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         Einstein Albert:     more books (100)
  1. All about Albert Einstein by Raja Sharma, 2010-04-08
  2. The Philosophy Of Peace: With Introductory Letters By Albert Einstein And Thomas Mann by John Somerville, 2010-09-10
  3. Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance by Dennis Overbye, 2001-10-01
  4. El Enigma de Einstein by José Rodrigues Dos Santos, 2010-09-01
  5. Einstein: Visionary Scientist by John B. Severance, 1999-08-23
  6. Albert Einstein: Navegante Solitario (La Ciencia Para Todos) (Spanish Edition) by Luis de la Pena, 1991-01
  7. The Einstein Enigma: A Novel by José Rodrigues Dos Santos, 2010-09-01
  8. The evolution of physics;: The growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quanta by Albert Einstein, 1961
  9. The Private Lives of Albert Einstein by Roger Highfield, Paul Carter, 1994-03-15
  10. China and Albert Einstein: The Reception of the Physicist and His Theory in China, 1917-1979 by Danian Hu, 2005-04-25
  11. Einstein's Dream: The Search for a Unified Theory of the Universe by Barry Parker, 2001-08-07
  12. Albert Einstein: Rebel Lives by Albert Einstein, 2003-07-01
  13. Einstein's God: Albert Einstein's Quest As a Scientist and As a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God by Robert N. Goldman, Albert Einstein, 1997-03
  14. Albert Einstein (Great Names) by Anne Marie Sullivan, Giuliano Ferri, 2002-10

101. Biographie De Einstein
Translate this page La vie de albert einstein, physicien allemand du XXe siècle, publiée dans le magazine Info Science, le Quotidien en ligne.
Accueil Actualités En bref Dossiers ... Archives Histoire des sciences Civilisations Portraits Biographies Sciences en culture Livres Cédéroms Télévision Vidéos ... Expositions Dialogues Forums 6 Chat Notre sélection web Vie des universités Petites annonces Adresses Colloques Vie pratique Pollution Météo Astronomie Unités de mesure ... Maxwell Annalen der Physik qui se révèlent révolutionnaires. Le premier paraît en mars 1905. Il décrit comment l’énergie d’un corps chauffé peut se transformer en énergie lumineuse. Cette transformation n’est possible qu’en considérant la lumière constituée de "grains" qu’Einstein appelle "quanta de lumière" (les photons). La lumière n’est alors ni continue ni discontinue, mais les deux à la fois. Einstein ne sait toujours pas dans quelles circonstances la lumière se révèle continue ou discontinue mais son hypothèse n’en demeure pas moins exacte. Le deuxième article paraît deux mois plus tard, en juin. Il se propose de résoudre le problème posé par l’éther, en totale contradiction avec le principe de relativité. Pour Einstein, l’éther n’a pas lieu d’être. La seule donnée qui permet de décrire la lumière est sa vitesse c En septembre 1905, Einstein ajoute un post-scriptum à son article et démontre la célèbre formule

102. Albert Einstein
biography of albert einstein. albert einstein is one of the most recognized and wellknown scientists of the century. His theories solved centuries-old

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein principal papers hardware software see also
From Italy he went to Switzerland to finish high school and attend the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He didn't care for such organized education; he hated having to attend classes regularly and take exams. He graduated with a teaching degree, but couldn't find a job. Finally he got a post at the Swiss patent office in Bern, in 1902. He worked there for seven years, which turned out to be the most productive period of his life. In 1903 he married a former classmate, Maria Maric, though his parents disapproved. They'd had a daughter Liserl in 1902, but she was given up for adoption. They later had two sons. 1905 was a huge year for Einstein. He published five papers in the German Yearbook of Physics, three or them groundbreaking. The first was on the motion of particles suspended in liquid. He developed a mathematical formula to explain that the visible motion of the particles was due to the invisible motion of the molecules of the liquid. His second paper was on the photoelectric effect, or the release of electrons from metal when light shines on it. Einstein used the very recent ideas of

