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         Eccles Sir John Carew:     more detail
  1. Mind and Brain: The Many-Faceted Problems by Sir John [Carew] (1903-1998), ed Eccles, 1982
  2. Mind and Brain: The Many-Faceted Problems by Sir John [Carew] Eccles, 1982-01-01
  3. Fundamental Importance of Brain Research by Sir John [Carew] Eccles, 1966-01-01
  4. The neurophysiological basis of mind; the principles of neurophysiology by John C. (John Carew) Sir (1903-) Eccles, 1960-01-01
  5. Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Leslie Hutchinson, 2001

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82. IntelliGenteMente V5.0
1963, sir john carew eccles , sir ALAN LLOYD HODGKIN and sir ANDREW FIELDINGHUXLEY for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in
intelliMondo, il mondo intelligente: intelliGiochi intelliGenteMente intelliLibri HomePage Gli autori Bibliografia Download ... ......intelliGiochi...... ......intelliGenteMente...... ......intelliLibri...... PREMIO NOBEL PER LA MEDICINA dall'anno 1901 all'anno 2002 SYDNEY BRENNER H. ROBERT HORVITZ and JOHN E. SULSTON for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death. LELAND H. HARTWELL R. TIMOTHY HUNT and PAUL M. NURSE for their discoveries of "key regulators of the cell cycle." ARVID CARLSSON PAUL GREENGARD and ERIC KANDEL for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system. GONTER BLOBEL for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell. ROBERT F. FURCHGOTT LOUIS J. IGNARRO and FERID MURAD for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection PETER C. DOHERTY

83. SkyBlog
En effetun grand neurobiologiste australien, eccles alias sir john carew,
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84. Biografia De John Carew Eccles
Translate this page eccles, sir john carew. (1903-97) Fisiólogo australiano, n. en Melbourne y m.en Contra (Suiza). Fue director del Kanematsu Memorial Institute de patología
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad John Carew Eccles (1903-97) Fisiólogo australiano, n. en Melbourne y m. en Contra (Suiza). Fue director del Kanematsu Memorial Institute de patología en Sydney (1937-43), profesor de las universidades de Otago, de Nueva Zelanda (1944-51), y de Canberra (1951-66), y presidente de la Academia Australiana de Ciencias hasta 1961. Compartió en 1963 el premio Nobel de Medicina con los investigadores Hodgkin y Huxley por sus trabajos sobre la función de las neuronas en la transmisión de impulsos nerviosos,trabajos que realizó basándose en las ecuaciones preparadas por sus colegas. Autor de Actividad refleja de la medula (1932), Pares neurofisiológicos de la mente (1953), Fisiología de la neurona (1957) y Fisiología de las sinapsis (1964). Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

85. John Carew Eccles - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Glossar Zu John Carew Eccles
Translate this page sir john carew eccles (* 27. Januar 1903 in Melbourne , † 2. Mai 1997 in Locarno )war ein australischer Physiologe. Er besuchte die Universitäten in
John Carew Eccles Definitionen, Erklärungen sowie Bedeutungen zu John Carew Eccles
Suche Links zu John Carew Eccles Auktionen bei Amazon Was interessiert Sie? John Carmack John Carpenter John Carradine John Carson ... ... weitere Oft gesucht Detektiv Plastische Chirurgie Ich-AG Spedition ... Notebook Kategorie A B C D ... Z
John Carew Eccles
Sir John Carew Eccles (* 27. Januar in Melbourne in Locarno ) war ein australischer Physiologe.
Er besuchte die Universitäten in Melbourne und Oxford . An letzterer untersuchte er gemeinsam mit dem britischen Physiologen Sherrington , wie Signale zwischen zwei Nervenzellen über den synaptischen Spalt übertragen werden und erkannte in diesem Zusammenhang die Bedeutung der Ionenströme. Von 1937 bis 1966 arbeitete und lehrte Eccles in Australien und Neuseeland . Danach forschte er am American Medical Association Institute for Biomedical Research in Chicago , wo man biomedizinische Untersuchungen durchführt. Im Jahr wurde Eccles Fakultätsmitglied am College der State University of New York in Buffalo . Aufgrund seiner Erkenntnisse über chemische Details, die an gehirnphysiologischen Prozessen beteiligt sind, wurde ihm 1963 gemeinsam mit den britischen Biophysikern Alan Lloyd Hodgkin und Andrew Fielding Huxley der Nobelpreis für Medizin verliehen.
Besonders bekannt wurde die erschienene Schrift "Das Ich und sein Gehirn" (The self and its brain), die Eccles gemeinsam mit

