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         Dalai Lama:     more books (103)
  1. How to See Yourself As You Really Are by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2007-11-06
  2. The Art of Happiness, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Handbook for Living by Dalai Lama, 2009-10-01
  3. The Dalai Lama's Little Book of Inner Peace: The Essential Life and Teachings by Dalai Lama, 2009-03-13
  4. In My Own Words: An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, 2008-09-01
  5. How to Practice : The Way to a Meaningful Life by Dalai Lama, 2003-08-01
  6. My Spiritual Journey by Dalai Lama, Sofia Stril-rever, 2010-10-01
  7. Becoming Enlightened by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2009-12-22
  8. The 14th Dalai Lama: A Manga Biography by Tetsu Saiwai, 2010-09-28
  9. Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World's Religions Can Come Together by Dalai Lama, 2010-05-11
  10. The Meaning of Life by The Dalai Lama, 2000-11-01
  11. The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World by Dalai Lama, Howard Cutler M.D., 2009-10-06
  12. Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective by The Dalai Lama, 1997-03-25
  13. The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by Dalai Lama, 2006-09-12
  14. Live in a Better Way: Reflections on Truth, Love, and Happiness by Dalai Lama, 2002-04-02

161. Bodhi Journal
Collection of news, links, and research files on Tibet. Dedicated to HH dalai lama in efforts to create a Free Tibet!
Bodhi Journal In 1959 His Holiness the Dalai Lama fled Lhasa, Tibet to Dharamsala, India.
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162. Aftenposten Norway, Norwegian News In English
dalai lama visits Norway Tibet s spiritual leader, the dalai lama, began a three-day visit to Norway on Tuesday in Oslo, where he accepted the Nobel Peace
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First published: 15 Jun 2005, 11:58 AFTENPOSTEN English frontpage
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Dalai Lama visits Norway
Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, began a three-day visit to Norway on Tuesday in Oslo, where he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize nearly 16 years ago. The Dalai Lama on Oslo's main promenade, Karl Johans gate, on his way to visit Norway's parliament, the

163. Dalai Lama
Texto con ense±anzas del XIV dalai lama
Su Santidad el XIV Dalai Lama PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ
7 al 11 de Abril de 1999 NOTA : Para el Budismo, su santidad, el Dalai Lama, es muy importante por su lucha pacífica por la liberación de su país, basada en la tolerancia, la paciencia y la compasión, pero cabe aclarar que es líder religioso de "una de las escuelas budistas del Tíbet y no de todos los budistas de las diferentes escuelas".
BUSCANDO UN REFUGIO INTERIOR Texto presentado gracias al permiso de la Revista de Budismo Sidharta Revista de Budismo Sidharta abrir en ventana aparte

164. Dalai Lama Celebrating The Medicine Buddha
The title, given to the third dalai lama in 1578 by a Mongol chieftain, means Ocean of Wisdom The dalai lama Visits President Bush at the White House
The Dalai Lama "He is our vision, he is our heart and soul. He is for us, like a god, like a living god." Tsering Choephel " The title, given to the third Dalai Lama in 1578 by a Mongol chieftain, means 'Ocean of Wisdom '." Lobsang Sangay
The Dalai Lama
Leads "Medicine Buddha Empowerment" Ritual
Background information: Portland will roll out red carpet for Dalai Lama's visit Trying to govern democracy in exile demands delicacy The Dalai Lama Visits President Bush at the White House The Lord's Lightning A glossary will be added Home Articles "...above the crown of my head is a lotus flower. In the center of the the lotus is a white moon disk and seated on the moon disk is my root guru... the Medicine Buddha. He is blue in color and his body radiates blue light.... "To recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra brings inconceivable merit. ... If you recite the mantra every day, the buddhas and bodhisattvas will always pay attention to you, and they will guide you. All your negative karmas will be pacified and you will never be born in the three lower realms.... and all your wishes are fulfilled." A visualization in Medicine Buddha Sadhana , the booklet pictured above.