103. Albert Einstein. Biografía.
Su biograf­a y su teor­a de la relatividad, con fotos y v­deos.
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Las monografías de
Albert Einstein Biografía Cronología La relatividad Fotos Vídeos Albert Einstein sigue siendo una figura mítica de nuestro tiempo; más, incluso, de lo que llegó a serlo en vida, si se tiene en cuenta que su imagen, en condición de póster y exhibiendo un insólito gesto de burla, se ha visto elevada a la dignidad de icono doméstico, junto a los ídolos de la canción y los astros de Hollywood. Sin embargo, no son su genio científico ni su talla humana los que mejor lo explican como mito, sino, quizás, el cúmulo de paradojas que encierra su propia biografía, acentuadas con la perspectiva histórica. Al Einstein campeón del pacifismo se le recuerda aún como al «padre de la bomba»; y todavía es corriente que se le atribuya la demostración del principio de que «todo es relativo» a él, que luchó encarnizadamente contra la posibilidad de que conocer la realidad significara jugar con ella a la gallina ciega. Albert Einstein nació en la ciudad bávara de Ulm el 14 de marzo de 1879. Fue el hijo primogénito de Hermann Einstein y de Pauline Koch, judíos ambos, cuyas familias procedían de Suabia. Al siguiente año se trasladaron a Munich, en donde el padre se estableció, junto con su hermano Jakob, como comerciante en las novedades electrotécnicas de la época.

104. Biographie: Albert Einstein, 1879-1955
Translate this page Photo albert einstein auf dem Weg zur Vorlesung, 1920 März albert einstein wird in Ulm als Sohn des Kaufmanns Hermann einstein und dessen Frau
Albert Einstein
Veröffentlichungen in den "Annalen der Physik" zur Quantentheorie und zur Relativitätstheorie: Er erweitert die Quantentheorie von Max Planck um die Hypothese der Lichtquanten. Mit der Begründung der "Speziellen Relativitätstheorie" leitet er den Übergang zur Wissenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts ein. Kurz darauf liefert er mit der Formel E=mc² einen Nachtrag zur Relativitätstheorie. Die Energie eines Körpers ist demnach das Produkt aus seiner Masse und dem Quadrat der Lichtgeschwindigkeit.
Seine Theorien setzen sich in der Wissenschaft schnell durch.
Oktober: Einstein formuliert die "Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie", die bis dahin geltende physikalische Erklärungsansätze ersetzt.
ab 1920

Nach dem Mord an Walther Rathenau (1922), dem Hitler-Putsch Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei
24. August: Der sogenannte Einsteinturm von Erich Mendelsohn
Er arbeitet weiter an der Quantentheorie.
30. Januar: Am Tag der

105. What Did Albert Einstein Invent?
albert einstein A Biography by Dalibor Paar, University of Zagreb TIME 100 albert einstein Inventor albert einstein - The Great Idea Finder
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    Year Theory/Invention Description Albert Einstein Was Born in 1879 1905: "Annus Mirabilis" Einstein's "Miracle Year" Ph.D. Einstein received his doctorate from the University of Zurich for a theoretical dissertation providing a new way of calculating the size of molecules. Brownian Motion/Movement In 1827 the botanist Robert Brown observed under the microscope the movement or motion of plant spores floating in water and moving about randomly all the time. The explanation for this was already thought to be the random motion of molecules "hitting" the spores. But the first satisfactory theoretical treatment of the Brownian motion was made by Albert Einstein in 1905. Einstein's theory enabled significant statistical predictions about the motion of particles that are randomly distributed in a fluid. These predictions were later confirmed by experiment. The Photoelectric Effect It was known that when light was shone on certain substances, the substances gave out electrons, but that only the number of electrons emitted, and not their energy, was increased when the strength of the light was increased.
  • 106. The Albert Einstein Library
    Provides an overview of einstein's life and work.
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    107. Glossary Of People Ei
    einstein, albert (18791955). Physicist, one of the most creative intellects in history, advanced a series of theories that proposed entirely new ways of
    MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism : Glossary of People
    Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions early in 1905, only 9 years after his first lesson in Physics, Einstein published four papers that transformed natural science forever. On the Motion - Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat - of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies invariant with respect to transformation between inertial frames of reference Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content? was an addendum to the Special Relativity paper which observed that the famous E mc followed from the theory. The equivalence between energy (E) and mass (m) knocked yet another fixture away from the physical conception of the world, and would of course later have the most profound effect on world politics with its application to the production of nuclear energy and the atom bomb. These papers were quickly recognised by physicists around the world for the revolutionary achievements that they were. He left the patent office and by 1914 was at the University of Berlin, continuing research towards his

