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         Curie Marie:     more books (100)
  1. Marie Curie (Compass Point Early Biographies series) by Meachen Rau, Dana, 2001-01-01
  2. Marie Curie by Susan Quinn, Laurent Muhleisen, 1996-04-01
  3. The Mysterious Rays: Marie Curie's World by Nancy Veglahn, 1977-10
  4. Une Femme Honorable (Biography of Marie Curie) (French Edition) by Giroud, 2003-04-15
  5. Marie Curie
  6. Marie Curie (Scientists Who Made History) by Elizabeth Gogerley, 2001-08-16
  7. Sister Prometheus: Discovering Marie Curie by Douglas Burnet Smith, 2008-09-15
  8. Marie Curie : Pioneer of the Atomic Age by Alan Ivimey, 1969
  9. Marie Curie (Life Times) by Richard Tames, 2003-05-08
  10. Marie Curie (A See and read beginning to read biography) by Lorraine Henriod, 1970
  11. Marie Curie (Inventores Grandes/Discover the Life of An Inventor) (Spanish Edition) by Don McLeese, 2005-12-31
  12. Marie Curie by Leonard Everett Fisher, 1994-09-01
  13. Marie et Pierre Curie: Unis dans la science (Les couples celebres) (French Edition) by Bernard Lehembre, 1999
  14. Marie Curie (What Made Them Great Series) by Mary Montgomery, 1990-10

101. Gale - Free Resources - Women's History - Biographies - Marie Curie
Article written especially for students tells about curie's early life, her marriage to French scientist Pierre curie, her work, and its impact on the world of science.
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Women's History
Marie Curie
Polish-French chemist and physicist "A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales."
The early years
Marie Curie was born Marya Sklodowska, the fifth and youngest child of Bronsitwa Boguska, a pianist, singer, and teacher, and Ladislas Sklodowski, a professor of mathematics and physics. Bronsitwa Sklodowski died of tuberculosis when Marya was not quite 11, leaving Ladislas Sklodowski as his daughter's chief role model. Even as a very young girl she was fascinated by his physics equipment, and like him she was quiet and studious.

102. MedHist The Gateway To Internet Resources For The History Of Medicine
Authors include Aristotle, Joseph Priestley and marie curie among others. There is rather a long preface to the articles themselves, but if you scroll down

103. Liceo Scientifico E Classico "Marie Curie" Di Meda
L'istituto illustra gli insegnamenti dei diversi indirizzi, la didattica e il POF, le attivit  e i progetti, circolari e modulistica.
location.href="../new"; Questa è la pagina principale del Liceo Scientifico e Classico "Marie Curie" di Meda (MI).
Da qui si ha accesso ai contenuti del sito, che propone servizi agli studenti del Liceo di Meda, ai loro genitori
e naturalmente ad insegnanti e personale non docente.
Nel sito è attivo un Forum di discussione legato ai temi dell'istruzione, corredato da una Chat degli studenti.
E' attivo un servizio di Webmail per il personale docente e non docente che ha richiesto una casella di posta elettronica.

104. [Letter] 1922 May 25, Paris (France) [to] Mrs. Tyson / M. Curie [Marie Curie].
Letter 1922 May 25, Paris (France) to Mrs. Tyson / M. curie marie curie. curie, marie, 18671934. 1922 May 25. 1 leaf. 11 x 14 cm.
[Letter] 1922 May 25, Paris (France) [to] Mrs. Tyson / M. Curie [Marie Curie]. Curie, Marie, 1867-1934. 1922 May 25. [1] leaf. 11 x 14 cm. The letter is written on letterhead from Curie's lab at the Institut du Radium at the Faculte des Sciences de Paris. See also a letter from Harlan Miner in the collection describing Curie's two visits to the United States. Curie briefly states that she cannot ask Mrs. Tyson to visit as her daughter has been ill, but they would love to have Mrs. Tyson visit after her return from Limoges. The first person to receive two Nobel Prizes (1903, 1911), Curie worked to isolate two new elements, polonium and radium, in 1898 in collaboration with her husband, physicist Pierre Curie. She pioneered work on the medical applications of x rays and introduced the concept of radioactivity to the world. After her husband's death in 1906, she was invited to take over his teaching position at the University of Paris, the first woman in France to hold such a post. In 1921 she made a highly publicized tour of the United States, honored by women's organizations and the White House. Curie, Marie, 1867-1934Correspondence.

105. Alexa - Sites In: Curie, Marie
Alexa web search a new kind of search engine. With traffic rankings, user reviews and other information about sites, Alexa is a web site discovery tool.

106. Women In Discovery - Texas A&M University
Goals, legacy of marie curie, organizational chart, project summary, program, education, traveling exhibit, news and press releases, symposium, websites, and contact.
Women in Discovery

The Legacy of Marie Curie Organizational Chart The Women in Discovery Project Summary ... Contact

"Nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood."

Marie Curie
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our
for assisting us in making the
Women in Discovery project a success.