Origini storiche e Padmasambhava, l'incoronazione del dalai lama e la formazione delle varie scuole specifiche. e cultura/Il buddismo del Tibet.htm
IL BUDDISMO DEL TIBET E LE SUE SCUOLE A cura di Giulio Santi INDICE: ORIGINI STORICHE Nell’anno 127 a.C., il Tibet venne unificato dal sovrano Nyatri Tsenpo. La monarchia durò per 40 generazioni. La religione diffusa sul territorio era il Bon, accanto ad altre credenze minori. Il re Tritson Detsen (765 – 804) decise di dare un ulteriore forte impulso alla diffusione degli insegnamenti buddisti nel Paese delle Nevi. Invitò i più eminenti maestri indiani dell'epoca (Upadhyaya, Santaraksita, Vimalamitra, Santigargbha, Dharmakirti, Buddhaguhya, Kamalashila, Vibuddhasiddha ed altri) che lavorarono in collaborazione con i maestri tibetani - noti storicamente come i 108 traduttori. Grazie a questo sforzo le tre suddivisioni principali del Canone buddista (il Tripitaka), composto da Vinaya, Sutra e Abhidharma, in pratica l'intero corpo di tutti gli insegnamenti di Gautama Buddha, divennero accessibili nella lingua tibetana. INDICE IL MAESTRO PADMASAMBHAVA La figura che introdusse il buddismo tantrico (Vajrayana) in Tibet è Padmasambhava, il cui nome significa "nato dal loto". Si racconta infatti che Egli nacque miracolosamente da un fiore di loto sulla superficie del lago Danakosa in Udyana, mitica terra di maestri tantrici e Dakini (le "danzatrici del cielo"), che alcuni storici identificano con la valle dello Swat in Pakistan. In realtà è difficilissimo distinguere il personaggio storico dalle innumerevoli leggende che lo circondano; per moltissimi tibetani Egli fu il secondo Buddha.

166. AM - The Dalai Lama Turns 70
The dalai lama has just turned 70 and thousands of Tibetan exiles and supporters braved torrential rains in Dharamasala to wish him well He spoke of being
ABC Home Radio Television News ... Tony Eastley presents AM Monday to Friday from 8:00am on ABC Local Radio and 7:10am on Radio National. Join Elizabeth Jackson for the Saturday edition at 8am on Local Radio and 7am on Radio National.
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This is a transcript from AM. The program is broadcast around Australia at 08:00 on ABC Local Radio. You can also listen to the story in REAL AUDIO and WINDOWS MEDIA and formats.
The Dalai Lama turns 70
AM - Thursday, 7 July , 2005 08:30:00
Reporter: Geoff Thompson
TONY EASTLEY: The Dalai Lama has just turned 70 and thousands of Tibetan exiles and supporters braved torrential rains in Dharamasala to wish him well. He spoke of being in semi-retirement as he makes way for a younger generation.
South Asia Correspondent Geoff Thompson reports from Dharamasala.
GEOFF THOMPSON: It was weather no birthday candle would stand a chance in, but stand thousands of people did for hours and hours in drenching rains to wish the world's most famous living Buddhist many happy returns.

167. - Taiwan Bids Farewell To Dalai Lama - April 9, 2001

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Taiwan bids farewell to Dalai Lama
Before the Dalai Lama's visit ends, he meets Taiwan nun, Chengyen TAIPEI, Taiwan The Dalai Lama has wrapped up a 10-day visit to Taiwan, a trip that appeared not to raise tensions with the island's communist neighbor, China. China distrusts the Dalai Lama because since fleeing Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule, he has opposed the way Beijing governs the Himalayan territory. The Tibetan spiritual leader told reporters at the airport that it was his "moral responsibility" to visit his Buddhist followers on Taiwan and that his trip was "very happy, very good." Although the Dalai Lama says he supports greater autonomy, not independence, for Tibet, Chinese leaders continue to accuse him of being a "splittist." China's state-run media said his Taiwan trip was part of a scheme to collude with Taiwanese independence supporters and raise money for his "separatist" campaign.

