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         Curie Pierre:     more books (93)
  1. Le Cercle Historia: L'operation Jericho Par Remy - Les Croises Par Regine Pernoud - Marie Curie Par Eve Curie - Frederic Ii Par Pierre Gaxotte (French Edition) by Remy, Regine Pernoud, et all 1960
  2. French Socialists: Irène Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Henri Barbusse, François-Noël Babeuf, Alain Badiou, Gustave Courbet
  3. Exposes de radioactivite et de physique nucleaire, publie sous la direction de madame Pierre Curie; III: Radioactivite Artificielle by F; Curie, Irene Joliot, 1935
  4. Légion D'honneur Refusals: Marie Curie, Brigitte Bardot, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Guy de Maupassant, Pierre Curie, Maurice Ravel
  5. French Nobel Laureates: Marie Curie, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Louis de Broglie, Henri Bergson
  6. Mineraux remarquables de la collection UPMC-La Sorbonne.(Remarkable Minerals from the Collection of the University Pierre and Marie Curie: The Sorbonne)(Book ... An article from: The Mineralogical Record by Wendell Wilson, 2010-05-01
  7. Professeur de L'école Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de La Ville de Paris: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Pierre Curie (French Edition)
  8. French Chemists: Antoine Lavoisier, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, Pierre Curie, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, Claude Louis Berthollet, Hilaire Rouelle
  9. French Physicists: Marie Curie, André-Marie Ampère, Blaise Pascal, Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Jean-Charles de Borda
  10. Socialism in France: French Socialists, Socialist Parties in France, Irène Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Henri Barbusse
  11. Radioactivity: Marie Curie, Nuclear Fission, Radionuclide, Half-Life, Fallout Shelter, Henri Becquerel, Radiocarbon Dating, Pierre Curie
  12. Pierre Curie: Physics, Crystallography, Magnetism, Piezoelectricity, Radioactive Decay, Nobel Prize in Physics, Marie Curie
  13. Famille Curie: Marie Curie, Pierre Curie, Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Ève Curie, Irène Joliot-Curie, Les Palmes de M. Schutz (Film, 1997) (French Edition)

21. Pierre Curie - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Pierre and Marie Curie s daughter Irène JoliotCurie and their son-in-law FrédéricJoliot-Curie were also physicists involved in the study of radioactivity.
Pierre Curie
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pierre Curie Pi¨rre Curie May 15 April 19 ) was a pioneer in the study of crystallography magnetism piezoelectricity and radioactivity Pi¨rre was educated at home by his father, and in his early teens showed a strong aptitude for mathematics and geometry. By the age of 18 he had completed the equivalent of a higher degree, but did not proceed immediately to a doctorate due to lack of money. Instead he worked as a laboratory instructor. In 1880, Pi¨rre and his older brother Jacques demonstrated that an electric potential was generated when crystals were compressed, i.e. piezoelectricity . Shortly afterwards, in 1881, they demonstrated the reverse effect: that crystals could be made to deform when subject to an electric field. Almost all digital electronic circuits now rely on this phenomenon in the form of crystal oscillators Prior to his famous doctoral studies on magnetism he designed and perfected an extremely sensitive torsion balance for measuring magnetic coefficients. Variations on this equipment were commonly used by future workers in that area. Pierre Curie studied ferromagnetism paramagnetism , and diamagnetism for his doctoral thesis, and discovered the effect of

22. Pierre_Curie - Lexikon - Pierre_Curie - Beschreibung - Physik
Translate this page Pierre Curie wird als zweiter Sohn des Arztes Eugène Curie und der Fabrikantentochter http//

23. Dnes Je Pondelí 8. Srpna 2005, Svátek Má Sobeslav 1701 Www
curie pierre Francouzský fyzik a chemik Pierre Curie (15.5. 1859 19.4. 1906),se spolu se svojí manželkou Marií Curií-Sklodowskou a Henri Becquerelom

