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Gjellerup Karl Adolph: more detail | |||||
41. Karl Adolph Gjellerup [lithist] karl adolph gjellerup. Autoren A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y http://www.arslonga.de/lit/authors/g/gjellerup.html | |
42. Sharon K. Garner - Romance Author Http//www.sharonkgarner.com karl adolph gjellerup http//nobelprizes.com/nobel/literature/1917a.html karl adolph gjellerup http//www.kirjasto.sci.fi/gjelleru.htm karl gjellerup http://www.caelin-day.com/pages/G.html | |
43. Karl Adolph Gjellerup Infohub on karl adolph gjellerup. karls. karl gjellerup (June 2, 1857 October 13, 1919) arl a Danish poet and novelist who together with his http://karl-adolph-gjellerup.infohub.dnip.net/ | |
44. Literaturnobelpreisträger Karl Adolph Gjellerup Translate this page Lesen und Diskutieren von Klassikern der Weltliteratur. Vorstellung vonLiteraturepochen, Literaturnobelpreisträgern, Literatur und Kunst, Literaturterminen http://www.klassikerforum.de/Bodies/nobel.php?nummer=00017 |
45. Materialien Zum Neobuddhismus: Buddhismus In Skandinavien karl gjellerup. Ingjellerup, karl adolph Seit ich zuerst sie sah Roman. http://www.payer.de/neobuddhismus/neobud1301.htm | |
46. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura 1916, Heidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner Von. 1917, gjellerup, karl adolph. 1917,Pontoppidan, Henrik. 1919, Spitteler, Carl Friedrich Georg http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbly.html | |
47. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura 1917, gjellerup, karl adolph. 1983, Golding, Sir William. 1991, Gordimer, Nadine.1999, Grass, Günter. 1920, Hamsun, Knut Pedersen http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbla.html | |
48. Der Nobelpreis Für Literatur: Karl Gjellerup Translate this page karl gjellerup * 1857 1919 karl adolph gjellerup wurde am 2. karl adolphgjellerup starb am 11. Oktober 1919 in Klotzsche bei Dresden. http://www.nobelpreis.org/Literatur/gjellerup.htm | |
49. Karl Adolph Gjellerup Denne side indeholder information om karl adolph gjellerup. Endvidere er derhenvisninger til andre sider, der har information der er relateret til karl http://www.netleksikon.dk/k/ka/karl_adolph_gjellerup.shtml | |
50. Oplysninger Om Enkelte Forfattere karl gjellerup (18571919). forfatter, cand.theol. f. karl adolph G. i Roholteved Fakse, opvokset i Kbh. Epigonos (pseudonym). 0000 Pris Finansloven http://www.litteraturpriser.dk/aut/gk.htm | |
51. Danish Language Languages English Words Means Common not to any individual work, th karl adolph gjellerupkarl gjellerup ( June 2,1857 October 13, 1919) was a Danish poet and novelist who together with http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Danish:language.html | |
52. 20th Century Year By YEar 1916 The prize was divided equally between gjellerup, karl adolph, Denmark, b. 1857, d.1919 for his varied and rich poetry, which is inspired by lofty http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1917.html | |
53. Golem.de - Lexikon November 1919 in Dresden) Englische Wikipedia karl adolph gjellerup http://lexikon.golem.de/Karl_Gjellerup | |
54. Karl Gjellerup - Wikipedia GK National Network of EducationHeidenstam, Carl Gustaf Verner Von, 1916. gjellerup, karl adolph, 1917. Pontoppidan,Henrik, 1917. Spitteler, Carl Friedrich Georg, 1919 http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Adolph_Gjellerup |
55. STENO MUSEET karl adolph gjellerup Teolog og fortatter (18571919) Modtog nobelprisen ilitteratur i 1917 for sin digtekunst præget af idealistisk sigte. http://www.stenomuseet.dk/saerud/nobel-gjellerup.htm | |
56. Nobel Prizes For Literature 1917 karl adolph gjellerup no titles by or about KA gjellerup are in the MnSCUPALS system. 1917 Henrik Pontoppidan title by, in the MnSCU PALS system http://www.mnstate.edu/schwartz/nobellit.html | |
57. Nobel Prize In Literature - 1901 To Present karl adolph gjellerup Danish writer. Received the 1917 Nobel Prize for Literature forhis varied and rich poetry, which is inspired by lofty ideals. http://classiclit.about.com/library/bl-bio/bl-nobel.htm | |
58. The Nobel Prize In Literature - Laureates 1917 karl adolph gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan 1916 Carl Gustaf Verner vonHeidenstam 1915 Romain Rolland 1914 The prize money was allocated to the Special http://www.dcbooks.com/literaryawards.htm | |
59. Untitled Document karl adolph gjellerup. male. for his authentic descriptions of presentday lifein Denmark. Denmark. Henrik Pontoppidan | |
60. WFrameCATALOGmenu 1917, karl adolph gjellerup 1917, Henrik Pontappidan 1928, Sigrid Undset 1944,Johannes Vilhelm Jensen The NOBEL PEACE PRIZE was won several times by danes. http://dkmuseum.org/DanishCultureFamous.html | |
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