    108. The Albert Einstein Experience: Jokes, Relativity And Black Holes
    Jokes, quotes, science facts, pictures, links and relativity describing einstein's life and work.
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    Top Site Home Fair Projects Science Gates Science Trivia ... Black Holes
    Web Relativity:
    Two hairs in my cup of milk is too much.
    Two hairs on my head is too less.
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    What Did Einstein Invent? Top Site The Albert Einstein Quiz
    I don't think it's easy to understand Einstein's work until you have had it explained by an ape. From: Steve Offner, I wrote and submitted the following for the a limerick contest (Omni Magazine, 1979), however as far as I know it has never been published: A black hole - a tremendous creation Its physics defies imagination Time and space it can bend Wow! I can't comprehend The gravity of this situation What Is a Black Hole, Really? A black hole is a celestial object of such extremely intense gravity that it attracts everything near it and prevents everything, including light, from escaping. The term was first used in reference to a star in the last phases of gravitational collapse. Gravitational collapse begins when a star has depleted its steady sources of nuclear energy and can no longer produce the expansive force, a result of normal gas pressure, that supports the star against the compressive force of its own gravitation. In some cases, nothing remains to prevent the star from collapsing without limit to an indefinitely small size and infinitely large density, to create a black hole.

    109. Einstein's Philosophy Of Science
    albert einstein (18791955) is well known as the most prominent physicist of the Late in 1944, albert einstein received a letter from Robert Thornton,
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    Albert Einstein, Philosophy of Science
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is well known as the most prominent physicist of the twentieth century. Less well known, though of comparable importance, are his contributions to twentieth-century philosophy of science. Einstein's own philosophy of science is an original synthesis of elements drawn from sources as diverse as neo-Kantianism, conventionalism, and logical empiricism, its distinctive feature being its novel blending of realism with a holist, underdeterminationist form of conventionalism. Of special note is the manner in which Einstein's philosophical thinking was driven by and contributed to the solution of problems first encountered in his work in physics. Equally significant are Einstein's relations with and influence on other prominent twentieth-century philosophers of science, especially Moritz Schlick and Hans Reichenbach.

    110. UK Quotations - Source Of Famous Quotes
    Collection of sayings by persons such as albert einstein, Aristotle and John F. Kennedy.
    Welcome to UK Quotations This is a new website for quotations in the UK. Please feel free to submit any good quotes to us. Quotes By Subject Quotes By Television Series Quotes By Films Quotes By Person Latest Quotes Added
  • I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world. - Socrates Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln You're about as happy as you make up your mind to be. - Abraham Lincoln Ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you can do for your country. - John F. Kennedy All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind. - Aristotle The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr. Cowards die many times before their deaths, The valiant never taste of death but once. - William Shakespeare Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% in 1976? If these trends continue...Aayyyyy - Disco Stu
  • 111. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
    einstein, albert (18791955). German-born Jewish physicist, author of the theory of relativity and Nobel Prize winner. Although his discoveries are not
    Languages English - Main Page Hebrew - Main Page Espanol - Main Page Deutsch - Main Page Russian - Main Page Francais - Main Page Portugues - Main Page Italiano - Main Page Nederlands - Main Page New Eye on Israel Worldwide Community Jewish Time ... Tools and Links
    Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) German-born Jewish physicist, author of the theory of relativity and Nobel Prize winner. Although his discoveries are not easily understood, they have greatly altered man's view of the universe. Einstein was born in Ulm and grew up in Munich, and later moved to Italy to join his parents. He detested the military discipline of German schools. His interest in mathematics and physics started early. After graduating from the Zurich Polytechnic Institute at 21, he took Swiss citizenship and worked at the Patent Office in Berne. Doing his own private research, in 1905 Einstein published three brilliant scientific papers, including one on relativity, a later generalization of which was to make him world- famous. During World War I, Einstein predicted the deflection of starlight by the gravitational field of the sun; the prediction was proven correct by an expedition during a solar eclipse in 1919.

