTMUT, Federal Republic of Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt/Main, * 1948: "för bestämning av den tre dimensionella strukturen hos ett fotosyntetiskt reaktionscentrum"; "for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1989 The prize was awarded jointly to: ALTMAN, SIDNEY, U.S.A. and Canada, Yale University, New Haven, CT, * 1939; and CECH, THOMAS R., U.S.A., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, * 1947: "för deras upptäckt av katalytiska egenskaper hos RNA"; "for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1990 COREY, ELIAS JAMES, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1928: "för hans utveckling av den organiska syntesens teori och metodik"; "for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1991 ERNST, RICHARD R., Switzerland, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, * 1933: "för hans insatser för metodutvecklingen inom högupplösande kärnmagnetisk resonansspektroskopi (NRM-spektroskopi)"; "for his contributions to the development of the methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1992 MARCUS, RUDOLPH A., U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasdena, CA, * 1923 (in Montreal, Canada): "för hans bidrag till teorin för elektronöverföringsreaktioner i kemiska system"; "for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1993 The prize was awarded "för insatser för metodutvecklingen inom DNA-baserad kemi"; "for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry", by one half to: MULLIS, KARY B., U.S.A., La Jolla, CA, * 1944: "för hans uppfinning av PCR-metoden (Polymerase Chain Reaction)"; "for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method", and by the other half to: SMITH, MICHAEL, Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, * 1932 (in Blackpool, England): "för hans grundläggande insatser vid tillkomsten av den oligonukleotidbaserade riktade mutagenesen och dess utveckling för proteinsstudier"; "for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleiotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY 1994 OLAH, GEORGE A., U.S.A., University of Southern California, CA, * 1927 (in Budapest, Hungary): "för hans insatser inom karbokatjonkemin"; " for his contribution to carbocation chemistry".

91. Nobel2002
Translate this page walter norman haworth wird in Chorley, Lancashire, England, geboren. 19.3.1950. sir walter norman haworth verstirbt bei Birmingham.
Walter N. Haworth Lebenslauf
Walter Norman Haworth wird in Chorley, Lancashire, England, geboren. Studium der Chemie an der Victoria University in Manchester bei William Herny Perkin Jr. Promotion zum Dr. of Science, Lehrauftrag am Imperial College of Science and Technology in South Kensington, London, und Fortsetzung der Terpenarbeiten Erhebung in den Adelsstand Sir Walter Norman Haworth verstirbt bei Birmingham.

92. Allez Savoir 15, Octobre 1999
Translate this page Paul Karrer. (1889-1971). avec sir walter norman haworth, «Pour ses recherchessur les carotinoïdes et les flavines ainsi que sur les vitamines A et B.»
Allez Savoir! Jeanne d'Arc Pub d'aujourd'hui no 15 oct. 1999 Les Nobels suisses de chimie
Charles Edouard Guillaume
Albert Einstein
Wolfgang Pauli
avec Edward Milles Purcell
Heinrich Rohrer avec Gerd Binnig
K. Alexander Muller avec J. Georg Bednorz
Alfred Werner
Paul Karrer avec Sir Walter Norman Haworth
Vladimir Prelog
Richard Ernst
Emil Theodor Kocher
Paul Hermann Muller
Walter Rudolf Hess
Tadeus Reichstein avec Edward Calvin Kendall et Philip Showalter Hench
Daniel Bovet
Werner Arber avec Daniel Nathans et Hamilton O. Smith
Rlf M. Zinkernagel avec Peter C. Doherty
Retour au sommet

93. Kisokos - A Nobel-díjasok Névsora
Peter 18841966 NL 1937 haworth, walter norman 1883-1950 GB Karrer, Paul 1889-1971 Nicolas Murray 1862-1947 USA 1932 - 1933 Angell, sir norman Lane
A Nobel-díjasok névsora
A Nobel-díjasok névsora A fizikai, kémiai, orvosi és irodalmi díjat svéd intézmények, a békedíjat a norvég parlament ítéli oda. A külön tõkéjû közgazdasági díjat a Svéd Birodalmi Bank alapította fennállásának 300. évfordulóján, 1969-ben. D Német Birodalom, Németország, NDK, NSZK SU Oroszország, Szovjet-Oroszország, Szovjetunió Intézményeknél a születési év oszlopában az alapítás éve áll. KÉMIAI 901 van't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus 1852-1911 NL 1902 Fischer, Emil 1852-1919 D 1903 Arrhenius, Svante August 1859-1927 S 1904 Ramsay, Sir William 1852-1916 GB 1905 Baeyer, Adolf von, lovag 1835-1917 D Schultz, Theodore William 1902- USA 1980 Klein, Lawrence Robert 1920- USA 1981 Tobin, James 1918- USA 1982 Stigler, George 1911- USA 1983 - 1984 Stone, Sir Richard 1913- GB 1985 Modigliani, Franco 1928- USA 1986 Buchanan, James McGill 1919- USA 1987 Solow, Robert M. 1924- USA 1988 Allais, Maurice F 1989 Haavelmo, Tryggve N