168. The Sydney Morning Herald
The dalai lama is willing to return to Tibet and end nearly half a century of exile in India if China allows him to go back to his homeland.
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169. Citas Sobre Los Valores De La Ética Empresarial, La Responsabilidad Corporativa
Listado de fraces sobre valores y ©tica empresarial S³crates, HsiTang, el G©nesis, el dalai lama, Warren Buffett, George W. Bush.
Citas sobre valores.
Citas sobre Valores
Citas sobre valores y ética empresarial
desde Sócrates hasta Hsi-Tang
desde el Génesis 1:1 hasta El Dalai Lama
desde Warren Buffett hasta George W. Bush
El capital debe guiarse por el egoísmo; no debe dejarse llevar por la benevolencia.
Walter B agehot 1826-1877, economista financiero inglés
Corporación, sust.: recurso ingenioso para sacar provecho sin responsabilidades personales.
Ambrose B ierce 1842-1914, columnista norteamericano y escritor de novelas de terror, The Devil's Dictionary 1906
Dos fuerzas guían al hombre, el miedo y el egoísmo.
Napoleón B onaparte 1769-1821, emperador y general francés
El precio es lo que se paga. El valor es lo que se obtiene.
Warren B uffett 1930-, empresario de inversiones norteamericano Los beneficios pueden variar en gran medida si un incompetente dirige la empresa que los registra.
Warren B uffett 1930-, empresario de inversiones norteamericano En este momento, lo que más necesita la economía norteamericana son valores éticos que apunten más alto; valores que se hagan respetar mediante leyes estrictas y que sean defendidos por líderes empresariales responsables.

170. Telegraph | News | Mass Pilgrimage For Dalai Lama's Birthday
Daily news from the UK, business news, countryside news, UK technology news, obituaries and UK education news, UK online newspaper.

171. World News On China Spells Out Conditions For Dalai Lama's Return
China spells out conditions for dalai lama s return. 05 August 2005. LHASA China welcomes dialogue with the dalai lama through private envoys but the,2106,3368582a12,00.html
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China spells out conditions for Dalai Lama's return
05 August 2005
LHASA: China welcomes dialogue with the Dalai Lama through private envoys but the exiled Tibetan god-king must recognise Beijing's sovereignty over the region if he is to return, a Chinese official said yesterday.
China has long said the Nobel Peace Prize winner wants independence for Tibet and has refused to allow him back inside its borders since he fled to India after an abortive anti-Chinese uprising in 1959. "The channel for us to have dialogue with the Dalai Lama is open. I often have contact with his private representatives, for example his family," Wu Yingjie, a vice governor of Tibet, told a news conference in the provincial capital. From the time of his flight nine years after Chinese troops marched into Tibet, the Dalai Lama has been the head of a government-in-exile in the Indian hill town of Dharamsala.

172. Bodhi Journal
Current news about the dalai lama and Tibet. Gallery of photographs of Ladakh.
Bodhi Journal His Holiness the Dalai Lama, born July 6th 1935 at Taktser [Roaring Tiger] Amdo province, Tibet. Website statistics

173. Asia Times Online :: South Asia News, Business And Economy From India And Pakist
My birthday wish for the dalai lama is that he will be able to return to a While the dalai lama in 2001 introduced the first democratic elections for

South Asia
Jul 7, 2005 Mixed blessings on Dalai Lama's birthday
By Sonny Inbaraj
DHARAMSALA, India - There is a sense of celebration in this small north Indian town, at the foothills of the snow-capped Himalayas, as the cool mountain air carries strains of melodious songs for the Dalai Lama's long life, sung at the nearby Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts.
On Wednesday, thousands of Tibetans celebrated the spiritual leader's 70th birthday in Dharamsala, where the Dalai Lama based himself after fleeing his homeland in 1959 when China crushed a Tibetan uprising. More than 200,000 Tibetan refugees now live in India by official count.
"My birthday wish for the Dalai Lama is that he will be able to return to a free and democratic Tibet within his lifetime," Tseyang Tsetenyangkyi, head coordinator of Volunteer Tibet, told Inter Press Service.

174. Dalai Lama Vows To Return To Taiwan

175. Tibetan Buddhism In Science Fiction
Annotated list of mainstream science fiction novels and stories that feature the dalai lama or other references to Tibet or Tibetan Buddhism.
Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama
in Science Fiction
The Dalai Lama of the near future, a Harvard-educated woman named Sattva, is one of the main characters of Goonan's The Bones of Time This annotated bibliography list, a subset derived from the Religion in Literature database, is intended as a resource for literary research. It lists mainstream science fiction and fantasy novels, short stories and movies (speculative fiction) which contain references to the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism and/or Tibet in general. It is not necessarily a comprehensive list of such literature, but all Hugo- and Nebula-winning novels have been indexed. This list does not necessarily include every reference to Tibetan Buddhism within each work. Each novel or story is listed only once, with a brief explanation or sample quote. Most works include only one reference, which is given. If a work contains multiple references, this is noted in the listing. Additional references are listed in the main database. Although numerically much smaller than the two major branches of Buddhism (Theravada and Mahayana), Tibetan Buddhism is one of the best known forms of Buddhism in the West. This is due in part to the pacifistic resistance of the Tibetans to Chinese occupation of Tibet, and to the prominence of the current Dalai Lama. Many films have been made focusing on Tibetan Buddhism. In the minds of many Westerners, Buddhism is synonymous with the Tibetan form, even though there are only approximately 6 million adherents (less than 2% of all Buddhists in the world).

