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Dunant Jean Henri: more detail | ||||||
41. DUNANT, Jean Henri, Un Souvenir De Solferino. Ne Se Vend Pas. Folio (278 x 177 mm), pp ii 115, with one double page map (partly colourprinted); lightly browned, a good copy in contemporary cloth-backed boards, http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks/2321.html | |
42. Henri Dunant henri dunant was born in Geneva, Switzerland, on 8th May, 1828. His father, jeanJacques dunant, was the superintendent of an orphanage and supervisor of http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/EUdunant.htm | |
43. Henry Dunant -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article jean henri dunant (May 8, 1828 October 30, 1910) (often called Henry dunant or henri dunant) was a (The natives or inhabitants of Switzerland) Swiss http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/h/he/henry_dunant.htm | |
44. Jean Henri Dunant - Nobelpreis Für Den Frieden Translate this page jean henri dunant. * 8. 5. 1828, Genf (Schweiz) 30. 10. 1910, Heiden (Schweiz). Gründer des Internationalen Komitees des Roten Kreuzes. Webmaster Services http://www.nobelpreis.org/frieden/dunant.html | |
45. Dunant - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary Search Mamma.com for dunant . TYPE IN YOUR WORD CLICK GO! Search Du·nant Listen d nä , dü- , jean henri 1828-1910. http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/d/d0423100.html | |
46. Encyclopedia: Jean Henri Dunant Other descriptions of jean henri dunant. jean henri dunant (May 8, 1828 October 30, 1910) (often called Henry dunant or henri dunant) was a Swiss http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Jean-Henri-Dunant | |
47. Encyclopedia: Henri Dunant Other descriptions of henri dunant. jean henri dunant (May 8, 1828 October 30, 1910) (often called Henry dunant or henri dunant) was a Swiss businessman http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Henri-Dunant | |
48. HENRI DUNANT On June 24, 1859, a young Swiss businessman named jean henri dunant arrived at the village of Solferino in northern Italy. He was horrified by what he saw. http://www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/personal_dev/pmre/links/pmre_H_DUNANT.html | |
49. Qlink.queensu.ca/~4ktgs/g-redx.html Henry dunant Art History Online Reference and GuideHenry dunant. (Redirected from jean henri dunant). jean henri dunant (May 8, 1828 - October 30, 1910) (often called Henry dunant or henri dunant) was a http://qlink.queensu.ca/~4ktgs/g-redx.html |
50. Thank God For The Red Cross! The Red Cross was birthed from the vision and drive of jean henri dunant, who received the worlds first Nobel Peace Prize. http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/cr0110.htm | |
51. Jean Henri Dunant Translate this page jean henri dunant Fundador de la Cruz Roja Nació el día 8 de mayo de 1828 en Ginebra, Suiza. Fue el primero de cinco hijos de una familia rica y considerada http://buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=2981 |
52. Swisspolitics.org | Politician, Election, Vote, Referendum, Initiative, Parliame Surname, dunant. First name, jean henri. Adress, Luftmattstrasse 12. Town/City, Basel. Homepage, http//www.jeanhenri-dunant.ch http://www.swisspolitics.org/en/politnavigator/index.php?page=whoiswho_politiker |
53. Swisspolitics.org | Politiker, Abstimmungen, Wahlen, Initiativen, Referenden Translate this page Abstimmungsverhalten von jean henri dunant in den letzten zehn Namensabstimmungen im Rat. Name, dunant. Vorname, jean henri. Adresse, Luftmattstrasse 12 http://www.swisspolitics.org/de/politnavigator/index.php?page=whoiswho_politiker |
54. Société Henry Dunant, Genève - Biographie 1 Né le 8 mai 1828, le héros de cette biographie est baptisé au nom de jeanhenri dunant. A plusieurs reprises, il modifiera son prénom J. Henry, henri, http://www.shd.ch/?a=6506&p=10073 |
55. Entrez PubMed In memory of jean henri dunant Article in Hungarian Kapronczay K. Publication Types Biography Historical Article MeSH Terms http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=3 |
56. Biographie: Henri Dunant, 1828-1910 Translate this page Mai henri dunant wird in Genf als Sohn von jean-Jacques dunant und dessen Frau Antoinette (geb. Colladon) geboren. 1837-1848 dunant begleitet seine Mutter http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/DunantHenri/ | |
57. Jean Henri Dunant dunant si può ricondurre alla sanguinosa battaglia di Solferino del 24 giugno 1859 che http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/jean_henri_dunant.html | |
58. International Red Cross Founder Southeastern Michigan American The Red Cross was birthed from the vision and drive of jean henri dunant, who received Tragically, jean henri dunant subsequently suffered from business http://www.semredcross.org/news/news_2001/history_101201.htm | |
59. Henri Dunant Henry dunant Powieksz. Henry dunant. Medal Nagrody Nobla. jean henri dunant (8 maja 1828 30 pazdziernika 1910) (Henry dunant, henri dunant) to http://encyklopedia.servis.pl/wiki/Henri_Dunant | |
60. Henry Dunant Henry dunant. Henry dunant AKA jean henri dunant. Born 8May-1828 Birthplace Geneva, Switzerland Died 30-Oct-1910 Location of death Heiden, Switzerland http://www.nndb.com/people/848/000091575/ | |
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