24. Curie Pierre Et Marie (couple De Physiciens Français)
peu après. 1956), fille de Pierre et Marie Curie, fait ses études tout en
Les Curie Curie Pierre et Marie (couple de physiciens français).
Marie née Marya Sklodowska (Varsovie 1867 - Sallanches 1934), d'origine polonaise, est l'un des créateurs de la physique et de la chimie nucléaires. Après de brillantes études secondaires, elle enseigne pendant quelques années en Pologne. Elle arrive en 1891 à Paris, où elle obtient une licence de physique (1893) et une licence de mathématiques (1894). Elle épouse Pierre Curie en 1895. Marie Curie dans son laboratoire.
Son nom est attaché au travail acharné et parfois téméraire qui fut nécessaire pour élucider le phénomène de la radioactivité, ainsi qu'à la découverte et l'isolement du radium. Cependant, Marie Curie était aussi une femme de science, ce qui n'était pas courant à la fin du xix e siècle. On la voit ici dans le petit laboratoire de l'École de physique et chimie industrielle dans lequel les Curie firent l'essentiel de leurs découvertes
Pierre (Paris 1859 - id . 1906) est l'auteur de travaux fondamentaux sur le magnétisme et la radioactivité. Précocement doué pour les études scientifiques, il obtient une licence ès sciences à dix-huit ans. Ses premiers travaux portent sur le rayonnement thermique, la pyroélectricité, la piézo-électricité (qu'il découvre avec son frère Paul Jacques). Il invente une balance de précision à amortissement rapide. Pour sa thèse de doctorat, il cherche une théorie générale du magnétisme et énonce la loi de Curie, selon laquelle la susceptibilité magnétique d'un corps paramagnétique varie en proportion inverse de la température absolue. Sa rencontre avec Marya Sklodowska modifiera l'orientation de ses recherches.

25. Auteur - CURIE Pierre
curie pierreParis 1925, vii+354pp. Oeuvres de Pierre Curie

26. Pierre Curie - Wikipedia
Pierre Curie. Obtuvo el premio Nobel con su mujer Marie Curie, otra famosa física,en 1903 en reconocimiento de lo extraordinarios servicios prestados
Pierre Curie
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Pierre Curie Par­s 15 de mayo de - Par­s, 19 de abril de ) fue un f­sico franc©s , pionero en el estudio de la radioactividad
Pierre Curie Obtuvo el premio Nobel con su mujer Marie Curie , otra famosa f­sica, en en reconocimiento de lo extraordinarios servicios prestados conjuntamente en sus investigaciones sobre la radiaci³n descubierta por el profesor Henri Becquerel Descubri³ la piezoelectricidad en , estudi³ el magnetismo , y enunci³ en el principio universal de simetr­a : Las simetr­as presentes en las causas de un fen³meno f­sico tambi©n se encuentran en sus consecuencias. Muri³ a ra­z de un accidente en , al ser aplastada su cabeza por las ruedas de un carro. Ello evit³ seguramente la muerte por efectos de la radiaci³n que aguard³ a su mujer posteriormente.
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27. Pierre Curie - Wikipédia
Irène JoliotCurie, la fille de Pierre et Marie Curie, et leur beau-fils, FrédéricJoliot-Curie furent aussi des physiciens qui étudièrent la radioactivité.
Pierre Curie
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Pierre Curie Paris 15 mai Paris 19 avril En ©tudiant la cristallographie , il a d©couvert la pi©zo©lectricit© Il fut un des pionniers de l'©tude des radiations, avec sa femme Marie Curie . Ils re§urent le prix Nobel de physique en , avec Henri Becquerel Pierre a ©t© form©   domicile par son p¨re, et il montra tr¨s jeune une grande facilit© pour les math©matiques et la g©om©trie. € 18 ans, il avait atteint l'©quivalent d'une ma®trise, mais il ne put poursuivre en doctorat, faute d'argent. Il prit un poste d’instructeur de laboratoire. oscillateurs cristal Pierre travailla avec sa femme, Marie Curie   isoler le polonium et le radium radioactivit© ©lectrom¨tre pi©zo©lectrique pr©cis construit par Pierre et son fr¨re, Jacques. Pierre et un de ses ©tudiants firent la premi¨re d©couverte de l’ ©nergie nucl©aire , en identifiant l'©mission continue de chaleur par des particules de radium . Il ©tudia ©galement les ©missions de substances radioactives par radiation, et en utilisant des champs magn©tiques il put montrer que certaines ©missions ©taient charg©es positivement, certaines ©taient n©gatives et d'autres neutres. Ce sont les radiations alpha bªta et gamma En commun avec sa femme, Marie, Pierre re§ut le

28. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Curie Pierre
curie pierre . Articles MSN EncartaPremium. Obtenez plus de résultats pour curie pierre
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29. Encyclopedia: Pierre Curie
Pierre and Marie Curie s daughter Ir¨ne JoliotCurie and their son-in-lawFr©d©ric Joliot-Curie were also physicists involved in the study of

