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         Ducommun Elie:     more detail
  1. Precis Historique Du Mouvement En Faveur De La Paix (1899) (French Edition) by Elie Ducommun, 2010-09-10
  2. Kantonspolitiker (Genf): Micheline Calmy-Rey, Guillaume-Henri Dufour, Gustave Ador, Adrien Lachenal, Charles Pictet de Rochemont, Élie Ducommun (German Edition)
  3. Swiss Nobel Laureates: Albert Einstein, Henry Dunant, Felix Bloch, Richard R. Ernst, Emil Theodor Kocher, Élie Ducommun
  4. People From Geneva: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Henry Dunant, Élie Ducommun, Louis, Duke of Savoy, Jacques Necker
  5. People From the Canton of Geneva: People From Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Henry Dunant, Élie Ducommun, Louis
  6. Précis Historique Du Mouvement En Faveur De La Paix (French Edition) by Elie Ducommun, 2010-05-25
  7. The probable consequences of a European war by Elie Ducommun, 1906

41. Nobels Fredspris Gjennom 100 år - Elie Docommun
elie Docommun ducommun ble født i Genève i 1833. Han arbeidet som lærer og redaktør. Han ble også en ledende lokalpolitiker og ble i 1862 kansler.
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42. WHKMLA : History Of Switzerland, 1891-1914
FILES, Biography of elie ducommun, from Nobel eMuseum Biography of Charles Albert Gobat, from Nobel e-Museum Biography of Hermann Hesse, from Hermann
Switzerland 1891-1914
A.) Foreign Policy

Switzerland, in continuation of her traditional policy of NEUTRALITY and aware of nationalism and imperialism fervent in her neighbouring countries and of the arms race going on, promoted international agreements aiming on the peaceful regulation of international relations, such as the PEACE CONFERENCES in Den Haag ("the Hague") in 1899 and 1907. When, largely due to the effort of French Pacifist PIERRE DE COUBERTIN, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) was founded, it established her headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1901 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Swiss JEAN HENRI DUNANT, the founder of the International Red Cross (1863) and organixer of the (first) Geneva Convention (1864); the Nobel Peace Prize for 1902 went to Elie Ducommun and Charles Albert Gobat, both Swiss, honorary secretaries of the INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU, BERNE (est. 1891); in 1908 and 1913, the institute, renamed Permanent International Peace Bureau , was again honoured by the prize being awarded to her presidents, Dane Fredrik Bajer (1908) and Belgian Henri La Fontaine (1913).

The 21st Sept 2002 (International Day of Peace) was the occasion for the unveiling of a bust to IPB´s first SecretaryGeneral, elie ducommun,

44. Article - Noble Prizes 1901 - 2002 - Presented By ©NewsFinder.Org - All Rights
ducommun, elie, Switzerland, 18331906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Bern;

45. Odin - The Nobel Peace Prize
ducommun, elie, Switzerland, 1833 — 1906. Honorary Secretary Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Berne;
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The Nobel Peace Prize
In his will of 1895 Alfred Nobel stipulated that the scientific prizes and the prize for literature should be awarded by Swedish institutions. But the decision regarding the peace prize he left to a committee appointed by the Norwegian parliament, the Storting. The reasons why the Swede Alfred Nobel entrusted this honourable task to the Norwegian national assembly are not quite clear. Norway and Sweden had been united under the same sovereign since 1814, but towards the end of the century Norwegian agitation for the dissolution of that union became increasingly strong. It may well be that this gesture was an attempt to defuse a conflict that threatened to explode. On the other hand there is nothing to indicate that Nobel was particularly involved in this constitutional crisis, living outside Sweden as he did for most of his life. Another explanation might lie in his presumed respect for the work of the Storting in the international field: for instance, its decision of 1880 in favour of international arbitration and its active support of the interparliamentary movement. The fact that the Storting appoints the five members of the Peace Prize Selection Committee does not imply that it is as such responsible for the Committee¹s decisions. The Committee is a completely independent body.

