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         Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice:     more books (23)
  1. Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work by Abraham Pais, Maurice Jacob, et all 2005-09-08
  2. Tributes to Paul Dirac,
  3. Dirac: A Scientific Biography by Helge Kragh, 2005-07-21
  4. High-Energy Physics : In Honor of P.A.M. Dirac in His 80th Year (Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol 20)
  5. Part 1: The Fundamental Equations of Quantum Mechanics 1925-1926. Part 2: The Reception of the New Quantum Mechanics 1925-1926 (The Historical Development of Quantum Theory) by Jagdish Mehra, Helmut Rechenberg, 1982-12-01
  6. Antiparticle: An entry from UXL's <i>UXL Encyclopedia of Science</i>
  7. A Mathematical Introduction to Dirac's Formalism (North-Holland Mathematical Library) by S. J. L. Van Eijndhoven, 1986-12
  8. Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures by Richard P. Feynman, Steven Weinberg, 1987-11-27
  9. Aspects of Quantum Theory

21. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (19021984) - fizykangielski, jeden z twórców mechaniki kwantowej.
Nauka i Edukacja w Science Servis - Polski Serwis Naukowy Astronomia Biologia Chemia Fizyka ... Encyklopedia
Paul Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ) - fizyk angielski, jeden z tw³rc³w mechaniki kwantowej P. A. M. Dirac urodził się 8 sierpnia roku w Bristolu , hrabstwo Gloucestershire w Anglii . Zmarł 20 października roku. Najważniejszym wkładem P. A. M. Diraca w rozw³j mechaniki kwantowej jest odkryte przez niego w roku r³wnanie falowe opisujące elektron w spos³b relatywistycznie niezmienniczy. Dzisiaj znane jest ono jako r³wnanie Diraca . R³wnanie to pozwolił mu na przewidzenie istnienie pozytonu antycząstki elektronu, kt³re zostało potwierdzone w roku przez Andersona. R³wnanie Diraca pozwoliło także na wyjaśnienie pochodzenia spinu elektronu. W została wydana jego najbardziej znana książka The Principles of Quantum Mechanics Podstawy mechaniki kwantowej ). Zawierała ona pierwszy systematyczny wykład teorii operator³w liniowych jako uog³lnienia formalizm³w wprowadzonych przez Erwina Schr¶dingera i Wernera Heisenberga . W książce tej Dirac wprowadził także zapis wektor³w ket i bra , stosowany dzisiaj powszechnie w fizyce.

22. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Wikipédia
Translate this page Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (8 de Agosto de 1902 -20 de Outubro de 1984) nasceu em Bristol, Inglaterra, estudou engenharia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
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Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 8 de Agosto de 20 de Outubro de ) nasceu em Bristol Inglaterra , estudou engenharia el©trica na Universidade de Bristol , completando o curso em . Em se formou em Matem¡tica e recebeu uma bolsa de pesquisa no St. John's College , na Universidade de Cambridge Em , para sua tese de Doutorado, desenvolveu uma vers£o da Mec¢nica Qu¢ntica que incorporava a “Mec¢nica Matricial” de Werner Heisenberg com a “Mec¢nica Ondulat³ria” de Erwin Schr¶dinger num ºnico formalismo matem¡tico. Em , desenvolveu a chamada Equa§£o de Dirac , que descreve o comportamento relativ­stico do el©tron . Essa teoria levou Dirac a prever a existªncia do p³sitron , a antipart­cula do el©tron, que foi observado experimentalmente em por Carl Anderson . Em Dirac recebeu, junto com Erwin Schr¶dinger o Prªmio Nobel de F­sica
Vencedor do Pr©mio Nobel
de F­sica de Retirado de "

23. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Wikipédia
Translate this page Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac. Origem Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. (Redirecionadode Paul Dirac). Este artigo é somente um esboço para um artigo maior.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
(Redirecionado de Paul Dirac Este artigo © somente um esbo§o para um artigo maior.
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Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 8 de Agosto de 20 de Outubro de ) nasceu em Bristol Inglaterra , estudou engenharia el©trica na Universidade de Bristol , completando o curso em . Em se formou em Matem¡tica e recebeu uma bolsa de pesquisa no St. John's College , na Universidade de Cambridge Em , para sua tese de Doutorado, desenvolveu uma vers£o da Mec¢nica Qu¢ntica que incorporava a “Mec¢nica Matricial” de Werner Heisenberg com a “Mec¢nica Ondulat³ria” de Erwin Schr¶dinger num ºnico formalismo matem¡tico. Em , desenvolveu a chamada Equa§£o de Dirac , que descreve o comportamento relativ­stico do el©tron . Essa teoria levou Dirac a prever a existªncia do p³sitron , a antipart­cula do el©tron, que foi observado experimentalmente em por Carl Anderson . Em Dirac recebeu, junto com Erwin Schr¶dinger o Prªmio Nobel de F­sica
Vencedor do Pr©mio Nobel
de F­sica de Retirado de "

24. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice
dirac paul adrien maurice . Articles Obtenez plus de résultats pour dirac paul adrien maurice
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25. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Viquipèdia
Paul Dirac (Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac) nascut el 8 d’agost de 1902 aBristol (Anglaterra), si bé tingué nacionalitat suïssa com el seu pare.
Ho hem aconseguit! S'han recollit m©s de 240.000 US$ durant els 21 dies de recollida de fons . Gr cies! Els donatius encara s³n benvinguts i a m©s podeu adquirir articles de la botiga Wikimedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
De Viquip¨dia
Paul Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ) nascut el 8 d’agost de a Bristol Anglaterra ), si b© tingu© nacionalitat su¯ssa com el seu pare. Mort el 20 d'octubre de El entr  al Merchant Venturer’s Technical College de Bristol, on reb© una educaci³ "moderna", comparada amb l’habitual a la resta d’Anglaterra, i Europa (lleng¼es modernes en lloc de grec i llat­ , ci¨ncies en lloc de mitologia grega , etc.) El inici  els estudis d'enginyeria el¨ctrica a la Universitat de Bristol. El desenvolup  una versi³ del la mec nica qu ntica , incloses la “Mec nica de Matrius”, i la “Mec nica d'Ones”, com a casos especials, a partir dels treballs de Pauli . Aquesta teoria descriu l' electr³ , i l' esp­n , i prediu l'exist¨ncia del positr³ . S'haur  d'esperar al per que Anderson observi aquesta part­cula. Obtingut de "

26. LbTa0a0a3:: Historia: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 19021984. A la Universitat de Moscú hi ha una vella Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac va deixar aquest món el 20 d octubre de 1984,
Paul Adrien Maurice
A la Universitat de Moscú hi ha una vella tradició que consisteix que cada físic important escrigui una frase en un llibre. N'hi ha una que diu: "Una llei física ha de posseir bellesa matemàtica". Aquesta frase resumeix el pensament científic de la persona que la va escriure l'any 1956: Paul Andrien Maurice Dirac.
El científic
Dirac va néixer a Bristol el 8 d'agost de 1902. El seu pare, Charles Dirac, era suís francòfon i exercia com a professor de francès en el Merchant Venturer's College a Bristol. La seva mare, Florence, era la filla d'un capità de vaixell. A més de Paul, aquest matrimoni va tenir dos fills més, Reignald Charles Felix (1900) i Beatrice Isabelle Marguerite(1906). La infantesa de Dirac va ser molt dura, sota la fèrria disciplina d'un pare que va marcar de manera notable el caràcter de Dirac. El pare tenia una obsessió gairebé malaltissa vers les relacions socials, la qual cosa va fer dels Dirac gent molt aïllada i introvertida fins a graus extrems. És ben sabut que Dirac parlava poc i que, quan ho feia, era amb les paraules justes, sense fer servir cap mena d'adorn. A diferència d'altres científics de la seva època (Bohr, Schrödinger, etc.), el seu entorn educatiu era totalment desert en el camp de les humanitats. Dirac va estudiar en el mateix col·legi on el seu pare treballava, el Merchant Venturer's College, una institució on els estudis se centraven pràcticament en el terreny científic i tècnic.

27. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Dirac. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (8 agosto 1902 -20 ottobre 1984) fisico teorico, annoverato tra i fondatori della fisica
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Nobel per la fisica Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 8 agosto 20 ottobre ) fisico teorico, annoverato tra i fondatori della fisica quantistica Nacque a Bristol Inghilterra . Ottenne il Ph.D . a Cambridge nel . Dopo un periodo nelle universit  americane, divent² professore di matematica a Cambridge nel Nel 1926 svilupp² una formalizzazione della meccanica quantistica basata sull' algebra non commutativa di operatori. Nel , partendo dai lavori di Pauli su sistemi non relativistici con spin , in una serie di articoli, deriv² l' equazione che prese il suo nome e che descriveva l' elettrone da un punto di vista relativistico; il tutto partendo dall'invarianza relativistica, sviluppando una teoria di grande semplicit .
Questo permise a Dirac, nel , di predire l'esistenza del positrone , avente la stessa massa e carica dell'elettrone, ma di segno opposto (soluzioni ad energia negativa della sua equazione ). Questo apr¬ tutta una serie di ricerche sull'esistenza dell' antimateria ed il positrone fu osservato in seguito da Anderson nel , tramite studi sui raggi cosmici I suoi Principi di Meccanica Quantistica , pubblicati nel 1930, introdussero gli operatori lineari come generalizzazione delle teorie di Heisenberg ed Schr¶dinger . Introdusse anche la notazione bra-ket , in cui indica il vettore di stato vettore colonna ) nello spazio di Hilbert di un sistema , mentre denota il vettore coniugato ( vettore riga ). Introdusse anche la

28. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (19021984) - fizyk angielski, jeden z twórców mechanikikwantowej. PAM Dirac urodzil sie 8 sierpnia 1902 roku w Bristolu,
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
Paul Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ) - fizyk angielski, jeden z tw³rc³w mechaniki kwantowej P. A. M. Dirac urodził się 8 sierpnia roku w Bristolu , hrabstwo Gloucestershire w Anglii . Zmarł 20 października roku. Najważniejszym wkładem P. A. M. Diraca w rozw³j mechaniki kwantowej jest odkryte przez niego w roku r³wnanie falowe opisujące elektron w spos³b relatywistycznie niezmienniczy. Dzisiaj znane jest ono jako r³wnanie Diraca . R³wnanie to pozwolił mu na przewidzenie istnienie pozytonu antycząstki elektronu, kt³re zostało potwierdzone w roku przez Andersona. R³wnanie Diraca pozwoliło także na wyjaśnienie pochodzenia spinu elektronu. W została wydana jego najbardziej znana książka The Principles of Quantum Mechanics Podstawy mechaniki kwantowej ). Zawierała ona pierwszy systematyczny wykład teorii operator³w liniowych jako uog³lnienia formalizm³w wprowadzonych przez Erwina Schr¶dingera i Wernera Heisenberga . W książce tej Dirac wprowadził także zapis wektor³w ket i bra , stosowany dzisiaj powszechnie w fizyce.

29. Paul A.M. Dirac - Biography
Includes a brief biography and a copy of his Nobel lecture.
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on 8th August, 1902, at Bristol, England, his father being Swiss and his mother English. He was educated at the Merchant Venturer's Secondary School, Bristol, then went on to Bristol University. Here, he studied electrical engineering, obtaining the B.Sc. (Engineering) degree in 1921. He then studied mathematics for two years at Bristol University, later going on to St.John's College, Cambridge, as a research student in mathematics. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1926. The following year he became a Fellow of St.John's College and, in 1932, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge.
Dirac's work has been concerned with the mathematical and theoretical aspects of quantum mechanics. He began work on the new quantum mechanics as soon as it was introduced by Heisenberg in 1928 - independently producing a mathematical equivalent which consisted essentially of a noncommutative algebra for calculating atomic properties - and wrote a series of papers on the subject, published mainly in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, leading up to his relativistic theory of the electron (1928) and the theory of holes (1930). This latter theory required the existence of a positive particle having the same mass and charge as the known (negative) electron. This, the positron was discovered experimentally at a later date (1932) by

