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81. Research Program This project in cooperation with ragnar granit Institute, Tampere aims to validate and confirm these new approaches to ST/HR analysis in a wider clinical http://cortech.ki.se/projects/kronander/sthr.htm | |
82. Royal Society | About The Society | History Of Science | Biographies Of Fellows granit, ragnar Arthur. Biographical Memoirs 1995 vol 41 pp 183197, plate, by S Grillner. Grant, James Augustus. Proceedings 1891-1892 vol 50 pp xiv-xv http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?id=2370 |
83. FinnLinks - Famous Finns Category ragnar granit (19001991) received the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1967 (together with the Professor ragnar granit has also received several honors from http://www.genealogia.fi/finnlinks/show.php?cid=24 |
84. Bibl1 granit, ragnar. 1947. Sensory mechanisms of the retina (London Oxford http://www.colorsystem.com/grundlagen/bibl1.htm | |
85. LBK - 3rd International Conference On Bioelectromagnetism ragnar granit Institute PO Box 692 FI33101 Tampere FINLAND Phone+358 3 365-4710 ragnar granit Institute Tampere Institute of Technology PO Box 692 http://lbk.fe.uni-lj.si/icbem/list.html | |
86. Lexikon Ragnar Granit ragnar granit aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist unter http://lexikon.freenet.de/Ragnar_Granit | |
87. JN -- Index By Author (May 1945; Volume 8, Number 3) Gersh, Isidore PDF granit, ragnar PDF granit, ragnar PDF. H. Hollinshead, W. Henry PDF. S. Sawyer, Charles H. PDF Skoglund, CR PDF http://jn.physiology.org/content/vol8/issue3/aindex.shtml | |
88. JN -- Index By Author (May 1948; Volume 11, Number 3) Gellhorn, E. PDF Girden, Edward PDF granit, ragnar PDF granit, ragnar PDF. H. Heymans, C. PDF. L. Lloyd, David PC PDF Loofbourrow, GN PDF http://jn.physiology.org/content/vol11/issue3/aindex.shtml | |
89. By The Late John Brockman - Bibliography granit, ragnar. Receptors and Sensory Perception. New Haven, Conn. Yale University Press, 1962 . Greenberg, Joseph H. (ed.). Universals of Language. http://www.edge.org/btljb/biblio.html | |
90. CSC Jarvinen@csc.fi. The Web pages of the MaDaMe program http//www.math.utu.fi/MaDaMe/. - The ragnar granit Institute http//www.ee.tut.fi/rgi/ http://www.csc.fi/tiedotteet/dynamo_07062000_eng.html | |
91. Ajankohtaista Joint 8th ragnar granit Symposium and 1st CSC Scientific Meeting ragnar granit instituutti toimii Tampereen teknillisen korkeakoulun yhteydessä. http://www.csc.fi/tiedotteet/virtuaalikirurgia_130901.html | |
92. RAGNAR GRANIT Helsinki (1900-1991) Translate this page ragnar granit Helsinki (1900-1991). NOGUERA PALAU JJ. ragnar granit, aplicando los métodos de medida del impulso eléctrico en la fibra nerviosa aislada http://www.oftalmo.com/seo/2000/04abr00/11.htm | |
93. Fuzzy Archive: * TUTORIAL COURSES In Biomedical Engineering, June 6-9 1996, Tamp Lekkala, ragnar granit Institute, Docent Janusz Sadowski, Lic.Phil. Inger.Vikholm, Lic.Tech. ragnar granit Institute, Tampere University of Technology http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/marchives/fuzzy-mail96/0330.html | |
94. Famous People In Medicine ragnar Arthur granit (1900 1991). Finnish-born Swedish physiologist who was a corecipient (with George Wald and Haldan Hartline) of the 1967 Nobel Prize http://reality-sites.org/people/ragnar-granit.htm | |
95. HIIM Translate this page granit, ragnar (1900-1991). GRASSET, Jean (1849-1918). GRATIOLET, Louis Pierre (1815-1865). GRAVES, Robert James (1797-1853). GRAY, Edward George (1924-?) http://www.hiim.hr/specpage/founders/g.html | |
96. Modification De Ragnar Granit - Modifier - Wikipédia Kirjastokokemuksia ilmiöiden väliset yhteydet, miten nykyisiin tutkimustuloksiin on päädytty. Näin ragnar granit viitoittaa tien Minervan luo. (granit 1958 7275) http://fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Ragnar_Granit&action=edit |
97. Kalender Translate this page ragnar granit 90 Jahre, Schweden Physiologe (22.10.2001) Inhalt suchen oben *30 Okt 1900 Helsinki +12 Mrz 1991 Stockholm 1967 Nobelpreis für Medizin (mit H. http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k001030.htm | |
98. Redirection To New Site The RGI web site has MOVED. Please update your bookmark. Your browser should automatically take you there in 3 seconds. http://www.ee.tut.fi/rgi/ | |
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