107. Biographies Info Science : Curie Pierre Et Marie
Translate this page La même année, Pierre curie épouse marie Sklodowska, une jeune polonaise venue Ayant obtenu sa licence de physique deux ans plus tard, marie curie est

108. Curie, Marie Sklodowska
marie Sklodowska curie (18671934). She was born in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. She studied chemistry and physics at Warsaw
Marie Sklodowska Curie (1867-1934) She was born in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. She studied chemistry and physics at Warsaw and at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1898 she discovered the element polonium. That same year Madame Curie and her husband, Pierre Curie, discovered the element radium. Madame Curie shared the Nobel prize in physics with her husband and A. H. Becquerel in 1903. She was the first woman scientist to win the Nobel prize in chemistry (1911) and was the first person to share in two Nobel prizes. Source: Metcalfe, H. Clark, John E. Williams, and Joseph F. Castka 1974. Modern Chemistry. New York, NY. Holt, Rinehart and Winston
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110. Biografía - Curie, Marie
Translate this page Física francesa de origen polaco (Varsovia, 1867-Valence, 1934). Junto con su marido Pierre, dedicó su vida a la investigación del fenómeno radiactivo,
Nacionalidad: Francia
Varsovia, Polonia 1867 - Valence 1934
Nacida en Varsovia en 1867, su nombre era Marya Sklodowoska. Se licenció en La Sorbona en ciencias físicas y matemáticas, doctorándose en 1895 y dedicándose a la docencia. Esta actividad la abandonó tras contraer matrimonio, ese mismo año, con Pierre Curie, profesor de física en La Sorbona. Ambos se dedicaron a la investigación, buscando elementos radiactivos alternativos al uranio. Entre otros materiales trabajaron con la pechblenda, hallando que ésta tenía una actividad mayor que lo que hacía suponer la cantidad de uranio que contiene. Con ello, descubrieron que debía contener otros materiales radiactivos distintos del uranio y con mayor potencial. A pesar de la precariedad de medios con la que contaban, se hicieron traer toneladas de pechblenda de Bohemia, con la que pudieron concentrar un nuevo elemento, llamado polonio. Tras realizar su descubrimiento en julio de 1898, en diciembre de ese mismo año descubrieron el radio, otro elemento radiactivo. Al año siguiente, ambos esposos hallaron la radiactividad inducida, un nuevo fenómeno, al comprobar que una placa cerca de una sal radiactiva incorporaba las propiedades de un cuerpo radiactivo. Con este descubrimiento obtuvo el premio Nobel de Física (concedido a ambos esposos y al francés Becquerel , 1903), siendo la primera mujer en conseguirlo. Nuevamente será premiada con el Nobel, esta vez en Química (1911), por la obtención del radio en estado metálico. Ocupó la cátedra de Física en La Sorbona tras la muerte de su marido en 1906, arrollado por un camión. Fruto de los largos años de experimentación con materiales radiactivos, Curie enfermó de leucemia, dolencia que acabará por causarle la muerte en 1934. Dejó reflejado el fruto de sus investigaciones en "Traté de radioactivité", publicado en 1910.

111. Marie Curie Gymnasium: Marie Curie Gymnasium: Home
Die Schule stellt sich vor und berichtet mit umfangreichen Artikeln aus dem Schulalltag. Aktivit¤ten, Lehrer, Unterrichtsf¤cher und Veranstaltungstermine werden pr¤sentiert.
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... Programm und Referatsthemen für Curie-Tag sind online!
Mittwoch 14. of September 2005 (Alter: 1 days) Programm unter: Geist.Ist.Gegenwart. Die Referatsthemen für die Schüler der Klassen 10 bis 13: unter
  • Block Block Block
  • Von: Henry Freye [mehr]

    Sonntag 04. of September 2005 (Alter: 11 days) Tag der Wissenschaften Von: Henry Freye [mehr]

    Mittwoch 24. of August 2005 (Alter: 22 days) Link zu einer Facharbeit! Denkt an Inhaltsverzeichnis, Abbildungsverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis, Fußnoten sowie Kopf- und Fußzeilen R. Tusche Von: Anonymous [mehr]
    Pack` die Kamera aus und film`, was dich bewegt!
    Samstag 20. of August 2005 (Alter: 26 days) In den Alterskategorien 5.-8. Klasse sowie 9.-13. Klasse könnt ihr kurze Filme von bis zu 6-7 min Länge drehen: Ob witzig oder ernst, politisch oder satirisch, kritisch oder einfach nur schön - erlaubt ist alles, was euch zu dem Thema einfällt. Immerhin passiert LEBEN rund um uns. Was bedeutet für e... Von: Anonymous [mehr] Beiträge erwünscht Mittwoch 17. of August 2005 (Alter: 29 days)

    112. Die Offizielle Homepage Des Marie-Curie-Gymnasiums Wittenberge
    Die Schule stellt sich und die von ihr angebotenen Unterrichtsf¤cher vor, informiert ¼ber Schulprojekte und vermittelt mit Bildern einen Eindruck aus dem Schulalltag.