30. Physics 1933
Awarded jointly to Erwin Schr¶dinger and paul adrien maurice dirac for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933
"for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory" Erwin Schrödinger Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 1/2 of the prize 1/2 of the prize Austria United Kingdom Berlin University
Berlin, Germany University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom b. 1887
d. 1961 b. 1902
d. 1984 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933
Presentation Speech


Nobel Lecture
Other Resources
The 1933 Prize in:

Physiology or Medicine Literature ... Peace Find a Laureate: Get to know all 770 Prize Winners! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 14, 2005

31. References For Dirac
Reminiscences about a great physicist paul adrien maurice dirac RH Dalitzand R Peierls, paul adrien maurice dirac, 8 August 1902 20 October 1984,
References for Paul Dirac
Version for printing
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  • Obituary in The Times available on the Web Books:
  • B L Cline, The Questioners: Physicists and the Quantum Theory
  • R H Dalitz (ed.), The collected works of P A M Dirac : 1924-1948 (Cambridge, 1995).
  • H Kragh, Dirac : A Scientific Biography (Cambridge, 1991).
  • B N Kursunoglu and E P Wigner (eds.), Reminiscences about a great physicist: Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (Cambridge, 1987).
  • B V Medvedev (ed.), Paul Dirac and 20th century physics (Russian) (Moscow, 1990).
  • N Mukunda, The life and work of P A M Dirac, Recent developments in theoretical physics (Singapore, 1987).
  • A Pais, M Jacob, D I Olive, and M F Atiyah, Paul Dirac : The man and his work (Cambridge, 1998). Articles:
  • A O Barut and A van der Merwe, Paul Dirac on his eightieth birthday, Found. Phys.
  • S D'Agostino, Mathematics and physics in the ideas of P A M Dirac, Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Sci. Fis. Natur.
  • R H Dalitz, A biographical sketch of the life of Professor P A M Dirac, OM, FRS, in J G Taylor (ed.), Tributes to Paul Dirac, Cambridge, 1985
  • 32. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scienti
    Reminiscences about a Great Physicist paul adrien maurice dirac. CambridgeCambridge University Press, 1987. © Eric W. Weisstein
    Branch of Science Physicists Nationality English ... Physics Prize
    Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984)

    English physicist whose calculations predicted that particles should exist with negative energies. This led him to suggest that the electron had an " antiparticle " This antielectron was discovered subsequently by Carl Anderson in 1932, and came to be called the positron Dirac also developed a tensor version of the known as the Dirac equation which is relativistically correct. For his work on antiparticles and wave mechanics, he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1933. Anderson (Carl) Feynman Schwinger Tomonaga
    Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews) Bonn
    References Dirac, P. A. M. General Theory of Relativity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996. Dirac, P. A. M. History of Twentieth Century Physics. Dirac, P. A. M. Quantum Mechanics, 4th ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. Kragh, H. Dirac: A Scientific Biography. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Kragh, H. "Dirac."

    33. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Winner Of The 1933 Nobel Prize In Physics
    paul adrien maurice dirac, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive.
    1933 Nobel Laureate in Physics
      for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory.