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    Encyclopedia: Pierre Curie
    Updated 7 days 19 hours 43 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Pierre Curie Pierre Curie Pi¨rre Curie May 15 April 19 ) was a pioneer in the study of crystallography magnetism piezoelectricity and radioactivity 19th century (or early 20th century) photograph. ... May 15 is the 135th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (136th in leap years). ... 1859 is a common year starting on Saturday. ... April 19 is the 109th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (110th in leap years). ... 1906 was a common year starting on Monday (see link for calendar). ... Crystallography (from the Greek words crystallon = cold drop / frozen drop, with its meaning extending to all solids with some degree of transparency, and graphein = write) is the experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in solids. ... In physics, magnetism is one of the phenomena by which materials exert an attractive or repulsive force on other materials. ...

    30. Pierre Curie - Wikipédia
    Pierre Curie. Pierre Curie. francúzsky fyzik a chemik. Narodenie, 15. máj 1859 Paríž, Francúzsko. Úmrtie, 19. apríl 1906 Paríž, Francúzsko
    Pierre Curie
    Z Wikip©die
    Pierre Curie francºzsky fyzik a chemik Narodenie 15. m¡j
    Francºzsko šmrtie 19. apr­l
    Francºzsko Pierre Curie 15. m¡j Par­Å¾ 19. apr­l , Par­Å¾, automobilov¡ nehoda) bol francºzsky fyzik a chemik , manžel Marie Curieovej Profesor (‰cole de physique et de chimie, potom na Sorbonne ), člen Akad©mie vied. Venoval sa najprv o.i. symetrii kryÅ¡t¡lov . Roku objavil spolu so svoj­m bratom Paulom Jacquesom Curiem piezoelektrick½ jav . Potom sa venoval magnetizmu l¡tok – objavil nez¡vislosÅ¥ diamagnetizmu na teplote, ďalej Curieho z¡kon pre paramagnetizmus a premenu feromagnetizmu na paramagnetizmus pri istej teplote. Od roku pom¡hal svojej žene pri v½skume r¡dioaktivity ur¡novej rudy, pričom sa on zameral na fyzik¡lny v½skum r¡dioakt­vneho žiarenia. Je spoluobjaviteľom r¡dia a pol³nia . Roku napokon spolu s manželkou a Becquerelom dostali Nobelovu cenu za fyziku za v½skum prirodzenej r¡dioaktivity. pr­liÅ¡ kr¡tky (tzv. " V½honok "). M´Å¾eÅ¡ pom´cÅ¥ Wikip©dii rozÅ¡­riÅ¥ ho tak, že hore klikneÅ¡ na z¡ložku "ºprava" (alebo alternat­vne sem ) a dop­Å¡eÅ¡ alebo zmen­Å¡ text Zdroj: "

    31. Marie And Pierre Curie
    Detailed biographies of the husbandwife team known for their pioneering researchin the field of radiology.

    32. Marie And Pierre Curie
    Short biographical article tells about the husbandwife team who spent much of their careers studying radioactivity. From PBS.

    33. Pierre Curie - Biography
    Short biography from the foundation that awards the Nobel Prize.
    Pierre Curie was born in Paris, where his father was a general medical practitioner, on May 15, 1859. He received his early education at home before entering the Faculty of Sciences at the Sorbonne. He gained his Licenciateship in Physics in 1878 and continued as a demonstrator in the physics laboratory until 1882 when he was placed in charge of all practical work in the Physics and Industrial Chemistry Schools. In 1895 he obtained his Doctor of Science degree and was appointed Professor of Physics. He was promoted to Professor in the Faculty of Sciences in 1900, and in 1904 he became Titular Professor.
    In his early studies on crystallography, together with his brother Jacques, Curie discovered piezoelectric effects. Later, he advanced theories of symmetry with regard to certain physical phenomena and turned his attention to magnetism. He showed that the magnetic properties of a given substance change at a certain temperature - this temperature is now known as the Curie point. To assist in his experiments he constructed several delicate pieces of apparatus - balances, electrometers, piezoelectric crystals, etc.
    Curie's studies of radioactive substances were made together with his wife, whom he married in 1895. They were achieved under conditions of much hardship - barely adequate laboratory facilities and under the stress of having to do much teaching in order to earn their livelihood. They announced the discovery of radium and polonium by fractionation of pitchblende in 1898 and later they did much to elucidate the properties of radium and its transformation products. Their work in this era formed the basis for much of the subsequent research in nuclear physics and chemistry. Together they were awarded half of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 on account of their study into the spontaneous radiation discovered by Becquerel, who was awarded the other half of the Prize.