    113. Inventor Marie Curie
    Fascinating facts about marie curie who pioneered the study of radioactivity in 1903.
    Marie Curie Fascinating facts about Marie Curie who pioneered the study of radioactivity in 1903. Marie Curie (1867 ~ 1934) d Marie Sklodowska, as she was called before marriage, was born in Warsaw in 1867. Both her parents were teachers who believed deeply in the importance of education. Marie had her first lessons in physics and chemistry from her father. She had a brilliant aptitude for study and a great thirst for knowledge; however, advanced study was not possible for women in Poland. Marie dreamed of being able to study at the Sorbonne in Paris, but this was beyond the means of her family. To solve the problem, Marie and her elder sister, Bronya, came to an arrangement: Marie should go to work as a governess and help her sister with the money she managed to save so that Bronya could study medicine at the Sorbonne. When Bronya had taken her degree she, in her turn, would contribute to the cost of Marie's studies. So it was not until she was 24 that Marie came to Paris to study mathematics and physics. Bronya was now married to a doctor of Polish origin, and it was at Bronya's urgent invitation to come and live with them that Marie took the step of leaving for Paris. By then she had been away from her studies for six years, nor had she had any training in understanding rapidly spoken French. But her keen interest in studying and her joy at being at the Sorbonne with all its opportunities helped her surmount all difficulties. To save herself a two-hours' journey, she rented a little attic in the Quartier Latin. There the cold was so intense that at night she had to pile on everything she had in the way of clothing so as to be able to sleep.

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    Die Site informiert ¼ber angebotene Arbeitsgemeinschaften, stellt Partnerschulen und den F¶rderverein vor, pr¤sentiert Statistiken ¼ber Sch¼lerzahlen und portr¤tiert die Namenspatronin.
    Schulleben Schulchronik über Marie Curie [Home] [ Kontakt

    115. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Marie Curie
    marie curie
    Les professions
    La dernière édition du magazine L'Agora vient de paraître. Au sommaire: l'âme des professions, l'histoire des organisations professionnelles, professions et libéralisation des échanges, travail et culture de l'urgence, ainsi que les chroniques de nos collaborateurs habituels.
    Le Québec, ses ressources et ses réalisations : liens utiles, répertoires, listes informatisées, l'actualité.


    L'état du développement durable depuis le sommet de Rio, les grandes réalisations, les défis et les solutions de l'avenir. Publié pour la première fois en français. Sciences et techniques, Vie Marie Curie Source: Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress (domaine public)
    Bureau de Marie Curie à l'Institut du radium
    , qu'elle occupa de juillet 1914 à sa mort en 1934
    Laboratoire de Marie Curie
    Vie et oeuvre
    "Marie Curie. Une pionnière du prix Nobel au Panthéon

    Sous l'illustre dôme du Panthéon, à Paris, aux côtés de l'écrivain Victor Hugo, de l'homme politique Jean Jaurès ou du résistant Jean Moulin, reposent désormais les cendres de Marie Curie et de son époux, Pierre. Femme de science et de courage, humaniste et tenace, cette chercheuse d'origine polonaise a ouvert, par sa découverte du radium, la voie de la physique nucléaire et de la thérapie du cancer. Des travaux qui lui coûtèrent la vie. «Aux grands hommes la patrie reconnaissante.»

    116. Untitled Document
    Actualit©s, informations pratiques et indicateurs scolaires.
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    117. Madame Curie
    Translate this page marie curie estaba interesada en los recientes descubrimientos de los nuevos tipos de marie curie fue la primera en utilizar el t?ino ‘radiactivo’ para
    Marie Curie Los Curie tuvieron dos hijas, una de ellas también ganó un Nobel: Irène Joliot-Curie y su marido, Frédéric, recibieron el Premio Nobel de Química en 1935 por la obtención de nuevos elementos radiactivos. Marie Curie Polish/French Physicist CIENCIA
    Biografía escrita por Eve Curie, hija de Marie y Pierre Curie. Marie Curie ... (Marya Sklodowska) Recomendar esta página
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    118. [Ecole élémentaire Pierre Et Marie Curie Villeneuve D’Ascq]
    Informations sur l'©cole, les classes. Villeneuve d'Ascq.
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    , 7 avril 2004
    Les élèves de la classe de CM2 ont édité un numéro spécial de leur journal hebdomadaire, le canard au curry, rebaptisé pour la circonstance "le canard libéré" daté (fictivement) du 2 avril 1944. Le journal la Voix du Nord a réalisé un très bel article sur leur travail et M6 a diffusé un reportage dans le 6 minutes (...)

    119. Marie Curie - Biografie Rasscass
    Translate this page Kooperation Rasscass Wissen Bildung FOCUS Online in Kooperation mit MSN.

    120. Index
    Pr©sentation de ses activit©s, de ses motivations, ainsi que quelques blagues. A Tourcoing dans le Nord de la France.
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