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         Esquivel Adolfo Perez:     more books (23)
  1. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel by unknown, 2006-09-30
  2. The International Bill of Human Rights by Paul Williams, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, et all 1999-07
  3. Christ in a Poncho: Testimonials of the Nonviolent Struggles in Latin America by Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1983-04
  4. Caminar... Junto a Los Pueblos (Spanish Edition) by Adolfo Prez Esquivel, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, 1998-09
  5. Diálogo insólito.(Adolfo Pérez Esquivel)(diálogo entre organizaciones de derechos humanos y oficiales de fuerzas armadas en Argentina)(investigación de ... An article from: Proceso by Marcelo Izquierdo, 2007-06-03
  6. Argentine Torture Victims: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Jacobo Timerman, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo
  7. El petrimetre. (crítica a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel en España)(TT: The braggart) (TA: criticism against Adolfo Pérez Esquivel in Spain): An article from: Epoca by Alfonso Ussía, 1997-01-13
  8. Torture Victims of the Dirty War: Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy, José Luis Gioja, Antonio Di Benedetto
  9. Sculpteur Argentin: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Francesco Marino Di Teana, Lucio Fontana, Osvaldo Rodríguez, Manuel Zorrilla, Alicia Penalba (French Edition)
  10. Victims of the Dirty War: Torture Victims of the Dirty War, Alicia Kozameh, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Alfredo Bravo, Alicia Partnoy
  11. LAS IGLESIAS EVANGÉLICAS DICEN, ¡BASTA!. Consulta Latinoamericana sobre Fe, Economía y Sociedad. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 28 abril - 1 mayo 2003. Ángel Luis Rivera, ed. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel et al by No Author, 2004-01-01
  12. Guerre Sale En Argentine: Dictature Militaire En Argentine, Centre Clandestin de Détention, Mères de La Place de Mai, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (French Edition)
  13. Personnalité Argentine: Che Guevara, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Carlos Souto, Eva Perón, Guillermo Cazenave, Monser Al Kassar, Francisco Moreno (French Edition)
  14. Hochschullehrer (Buenos Aires): J. Severino Croatto, Richard Gans, Adolfo Maria Pérez Esquivel, Franz Stephan Griese, Eliseo Verón (German Edition)

41. Carta A Aznar De Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Translate this page Reciba mi solidaridad y apoyo a todo el pueblo español que sólo desea la paz.Paz y Bien. adolfo perez esquivel. Premio Nobel de la Paz.
12 de marzo del 2004 Carta a Aznar de Adolfo Perez Esquivel
uenos Aires, 11 de marzo de 2004
At. Sr. Presidente de España
José Maria Aznar.
Quiero expresar mi más enérgico repudio a los graves atentados ocurridos hoy en Madrid.
Hechos como este atentan no solamente contra el pueblo español, sino contra toda la comunidad internacional, que no admite ninguna clase de terrorismo, provenga de donde provenga.
A los que han elegido esos métodos con sus nefastas prácticas de muerte, debe aplicárseles todo el peso de la ley, para salvaguardar el modo de vida democrático que los pueblos han elegido.
La violencia de las armas no les da la razón, ni el derecho de actuar con total impunidad.
De continuar, esta situación conlleva un grave peligro para el derecho de la autodeterminación de los pueblos a la Vida y la Paz.
Reciba mi solidaridad y apoyo a todo el pueblo español que sólo desea la paz. Paz y Bien. Adolfo Perez Esquivel. Premio Nobel de la Paz. Secretaría Premio Nobel de la Paz Servicio Paz y Justicia Envia esta noticia

42. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. Argentina: Impunidad Y Democracia.
Translate this page adolfo Pérez esquivel. Sobre la impunidad es imposible construir un procesodemocrático, adolfo Pérez esquivel, Premio Nobel de la Paz 1980.
Argentina: impunidad y democracia

Los legisladores que dicen representar al pueblo no tienen el coraje de sancionar la consulta popular y el plebiscito, incluidos en la reforma constitucional de 1994. La única explicación que podemos deducir es que "tienen miedo al pueblo" y buscan su propia impunidad, muchos de ellos bajo sospecha de corrupción. Lo mismo ocurre con varios gobernadores de las provincias argentinas.
Los últimos acontecimientos provocados por el "corralito financiero", las protestas sociales, los "escarches a los bancos" y "cacerolazos" ponen en evidencia el drama de los ahorristas víctimas de la impunidad jurídica, que los ha llevado a adoptar medidas límites a sus angustias (intentos de suicidio), al ver sus ahorros y esfuerzos perdidos en la trituradora financiera de los bancos, por las medidas aplicadas por el gobierno que violan la Constitución nacional.
Es incomprensible que un país como Argentina, considerado en su momento el "granero del mundo", productor de alimentos, esté en la más grave situación de pobreza. Cada día mueren aproximadamente cien niños por hambre y enfermedades evitables y más de 15 millones de personas viven en situación de pobreza. Es incomprensible que se haya paralizado la capacidad productiva del país y el índice de desempleo llegue al 30 % de la población y en algunas provincias la situación es aún más dramática.

