Version francaise SOME OF THE ACTORS Curie Chadwick Pauli Bohr Fermi Bethe Reines Davis Pontecorvo Majorana Lee et Yang Steinberger Lederman Schwartz Wu Perl Bahcall And many others... Marie CURIE, Pierre CURIE, Henri BECQUEREL For the birth of the neutrino particle, beta radioactivity had to be known. Henri Becquerel, in 1896, did the first experiments on the radioactivity phenomena . Pierre and Marie Curie discovered in 1898 the radium, two millions times more radioactive than the uranium salts used by Becquerel. Those three scientists were at the origin of the fundamental researches on the atomic nucleus undertaken in the following years, which gave us, among others, the discovery of the neutrino, 50 years later. Marie and Pierre Curie in their laboratory James Chadwick In 1914, James Chadwick shows that energy spectrum of the beta radioactivity electrons is a continuum. This problem of the continuous beta spectrum will lead 16 years later to the Pauli hypothesis and will make Niels Bohr anxious about the energy conservation principle. In 1932, Chadwick discovers the neutron, the proton's partner in atomic nucleus. With this discovery he participates indirectly to the baptism of "neutrino" by Fermi and receives the pysics Nobel price. Wolfgang PAULI The idea of neutrino was born only in 1930, when Wolfgang Pauli tried a desperate saving of the "energy conservation principle". In order to explain the continuous beta spectrum, he invented a new light particle, neutral and interacting very few with the other particles of matter. | |