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         Dausset Jean:     more detail
  1. Clin d'oeil a la vie: La grande aventure HLA (Sciences) (French Edition) by Jean Dausset, 1998
  2. La mosaique humaine: Entretiens sur les revolutions de la medecine et le devenir de lhomme (French Edition) by Jean Bernard, 2000
  3. Hämatologe: Ernst Neumann, Ludwig Heilmeyer, Arndt Borkhardt, Brian Druker, Paul Frick, Jean Dausset, Ernest Beutler, Axel Fauser (German Edition)
  4. Pu-Ph: Jacques Domergue, Jean Bernard, Bernard Debré, Jean Dausset, Étienne-Émile Baulieu, Henri Joyeux, Christian Bréchot, Alain Fischer (French Edition)
  5. French Immunologists: Serge Voronoff, Jean Dausset, Nicolas Maurice Arthus, Antoine Béclère, Jules A. Hoffmann
  6. People From Toulouse: Jules Léotard, Jean Dausset, Évariste Régis Huc, Frédéric Michalak, Antony Rea, Philippe Mexès, Bernard Werber
  7. Robert-Koch-Preisträger: Harald zur Hausen, Robert Allan Weinberg, Brian Druker, Irving L. Weissman, Kary Mullis, Jean Dausset (German Edition)
  8. Immunologiste: Frank Macfarlane Burnet, Carosella Edgardo D., Émile Roux, Robert Gallo, Ilya Ilitch Metchnikov, Jean Dausset, Bernard Halpern (French Edition)
  9. Biography - Dausset, Jean (1916-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  10. Human Transplantation by Felix T. ; Dausset, Jean Rapaport, 1968
  11. The Human Genome by Council of Europe, Jens Reich, et all 2001-05-31
  12. Dausset, premio de Humanidades. (Arte).: An article from: Epoca
  13. Private Pictures by Daniel Angeli, Jean-Paul Dausset, 1980-10

1. Jean Dausset - Biography
Jean Dausset Biography. His mother originated from Lorraine, his father from the Pyr n es, two French provinces very distant from one another

2. Welcome To The Fondation Jean Dausset - CEPH
Welcome to the Fondation Jean Dausset CEPH World Wide Web server. Online genetic data

3. Jean Dausset Winner Of The 1980 Nobel Prize In Medicine
Jean Dausset, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.

4. Dausset, Jean
More on Dausset, Jean from Infoplease Benacerraf, Baruj Benacerraf, Baruj , 1920-, American immunologist, b. Caracas, Venezuela, grad.

5. Biografia De Dausset, Jean
Las figuras clave de la historia. Reportajes. Los protagonistas de la actualidad. Dausset, Jean (1916 ) M dico franc s, n. en Toulouse.

6. Biochemistry Page 1. Index To Biographical Entries. The Columbia
Cech, Thomas Robert. Chain, Ernst Boris. Cohen, Stanley. Corey, Elias James. Dausset, Jean. Deisenhofer, Johann. Djerassi, Carl. Goldstein

7. Dausset, Jean
Dausset, Jean. Make your homepage Can't find what you want? Ask your question here. Home Internet Forum Medical Automotive

8. Dausset, Jean
Dausset, Jean (1916) His mother originated from Lorraine, his father from the Pyr n es, two French provinces very distant from one another and

