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81. Auburn Public Library -- African American Authors gordimer, nadine, A Guest of Honor, F GOR. gordimer, nadine, The House Gun gordimer, nadine, A Sport of Nature, F GOR. Guy, Rosa, A Measure of Time http://www.auburnalabama.org/library/AfricanAmericanAuthors.htm |
82. EDICIONES B. Grupo Zeta. Translate this page EL ENCUENTRO, Autor gordimer, nadine COLECCIÓN BYBLOS - LIBROS DE BOLSILLO nadine gordimer en edición de bolsillo. Una avería en el c Ver más http://www.edicionesb.com/Autores/Autor.aspx?id=37 |
83. MSN Encarta - Gordimer, Nadine gordimer, nadine (1923 ), South African novelist, short-story writer, Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for gordimer, nadine http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761579410/Gordimer_Nadine.html | |
84. LiberOnWeb - Feltrinelli - Universale Economica - Nadine Gordimer Translate this page I titoli di nadine gordimer nelle Universale Economica Feltrinelli. http://www.liberonweb.com/Feltrinelli/ue_gordimer.asp | |
85. Nadine Gordimer - Perlentaucher.de, Kultur Und Literatur Online Translate this page nadine gordimer, geboren 1923 in Springs/Transvaal, beschreibt in Romanen und Erzählungen die gordimer, nadine Zwischen Hoffnung und Geschichte http://www.perlentaucher.de/autoren/5360.html | |
86. Kurzanzeige - Cluster nadine* gordimer* lieferte Gesamttreffer (34) , die sich von gordimer, nadine 2005 BVT Berliner Taschenbuch Verlag, Kartoniert http://www.buchkatalog.de/kod-bin/isuche.exe?AU=Nadine Gordimer&caller=niehoers& |
87. GORDIMER, NADINE Autor | Unilibro España Translate this page gordimer, nadine ,EL ENCUENTRO gordimer, nadine ,La hija de Burger gordimer, nadine ,SAQUEO gordimer, nadine ,EL CONSERVADOR gordimer, nadine ,La filla de http://www.unilibro.es/find_buy_es/result_scrittori.asp?scrittore=GORDIMER, NADI |
88. Êáëþò Þëèáôå óôï âéâëéïðùëåßï ÅËÅÕÈÅÑÏÕÄÁÊ The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.books.gr/SearchShop2.aspx?TableLookupStr=56@Gordimer, Nadine |
89. Central Michigan University's Diversity Resources Project - DIVERSITY IN ART The Novels of nadine gordimer History from the Inside . The Later Fiction of nadine gordimer . General Collection PR9369.3.G6 Z76 1993 . Kossew, Sue. http://www.lib.cmich.edu/departments/reference/diversity/humanrights.htm | |
90. Gordimer, Nadine. BURGER'S DAUGHTER. At Bookfever.com gordimer, nadine. BURGER S DAUGHTER. at bookfever.com. http://www.bookfever.com/new_offerings/26208.html | |
91. Gordimer, Nadine. THE ESSENTIAL GESTURE:Writing, Politics, And Places. At Bookfe gordimer, nadine. THE ESSENTIAL GESTUREWriting, Politics, and Places. at bookfever.com. http://www.bookfever.com/new_offerings/26570.html | |
92. Gordimer, Nadine (f.1923) nadine gordimer and South Africa lemviggym.dk kursmaterialer StadtBibliothek Köln / Afrikanissimo / Biographie nadine gordimer på tysk http://www.hum.uit.no/alm/littvit/forfatter/Gordimer Nadin |
93. AVoir-aLire.com - Cinéma - Gordimer, Nadine Translate this page aVoir-aLire.com toute la culture et les loisirs sur Internet. Critiques de films, livres, bandes dessinées, théâtre, expositions, musique. http://www.avoir-alire.com/spip/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=1301 |
94. International: Italiano: Arte: Letteratura: Premi Letterari: Nobel: Gordimer, Na Translate this page International Italiano Arte Letteratura Premi Letterari Nobel gordimer, nadine - Open Site. In tutta la Directory, Solo in Nobel/gordimer,_nadine http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Arte/Letteratura/Premi_Letterari/Nob | |
95. Munro's Books : Author Details Titles by gordimer, nadine (edt) 1. Telling Tales By gordimer, nadine (edt) ISBN 0312424043 Paper $20.00 7 Copies in Stock http://www.munrobooks.com/by_author.cfm?AUTHOR=GORDIMER, NADINE (EDT) |
96. Literature, Page 55: Vintage Books Author(s) gordimer, nadine; Title July s People, My Son s Story, Jump, Author(s) gordimer, nadine; Edited and with an introduction by Clingman, http://www.vintage-books.com/Cat/liter55.htm | |
97. Nadine Gordimer Auf Dem Literaturportal »» AfrikaRoman «« Translate this page Das Literaturportal AfrikaRoman über die Buchautorin nadine gordimer. http://www.afrikaroman.de/autoren/autor.a_z/autor_gordimer.php | |
98. Gordimer, Nadine :: 12-suchen.de Translate this page gordimer, nadine - Kultur/Literatur/Autoren + Autorinnen/G/gordimer, nadine bei 12-suchen.de - Internet Katalog mit Websuche! http://12-suchen.de/Kultur/Literatur/Autoren_Autorinnen/G/Gordimer_Nadine/ | |
99. Preissuche Und Preisvergleich Für Bücher - Nadine Gordimer, Margaret Carroux - Translate this page Preisvergleich und Beschreibung für nadine gordimer, Margaret Carroux - Julys Leute. http://www.idealo-preissuche.de/P1x3100270193x11001/Nadine-Gordimer-Margaret-Car | |
100. Gordimer, Nadine Opening Speech at the GoetheInstitut Johannesburg by nadine gordimer. Biography of nadine gordimer By the Nobel Foundation. Ethics and Aesthetics in nadine http://people.freenet.de/peterhorn5/gordimer-nadine.html | |
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