46. Albert Gobat
He won this award, which he shared, in 1902, with his friend and compatriot, elie ducommun, in recognition of their dedication to the cause of peace.
Historical focus:
Nobel Peace Prize in 1902
First IPU Secretary General

Albert Gobat, the first Secretary General of the Union, was also one of the eight leading figures in early IPU history who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He won this award, which he shared, in 1902, with his friend and compatriot, Elie Ducommun, in recognition of their dedication to the cause of peace. Gobat held the following offices: State Councillor for the Canton of Berne from 1884 to 1912; National Councillor from 1890 to 1914; Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union from 1892-1909; and Director of the International Peace Bureau from 1911 to 1914. In 1882, he was appointed by two electoral communities to the Grand Council and was nominated State Councillor. He further served as Head of the Department of Public Education of the Canton of Berne (1884-1906) and of the Department of Domestic Affairs (1906-1912). Gobat staunchly supported the principle of equal pay for men and women, especially in the case of telegraphers. In 1902, he prompted the adoption of a resolution whereby the Confederation would always resort to arbitration to resolve disputes concerning the interpretation of trade agreements. The pursuit of such objectives was to characterize Gobat's political activities throughout his mandate as Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The IVth Inter-Parliamentary Conference was held in Berne in 1892. The presidency and organization of the Conference was entrusted to Gobat, who master-minded a project to establish a "Permanent Central Bureau" under the official title "Inter-Parliamentary Bureau for Permanent Arbitration". Most of what the project proposed was accepted by delegates. The Bureau's Headquarters were to be in Berne and its director was to be appointed by the National Groups.

47. Political System_Cooperation UN_Greater Zurich Area_Switzerland_Europe
The Genevan elie ducommun was a cofounder of the Permanent International Peace Bureau in Berne in 1892. Albert Gobat became head of the Peace Bureau after

48. FAQ
2.2.4 Swiss Nobel Prize winners 1901 Henry Dunant, Peace (red cross) 1902 elie ducommun, Charles Albert Gobat (Peace) 1909 Emil Theodor Kocher (Medicine)
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From: (Marc SCHAEFER) Newsgroups: soc.genealogy hierarchy (French-speaking: fr.rec.genealogie ). Also note that Swiss genealogy is mostly discussed in the newsgroup soc.genealogy.german (don't be afraid of the ``german'' :-)) As a general advice, please consult the newsgroup news.announce.newusers (Christian ZIMMERMANN) (this version is usually up to-date, and is faster for North America). Note that this posting is automatically archived somewhere in Note for French-speaking people: there is a FAQ about accentuation in the USENET news system available in fr.usenet.8bits it contains very interesting information about the federal sessions, members and issues. 2.5 Issues 2.5.1 Federalism and multiculturalism One of the riches of Switzerland is its multi-cultural fabric: recently, the Parliament recognized Rumantsch as an official language (before, it was only a national language, i.e. not used in the administration). After the mandatory vote (March 96) for the change in the Federal Constitution, Rumantsch is now a national and an official language in Switzerland. Most people in Switzerland want to preserve the national cohesion: however, there are differences between cultural regions (and between town and rural areas) and sometimes it poses problems (recent votes have shown the distance between, for example, French-speaking regions and Swiss-German-speaking region, and between small towns and rural areas and big cities). About Rumantsch: The URL

49. Geneva For Peace - Elie Ducommun
Translate this page Comme aucune biographie ne retrace la vie et l’œuvre d’elie ducommun, il a paru utile Octavie Adèle et elie ducommun entourent leur petite-fille Aline

50. Constantijn Huygens Instituut - Arthur Eyffinger
A Portrait of elie ducommun retraced in The Hague , in elie ducommun 18331906 (2002), 51-92. Lectures 2002/2003 • April 2002 Lucerne.
Arthur Eyffinger
The Hague, 10 October 1947
Academic Training
1967-1974: Classics, Leyden University (Latin; Greek; Humanist Latin)
1974-1976: Postdoctoral Neo-Latin / Humanist Studies Amsterdam University
1977-1981: Ph. D. Classics Amsterdam University
1981: Dissertation on aspects of Hugo Grotius' literary works
Grotius Poeta ); promotor: Prof. J. IJsewijn
1984: Research at Cambridge (Clare)
Professional Career
1970-1985: Grotius Institute of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam, Editor Works of Hugo Grotius
1970-1973: Bachelor research assistant
1973-1975: Graduate research assistant
1975-1980: Co-editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
1981-1985: Editor series Poetry Hugo Grotius
1985-1988: Deputy-Director Peace Palace Library 1988-2002: Head Librarian International Court of Justice (U.N.) 2003-present: Director Judicap
Major Affiliations
1980-present: Co-Founder and Board Member Grotiana Foundation 1980-2000: Secretary Grotiana Foundation 1980-2002: Editor Journal Grotiana N.S.