9. MSN Encarta - Jean Dausset
Jean Dausset Nobel Foundation. 1 item. Want more Encarta? Become a subscriber today and Find more about Dausset, JeanBaptiste-Gabriel-Joachim from
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10. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Jean Dausset
JeanBaptiste-Gabriel-Joachim Dausset ( The Nobel Foundation) MSN Encarta Premium. Get more results for Jean Dausset
fdbkURL="/encnet/refpages/search.aspx?q=Jean+Dausset#bottom"; errmsg1="Please select a rating."; errmsg2="Please select a reason for your rating."; Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. Join Now Searched Encarta for ' Jean Dausset' Articles Jean Dausset Dausset, Jean-Baptiste-Gabriel-Joachim , born in 1916, French immunologist who shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine with American... ... , born in 1934, politician and the 20th prime minister of Canada, from 1993 to 2003. Chr©tien, who became leader of the... See all search results in Articles (237) Jean-Baptiste-Gabriel-Joachim Dausset Jean Chr©tien Jean Samary Jean Ritchie ... Map of Trousers Point See all search results in Maps (25) Books about "Jean Dausset" Search for books about your topic, "Jean Dausset" Magazines Search for Magazine Articles on " ... Learn more. Go to Magazine Center MSN Encarta Premium Get more results for "Jean Dausset" 151 results on MSN Encarta 333 results on MSN Encarta Premium Click here to join today!

11. Jean Dausset - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Jean Dausset (b. October 19, 1916) is a French immunologist, he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1980 along with Baruj Benacerraf and
Jean Dausset
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Jean Dausset (b. October 19 ) is a French immunologist , he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in along with Baruj Benacerraf and George Davis Snell for their discovery and characterisation of the genes making the major histocompatibility complex This biographical article about a scientist is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Retrieved from " Categories Scientist stubs 1916 births ... Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox In other languages

12. The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine 1980: Jean Dausset
Jean Dausset *1916 (France). For their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980

Home ... Economics Jean Dausset
(France) "For their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions"
( jointly with Baruj Benacerraf and George Davis Snell External links The Nobel Prize - Jean Dausset
The Nobel Foundation

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13. Jean Dausset - Enpsychlopedia
It uses material from the Wikipedia article Jean Dausset . Via Personal Open Wikipedia (beta) open source software by J Grohol and Psych Central.
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Jean Dausset
Jean Dausset (b. October 19 ) is a French immunologist , he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in along with Baruj Benacerraf and George Davis Snell for their discovery and characterisation of the genes making the major histocompatibility complex
This biographical article about a scientist is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it
Retrieved from " Categories 1916 births Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners ... Scientist stubs This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Jean Dausset" . Via Personal Open Wikipedia (beta) open source software by J Grohol and Psych Central . (If you would like to edit this document, click on the Wikipedia article link above.)

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14. Jean Dausset: Awards Won By Jean Dausset
Jean Dausset Awards won by Jean Dausset. Awards of Jean Dausset. OTHERNOBEL 1980, MEDICINE. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
hardwork is paid in form of awards The biggest english dictionary - Awards of Jean Dausset OTHER-NOBEL MEDICINE Enter Artist/Album
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Charity Dutch ... Stationery

15. La Petite Bibliothèque De L Académie Des Sciences - Année 2000
dausset jean La mosaïque humaine entretiens sur les révolutions de la médecine et le devenir de l homme

16. Directory Of Open Access Journals
Author dausset jean Journal Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Year 2001 Vol 1 Issue 1 Pages/record No. 12

17. DAUSSET Jean (Tolosa (Francia) 19 0tt0bre 1919). Immunologia
Translate this page dausset jean (Tolosa (Francia) 19 0tt0bre 1919). Immunologia. Insieme con Benacerraf e Snell riceve il premio Nobel 1980 per la fisiologia e la medicina
DAUSSET Jean (Tolosa (Francia) 19 0tt0bre 1919). Immunologia Insieme con Benacerraf e Snell riceve il premio Nobel 1980 per la fisiologia e la medicina "per le loro scoperte sulla struttura genetica della cellula e sul modo in cui essa contribuisce a determinare le reazioni immunitarie nell'organismo". Agli inizi degli anni '50 sospetta che alcuni pazienti con riduzione dei globuli bianchi circolanti possano soffrire di una reazione autoimmune provocata da antigeni estranei penetrati nel loro sangue in seguito a ripetute trasfusioni. A mezzo di tecniche di agglutinazione da lui stesso elaborate, riesce a dimostrare in questi pazienti l'esistenza di anticorpi verso antigeni portati dai leucociti trasfusi. Designa il sito di produzione di questi antigeni come locus A di leucocita umano (HLA=Human Leukocyte Locus A).