43. Entrevista A Adolfo Perez Esquivel - Asociación Internauta
latina que huboen este primer encuentro se destaco la presencia de adolfo perez esquivel,

44. Argentine: Adolfo Perez Esquivel Opposé à L'envoi De Troupes En Haïti
2 juin (XINHUANET) adolfo perez esquivel, Prix Nobel 1998 de
HomePage Favorites About us Em: Chine Monde Economie Edu Tech ... Sur la Chine Sites pittoresques et monuments historiques: Beijing Autres villes chinoises Cuisine chinoise Actualités de Xinhua Militaire Argentine: Adolfo Perez Esquivel opposé à l'envoi de troupes en Haïti BUENOS AIRES, 2 juin (XINHUANET) Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Prix Nobel 1998 de l'Argentine, a critiqué mercredi l'envoi de troupes argentines en Haïti, arguant que "l'assistance (à Haïti) pourrait se faire d'une autre façon". "L'envoi de troupes ne peut régler aucun problème", a estimé Esquivel avant d'appeler les organisations financières internationales à annuler les dettes extérieures de Haïti en vue de contribuer à la réalisation de la paix dans ce pays caraïbe. Le Congrès argentin devra discuter mercredi prochain de la question portant sur l'autorisation de l'envoi de troupes argentines en Haïti comme une partie des forces de maintien de la paix des Nations unies dans ce pays. "Nous disons oui, nous devons soutenir Haïti par un autre moyen ", a souligné Esquivel. Fin

45. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - Biography
adolfo Pérez esquivel adolfo Pérez esquivel was born in Buenos Aires in 1931.After training as an architect and sculptor he was appointed Professor of
The organisation is based on a Christian view of life, and enjoys close contact with clergy and bishops critical of present-day conditions in Latin America. The chief task of the movement is to promote respect for human rights, a phrase that is intended to include social and economic rights. On the practical level this means that Servicio provides assistance to the rural workers in their struggle for land, and to the trade unions in their struggle to protect the rights of their workers. This is done inter alia in the form of legal aid.
Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 1980 , Editor Wilhelm Odelberg, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1981 This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and later published in the book series Les Prix Nobel Nobel Lectures . The information is sometimes updated with an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above. The Nobel Peace Prize 1980
Press Release

Presentation Speech

Nobel Symposia
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Physiology or Medicine

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46. Peace 1980
adolfo Pérez esquivel. adolfo Pérez esquivel. Argentina. Architect; Sculptor;Human rights leader. b. 1931. The Nobel Peace Prize 1980 Press Release
The Nobel Peace Prize 1980
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Argentina Architect; Sculptor; Human rights leader b. 1931 The Nobel Peace Prize 1980
Press Release

Presentation Speech

Nobel Symposia
The 1980 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Economic Sciences
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Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 14, 2005

47. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro
adolfo Pérez esquivel inizia a lavorare con organizzazioni popolari

Allais, Maurice
Economia, 1988
Altman, Sidney
Chimica, 1989
Arber, Werner
Medicina, 1978
Arrow, Kenneth J.
Economia, 1972
Baltimore, David
Medicina, 1975
Becker, Gary S.
Economia, 1992
Black, James W.
Medicina, 1988
Brown, Lester R.

Buchanan, James M.
Economia, 1986
Charpak, Georges
Fisica, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicina, 1980 Economia, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicina, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicina, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chimica, 1991 Esaki, Leo Fisica, 1973 Fo, Dario Letteratura, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Fisica, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Fisica, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicina, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chimica, 1981 Jacob, François Medicina, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Pace, 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economia, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chimica, 1996 Lederman, Leon M. Fisica, 1988 Lehn, Jean-Marie

48. Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo
Pérez esquivel, adolfo. (b. Nov. 26, 1931, Buenos Aires, Arg.), Argentine sculptorand architect who became a champion of human rights and nonviolent reform
(b. Nov. 26, 1931, Buenos Aires, Arg.), Argentine sculptor and architect who became a champion of human rights and nonviolent reform in Latin America. His work as secretary-general of Peace and Justice (Paz y Justicia), an ecumenical organization established in 1974 to coordinate human-rights activities throughout Latin America, brought him the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1980. desaparecidos, the thousands of people who had simply disappeared during the Argentine military junta's campaign against extremists. He was himself arrested in 1977 and held without charge for 14 months, during which time he was tortured.

49. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
adolfo Pérez esquivel at World Social Forum 2003. adolfo Pérez esquivel (Pérezesquivel) (born November 26, 1931), from Argentina, was the recipient of the
Adolfo P©rez Esquivel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Adolfo Perez Esquivel Adolfo P©rez Esquivel at World Social Forum Adolfo P©rez Esquivel P©rez Esquivel ) (born November 26 ), from Argentina , was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize . He is noted for leading protests against the Free Trade Area of the Americas and for alleging that the Argentinan police are forming children into paramilitary squads , an operation he compares to the creation of Nazi Germany 's Hitler Youth P©rez Esquivel was born in Buenos Aires and attended the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. For 25 years, he taught in primary schools, secondary schools and at the university level. He has worked in a number of sculptural media. In the ], Perez Esquivel began working with popularly based Latin American Christian pacifist groups. In he was chosen as coordinator general for a network of Latin America -based communities promoting liberation of the poor through non-violent means. When systematic repression followed the Argentine military coup of , he contributed to the formation and financing of the linkages between popularly based organizations to defend human right and support the victims' families. El Servicio de Paz y Justicia ("

50. Esquivel, Adolfo Pérez
adolfo Pérez esquivel was born in Buenos Aires in 1931. After training as anarchitect and sculptor he was appointed Professor of Architecture.
Esquivel, Adolfo Pérez
The organisation of which Pérez Esquivel is the leader, Servicio Paz y Justicia, is a well-established one. Latin America is divided into three regions, each with its own offices, and under these come the national organisations. Their activities are co-ordinated from Pérez Esquivel's office in Buenos Aires.
The organisation is based on a Christian view of life, and enjoys close contact with clergy and bishops critical of present-day conditions in Latin America. The chief task of the movement is to promote respect for human rights, a phrase that is intended to include social and economic rights. On the practical level this means that Servicio provides assistance to the rural workers in their struggle for land, and to the trade unions in their struggle to protect the rights of their workers. This is done inter alia in the form of legal aid.
Despite the opposition he has encountered, Pérez Esquivel insists that the struggle must only be waged with non-violent means.

51. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel: Definition And Much More From
Pe·rez Es·qui·vel ( per ?s es kevel , per es ) , adolfo Born 1931.Argentine civil rights leader.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Adolfo P©rez Esquivel Dictionary Pe·rez Es·qui·vel pĕr əs ĕs kē-vĕl , pĕr ĕs Adolfo Born 1931.
Argentine civil rights leader. He won the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote human rights in Latin America. Encyclopedia P©rez Esquivel, Adolpho, 1931–, Argentine sculptor, architect, and humanitarian. A professor at the Argentine National School of Fine Arts, he resigned (1974) to become head of Peace and Justice, a human-rights organization. He was arrested (1977) and jailed for more than a year for his outspoken criticism of the ruling military junta's brutality to its opponents. In 1980, P©rez was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Wikipedia Adolfo P©rez Esquivel This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Mentioned In Adolfo P©rez Esquivel is mentioned in the following topics: Esquivel Universidad de Buenos Aires Porto Alegre Manifesto Jorge Rafael Videla ... List of Nobel laureates Dictionary definition of Adolfo P©rez Esquivel Houghton Mifflin Company More from Dictionary Encyclopedia information about Adolfo P©rez Esquivel The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition

52. Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo
Pérez esquivel, adolfo. Argentine sculptor and architect. As leader of the Serviciode Paz y Justicia (Peace and Justice Service), a Catholic–Protestant
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53. Hispanos Famosos
adolfo Pérez esquivel was honored as a spokesman of a revival of respect ofhuman rights having shone a light through the darkness of Argentina s
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
(1931- ), Argentina. Nobel Peace Prize, 1980. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel was honored as "a spokesman of a revival of respect of human rights...having shone a light through the darkness" of Argentina's military rule. Pérez Esquivel left a distinguished career as a sculptor to become a human rights activist and Catholic church lay leader coordinating human rights efforts in Argentina and in all of Latin America. He was mistreated and jailed by the Argentinian military government for 14 months early in his career without charge or trial but persisted in his efforts through the Service for Justice and Peace, which he founded, and through a women's group, Las Damas de Mayo.

54. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
adolfo Pérez esquivel. adolfo Pérez esquivel Born 26Nov-1931 Birthplace BuenosAires, Argentina. Gender Male Ethnicity Hispanic
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Born: 26-Nov-1931
Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Activist Architect , Artist Level of fame: Niche
Executive summary: Nobel Prize recipient University: Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes
University: Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Nobel Peace Prize

Buenos Aires, Argentina 1977
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55. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
adolfo Pérez esquivel was born on November 26, 1931 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.He studied Architecture in the National School of Bellas Artes and in the
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Adolfo Pérez Esquivel was born on November 26, 1931 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied Architecture in the National School of Bellas Artes and in the University of La Plata; he later worked as a teacher and in 1971 he began to get involved in movements that fought for justice and peace. In 1973, he founded the newspaper "Paz y Justicia" (Peace and Justice) that soon after turned into the peak of the movement and defense for Human Rights in Latin-America, and the " Movimiento Ecuménico Paz y Justicia" (Ecumenical Movement for Peace and Justice) along with some Christian groups. Two years later he participated in the creation of the "Permanent Assembly for Human Rights".
In 1976 he traveled the world and designed programs meant develop and help indigenous Latin-American communities, w orking-class movements and other groups in needy conditions. During 1977 and 1978 he was imprisoned in Argentina by the military dictatorship headed by president Videla and during this period he received the "Juan XXIII Memorial Peace Prize" granted by the International Pax Cristi. In 1980 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his fight for Human Rights and soon after he was designated as member of the executive committee of the United Nations' Human Rights Permanent Assembly.

56. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Translate this page adolfo Pérez esquivel. Nació el 26 de noviembre de 1931 en Buenos Aires, Argentina.Estudió Arquitectura en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos
VOLVER Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Nació el 26 de noviembre de 1931 en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estudió Arquitectura en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires y en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata , s e desempeñó como docente por 25 años y e n 1971 comenzó a involucrarse en movimientos que luchan por la paz y la justicia. En 1973, fundó el periódico Paz y Justicia que pronto se convirtió en la cumbre del movimiento pacifista y de defensa de los Derechos Humanos en el área de influencia latinoamericana, y el “Movimiento Ecuménico Paz y Justicia” con diversos grupos cristianos. Dos años más tarde, participó en la creación de la “Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos”. A partir de 1976 se dedicó a viajar por el mundo y a diseñar programas de ayuda y desarrollo para comunidades indígenas latinoamericanas, movimientos obreros y otros grupos de personas necesitadas. D urante 1977 y 1978 estuvo preso en Argentina por la dictadura militar del presidente Vi dela y d urante ese período de prisión recibió el Premio Memorial de Paz Juan XXIII otorgado por la Pax Cristi Internacional.

57. Peace Jam - One Person Really Can Make A Difference
Curriculum for PeaceJam with adolfo Pérez esquivel Chapter 4 A Nobel Laureateto Study adolfo Pérez esquivel. Unit 2 Peacemakers in Action
Home Recent News About the Nobel Laureates Photos ... Shirin Ebadi Intro: Unit 1: Peacemakers in Training Unit 2: Peacemakers in Action One person really can make a difference

58. Peace Jam - One Person Really Can Make A Difference
Chapter Four A Nobel Laureate to Study adolfo Pérez esquivel? Activity 3Have Students Read Discuss adolfo Pérez esquivel s Nobel Acceptance
Home Recent News About the Nobel Laureates Photos ... Shirin Ebadi I live in the hope which I surely share with many others. I am confident that one day our daily effort will have its reward. Objectives
Activity 1:
NOTE: This brief biography was taken from the book "The Words of Peace," edited by Irwin Abrams, with a forward by former USA President Jimmy Carter, New Market Press, NY. "The organization is based on a Christian view of life, and enjoys close contact with clergy and bishops critical of present-day conditions in Latin America. The chief task of the movement is to promote respect for human rights, a phrase that is intended to include social and economic rights. On the practical level this means that Servicio provides assistance to the rural workers in their struggle for land, and to the trade unions in their struggle to protect the rights of their workers. This is done inter alia in the form of legal aid. NOTE: The above is from the official Nobel Foundation website

59. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
adolfo Pérez esquivel. adolfo Pérez esquivel. Argentine civil rights leader adolfoPérez esquivel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980.érez_Esquivel.html
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Adolfo P©rez Esquivel
Argentine civil rights leader Adolfo P©rez Esquivel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980. He was awarded the prize for his efforts to promote human rights in Latin America. © The Nobel Foundation Appears in these articles: P©rez Esquivel, Adolfo Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Join Now

60. MSN Encarta - Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo
Pérez esquivel, adolfo, born in 1931, Argentine human rights advocate and notedsculptor who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 (see Nobel Prizes).érez_Esquivel_Adolfo.html
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Subscription Article MSN Encarta Premium: Get this article, plus 60,000 other articles, an interactive atlas, dictionaries, thesaurus, articles from 100 leading magazines, homework tools, daily math help and more for $4.95/month or $29.95/year (plus applicable taxes.) Learn more. This article is exclusively available for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Already a subscriber? Sign in above. P©rez Esquivel, Adolfo P©rez Esquivel, Adolfo , born in 1931, Argentine human rights advocate and noted sculptor who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 (see Nobel Prizes). Per©... Related Items associate picture of protest 4 items Multimedia Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and gain access to:
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