51. History, Official Bulletin
After the July session, elie ducommun, translator at the National Council and publicist, prints the negotiations concerning the revision of the Federal

pdf format
A glance at the history of the Official Bulletin Introduction Chronicle From 1848 until the Present Day by François Comment 1. The most important events at a glance Beginning of discussion concerning the publication of the debates of National Council and Council of States. Some twenty motions and ten trial publications by 1891. Creation of the Stenographic Service and publication of the «Official Stenographical Bulletin». Merely plenary debates about decrees subject to referendum recorded and published verbatim. Remaining parts of the debates recorded but not published. Recording of the parliamentary debates on magnetic tape.
Gradual replacement of stenographers by editors. Bulletin renamed «Official Bulletin». Complete publication of all parliamentary debates. Introduction of electronic text processing (ETP). ETP replaced by a network of PCs, which extends scope of applications.

52. Du Peuple Nation | L’Europe D’Humanistes Pacifistes à Genève
Translate this page Commençons par l’aîné, elie ducommun, né en 1833. 3 elie ducommun - 1833-1906, Association « Genève, un lieu pour la paix, Genève, 2002.

53. Élie Ducommun - Wikipedia
(Omdirigert fra elie ducommun). ducommun i 1902 Forstørr. ducommun i 1902. Élie ducommun (født 19. februar 1833, død 7. desember 1906) var en sveitser,
‰lie Ducommun
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi.
(Omdirigert fra Elie Ducommun Ducommun i 1902 ‰lie Ducommun (f¸dt 19. februar , d¸d 7. desember ) var en sveitser, som i vant Nobels fredspris sammen med Charles Albert Gobat Denne biografiske artikkelen er dessverre veldig kort . Om du vet mer om personen, kan du hjelpe Wikipedia ved ¥ utvide den. Flere biografiske stubber Ny bruker? Hentet fra « Kategorier Stubber 2005-09 Biografistubber ... Nobelprisvinnere (fred) Visninger Personlige verkt¸y Navigasjon S¸k Verkt¸y Andre spr¥k

ducommun, elie (18331906) 1902 Baris Ödülü Carducci, Giosue (1851-1925) 1906 Edebiyat Ödülü RooseVelt, Theodore (1858-1919) 1906 Baris Ödülü
Dünya'da Ünlü Masonlar Dünyada bir çok devlet adamý, sanatçý, din adamý, yazar Masondur. Aþaðýda bu isimlerin çoðunu sýraladýðýmýzda normal yaþamlarýnda birbiri ile halef selef olmuþ, deðiþik siyasi gruplarda yer almýþ, kimi zaman deðiþik siyasi yaklaþýmlarý benimsemiþ olan kiþilerin olduðu kolayca görülebilecektir. Günlük siyasi çekiþmelerin, kiþiler arasý her türlü ayýrým ve ayrýcalýðýn dýþýnda kalmayý ilke edinen Masonluðun insan sevgisi, özgürlük, eþitlik gibi temel ilkeler dýþýnda bir yaklaþýmý benimsemesinin mümkün olmadýðýnýn belki de en güzel göstergesi budur.
Aþaðýda dünyada tanýnmýþ halen hayatta olmayan bazý Masonlar sýralanmaktadýr. Bu isimlerin bilimin, düþüncenin evrenselliðini ortaya koyan birer örnek oluþturduðu açýkça görülmektedir. Nobel Ödüllü Masonlar Devlet Baþkanlarý ve Hükümdarlar Devlet Baþkanlarý - Cumhurbaþkanlarý Devlet Adamlarý ve Politikacýlar ... Sinema Sanatçýlarý Nobel Ödüllü Masonlar Dunant, Jean Henri (1828-1910) 1901 Barýþ Ödülü

