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Gabor Dennis: more books (51) | ||
61. Display Holography [ Accès Général ] Références BRCIC, V gabor, dennis A New Microscopic Principle , dans Nature, volume 161, 1948,p.777778.. gabor, dennis Holography 1948-71 , dans Les Prix Nobel en 1971, http://www.comm.uqam.ca/~GRAM/C/refe/hol/holt77.html | |
63. World Of Quotes - Dennis Gabor Quotes. dennis gabor Quotes, Searchable and browsable database of quotations with authorand subject indexes. Quotes from famous political leaders, authors, http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Dennis-Gabor/1/ | |
64. Gabor Definition of gabor. dennis, 190079, British physicist, born in Hungaryinventor of holography; Nobel prize 1971. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, http://www.factmonster.com/ipd/A0452217.html | |
65. Gabriel - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Gabriel gabor, dennis gabor, dennis gabor, dennis gaboriau gaboriau, Emile gaboriau, Emile gaborone gaborone gaborone gaborone http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Gabriel | |
66. Inventing The Future. By [Futurism]. Gabor, Dennis. : Steven Schuyler Bookseller gabor, dennis. Inventing the Future. Knopf New York 1964 12 mo (5 1/2 X 8 1/4), pp.vii, 238, indexed, Author is winner of Nobel Prize for Physics 1971. http://www.rarebookstore.net/cgi-bin/schuyler/2215.html | |
67. Oe Magazine - SPIE World - SPIE Membership Focus 2004 Francis TS Yu, the 2004 dennis gabor Award recipient, shares his optics SPIE Fellow Francis TS Yu, recipient of the 2004 SPIE dennis gabor Award, http://oemagazine.com/fromTheMagazine/aug04/spiegaboraward.html | |
68. CEC-Conference: The International Electroacoustic Community Dis Subject dennis gabor papers From Isabel Pires (isabel_pires@excite.com) Next message Michael Gogins Re dennis gabor papers ; Previous message http://alcor.concordia.ca/~kaustin/cecconference/current/2395.html | |
69. CEC-Conference: The International Electroacoustic Community Dis Subject dennis gabor papers. Hello everybody, I search for three articlesof dennis gabor Theory of communication - published in the Journal of http://alcor.concordia.ca/~kaustin/cecconference/current/2396.html | |
70. MSN Encarta - Gabor, Dennis Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher gabor, dennis http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761562367/Gabor_Dennis.html | |
71. Mehr Zu "G?r Darvas Gabor Bethlen" Bei Metando Translate this page gabor Szego ..Gábor Szegö ..gabor, dennis ..gaboriau. gabor, dennis - Hutchinsonencyclopedia article about gabor, dennis Gábor Baross. http://www.metando.de/search_Gábor Darvas Gabor Bethlen_0.html | |
72. Holography News Dennis Gabor Award Applications. Access the article, dennis gabor Award applications. from Holography News, apublication in the field of Computers Technology, through LookSmart s http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3163/is_200303/ai_n7848888 |
73. Stockhausen's New Morphology Of Musical Time, Bibliography: C. Koenigsberg Decem gabor1946 gabor, dennis, Theory of Communication , Journal of the IEEE vol . gabor1947 gabor, dennis, Acoustical Quanta and the Theory of Hearing http://www.music.princeton.edu/~ckk/smmt/bibliography.7.html | |
74. Stereoscopy.com - FAQ dennis gabor (Gábor Dénes) was born in Budapest, Hungary, on June 5, 1900 anddied in London on February 8th, 1979. In 1947, the Hungarian physicist http://www.stereoscopy.com/faq/gabor.html | |
75. Dennis Gabor College | |
76. Gabor - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for gabor . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search Ga·borListen gä bôr, g bôr , dennis 1900-1979. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/g/g0002800.html | |
77. Funding Guide For International Science And Technology Cooperation - Details Purpose, The dennis gabor award is presented annually in recognition of outstandingaccomplishments in diffractive wavefront technologies, especially those http://fgic-gfci.scitech.gc.ca/details.php?lang=e&id=71 |
78. Dennis Gabor As Initiator Of Optical Computing: Importance And Prospects Of Opti Proceedings of the dennis gabor Memorial Conference and Symposium on dennis gabor can be regarded as the most important scientist in laying the http://lab.analogic.sztaki.hu/POAC/Publications of POAC-379.htm | |
79. Dennis Gabor As The Initiator Of Optical Computing bullet3 dennis gabor as the Initiator of Optical Computing. A long presentationshowing several optical architectures and setups of the Programmable Optical http://lab.analogic.sztaki.hu/POAC/Publications of POAC-186.htm | |
80. Gábor Dénes Emlékülés és Holográfia Szimpózium - Május 30-iki állapot dennis gabor was born on 5th of June 1900 in Budapest. He started his university Innovation and R D in Hungary; what can we learn from dennis gabor? http://www.opakfi.mtesz.hu/rendezv/dgconf.2510.html | |
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