18. Jean Dausset - Wikipedia
Translate this page Jean Dausset wurde 1916 als Sohn eines Arztes geboren und besuchte das Gymnasium Michelet Jean Dausset und seine beiden mit ihm ausgezeichneten Kollegen
Jean Dausset
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Jean Baptiste Gabriel Joachim Dausset 19. Oktober in Toulouse ) war ein franz¶sischer Mediziner und H¤matologe , der sich vorwiegend mit der Immunologie und Transplantationsmedizin besch¤ftigte. 1980 erhielt er den Nobelpreis f¼r Medizin und Physiologie gemeinsam mit Baruj Benacerraf und George Davis Snell f¼r die Entdeckung genetisch bestimmter zellul¤rer Oberfl¤chenstrukturen, von denen immunologische Reaktionen gesteuert werden.
Jean Dausset wurde 1916 als Sohn eines Arztes geboren und besuchte das Gymnasium Michelet in Vanves bei Paris . Er studierte danach an der Fakult¤t f¼r Medizin in Paris und ging 1937 an ein St¤dtisches Krankenhaus der Stadt, wo er als Assistenzarzt t¤tig war. 1939 wurde er zur Armnee eingezogen und diente in einem medizinischen Korp. Die Promotion erfolgte 1945 ¼ber Transfusionsmedizin , danach spezialisierte er sich auf die H¤matologie, also die Untersuchung des Blutes 1946 wurde er zum Direktor des Nationalen Franz¶sischen Bluttransfusionszentrums in Paris, wo er bis 1962 blieb, danach erfolgte eine

19. Membres étrangers
Translate this page dausset jean, F. Membre honoraire, 4ème Section. 23.05.1981. de CROMBRUGGHE Benoît, USA, Correspondant, 2ème Section. 29.05.1999
Etablissement public fondé en 1841
Généralités Administration de l'Académie, localisatio n, site Web Historique (Réservé) ... Membres belges Membres étrangers (Réservé) Dons et legs Le Palais des Académies Summary in English ... Liens
MEMBRES ETRANGERS NOM ET PRENOM PAYS QUALITE SECTION ADAM Albert CDN. Correspondant ème Section ADOLPHE Monique F. Membre honoraire ème Section ALBERT Ekkehard D. Membre honoraire ème Section ALBERTI George G.B. Correspondant ème Section ALLGÖWER Martin CH. Correspondant ème Section AMPRINO Rodolfo I. Membre honoraire ère Section ANDREANI Domenico I. Membre honoraire ème Section ARIENS Everardus NL. Membre honoraire ère Section AUQUIER Louis F. Membre honoraire ème Section BACH Jean-François F. Membre honoraire ème Section BARRAQUER Joaquin E. Membre honoraire ème Section BARRE-SINOUSSI Françoise F. Correspondant ème Section BASSO Armando RA.

Translate this page dausset jean, n° 331, p. 62, mai 2000. DAVIS Monte, n° 331, p. 72, mai 2000. DAYRAT Benoît, n° 333, p. 48, juillet-août 2000. DE VUYST Florian, n° 337, p.
Index - Auteurs
INDEX - Auteurs 2000
novembre 2000.
novembre 2000.
septembre 2000.
mai 2000.
novembre 2000.
novembre 2000.
juin 2000.
avril 2000.
octobre 2000. novembre 2000. septembre 2000. novembre 2000. avril 2000. novembre 2000. janvier 2000. novembre 2000. mai 2000. septembre 2000. septembre 2000. mars 2000. septembre 2000. avril 2000. novembre 2000. novembre 2000. novembre 2000. avril 2000. p. 16, septembre 2000. janvier 2000. septembre 2000. avril 2000. avril 2000. p. 84, septembre 2000. novembre 2000. novembre 2000.

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