86. John Eccles - Definition By
john eccles n Australian physiologist noted for his research on the by nervecells (19031997) syn eccles, john eccles, sir john carew eccles eccles/
Definition: john eccles
Search dictionary for Source: WordNet (r) 1.7 John Eccles n : Australian physiologist noted for his research on the conduction of impulses by nerve cells (1903-1997) [syn: Eccles , John Eccles, Sir John Carew Eccles
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87. Indian Rhodes Scholarships - About - Alumni
sir john carew eccles. Magdalen. 1963. MEDICINE, jointly with Hodgkin and Huxley,for discovery concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and
Some Famous Oxford Alumni Roger Bacon , scholar John Wyclif , religious reformer Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , Lord Chancellor and churchman Sir Thomas Moore (Saint) , Statesman and scholar Desiderius Erasmus , humanist and scholar Sir Walter Raleigh , explorer and statesman John Donne , poet and philosopher Thomas Hobbes , philosopher Sir Christopher Wren , architect Robert Boyle , physicist and chemist William Penn , reformer and founder of Pennsylvania Edmund Halley , astronomer Jethro Tull , agriculturalist and inventor William Pitt the Elder , British Prime Minister Dr Samuel Johnson , diarist and writer Sir Robert Peel , British Prime Minister Cardinal John Newman , Prelate and theologian William Gladstone , British Prime Minister Edward Burne-Jones , artist William Morris , poet and artist Oscar Wilde , poet and playwright Gertrude Bell , explorer Sir Thomas Beecham , conductor Clement Attlee , British Prime Minister T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) , soldier and diplomat J R R Tolkein , novelist Lord Denning , judge Evelyn Waugh , novelist Senator J W Fulbright , politician and educationalist Theodeor Seuss Geisel , children's author and cartoonist Edward Heath , British Prime Minister Indira Gandhi , Indian Prime Minister Dame Iris Murdoch , novelist and philosopher The Rt Hon Tony Benn , MP, politician Margaret Thatcher , British Prime Minister Sir Robin Day , writer and broadcaster Baroness Williams of Crosby , politician and academic Robert Hawke , Australian Prime Minister Dennis Potter , playwright Stephen Hawking , theoretical physicist Michael Palin

88. John Carew Eccles
sir john war Mitglied der Australian Academy of Sciene, der Royal Society
John Carew Eccles
Sir John Carew Eccles 27. Januar in Melbourne 2. Mai in Locarno ) war ein australischer Physiologe. Er besuchte die Universit¤ten in Melbourne und Oxford . An letzterer untersuchte er gemeinsam mit dem britischen Physiologen Sherrington , wie Signale zwischen zwei Nervenzellen ¼ber den synaptischen Spalt ¼bertragen werden und erkannte in diesem Zusammenhang die Bedeutung der Ionenstr¶me. Von 1937 bis 1966 arbeitete und lehrte Eccles in Australien und Neuseeland . Danach forschte er am American Medical Association Institute for Biomedical Research in Chicago , wo man biomedizinische Untersuchungen durchf¼hrt. Im Jahr wurde Eccles Fakult¤tsmitglied am College der State University of New York in Buffalo . Aufgrund seiner Erkenntnisse ¼ber chemische Details, die an gehirnphysiologischen Prozessen beteiligt sind, wurde ihm 1963 gemeinsam mit den britischen Biophysikern Alan Lloyd Hodgkin und Andrew Fielding Huxley der Nobelpreis f¼r Medizin verliehen. Sir John war Mitglied der Australian Academy of Sciene, der Royal Society und der International Academy of Science
Philosophische Position
Eccles besch¤ftigte sich auch philosophisch mit dem Problem des Bewusstseins . F¼r ihn steht fest, dass nur der Mensch ein „Ich-Bewusstsein“ besitzt. Dieses sei von Zeugung an im Menschen angelegt und entwickle sich durch die Beziehung zur AuŸenwelt in den ersten Lebensjahren.