94. Chemistry 1937
walter norman haworth, Paul Karrer. walter norman haworth, Paul Karrer. half 1/2of the prize, half 1/2 of the prize. United Kingdom, Switzerland
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937
"for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C" "for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2" Walter Norman Haworth Paul Karrer 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize United Kingdom Switzerland Birmingham University
Birmingham, United Kingdom University of Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland b. 1883
d. 1950 b. 1889
d. 1971 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937
Presentation Speech
Norman Haworth
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1937 Prize in:


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95. Walter Norman Haworth - Nobelpreis Für Chemie
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Sir Walter Norman Haworth
* 19. 3. 1883, Chorley (Lancashire/England)
"Für seine Forschungen über Kohlehydrate und Vitamin C"
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96. Walter Norman Haworth - Prêmio Nobel De Química
carboidratos e vitamina C ( dividido com Paul Karrer )


Home ... Economia Sir Walter Norman Haworth
"Por suas pesquisaas em carboidratos e vitamina C"
( dividido com Paul Karrer

97. MSU Chemistry - Genealogy Work Area - H
1937 display walter norman haworth (18831950) (PhD 1911, Dr. (later Sirnorman) haworth Following discussions with haworth, he decided to join
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This page is a work area in which information about every person in the MSU Chemical Genealogy charts is gathered and evaluated. The references to several chemical genealogy sources, including those available on the WWW in addition to reference books, are listed on the previous page. The last line for each individual, in bold font and labeled "display:", shows the text to be displayed on the MSU Chemistry genealogy web pages for the individual. This page will always be a work in progress. Please let us know of any errors, or additional opinions or evidence, by e-mailing us at:
Hadacek, Jaromir [McGuffin] - We (after McCarty) show: J. Hadacek (1908-) ( ) (none) - Mainz does not include Hadacek - DisAbs has no matching entry for: Hadacek - Mathematics does not include: Hadacek - NDSU does not include Hadacek - UConn does not include Hadacek - YorkU does not include Hadacek Display: Jaromir Hadacek (1908-) ( , Charles (Prague)) [preceptor: Frantisek Plzak] Display: James Louis Hall (1927- 0) (PhD 1953, Texas) (MSU 1956-1959) [preceptor: ]

98. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results
norman haworth Biography HOME SITE HELP ABOUT SEARCH NOBEL PHYSICS ARTICLES EDUCATIONAL norman haworth Biography walter norman haworth was born at

99. Walter Norman Haworth - Wikipedia
walter norman haworth I forbindelse med sit arbejde opfandt hanhaworthprojektionen, der viser strukturen i dens rumlige form.
Walter Norman Haworth
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklop¦di
Walter Norman Haworth (* den 19. marts † den 19. marts var en engelsk forsker, som blev professor organisk kemi f¸rst i Durham og senere i Birmingham Han opdagede, at en r¦kke kulhydrater og deriblandt glucose er bygget over en ringformet struktur af forbundne kulstofatomer . I forbindelse med sit arbejde opfandt han Haworth-projektionen , der viser strukturen i dens rumlige form. Han fandt en forbindelse, som han kaldte ascorbinsyre (fordi den modvirker scorbutus , = sk¸rbug) eller C-vitamin . Dette stof lykkedes det ham og Sir Edmund Hirst at fremstille kunstigt i Han modtog sammen med Paul Karrer Nobelprisen i kemi i 1937 for arbejdet med C-vitamin og kulhydrater. Hentet fra " Kategorier Engl¦ndere Nobelprismodtagere i kemi Views Personlige v¦rkt¸jer Navigation S¸g V¦rkt¸jer Andre sprog

100. Sir Thomas Browne - Definition Of Sir Thomas Browne In Encyclopedia
sir Thomas Browne (October 19, 1605 October 19, 1682) was an English author ofvaried works that disclose his wide learning in diverse fields including
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Sir Thomas Browne October 19 October 19 ) was an English author of varied works that disclose his wide learning in diverse fields including medicine religion science and the esoteric Browne's writings display a deep curiosity towards the natural world, influenced by the Scientific revolution of Baconian enquiry . In counterbalance his Christian faith exuded tolerance and goodwill towards humanity in an often intolerant era. A consummate literary craftsman, Browne's works are permeated by frequent reference to Classical and Biblical sources and to his own highly ideosyncratic personality. His literary style varies from a rich, unusual prose according to genre, ranging from rough note-book observations to the highest baroque eloquence. Although described as suffering from melancholia Browne was also capable of subtle humour in his writings. The literary critic Robert Sencourt succinctly assessed him as "an instance of scientific reason lit up by mysticism in the Church of England."

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