    34. MSN Encarta - Pierre Curie
    Tells about the French physicist best known for the work on radioactivity thathe did with his wife, Marie.

    35. Curie, Pierre
    Marie curie, pierre curie, trans. from French by Charlotte Kellogg and VernonKellogg (1923, reissued 1963), was written by his wife.
    Curie, Pierre
    Pierre Curie The Granger Collection, New York City (b. May 15, 1859, Paris, Franced. April 19, 1906, Paris), French physical chemist and cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. He and his wife, Marie Curie , discovered radium and polonium in their investigation of radioactivity Educated by his father, a doctor, Curie developed a passion for mathematics at the age of 14 and showed a particular aptitude for spatial geometry, which was later to help him in his work on crystallography. Matriculating at the age of 16 and obtaining his at 18, he was in 1878 taken on as laboratory assistant at the Sorbonne. There Curie carried out his first work on the calculation of the wavelength of heat waves. This was followed by very important studies on crystals, in which he was helped by his elder brother Jacques. The problem of the distribution of crystalline matter according to the laws of symmetry was to become one of his major preoccupations. The Curie brothers associated the phenomenon of pyroelectricity with a change in the volume of the crystal in which it appears, and thus they arrived at the discovery of piezoelectricity. Later, Pierre was able to formulate the principle of symmetry, which states the impossibility of bringing about a specific physical process in an environment lacking a certain minimal dissymmetry characteristic of the process. Further, this dissymmetry cannot be found in the effect if it is not preexistent in the cause. He went on to define the symmetry of different physical phenomena.

    36. Curie, Pierre --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    curie, pierre French physical chemist and cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physicsin 1903. He and his wife, Marie curie, discovered radium and polonium in
    Home Browse Newsletters Store ... Subscribe Already a member? Log in Content Related to this Topic This Article's Table of Contents Introduction Additional Reading Print this Table of Contents Shopping Price: USD $1495 Revised, updated, and still unrivaled. The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (Hardcover) Price: USD $15.95 The Scrabble player's bible on sale! Save 30%. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Price: USD $19.95 Save big on America's best-selling dictionary. Discounted 38%! More Britannica products Curie, Pierre
    Page 1 of 2
    Pierre Curie
    born May 15, 1859, Paris, France
    died April 19, 1906, Paris
    Pierre Curie.
    The Granger Collection, New York City French physical chemist and cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. He and his wife, Marie Curie , discovered radium and polonium in their investigation of radioactivity.
    Curie, Pierre... (75 of 778 words) var mm = [["Jan.","January"],["Feb.","February"],["Mar.","March"],["Apr.","April"],["May","May"],["June","June"],["July","July"],["Aug.","August"],["Sept.","September"],["Oct.","October"],["Nov.","November"],["Dec.","December"]];

    37. Pierre Curie Winner Of The 1903 Nobel Prize In Physics
    pierre curie, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
    1903 Nobel Laureate in Physics
      in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel.

      Residence: France
      Affiliation: École municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris
    Featured Internet Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

    38. Faculté De Médecine St-Antoine
    Renseignements administratifs. Programmes des cours. Publications. Liste des DU et DIU. Universit© pierre et Marie curie, Paris 6.

    39. Curie, Pierre (1859-1906) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
    curie, pierre (18591906). French chemist and physicist who, with his wife Mariecurie discovered uranium, polonium, and radium in pitchblende in 1898.
    Branch of Science Chemists Branch of Science Physicists ... Physics Prize
    Curie, Pierre (1859-1906)

    French chemist and physicist who, with his wife Marie Curie discovered uranium, polonium, and radium in pitchblende in 1898. He also noticed that permanent magnets lose their magnetism when heated above a certain temperature (now called the Curie temperature ). He also discovered piezoelectricity which is the production of an electric potential across a crystal when pressure is applied. Curie (Marie) Joliot-Curie (Frederic) Joliot-Curie (Irene)
    References Curie, P. Oeuvres. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1908.

    40. Anciens Du Lycée Pierre Et Marie Curie D'Annaba
    Photos et annuaires des anciens ©l¨ves et professeurs.

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