55. Élie Ducommun - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
W 1902 ducommun zostal laureatem Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, wraz z Charlesem Leksykon PWN, Warszawa 2001; sylwetka elie ducommuna (w jezyku angielskim)Élie_Ducommun
‰lie Ducommun
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
‰lie Ducommun 19 lutego 7 grudnia szwajcarski działacz polityczny, publicysta, laureat Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla Studiował w Genewie , podjął następnie pracę prywatnego nauczyciela w bogatej rodzinie w Saksonii . Pracował także w szkolnictwie publicznym. Od był dziennikarzem, związanym z redakcjami pism genewskich ("Revue the Geneve"), p³Åºniej w Bernie ("Der Fortschritt", wydawane także w języku francuskim jako "Progres"; "Helvetie"). Redagował pismo wsp³Å‚zakładanej przez siebie w Międzynarodowej Ligi na rzecz Pokoju i Wolności "Les Etats-Unis d'Europe", a także biuletyn Międzynarodowego Stałego Biura Pokoju . Przez pewien czas pracował ponadto jako sekretarz generalny kompanii Kolei Jurajsko-Simplońskiej (do Był aktywnym działaczem politycznym; zasiadał w Wielkiej Radzie w Genewie ( ), pełniąc funkcje wicekanclerza i kanclerza rządu lokalnego, potem także w Wielkiej Radzie w Bernie (1865- ). Od pełnił funkcję honorowego sekretarza generalnego Międzynarodowego Stałego Biura Pokoju. W Ducommun został laureatem Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla , wraz z Charlesem Albertem Gobatem , za całokształt wieloletniej działalności na rzecz pokoju na świecie. Opublikował wiele prac poświęconych pacyfizmowi,

Translate this page ducommun, elie (1833-1907) - Publicista e filántropo suíço. Criador da Oficina Internacional da Paz. Prêmio Nobel da Paz em 1902.ção_maçons.html
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pelo Ven.Irmão Ethiel Omar Cartes González
Loja Guatimozín 66
Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de São Paulo (Brazil)

O objetivo desta relação é para dar a conhecer todos aqueles maçons que, em diferentes atividades, promoveram o desenvolvimento da Humanidade, ultrapassando as fronteiras da sua própria nação, e receber as homenagens e a admiração de todos nossos Irmãos. Aclaramos que nossa relação não está completa.
ALDRIN JR, EDWIN EUGENE (1930- ) - Astronauta norte-americano, membro da Loja Clear Lake No 1417, Texas, e dos Corpos do Rito Escocês. Na Lua, no Mar da Tranqüilidade, Aldrin fincou a bandeira com o emblema da Loja Azul, em 20 de julho de 1969 (Fonte: Who's who in America), edição 76/77)
ALLENDE GOSSENS, SALVADOR (1909-1973) - Presidente do Chile, neto do Dr. Ramón Allende Padín que foi o 7o Grão Mestre da Grande Loja do Chile. Salvador Allende foi Venerável Mestre da Loja Hiran No 65, Santiago.
ARANDA, PEDRO PABLO ABARCA DA BOLEA, Décimo Conde de (1718-1798) - Primeiro Ministro de Carlos III da Espanha. Foi iniciado na Prússia; primeiro Grão Mestre da Ordem na Espanha. Em 1765 foi eleito Grão Mestre da Grande Loja Mãe da Franco-Maçonaria Espanhola, emancipando-se da Grande Loja da Inglaterra. Iniciou Francisco de Miranda na Ordem.

57. Kalender
Translate this page elie ducommun 73 Jahre, Schweiz Politiker und Schriftsteller (30.11.2002) Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1833 Genf +7 Dez 1906 Bern
M i t i n f o k a l e n d e r F e b
Februar April Mai ... (suchen) Franz Adickes
Inhalt suchen oben
*19 Feb 1846 +4 Feb 1915 Frankfurt a.M.
Svante August Arrhenius
Inhalt suchen oben
*19 Feb 1859 +2 Okt 1927 Stockholm
1903 Nobelpreis Nobelpreise Leslie Ash 43 Jahre, Schauspielerin Inhalt suchen oben
*19 Feb 1960
Wladyslaw Bartoszewski Inhalt suchen oben
*19 Feb 1922 Warschau
Justine Bateman Inhalt suchen oben
*19 Feb 1966 Rye/New York Filme Kathleen Beller Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1956 Filme Heribert Blens 67 Jahre, Bundestagsabge. (CDU) Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1936 Bundestag Thomas Brasch Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1945 +4 Nov 2001 Jeff Daniels Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1955 Chelsea (Michigan) Filme Danny De Munk Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1970 Amsterdam Filme Jacques Deray Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1929 +9 Aug 2003 Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1915 Bundesliga Elie Ducommun Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1833 +7 Dez 1906 Bern 1902 Friedensnobelpreis mit C. Gobat Nobelpreise Jacques Dufilho Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1914 Begle (Gironde) Filme Falco Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1957 +6 Feb 1998 Puerto Plata (Dominikanische Republik) Dora Flinner Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1940 Heilbronn/Neckar Bundestag John Frankenheimer Inhalt suchen oben *19 Feb 1930 New York NY.