    112. Albert Einstein ; La Relativité - 1905 -- Science Et Philosophie--
    R©flexion sur les implications de la th©orie principale du physicien et sur sa d©marche de savant,   propos de l'empirisme, de la logique et de la raison.
    Albert Einstein ; la Relativité - 1905 Science et Philosophie
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    La découverte et l'emploi du raisonnement scientifique par Galilée est une des conquêtes et les plus importantes dans l'histoire de la pensée humaine et marque le début réel de la physique. Cette découverte nous a appris qu'il ne faut pas toujours se fier aux conclusions intuitives basées sur l'observation immédiate, car elles conduisent parfois à des fils conducteurs trompeurs.
    La pensée humaine crée une image continuellement changeante du monde. La contribution fournie par Galilée a détruit la vue intuitive et l'a remplacée par une vue nouvelle. C'est là la signification de sa découverte.

    « L'évolution des idées en physique » Albert Einstein / Léopold Infeld Petite Bibliothèque Payot 1978

    Extraits du livre "La Planète Raison" (Gilles Guérin)
    concernant la Relativité et le savant Albert Einstein.
    Au sujet de l'"empirisme" et de l'"esprit scientifique"

    Extraits de "La Planète Raison":
    La Raison et la Logique mises à mal II / Einstein; la Relativité

    einstein, albert (18791955), German-born American physicist and Nobel laureate, einstein, albert, Microsoft(R) Encarta(R) 97 Encyclopedia.

    114. Living Reviews In Relativity
    A peerrefereed, solely online physics journal publishing invited reviews covering all areas of relativity research. Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (albert einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany.
    D. Marolf / J. Pullin / J. Renn / E. Seidel / J. Wambsganss / C. Will Living Reviews

    Living Reviews in Relativity
    ISSN 1433-8351
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    Mirror Servers latest publication: 7 September 2005 (original article):
    David Mattingly "Modern Tests of Lorentz Invariance"
    Help Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
    (Albert Einstein Institute)
    Potsdam, Germany

    115. Einstein, Albert
    einstein, albert Photographed here in 1937, in a moment of relaxation, is albert einstein, albert A blackboard with physicist albert einstein’s theories
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    Or search the encyclopaedia: Einstein, Albert Photographed here in 1937, in a moment of relaxation, is Albert Einstein, whose theories widened 20th-century understanding of physics. Einstein was a pacifist and a supporter of world government as the only path towards world peace. He was also a keen musician and played the violin.
    German-born US physicist whose theories of relativity revolutionized our understanding of matter, space, and time. Einstein established that light may have a particle nature. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his work on theoretical physics, especially the photoelectric law . He also investigated Brownian motion, confirming the existence of atoms. His last conception of the basic laws governing the universe was outlined in his unified field theory , made public in 1953.

    116. Automatische Weiterleitung - Schweitzer
    Eine Biographie des deutschen, vor allem in Afrika t¤tigen Mediziners.

    117. Albert Einstein And The Atomic Bomb
    albert einstein's role in the creation of the atomic bomb and his views on the abombing of Japan.
    and the
    The physicist Albert Einstein did not directly participate in the invention of the atomic bomb. But as we shall see, he was instrumental in facilitating its development. In 1905, as part of his Special Theory of Relativity, he made the intriguing point that a large amount of energy could be released from a small amount of matter. This was expressed by the equation E=mc2 (energy = mass times the speed of light squared). The atomic bomb would clearly illustrate this principle. But bombs were not what Einstein had in mind when he published this equation. Indeed, he considered himself to be a pacifist. In 1929, he publicly declared that if a war broke out he would "unconditionally refuse to do war service, direct or indirect... regardless of how the cause of the war should be judged." (Ronald Clark, "Einstein: The Life and Times", pg. 428). His position would change in 1933, as the result of Adolf Hitler's ascent to power in Germany. While still promoting peace, Einstein no longer fit his previous self-description of being an "absolute pacifist". Research still proceeded slowly, because the invention of the atomic bomb seemed distant and unlikely, rather than a weapon that might be used in the current war. It was not until after the British MAUD Report was presented to FDR in October 1941 that a more accelerated pace was taken. This British document stated that an atomic bomb

