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Gjellerup Karl Adolph: more detail | |||||
61. GLBA > Awards > The Nobel Prize In Literature 1917 karl adolph gjellerup (Denmark) Henrik Pontoppidan (Denmark) 1916 Carl GustafVerner von Heidenstam (Sweden) 1915 Romain Rolland (France) 1914 No Award http://www.books-glba.org/br_nobel.php | |
62. Nobel Prize In Literature 1918 The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section;1917 karl adolph gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan; 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner http://www.skrause.org/reading/nobel.shtml | |
63. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Literature DENMARK; 1917 karl adolph gjellerup and HENRIK PONTOPPIDAN; 1944 JOHANNESVILHELM JENSEN ICELAND; 1955 HALLDSR KILJAN LAXNESS http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/nobel2.html | |
64. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Literature 1917 karl adolph gjellerup and HENRIK PONTOPPIDAN 1916 CARL GUSTAF VERNERVON HEIDENSTAM 1915 ROMAIN ROLLAND 1913 RABINDRANATH TAGORE http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/nobel.html | |
65. CNN.com 1917 karl adolph gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan. 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner vonHeidenstam. 1915 Romain Rolland. 1914 The prize money was allocated to the http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/literature.html | |
66. Nobel Prize In Literature karl adolph gjellerup and Henrik Pontoppidan (1917). Carl Gustaf Verner VonHeidenstam (1916). Romain Rolland (1915). Note for the year 1914, http://midhudson.org/Awards/nobel.htm | |
67. Per Olaisen Antikvariat: Nobelpristagare I Litteratur 1917 gjellerup, karl adolph (18571919) DEN GYLLENE GRENEN. Norstedts 1919.307s, blekt omsl, ngt snedläst, skadad rs. 40,- (A3) http://www.olaisen.se/s_nobel.htm | |
68. Kalender Translate this page karl adolph gjellerup 62 Jahre, Dänemark Schriftsteller (24.06.2001) Inhalt suchenoben *2 Jun 1857 Roholte/Seeland +11 Okt 1919 Dresden http://www.info-kalender.de/kal/k000602.htm | |
69. Browse Gutenberg Ebooks By Author karl adolph gjellerup (Information about karl adolph gjellerup). Der PilgerKamanita German (ISO8859-1) txt html html pdb isilo http://www.sakoman.net/pg/byauthor-K.html | |
70. Year Laureates 1920 Knut Pedersen Hamsun 1919 Carl Friedrich Georg 1917, karl adolph gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan. 1916, Carl Gustaf Verner vonHeidenstam. 1915, Romain Rolland. 1914, The prize money was allocated to the http://www.ndtv.com/ent/booksnobelprize.asp?part=1 |
71. Karl_Adolph_Gjellerup gjellerup, karl adolph gjellerup, karl adolph http://copernicus.subdomain.de/Karl_Adolph_Gjellerup | |
72. Wissens-Portal (wispor.de) #wpx-linp.htm# 21.11.2004 / Auskunft, Wissen, Lernen, Translate this page 1917, M, gjellerup, karl adolph, Dänemark, 2, 6, 1857, 11, 10, 1919. 1917, M,Pontoppidan, Henrik, Dänemark, 24, 7, 1857, 21, 8, 1943 http://www.wispor.de/wpx-lin2.htm | |
73. Wissens-Portal (wispor.de) #wpx-linp.htm# 20.05.2005 / Auskunft, Wissen, Lernen, Translate this page 1917, M, gjellerup, karl adolph, Dänemark, 2, 6, 1857, 11, 10, 1919. 1983, M,Golding, William, Großbritannien, 19, 9, 1911, 19, 6, 1993 http://www.wispor.de/wpx-linp.htm | |
74. Karl Gjellerup - Wikipedia Translate this page NAME, gjellerup, karl adolph. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, dänischerSchriftsteller. GEBURTSDATUM, 2. Juni 1857. GEBURTSORT, Roholte. STERBEDATUM, 10. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Gjellerup | |
75. LitWeb.net 1917, karl adolph gjellerup, for his varied and rich poetry, which is inspiredby lofty ideals , search biblion. Henrik Pontoppidan, for his authentic http://www.biblion.com/litweb/nobel.html | |
76. SOS, Missouri - Wolfner Library ( Nobel Prize ) 1917 karl adolph gjellerup. No prize was awarded in 1918. 1919 Carl FriedrichGeorg Spitteler. 1920 Knut Pedersen Hamsun. Growth of the Soil, RC 12751 http://www.sos.mo.gov/wolfner/bibliographies/nobelprize.asp | |
77. Modification De Karl Adolph Gjellerup - Modifier - Wikipédia CULTURA_NOBEL Translate this page sono premi Nobel per la letteratura Pär Fabian Lagerkvist, Lucila Godoy YAlcayaga, Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, karl adolph gjellerup e Henrik Pontoppidan. http://fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Karl_Adolph_Gjellerup&action=edit |
78. Kisokos - A Nobel-díjasok Névsora Verner von 18591940 S 1917 gjellerup, karl adolph 1854-1919 DK Pontopiddan,Henrik 1857-1943 DK 1918 - 1919 Spitteler, Carl 1845-1924 CH 1920 Hamsun, http://mek.oszk.hu/00000/00056/html/260.htm | |
79. Premio Nobel Translate this page karl adolph gjellerup. Por su variada y rica poesía inspirada por los altos ideales.HENRIK PONTOPPIDAN. Por sus auténticas descripciones de la vida actual http://www.islapoetica.com.mx/premios-literarios/nobel/1911-1920.htm | |
80. Søgning.dk - Fibiger, Mathilde Mathilde 18301872 26 gjellerup, karl 1857-1919 27 Goldschmidt, Feilberg,Ane Marie (1767-1843) Fibiger, adolph (1670-1734) Fick, Christina (f?dt http://www.soegning.dk/cgi/search?start=10&q=Fibiger, Mathilde |
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