89. May 15, 1997-Vol28n32: Obituaries
sir john carew eccles, 94, a neurophysiologist whose research on the basicfunctions of nerve cells won a Nobel prize in 1963, died May 2 in Switzerland,
John C. Eccles, 94, Nobel physiologist, emeritus professor Sir John Carew Eccles, 94, a neurophysiologist whose research on the basic functions of nerve cells won a Nobel prize in 1963, died May 2 in Switzerland, where he had lived for the past 22 years. Eccles, who directed the Center for the Study of Neurobiology at UB, retired from the university as emeritus professor in 1975. Eccles shared the Nobel Prize with Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley for work that showed how electrical impulses act across synapses, the junctions between nerve cells. His conclusions led to a better understanding of higher brain functions. The New York Times noted May 4 that his career as researcher, teacher and author, which spanned more than half a century, "was spent at prestigious schools and institutes around the world including the American Medical Associa-tion's Institute for Biomedical Research in Chicago and the State University of New York at Buffalo." Born in Melbourne, Australia, Eccles earned bachelor's and medical degrees from Melbourne University. He won a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford University, where he earned a master's and a doctorate. He conducted the research that led to the Nobel while at the John Curtin School of Medical Research of the Australian National University in Canberra in the 1950s. Eccles was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1958. In 1966 he came to the U.S. to head the American Medical Asso-ciation's Institute for Biomedical Research in Chicago. Two years later, he moved to Buffalo to direct the Center for the Study of Neurobiology at UB. He was named SUNY Distinguished Professor in 1975.

90. John Carew Eccles - Wikipedia
Translate this page sir john war Mitglied der Australian Academy of Sciene, der Royal Society und der Weblinks. Literatur von und über john carew eccles im Katalog der DDB
John Carew Eccles
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Sir John Carew Eccles 27. Januar in Melbourne 2. Mai in Locarno ) war ein australischer Physiologe. Er besuchte die Universit¤ten in Melbourne sowie Oxford als Rhodes-Stipendiat . An letzterer untersuchte er gemeinsam mit dem britischen Physiologen Sherrington , wie Signale zwischen zwei Nervenzellen ¼ber den synaptischen Spalt ¼bertragen werden und erkannte in diesem Zusammenhang die Bedeutung der Ionenstr¶me. Von 1937 bis 1966 arbeitete und lehrte Eccles in Australien und Neuseeland . Danach forschte er am American Medical Association Institute for Biomedical Research in Chicago , wo man biomedizinische Untersuchungen durchf¼hrt. Im Jahr wurde Eccles Fakult¤tsmitglied am College der State University of New York in Buffalo . Aufgrund seiner Erkenntnisse ¼ber chemische Details, die an gehirnphysiologischen Prozessen beteiligt sind, wurde ihm 1963 gemeinsam mit den britischen Biophysikern Alan Lloyd Hodgkin und Andrew Fielding Huxley der Nobelpreis f¼r Medizin verliehen. Sir John war Mitglied der Australian Academy of Sciene, der Royal Society und der International Academy of Science Bearbeiten
Philosophische Position
Eccles besch¤ftigte sich auch philosophisch mit dem Problem des Bewusstseins . F¼r ihn steht fest, dass nur der Mensch ein „Ich-Bewusstsein“ besitzt. Dieses sei von Zeugung an im Menschen angelegt und entwickle sich durch die Beziehung zur AuŸenwelt in den ersten Lebensjahren.

91. Eccles
eccles, sir john carew (szül. 1903. jan. 27. Melbourne, Ausztrália), ausztrálkutató fiziológus, ô fedezte fel a kémiai úton történô ingerületátvitelt,
Eccles, Sir John Carew (szül. 1903. jan. 27. Melbourne, Ausztrália), ausztrál kutató fiziológus, ô fedezte fel a kémiai úton történô ingerületátvitelt, ill. annak gátlását az idegsejtekben. 1963-ban orvosi-élettani Nobel-díjjal tüntetették ki Alan Hodgkinnal és Andrew Huxleyval együtt. Eccles 1951–66 között Canberrában, az Ausztrál Nemzeti Egyetemen dolgozott. Kimutatta, hogy az idegsejt inger által okozott izgalmi állapota az idegvégzôdések egyik fajtáját arra készteti, hogy a szomszédos sejtbe hatoló anyagot (feltehetôen acetilkolint) bocsásson ki. Ez kitágítja az idegsejtmembrán pórusait, ezáltal szabad utat ad a nátriumionoknak, amelyek a szomszédos idegsejtbe hatolva, megfordítják az elektromos töltés polaritását. A töltésváltozásnak ez a sejtrôl sejtre vezetôdô hulláma alkotja az ingerületet. Eccles úgy találta, hogy az izgalmi állapotban levô idegsejt egy másik típusú idegvégzôdést arra késztet, hogy a szomszédos sejtbe olyan anyagot bocsásson ki, amely elôsegíti, hogy a pozitívan töltött káliumionok kiáramoljanak a membránon keresztül. Így a fennálló polaritás megszilárdul, meggátolva az ingerület tovaterjedését. Eccles munkája jórészt Hodgkin és Huxley felfedezéseire támaszkodott, s alapvetô hatást gyakorolt az idegrendszeri betegségek orvosi kezelésére, a vese-, szív- és agymuködés kutatására. Jelentôsebb muvei:

92. Eccles, John Carew - History Of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences At Melbour
Nobel eMuseum, Biography - sir john carew eccles, 1996,http//
Biographical entry
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Eccles, John Carew (1903 - 1997)
AC, MB BS MA D Phil FAA FRS Online Sources Published Sources Neuroscientist Born: 27 January 1903 Northcote, Victoria, Australia. Died: 2 May 1997 Locarno, Switzerland. John Eccles enrolled in medicine at the University of Melbourne after learning that he was too late to enter the mathematics course. He graduated in 1925 and thereafter sought to understand "the problem of the unique experiencing self" and pursued "the vision of a life dedicated to the brain.". He won a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at Oxford under distinguished neurophysiologist, Sir Charles Sherrington. In 1937 he returned to Australia as Director of the Kanematsu Institute at Sydney Hospital. There, with European refugees Bernard Katz and Stephen Kuffler, he studied transmission of signals between nerves and muscles. A move to New Zealand in 1944 led to him meeting philosopher, Karl Popper, and developing a close working relationship with him. After another move, this time to the newly established Australian National University in Canberra, Eccles undertook his groundbreaking work on the ionic mechanism of excitation and inhibition at brain synapses for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963.

93. Perspectives In Biology And Medicine, Volume 44 - Table Of Contents
eccles, john C. (john carew), sir, 1903; Neuroscientists Australia.Central nervous system. Sobel, Richard. Elata, Gerda.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 44.1, Winter 2001

94. AAS-Biographical Memoirs-Eccles
sir john eccles, internationally recognized for his remarkable and john Careweccles was born on 27 January 1903 at Northcote, a suburb of Melbourne.
Australian Academy of Science About the Academy
Biographical memoirs
John Carew Eccles 1903-1997 By David R. Curtis and Per Andersen This memoir was originally published in Historical Records of Australian Science , vol.13, no.4, 2001. A shorter version will appear in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society of London, 2001. Numbers in brackets refer to the bibliography at the end of the text. Introduction Sir John Eccles, internationally recognized for his remarkable and outstanding impact on the neurosciences for more than six decades, died on 2 May 1997 at the age of 94. He carried out his research in Oxford, Sydney, Dunedin, Canberra, Chicago and Buffalo from 1927 until 1975 (441). His numerous scientific papers and books, arising from detailed and pioneering experimental studies of synaptic mechanisms and the organization of neurones in the mammalian central nervous system, continue to have a major influence on brain research. Furthermore, his writings on the mind-brain interaction generated wide interest and debate. Eccles also made his mark as an administrator, particularly at the Australian National University and the Australian Academy of Science, of which he was a Foundation Fellow and the second President. Early years and family background At the age of 12, Eccles began his secondary schooling at Warrnambool High School. After four years, prior to entering the University of Melbourne, he studied science and mathematics for another year at Melbourne High School. He headed the school at the final State-wide examination, shared the State geometry prize and gained a Senior Scholarship to the University. Although deeply interested in mathematics, Eccles chose medicine and commenced his five-year course early in 1920 at the age of 17. He lived at home and attended tutorials at Newman College. His continuing academic successes attracted the attention of a number of professors, including W.A. Osborne (Physiology). As a medical student he was active in university societies and sport, gaining a full blue in athletics for his Australian universities record in pole vaulting.

