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101. Gale - Free Resources - Women's History - Biographies - Marie Curie Article written especially for students tells about curie's early life, her marriage to French scientist Pierre curie, her work, and its impact on the world of science. http://www.gale.com/free_resources/whm/bio/curie_m.htm | |
102. MedHist The Gateway To Internet Resources For The History Of Medicine Authors include Aristotle, Joseph Priestley and marie curie among others. There is rather a long preface to the articles themselves, but if you scroll down http://medhist.ac.uk/browse/byname/40f40b07dc6617e071939042d0365ba5.html |
103. Liceo Scientifico E Classico "Marie Curie" Di Meda L'istituto illustra gli insegnamenti dei diversi indirizzi, la didattica e il POF, le attivit e i progetti, circolari e modulistica. http://www.liceomeda.it/ | |
104. [Letter] 1922 May 25, Paris (France) [to] Mrs. Tyson / M. Curie [Marie Curie]. Letter 1922 May 25, Paris (France) to Mrs. Tyson / M. curie marie curie. curie, marie, 18671934. 1922 May 25. 1 leaf. 11 x 14 cm. http://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/remain/96/ | |
105. Alexa - Sites In: Curie, Marie Alexa web search a new kind of search engine. With traffic rankings, user reviews and other information about sites, Alexa is a web site discovery tool. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=69692&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
106. Women In Discovery - Texas A&M University Goals, legacy of marie curie, organizational chart, project summary, program, education, traveling exhibit, news and press releases, symposium, websites, and contact. http://wid.tamu.edu/ | |
107. Biographies Info Science : Curie Pierre Et Marie Translate this page La même année, Pierre curie épouse marie Sklodowska, une jeune polonaise venue Ayant obtenu sa licence de physique deux ans plus tard, marie curie est http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=17 |
108. Curie, Marie Sklodowska marie Sklodowska curie (18671934). She was born in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. She studied chemistry and physics at Warsaw http://www.webref.org/scientists/curie.htm | |
109. LICEO SCIENTIFICO MARIE E PIERRE CURIE DI SAN GIORGIO A CREMANO (NA) Presenta informazioni sulla scuola e la sua attivit , sulla storia di S. Giorgio, sul logo scelto. http://digilander.libero.it/liceocurie/ | |
110. Biografía - Curie, Marie Translate this page Física francesa de origen polaco (Varsovia, 1867-Valence, 1934). Junto con su marido Pierre, dedicó su vida a la investigación del fenómeno radiactivo, http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/6768.htm | |
111. Marie Curie Gymnasium: Marie Curie Gymnasium: Home Die Schule stellt sich vor und berichtet mit umfangreichen Artikeln aus dem Schulalltag. Aktivit¤ten, Lehrer, Unterrichtsf¤cher und Veranstaltungstermine werden pr¤sentiert. http://www.mcgym.de/ | |
112. Die Offizielle Homepage Des Marie-Curie-Gymnasiums Wittenberge Die Schule stellt sich und die von ihr angebotenen Unterrichtsf¤cher vor, informiert ¼ber Schulprojekte und vermittelt mit Bildern einen Eindruck aus dem Schulalltag. http://www.prignitz.de/Gymnasium-Wittenberge/ |
113. Inventor Marie Curie Fascinating facts about marie curie who pioneered the study of radioactivity in 1903. http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/curie.htm | |
114. Home Die Site informiert ¼ber angebotene Arbeitsgemeinschaften, stellt Partnerschulen und den F¶rderverein vor, pr¤sentiert Statistiken ¼ber Sch¼lerzahlen und portr¤tiert die Namenspatronin. http://www.mcgym.org | |
115. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Marie Curie marie curie http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Marie_Curie | |
116. Untitled Document Actualit©s, informations pratiques et indicateurs scolaires. http://www.etab.ac-caen.fr/mcurie/ | |
117. Madame Curie Translate this page marie curie estaba interesada en los recientes descubrimientos de los nuevos tipos de marie curie fue la primera en utilizar el t?ino radiactivo para http://www.webmujeractual.com/biografias/nombres/madame_curie.htm | |
118. [Ecole élémentaire Pierre Et Marie Curie Villeneuve D’Ascq] Informations sur l'©cole, les classes. Villeneuve d'Ascq. http://pmcva.ouvaton.org | |
119. Marie Curie - Biografie Rasscass Translate this page Kooperation Rasscass Wissen Bildung FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN. http://biografien.focus.msn.de/templ/te_bio.php?PID=475&RID=1 |
120. Index Pr©sentation de ses activit©s, de ses motivations, ainsi que quelques blagues. A Tourcoing dans le Nord de la France. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/socx/aep/ | |
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