58. LucasLab - Nobels 1901-1910
ducommun, elie. for his work as the untiring and skillful director of the Berne Peace Bureau and therefore head of the united work of all the peace
Lucas Laboratory Ionian Development Nobels of the period 1901-1910 Physics: Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad "In recognition of the extraordinary merit gained by the discovery of the special rays bearing his name" Medicine: von Behring, Emil Adolph "for his work on serum therapy, especially its application again dipheria" Peace: Dunant, Jean Henri "for his work in organizing the Geneva Conventions of 1863 and 1864 and the international Red Cross" Passy, Frederic "for his efforts over 50 years in the peace movements" Literature: Prudhomme, Rene-Francois-Armend "In special recognition of his poetic composition" Chemistry: Van't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus "In recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions" Physics: Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon "In recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena" Medicine: Ross, Ronald, Sir

59. Elie Mp3 Download
elie ducommun.mp3, 1.2, 03.10.02 . elie ducommun, 19, 00116, 128, S, 44. 4, elie et Dieudonné Reunion de chant, 3.0, 01.06.11, 00623, 64, M, 44
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Mb : file size (Mbyte) Br : bitrate (kbps) Ch : channel (mono/stereo) Sf : sampling frequency File Mb Date Artist Title Year Album Comment Lenght Br Ch Sf Elie LEVI 20 Ans Dj S Tegancat Feat. Elie Another Party Song-2Step Rmx Pleasure (Tegancat Music) Remixed by e:trinity S 40. Elie Ducommun.mp3 . Elie Ducommun S Elie et Dieudonné - Reunion de chant M Elie LEVI 40 Ans Dj S Elie LEVI 40 Ans Dj S Elie et Dieudonné - Commissaire.mp3 M Elie LEVI 50 Ans Dj S Elie LEVI 30 ans dj S Elie_LEVI_-_Tire_pas_sur_mon_coeur.m Elie LEVI Tire pas sur mon coeur S 26 - Leo, Lea, Elie.mp3 M Akira Tsuchiya. Archemic fantasia (C)GUST CO.,LTD. S Elie LEVI Je t'aime bien plus S Elie LEVI 18 Ans Dj S elie.mp3 L.L. de Mars Pour Gabriel Pour Elie Chanson idiote pour S DJ STAX vs Elie Semoun Que tu sois Blonde... Another Day S DJ STAX vs Elie Semoun Que tu sois blonde(review mix) Another Day

60. SGLA - GLSA - GLAS - Agenda
Translate this page Décembre, elie ducommun - centenaire de sa mort. Dicembre, elie ducommun – a cent’anni dalla morte. Diese Studienthemen für das Jahr 2006 sind für die
Studienthemen / Themes d'etude / Temi di studio
No. Thema / Thème / Temi Redaktions-Schluss / Délai réd. Oktober Die Freimaurerei im Internet – ein Paradoxon? Octobre La Franc-maçonnerie sur l’internet, un paradoxe? Ottobre La Massoneria su Internet – un paradosso? November Freimaurerei und Xenophobie Novembre La Franc-maçonnerie et la xénophobie Novembre La Massoneria e la xenofobia Dezember Freimaurerei – eine moderne Idee Décembre Modernité de la pensée maçonnique Dicembre La modernità del pensiero massonico Diese Studienthemen für das Jahr 2005 sind für die Bauhütten bestimmt. Sie werden noch an jede einzelne Loge separat versandt werden. Falls ein Bruder sich für die Bearbeitung eines dieser zehn Themenvorschläge interessiert, soll er sich rechtzeitig mit der Redaktion in Verbindung setzen. Die Brüder können die Themen individuell oder gemeinsam in ihrer Loge bearbeiten. Wir bitten die Autoren, die Daten des Redaktionsschlusses einzuhalten. Um die Arbeit des Redaktors zu erleichtern, ist es erwünscht, die Beiträge auf Diskette oder per E-mail zu senden. Mauro Pedretti, Grossredner

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