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Dalai Lama: more books (103) | ||||||
141. Centro Budista Tara Centro de budismo mahayana de la tradici³n de s.s. el dalai lama en Barcelona, Espa±a. Actividades de lunes a viernes. Entrada libre y gratuta. http://www.centrobudistatara.com/ |
142. The Dalai Lama Visits Rutgers Rutgers Welcomes the dalai lama Home Page. Rutgers welcomes His Holiness the dalai lama, an internationally respected advocate of peace, http://www.president.rutgers.edu/dalailama/ | |
143. CNN.com - Dalai Lama Seeks To Quell China's Anger - March 31, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/03/31/taiwan.dalailama.03/index.html | |
144. The Dalai Lama And Scientists Unite To Study Meditation (May 23, 2001) In a rare convergence of spirituality and science, the dalai lama and a handful of Western neuroscientists met this week at the university to discuss ways http://www.news.wisc.edu/view.html?get=6205 |
145. CNN.com - Dalai Lama To Meet Bush Despite Chinese Anger - May 23, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/05/23/dalai.bush/index.html | |
146. Brain And Emotions Research At UW-Madison The dalai lama and scientists unite to study meditation (May 23, 2001). Dian Land. In a rare convergence of spirituality and science, the dalai lama and a http://www.news.wisc.edu/packages/emotion/6205.html | |
147. Citaten Over Waarde, Normen En Waarden, Verantwoord Ondernemen, Geld, Financieel Overzicht van citaten over waarde(n) van Socrates tot HsiTang, van Genesis tot de dalai lama en van Warren Buffett tot George Bush. http://www.valuequotes.net/dutch.html | |
148. Astrology Software For Research - Dalai Lama - Astrology Chart dalai lama astrology chart and biography. Sally Thibodeau quotes dalai lama, My Son, which is the story of his mother told to her granddaughter. On p. http://www.astrodatabank.com/NM/DalaiLama.htm | |
149. Buddhism Directory of resources pertaining to the exiled spiritual leader, with descriptions. http://buddhism.about.com/cs/dalailama/ | |
150. Buddha's Words - Gotaro Information on The dalai lama and Tibet; also related data. Includes inspirational sayings of The dalai lama and others. http://www.gotaro.homestead.com/ | |
151. The Dalai Lama - Spirituality - CIO Magazine Fall 2003 The dalai lama. Computers and The Buddha Nature and Tibetan spiritual leaders, the dalai lama reflects on the development of technology and humanity. http://www.cio.com/archive/092203/dalai_lama.html | |
152. Entrevista Con El Dalai Lama Entrevista con el dalai lama, 1997. http://usuarios.iponet.es/casinada/24dlama.htm | |
153. Openflows | Fear Of Dalai Lama Birthday Spoilers (Age) Early next month, the dalai lama of Tibet will turn 70 for only the second time in several centuries of reincarnation. The Australia Tibet Council is http://openflows.org/article.pl?sid=05/06/13/1920247&mode=thread&tid=23 |
154. KALACHAKRA 2000 Il suo significato e l'introduzione di S.S. il XIV dalai lama. La generazione della Sacra Dimora e la consacrazione del luogo. Danze rituali, creazione del mandala ed insegnamenti introduttivi; l'iniziazione, i partecipanti ed i loro racconti. Bibliografia. http://www.amitaba.net/Esperienze e cultura/Kalachakra2000/Kalachakra 2000.htm | |
155. News@nature Neuroscientists see red over dalai lama NatureThe dalai lama has lived in exile in India since he fled Chinese troops in Some of the critics believe that the dalai lama s lecture should be ruled out http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050725/full/436452b.html | |
156. CNN.com - Dalai Lama Meets Former Taiwan President - April 6, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/04/06/taiwan.dalailama.lee/index.html | |
157. BookCloseouts.com Bargain Books - Bookstore - Book Sale Paperback. ISBN 0007668732. List Price $19.95. Our Price $9.99 (50% OFF) US Funds. Live in Central Park (dalai lama in America) http://www.bookcloseouts.com/default.asp?N=-2834 |
158. Welcome To The Tibet Museum Museum with photographic archive and life histories sections. Presents Tibet's history in the past and present. Special section on Tibet's future with text by the dalai lama. Established by the Tibetan Governmentin-Exile http://www.thetibetmuseum.org/ | |
159. Hello Dalai - Newsweek Society - MSNBC.com His Holiness, the dalai lama is believed by Buddhists in the Lamaist tradition to be When the dalai lama stayed with Diana and Jonathan, he asked Diana, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8488132/site/newsweek/ | |
160. Dalai Lama - CelebAtheists A contributor to the message board reports that the dalai lama said the following (Ed. When? Where?). Basically, religions may be divided into two http://www.celebatheists.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dalai_Lama |
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