    118. Albert Einstein
    Tells about the life of the renowned physicist.
    Albert Einstein
    Can You Believe It? There is a crater on the Moon named after Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He was the first child born to Hermann and Pauline Einstein. Though he attended school as a young boy, he also received instruction at home on Judaism and violin. By the age of twelve he had taught himself geometry. At the age of sixteen he failed an exam in order to qualify to train as an electrical engineer. He remained in school and developed anew plan for his future. Einstein decided to study math and physics so he could become a teacher. Einstein thought he would be good at this because he could think mathematically and abstractly while lacking imagination and practicality. In 1896 he renounced his German citizenship. He was not a citizen of any country until 1901 when he became a citizen of Switzerland. In 1900 he graduated as a teacher of math and physics. His teachers did not think very highly of him though so he had difficulty being recommended for a job at a university. In 1901 he took a job as a temporary high school teacher and married Mileva Maritsch. The couple had two sons prior to divorcing. Einstein later married his cousin Elsa Einstein. From 1902 through 1909, Einstein worked in a patent office in Bern, Switzerland. While working in the patent office he published many papers on theoretical physics. He earned a Ph.D. in 1905. In 1905 Einstein wrote a paper on what is now known as the special theory of relativity. This paper contained two hypotheses. The first stated that the laws of physics had to have the same form in any frame of reference. The second hypothesis stated that the speed of light was a constant. Later that year Einstein also showed how

    119. Einstein, Albert
    The name albert einstein will forever be synonymous with the word genius. albert einstein was a physicist. His most profounding proposal came in 1905
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    Last Updated: May 8th, 2005 - 18:08:45
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    Einstein, Albert
    By Sarah Lane
    May 8, 2005, 15:45
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    Courtesy of the Library of Congress The name Albert Einstein will forever be synonymous with the word genius. Born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Einstein was educated, had graduated, but was mostly self-taught. He married his sweetheart Mileua Maric and together they had two sons. They divorced in 1919 and he married his second cousin, Elsa Lowenthal that same year. He continued to travel and give lectures all over Europe until he finally immigrated to America. He was offered a full time position at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. He continued to be largely involved in political activism until his death on April 18th, 1955 at age 76. He will be remembered for his intelligence and for never hesitating to speak his mind. Source:

    A collection of quotes on Heaven, Heavenly life, death and dying by among others David Brandt Berg and albert einstein.
    Heavenly Quotes Introduction Homesick for Heaven Life After Life! Comfort and Refuge No More Tears Reunion with Loved Ones Our Heavenly Bodies Learning, Learning, Learning! A Down-to-Earth Heaven The Heavenly City Conclusion Cartoonist Arthur Brisbane once pictured a crowd of grieving caterpillars carrying the corpse of a cocoon to its final resting place. The poor, distressed caterpillars, clad in black raiment, were weeping, and all the while the beautiful butterfly fluttered happily above the muck and the mire of Earth, forever freed from its earthly shell.
    Needless to say, Brisbane had the average funeral in mind and sought to convey the idea that when our loved ones pass, it is foolish to remember only the cocoon and concentrate our attention on the remains, while forgetting the bright butterfly. Dr. Werner von Braun, well-known for his part in pioneering the U.S. space program, said that he had "essentially scientific" reasons for believing in life after death. He explained: "Science has found that nothing can disappear without a trace. Nature does not know extinction. All it knows is transformation. If God applies the fundamental principle to the most minute and insignificant parts of the universe, doesn't it make sense to assume that He applies it to the masterpiece of His creation the human soul? I think it does."

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