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Gjellerup Karl Adolph: more detail | |||||
81. 1857 Translate this page gjellerup, karl adolph (Roholte 1857-Dresda 1919) scrittore danese, approdato albuddhismo, premio Nobel assieme a H. Pontoppidan nel 1917 http://www.viandante.it/sito24/work/XIX secolo/1857.php | |
83. G - Historische Romane Translate this page gjellerup, karl adolph. Antigonos En fortælling fra det andet AarhundredeKjøbenhavn Schous, 1880 227 S. Antigonos Eine Erzählung aus dem 2. Jahrhundert http://www.hist-rom.de/alpha/g.html | |
84. Dánia - Kultúra, Oktatás, Tudomány gjellerup, karl adolph (Roholte, 1857. 6. 2Drezda, 1919. 10. 11.) dán regényíró,költo, esszéista. Az irodalmi Nobel-díjat 1917-ben kapta, http://kihivas2003.neumann-centenarium.hu/ford3/csapat013/pages/kultura.html | |
85. Hedengrens Bokhandel 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam 1917 karl adolph gjellerup, HenrikPontoppidan 1918 Inget pris utdelat 1919 Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler http://www.hedengrens.se/litt.php | |
86. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge gjellerup.karlDer Pilge - 1918 gjellerup, karladolph - 1597 gjellerup, karl adolph gjellerup, karl adolph - GJBLUSS 0? http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5007674 |
87. Literaturwelt: International/Europa Translate this page gjellerup, karl adolph The Nobel Prize in Literature 1917 karl adolphgjellerup 1/2 of the prize Denmark - Added 8-Oct-2002 - ~ http://www.carpe.com/literaturwelt/International/Europa/ | |
88. Lauréats Du Prix Nobel De Littérature Translate this page 1917 karl adolph gjellerup (1857-1919) (Danemark) et HenrikPontoppidan (1857-1943) (Danemark). 1916 Carl Gustav Verner VonHeidenstam (1859-1940) (Suède). http://perso.wanadoo.fr/calounet/prix_litteraires/laureats_nobel.htm | |
89. Karl GJELLERUP - Vikipedio karl adolph gjellerup (naskigis la 2an de junio, 1857, mortis 1919) estis danaverkisto. karl gjellerup naskigis en Roholte, kiel filo de pastro. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_GJELLERUP | |
90. Arkiv For Dansk Litteratur - Karl Gjellerup Den matte Sol for længst gik ned det dages ei mer af Øst, men nordlysflammet minKjærlighed straaler over snedækt Kyst. ( Ventende , Min Kjærligheds Bog, http://www.adl.dk/adl_pub/forfatter/e_forfatter/e_forfatter.xsql?nnoc=adl_pub&ff |
91. Karl Adolph Verner - Definition Of Karl Adolph Verner In Encyclopedia karl Adolf Verner (1846 1896) was a Danish linguist. karl Adolf Eichmann Karelia karl adolph Verner karl Gunnar Myrdal http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Karl_Adolph_Verner | |
92. Karl Gjellerup - Definition Of Karl Gjellerup In Encyclopedia karl gjellerup (June 2, 1857 October 13, 1919) was a Danish poet and novelistwho together with his compatriot Henrik Pontoppidan won the Nobel Prize in http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Karl_Gjellerup | |
93. Nobel: Literature: Karl Gjellerup karl gjellerup * 1857 1919 (Denmark). For his varied and rich poetry, karl gjellerup * 1857 1919. External links. The Nobel Prize karl gjellerup http://www.nobelpreis.org/english/Literatur/gjellerup.htm | |
94. BookMuse/ Book Reviews, Discussion Questions, Reading Group Guides 1919 Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler 1918 no award 1917 karl adolph Gjellerupand Henrik Pontoppidan 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam http://www.bookmuse.com/pages/resources/prizeNobel.asp | |
95. Karl Czerny - Definition Of Karl Czerny By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus Meaning of karl Czerny. What does karl Czerny mean? karl Czerny synonyms, karlCzerny karl gjellerup karl Gunnar Myrdal karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Karl Czerny | |
96. Tema Nobel Prize Winners (Tema; Thematic Entries To Project Runeberg) 1916, Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam, Sweden, (1859 1940); 1917, KarlAdolph gjellerup, Denmark (1857 - 1919); 1917, Henrik Pontoppidan, http://runeberg.org/tema/nobel.html | |
97. Arts: Literature: Authors: Awards And Prizes: N: Nobel Prize For Literature - Op 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam (1859 1940); 1917 karl AdolphGjellerup (1857 - 1919); 1917 Henrik Pontoppidan (1857 - 1943); 1918 NOT AWARDED http://open-site.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/Awards_and_Prizes/N/Nobel_Prize_for | |
98. Result Search The summary for this Thai page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://library.bu.ac.th/onlineservice/ResultSearch.cfm?aSearchBy=S&aTextSearch= |
99. Untitled Document http://www.wissen.de/material/wissen_live/nobelpreistraeger/lit1917.html | |
100. °Ö·¹·çÇÁ Translate this page The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://preview.britannica.co.kr/spotlights/nobel/list/B01g2596a.html | |
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