95. Biographical Index Of English Drama Before 1660
Dutton, Case of sir john Astley = Richard Dutton, Patronage, eccles, sirGeorge Buc = Mark eccles, sir George Buc, Master of the Revels ,
Biographical Index of English Drama Before 1660
Bibliographic References D through F
Davis, George Sandys = Richard Beale Davis, George Sandys, Poet-Adventurer: A Study in Anglo-American Culture in the Seventeenth Century, Columbia, 1955. Davis, King John and Matilda = Joyce O. Davis, ed., Robert Davenport's King John and Matilda: A Critical Editon, Garland, 1980. Davis, Sons of Ben = Joe Lee Davis, The Sons of Ben: Jonsonian Comedy in Caroline England, Wayne State, 1967. Davis, Thomas Campion = Walter R. Davis, Thomas Campion, Twayne, 1987. Davril, Drame de John Ford = Robert Davril, Le Drame de John Ford, Paris: Didier, 1954. Dawson, 'Kent' = Giles E. Dawson, 'Records of Plays and Players in Kent, 1450-1642', Malone Society Collections VII (1965), 1-211. Dawson, Seven Champions of Christendome = Giles Dawson, ed., The Seven Champions of Christendome by John Kirke, Western Reserve University Bulletin 33/16, 1929. Dean, 'Simpson Players' Tour' Demaray, 'Milton's Comus' = John G. Demaray, 'Milton's Comus: The Sequel to a Masque of Circe', HLQ 29 (1966), 245. DeMolen, 'Richard Mulcaster'

96. Neurological Research: From CAMP To Adenosine: An Illuminating Shift Of Focus
one of the most outspoken champions of this view was john carew eccles. With john eccles as head of the Departmentand now entering the most
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Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with It's free! Save it. In a remarkable career, straddling five decades, John Phillis pursued with fierce determination and exceptional energy the main goal of his scientific life, to throw light on the chemical agents that control brain function. Starting in Australia, he settled in North America, first in Canada, then in the USA, where his long tenure at Wayne State brought his career to its culmination. [Neurol Res 2005; 27: 129-136] BACKGROUND Continue article Advertisement
Stimulated by the remarkable success of the research on the muscle endplate, Eccles (by that time in Dunedin, NZ) was soon able to report parallel intracellular observations from spinal motoneurons of cats2. Several other groups also attempted intracellular studies in the CNS, but thanks to his long experience of research on spinal reflexes (originally with Sherrington), the large size of motoneurons (which made them both readily identified and very suitable for prolonged recordings) and no doubt his uncommon energy, Eccles forged ahead of the field (Figure 1). The gratifying success of his experiments, however, forced him to review his previously firm conviction that central synapses could only operate by an electrical mechanism.

97. John Carew Eccles

98. DISF - Dizionario Interdisciplinare Di Scienza E Fede | Eccles, John Carew (1903
Translate this page La vita di john carew eccles è stata un esempio di creatività culturale e dirigore metodologico. Ed anche di coraggio intellettuale, nel senso del non
Il Progetto DISF Home Dizionario Eccles, John Carew (1903 - 1997)
Eccles, John Carew (1903 - 1997)
Andrea Guerritore
I. Un profilo biografico - II. La problematica scientifica del rapporto fra la mente e il corpo - III. Le convinzioni filosofiche - IV. Il mistero della interazione fra mente e cervello. La vita di John Carew Eccles è stata un esempio di creatività culturale e di rigore metodologico. Ed anche di coraggio intellettuale, nel senso del non tirarsi indietro di fronte a quelli che riteneva essere gli autentici e fondamentali problemi della ricerca umana, pur se impervi e poco di moda. Il titolo di uno dei suoi libri, Affrontare la realtà Facing reality , New York 1970), potrebbe essere bene applicato a tutta la sua intensa attività di scienziato e di pensatore.
I. Un profilo biografico
The Human Mystery , Berlin 1979). Da biologo e da medico ritenne quindi di dover concentrare la sua attenzione sul sistema corporeo che massimamente appariva collegato con le facoltà spirituali: il cervello. E scelse deliberatamente come suo maestro Sherrington, di cui conosceva, oltre che la bravura, le chiare affermazioni spiritualiste, così controcorrente nel clima scientifico positivista di allora. Nel suo articolo My Scientific Odyssey Eccles realizzò quindi un suo maturo desiderio quando, come vincitore di una borsa di studio, potè entrare nel

99. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Burnet, Sir Macfarlane@ HighBeam Resea
1970 sir Bernard Katz, United Kingdom Lynen, Germany. 1963 sir JohnCarew eccles, Australia United States. 1960 sir Frank Macfarlane

100. International: Italiano: Salute: Medicina: Medici E Ricercatori: Eccles, Sir Joh
Translate this page International Italiano Salute Medicina Medici e Ricercatori eccles, sir JohnCarew - Open Site.
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