      Residence: Great Britain
      Affiliation: Cambridge University
    Featured Internet Links Nobel News Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

    34. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
    dirac, paul adrien maurice. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice

    35. Paul Dirac: Biography And Much More From
    dirac, paul adrien maurice paul adrien maurice dirac Library of Congress b.Bristol, England, August 8, 1902, d.
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Scientist Dictionary Encyclopedia WordNet Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Paul Dirac Scientist Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Library of Congress [b. Bristol, England, August 8, 1902, d. Tallahassee, Florida, October 20, 1984] Dirac studied both engineering and mathematics before turning to particle physics. In 1928 Dirac set out to rework the basic wave equation of quantum mechanics so that Einstein's special relativity was taken into account. By 1930 he had created a new wave equation. Among other virtues, Dirac's equation accounted for spin, discovered experimentally in 1925 but without a theoretical basis at the time. The symmetry of Dirac's equation suggested that there must be a particle exactly like the electron, except with a positive instead of negative charge. An energetic photon would produce from its energy alone both the electron and its positive counterpart, the antiparticle. The predicted antiparticle, the positron, was observed in 1932 by Carl Anderson. Dirac's theory also predicted an antiparticle for every particle, which has since been found to be correct. Dictionary Di·rac dĭ-răk Paul Adrien Maurice
    British mathematician and physicist. He shared a 1933 Nobel Prize for new formulations of the atomic theory.

    36. Paul Dirac - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    paul adrien maurice dirac. paul adrien maurice dirac, (August 8, 1902 – October20, 1984) was a British theoretical physicist and a founder of the field of
    Paul Dirac
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac August 8 October 20 ) was a British theoretical physicist and a founder of the field of quantum physics
    • Biography edit
      Early years
      Paul Dirac was born in the English city of Bristol . His father, Charles Dirac, was an immigrant from the Valais Canton in Switzerland who taught French for a living. His mother was originally from Cornwall and the daughter of a mariner. Paul had an elder brother and a younger sister. His early family life appears to have been unhappy on account of his father's unusually strict and authoritarian nature, but he never publicly expressed his feelings on the subject. He was educated first at Bishop Road Primary School and later at Merchant Venturers Technical College. The latter was an institution, attached to the University of Bristol , that emphasized scientific subjects and modern languages (an unusual arrangement at a time when secondary education in Britain was still dedicated largely to the classics , and something for which Dirac would later express gratitude).

    37. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    dirac, paul adrien maurice , 1902–84, English physicist. He was educated at theUniv. of Bristol and St. John s College, Cambridge, and became professor of

    38. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
    dirac, paul adrien maurice. English physicist who worked out a version of quantummechanics consistent with special relativity.
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    Or search the encyclopaedia: Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice English physicist who worked out a version of quantum mechanics consistent with special relativity . The existence of antiparticles, such as the positron (positive electron), was one of its predictions. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933 (with Austrian physicist Erwin ) for his work on the development of quantum mechanics.
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    39. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    dirac, paul adrien maurice (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). dirac,paul adrien maurice (19021984) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific
    var AdLoaded = false; var bsid = '18703'; var bsads = '5'; var bsloc = 'ros_lb '; var bswx = 728; var bshx = 90; var bsw = '_new'; var bsb = 'FFFFFF'; var bsf = 'FF0000'; var bsalt = 'off'; bspop = 1; in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
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    40. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac [Pictures And Photos Of]
    paul adrien maurice dirac pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history.
    A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
    For more information visit our home page Hannes Alfven, Felix Bloch, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, Leo Esaki, Ivar Giaever, Polykarp Kusch, Will Description shirt, suit, standing; taken in Lindau, June 1979. Back row, L-R: Alfven, Bloch, Lamb, Wigner, Rabi, Ting, ? Kurtorouch, Kusch; Front row, L-R: Segre, Giaever, Esaki, Schwinger, Dirac. Item ID Alfven Hannes D1 Arthur Holly Compton, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Friedrich Hund, Robert Andrews M Description L-R: Compton, Heisenberg, Unidentified, Dirac, Unidentified, Millikan, Unidentified, Hund; Unidentified; University of Chicago; standing; outdoors; suit Item ID Compton E4 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Description old age; full-face; suit Item ID Dirac A2 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Description middle age; three-quarter view; suit Item ID Dirac A5a Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Description middle age; profile; suit; standing Item ID Dirac B1 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Description old age; profile; suit; gesturing; blackboard; writing; Yeshiva University

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