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         Davisson Clinton Joseph:     more detail
  1. Docteur de L'université de Princeton: Richard Feynman, John Forbes Nash, Robert Nozick, Dennis Sullivan, Frank Wilczek, Clinton Joseph Davisson (French Edition)
  2. The conception and demonstration of electron waves: A review of the growth of ideas regarding the electron from their inception less than one hundred years ago to the present day (Monograph) by Clinton Joseph Davisson, 1932
  3. Are electrons waves? by Clinton Joseph Davisson, 1928
  4. Clinton Joseph Davisson, 1881-1958;: A biographical memoir by Mervin Joe Kelly, 1962

81. PSIgate Timeline - Atoms
37 1927 Lester Germer and clinton joseph davisson perform experiments whichconfirm Louis de Broglie s wave theory. 38 1928 Raman scattering discovered More

82. Physics Nobel Laureates 1925 - 1949
davisson, clinton joseph, USA, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, NY, * 1881,+ 1958; and. THOMSON, Sir GEORGE PAGET, Great Britain, London University,
Physics 1925
The prize for 1924: SIEGBAHN, KARL MANNE GEORG, Sweden, Uppsala University, "for his discoveries and research in the field of X-ray spectroscopy".
The prize for 1925: Reserved.
Physics 1926
The prize for 1925 was awarded jointly to: FRANCK, JAMES, Germany, Goettingen University, + 1964; and HERTZ, GUSTAV, Germany, Halle University, "for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom".
The prize for 1926: PERRIN, JEAN BAPTISTE, France, Sorbonne University, Paris, "for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium".
Physics 1927
The prize was divided equally between: COMPTON, ARTHUR HOLLY, U.S.A., Chicago University, "for his discovery of the effect named after him";
and WILSON, CHARLES THOMSON REES, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1869 (in Glencorse, Scotland), "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour".
Physics 1928

83. High Energy Physics And Elementary Particles Discoveries
Nobel Prize to clinton joseph davisson (United States) awarded in 1937. CowinnerSir George Paget Thomson (England) for the experimental discovery of the
Chronology of Particle Physics Discoveries
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Nobel prize in HEP
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Chronology of Particle Physics Discoveries
Nobel prize in Elementary Particle Physics
1901, W. C. Roentgen;
1903, H. Becquerel, M. Curie, P. Curie;
1906, J. J. Thomson;
1908, E. Rutherford. (Chemistry);
1918, M. Planck;
1921, A. Einstein; ...
1963, E.P. Wigner,; J.H.D. Jensen, and M. Goeppert-Mayer;
1965, J.S. Schwinger, R.P. Feynman and S. Tomonaga;
1968, L. W. Alvarez;
1969, M. Gell-Mann;
1976, B. Richter, S.C.C. Ting; ...
1989, H. G. Dehmelt, W. Paul, and N.F. Ramsey
1990, H.W. Kendall, J.I. Friedman, and R.E. Taylor;
1992, G. Charpak;
1995, F. Reines and M. Perl;
Observation that cathode rays are the flow of negatively charged particles
Nobel prize to Jean Baptiste Perrin (France) awarded in 1926 ``for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium''
Discovery of the X rays
Nobel prize to Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (Germany) awarded in 1901, "for the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him"

84. Law Evolution Science And Junk Science
Albert Abraham Michelson, Robert Andrews Millikan, James Franck Holly ComptonWerner Heisenberg clinton joseph davisson Enrico Fermi, Ernest Orlando
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    What Happens when you cross Dibert with Phillip E. Johnson? Wedgie World tells you. Stranger Fruit
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85. Low Temperature Physics, Superconductivity (high And Low Tc), Etc.
Anderson The positron 1937 clinton joseph davisson Crystal diffraction ofelectrons George Paget Thomson 1938 Enrico Fermi New radioactive elements 1939
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Low Temperature Physics, Superconductivity (high and low Tc), etc.
1] The Theory of Quantum Liquids, by D. Pines and P. Nozieres 2] Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, P. G. DeGennes A classic introduction. 3] Theory of Superconductivity, J. R. Schrieffer 4] Superconductivity, M. Tinkham 5] Experimental techniques in low-temperature physics / by Guy K. White. This is considered by many as a "bible" for those working in experimental low temperature physics. Thanks to the contributors who made this compilation possible, including, but not limited to cpf@alchemy.ithaca.NY.US , p675cen@mpifr-bonn., ted@physics.Berkeley.EDU baez@ucrmath.UCR.EDU ... , rev@NBSENH.BITNET, , exunikh,