176. Australia Tibet Council: About ATC: Why Non-Violence?
Australia Tibet Council article on the Tibetan's struggle for peaceful liberation. Read the dalai lama's views on nonviolence.
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Why Non-Violence?
Heading up the Tibetans' struggle for peaceful liberation from the People's Republic of China (PRC), is His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His constant efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution with the PRC were recognised internationally in 1989 when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The award statement by the Nobel Committee reads ' emphasise the fact that the Dalai Lama in his struggle for the liberation of Tibet consistently has opposed the use of violence. He has instead advocated peaceful solutions based upon tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of his people' In keeping with the Dalai Lama, the Australia Tibet Council observes a policy of non-violence for all of its activites. All protests are non-violent, this applies to both physical and verbal forms of violence. We do actively lobby and campaign, as we believe that this is an effective way to draw attention to the issues of Tibet and non-violence does not equate to non-action. There have been many successful non-violent struggles over the past century. Two famous examples are Mahatma Ghandi and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. India's liberation from its colonial rulers, is attributed to Ghandi's vision and his practice of non-violent protest and civil disobedience. Ghandi has said of his belief in non-violence: "I firmly believe that freedom won through bloodshed or fraud is no Freedom."

177. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Rumors Of War (The Varlet Letter)
Did the dalai lama compose a letter in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks in which he urged the people of the world to become.
The Varlet Letter Claim: His Holiness the Dalai Lama composed a letter in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks in which he urged the people of the world to become "spiritual activists." Status: False. Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]
Dear friends around the world, The events of this day cause every thinking person to stop their daily lives, whatever is going on in them, and to ponder deeply the larger questions of life. We search again for not only the meaning of life, but the purpose of our individual and collective experience as we have created it-and we look earnestly for ways in which we might recreate ourselves anew as a human species, so that we will never treat each other this way again. The hour has come for us to demonstrate at the highest level our most extraordinary thought about Who We Really Are. There are two possible responses to what has occurred today. The first comes from love, the second from fear. If we come from fear we may panic and do things -as individuals and as nations- that could only cause further damage. If we come from love we will find refuge and strength, even as we provide it to others. This is the moment of your ministry. This is the time of teaching. What you teach at this time, through your every word and action right now, will remain as indelible lessons in the hearts and minds of those whose lives you touch, both now, and for years to come.

178. Democracy Now! | His Holiness The Dalai Lama Speaks Out On U.S. Foreign Policy,
His Holiness the 14th the dalai lama Tenzin Gyatso is the head of state and His Holiness dalai lama, speaking in New York City on September 23, 2003.

179. Tibet - Freedom Now!
Information about the situation in Tibet, biography of the dalai lama, chronology of the Chinese conquest of Tibet. Also texts and information in Swedish.

180. Universität Zürich - Dalai Lama
Translate this page dalai lama an der Universität Zürich begrüssen dürfen – dies ja nicht zum ersten Mal. Das Neuroscience Symposium, an dem der dalai lama mit namhaften
DALAI LAMA IM DIALOG Dalai Lama Symposium Ausstellungen ... Links Bild: Manuel Bauer
Mittwoch, 3. August 2005 Neuroscience Symposium Auch empfehle ich allen Interessierten, die zwei Ausstellungen Prof. Dr. Hans Weder, Rektor Neuroscience Symposium Das Neuroscience Symposium «Fear and Anxiety» statt. Video-Aufzeichnung Das Neuroscience Symposium vom 3. August wurde aufgezeichnet und kann hier angesehen werden. Ausstellungen Sonderausstellungen Zur Ausstellung «Die 14 Dalai Lamas» erscheint Ende Juli das reich bebilderte Buch «Die Dalai Lamas»

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