86. Életrajzok
clinton joseph davisson (18811958) amerikai Nobel díjas (1937) fizikus.Az elektron hullámtermészetének kísérleti igazolásában vett részt.
Clinton Joseph Davisson
(1881-1958) amerikai Nobel díjas (1937) fizikus. Az elektron hullámtermészetének kísérleti igazolásában vett részt.

87. Bilimin öncüleri
D DALTON, John - davisson, clinton joseph - DEMOCRITUS - DIRAC, Paul AdrienMaurice E- EINSTEIN, Albert - ELSTER, Julius - EPICURUS onculeri/bilimin onculeri.htm
BÝLÝMÝN ÖNCÜLERÝ Bilim dünyasýna hizmet etmiþ bilim adamlarýnýn kýsa hayat hikayeleri, bilim dünyasýna kazandýrdýklarý, gaflarý, bilinmeyen yönleri... BÝYOGRAFÝ Ali Rýza Berkem
Cabir Bin Hayyan

Dimitri Ývanoviç Mendeleyev

Tanýmadýðýmýz Einstein
Oktay Sinanoðlu

Aþaðýda listesi verilen bilim adamlarý ile ilgili bilgileri incelemek için týklayýnýz
A B ... TW V Y Z
A- ANDERSON, Cari David - ARISTOTELE (Aristoteles, Aristo) - ASTON, Francis William - AVOGADRO, Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Graf
B- BALMER, Johann Jakob - BECQUEREL, Henri Antoine - BETHE, Hans Albrecht - BOHR, Niels Henrik David - BORN, Max - BÖYLE, Robert - BROGLIE, Louis - Victor de - BUNSEN, Robert Wilhelm
CÇ CHADWICK, James - COMPTON, Arthur Holly - COULOMB, Charles Augustin de - CURIE, Marie - CURlE, Pierre
D- DALTON, John - DAVISSON, Clinton Joseph - DEMOCRITUS - DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice

88. Kimyaokulu - Bilimin öncüleri - Kim Ne Katkida Bulundu
Charles Augustin de CURIE, Marie - CURlE, Pierre. D-, DALTON, John - davisson,clinton joseph - DEMOCRITUS - DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice onculeri/kisa/
BÝLÝME KÝM NE KATKIDA BULUNDU (KISA-KISA YAPTIÐI ÇALIÞMALAR) Bilim adamýnýn adýnýn (yaklaþýk olarak) söyleniþi parantez içinde verilmiþtir, ikinci parantez içindeki iki tarihten ilki doðum, ikincisi hayatta olmayanlarýn, ölüm yýlýný göstermektedir. Ayrýca verilen kýsa bilgi, bilim adamýnýn baþlýca çalýþma alanýný gösterir.
ANDERSON, Cari David - ARISTOTELE (Aristoteles, Aristo) - ASTON, Francis William - AVOGADRO, Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Graf B- BALMER, Johann Jakob - BECQUEREL, Henri Antoine - BETHE, Hans Albrecht - BOHR, Niels Henrik David - BORN, Max - BÖYLE, Robert - BROGLIE, Louis - Victor de - BUNSEN, Robert Wilhelm CHADWICK, James - COMPTON, Arthur Holly - COULOMB, Charles Augustin de - CURIE, Marie - CURlE, Pierre D- DALTON, John - DAVISSON, Clinton Joseph - DEMOCRITUS - DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice E- EINSTEIN, Albert - ELSTER, Julius - EPICURUS

89. MSN Encarta - Davisson, Clinton Joseph
Translate this page davisson, clinton joseph (Bloomington, Illinois 1881 - Charlottesville, Virginia1958), Trova altre informazioni su davisson, clinton joseph

90. G.2.30 Diffraction Of Electrons
He shared the Nobel prize in 1937 with clinton joseph davisson for theirexperimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals .

91. Atomic Bomb Chronology, 1781-1929
1927, United Kingdom, USA Wave nature of electron;Confirmation by George PagetThomson and clinton joseph davisson. (Received 1937 Nobel prize.)
Atomic Bomb Chronology, 1781-1929
[United Kingdom] Planet Uranus; discovery by William Herschel. (see uranium) [Germany] Element Uranium discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth.(Utilized as a glass-coloring agent.) [Sweden] Element Thorium discovered by Jons Jakob Berzlius.@Named from Norse god of thunder, "Thor". Utilized as a mantle for gas lights. [France] Planet Neptune discovered by J.Galle. (see neptunium) [United Kingdom] "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism "published by James Clerk Maxwell, of Cavendish Laboratory. [Switzerland] Balmer series in@spectrum of the hydrogen atom@and the Balmer equation on spectrum series by Johann Jakob Balmer. [Sweden] Rydberg equation by Johannes Robert Rydberg. (Rydberg@constant used in spectroscopy) [Germany] X-ray discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. (Received 1901 Nobel prize.) [France] Radioactivity discovered by Henri Becquerel due to darkening of a photographic dry plate by a uranium compound. Named "radioactivity"by Marie Curie. (Received 1903 Nobel prize.) [Netherlands] Zeeman effect discovered by Pieter Zeeman. Separation of spectral lines in magnetic field. (Received 1902 Nobel prize.)

92. Pictures Of Famous Physicists
clinton joseph davisson 23kB (7) Peter Debye 76kB Hans G. Dehmelt 39kB Max Delbrück44kB Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 68kB PAM Dirac at the blackboard, 76kB
A Picture Gallery of Famous Physicists
Physicists A-Z The Einstein Collection Group Pictures
Click the button to get a thumbnail
Click the name to get the full picture
Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven
Luis Walter Alvarez
Carl David Anderson
Philip Warren Anderson
Knut Angstrom
Edward Appleton ca. 1927, 75kB
Manfred von Ardenne at age 16 (1923), 58kB
John Bardeen
Henri Antoine Becquerel
J. Georg Bednorz John S. Bell Michael Berry Hans Albrecht Bethe Bethe 1935 in Ann Arbor, 49kB Homi Jehangir Bhabha Gerd Binnig Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett Felix Bloch Nicolaas Bloembergen N.N. Bogoliubov David Bohm Aage Bohr Niels Bohr Ludwig Boltzmann Max Born Max Born (young) 60kB Satyendranath N. Bose Walter Bothe Robert Boyle Ferdinand Braun Bertram Neville Brockhouse Sir William Henry Bragg Sir William Lawrence Bragg Walter Houser Brattain Geoffrey Breit Louis deBroglie
Sadi Carnot Sir James Chadwick Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Georges Charpak Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Steven Chu Rudolf Clausius Sir John Douglas Cockroft Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Arthur Holly Compton Leon N.

93. Glossaire
Translate this page clinton joseph davisson (Américain 1881-1958) et Lester Germer (1896-) ainsi que Lester Germer (Américain 1896-) et clinton joseph davisson (1881-1958)

94. Oct_2q
Translate this page clinton joseph davisson (1881-1958) Físico norteamericano. Nobel 1937 (c/GPThomson) por su descubrimiento de la difracción de electrones en cristales.
Personajes de la Astronomía y la Astronáutica QUINCENA DE OCTUBRE Octubre Johann Georg Sulzer
Filósofo alemán. «Teoría General de las Bellas Artes» (1771)
Asteroide 16505 Sulzer Frederick John Marrian Stratton
Astrónomo inglés. Secretario General de la IAU (1925-35).
Luna: cráter Stratton James H. Newman
Astronauta estadounidense (n. en una isla del Pacífico, hoy Estados Federados de Micronesia). 4 Misiones:
STS-51 Discovery (1993);
STS-69 Endeavour (1995);
STS-88 Endeavour (1998);
STS-109 Columbia /HST (2002). Octubre Frank Arthur Bellamy
Astrónomo inglés. Karl G. Henize Astronauta norteamericano. 1 Misión: STS-51F Challenger (1985). Falleció en Nepal, en un intento por escalar el Monte Everest. William A. Anders Astronauta norteamericano (n. en Hong Kong, China). 1 Misión: Apolo-8 (Diciembre 21-27, 1968), miembro de la histórica tripulación que orbitó por vez primera nuestro satélite (c/ Frank Borman y James Lovell Luna: cráter Anders Asteroide 4815 Anders Steven Ray Nagel Astronauta norteamericano. 4 Misiones:

95. Clinton Davisson - Wikipedia
Translate this page NAME, davisson, clinton joseph. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, US-amerikanischerPhysiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 22. Oktober 1881. GEBURTSORT, Bloomington
Clinton Davisson
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Clinton Joseph Davisson 22. Oktober in Bloomington; † 1. Februar in Charlottesville), US-amerikanischer Physiker Davisson erhielt zusammen mit George Paget Thomson den Physik Nobelpreis f¼r die Entdeckung von Elektronenwellen bzw. die experimentelle Entdeckung der Diffraktion von Elektronen durch Kristalle Bearbeiten
Personendaten NAME Davisson, Clinton Joseph ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG US-amerikanischer Physiker GEBURTSDATUM 22. Oktober GEBURTSORT Bloomington STERBEDATUM 1. Februar STERBEORT Charlottesville Von " Einordnung Nobelpreistr¤ger f¼r Physik Mann ... Gestorben 1958 Diese Seite Pers¶nliche Werkzeuge Navigation Suche Werkzeuge Andere Sprachen

96. Findemaschine
clinton davisson 8211; Biography clinton joseph davisson was born atBloomington, Illinois, USA, October 22, 1881, son of joseph davisson, an art

97. CAPLEX Nettleksikon
davisson, clinton joseph, 1881—1958, am. fysiker, påviste i 1927 sm.mLH Germerat elektroner har bølgenatur, slik de Broglies teori forutsier.

98. List Of Scientists By Field
Translate this page davisson, clinton joseph. Davy, Humphry. Davy, John. Davy, John. Davy, John.Dawes, William Rutter. Dawson, Charles. Dawson, John William. Day, David Talbot
Dahlberg, Gunnar Dainelli, Giotto Dainelli, Giotto Dakin, Henry Drysdale Dakin, Henry Drysdale Dal Piaz, Giorgio Dal Piaz, Giorgio Dale, Henry Hallett Dale, Henry Hallett Dale, Henry Hallett Dall, William Healey Dalton, John Dalton, John Dalton, John Dalton, John Call Dalton, John Call Daly, Reginald Aldworth Daly, Reginald Aldworth Dam, Henrik Dam, Henrik Dana, James Dwight Dandelin, Germinal Pierre Dandelin, Germinal Pierre Danforth, Charles Haskell Danforth, Charles Haskell Daniell, John Frederic Daniell, John Frederic Daniell, John Frederic Daniels, Farrington Danti, Egnatio Danti, Egnatio Dantzig, David van Dantzig, David van Dantzig, David van Darboux, Jean-Gaston D'Arcet, Jean D'Arcy, Patrick D'Arcy, Patrick Darlington, Cyril Dean Darlington, William Darwin, Charles Galton Darwin, Charles Galton Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, Francis Darwin, George Howard Darwin, George Howard Dasypodius, Cunradus Dasypodius, Cunradus Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton, Louis-Jean-Marie

99. Lexikon Clinton Davisson
Februar 1958 in Charlottesville), US-amerikanischer Physiker.

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Clinton Davisson
Clinton Davisson
Clinton Joseph Davisson 22. Oktober in Bloomington; † 1. Februar in Charlottesville), US-amerikanischer Physiker Davisson erhielt zusammen mit George Paget Thomson den Physik Nobelpreis f¼r die Entdeckung von Elektronenwellen bzw. die experimentelle Entdeckung der Diffraktion von Elektronen durch Kristalle Bearbeiten

NAME Davisson, Clinton Joseph ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG US-amerikanischer Physiker GEBURTSDATUM 22. Oktober

100. Clinton Davisson
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