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         Cori Gerty Theresa:     more detail
  1. Biochimiste Américain: Robert Crane, George Wald, Roger Tsien, Robert Furchgott, Gertrude Elion, Gerty Theresa Cori, Edward Adelbert Doisy (French Edition)

61. Gerty Theresa Cori Winner Of The 1947 Nobel Prize In Medicine
Translate this page gerty theresa cori, nee Radnitz, nacio en Praga el 15 de agosto de 1896.Ella recibio su educacion primaria en casa antes de entrar en un Liceo para
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Search: Lycos Angelfire Free Games Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next Gerty Cori - Biografia
Gerty Theresa Cori, nee Radnitz, nacio en Praga el 15 de agosto de 1896. Ella recibio su educacion primaria en casa antes de entrar en un Liceo para muchachas en 1906; ella termino la carrera en 1912 y estudio para el examen de entrada de Universidad, que ella tomo y paso en el Tetschen Realgymnasium en 1914. Ella entro en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad alemana de Praga y recibio el Doctorado en la Medicina en 1920. Ella entonces gasto dos anos en el Hospital Carolinen de Ninos antes de emigrar a America con su marido, Carl, con que ella se caso en 1920. Ellos trabajaron juntos en Bufalo y cuando el se movio a San. Louis, ella lo unio como el Socio de Investigacion. Gerty Cori fue hecho al Profesor de la Bioquimica en 1947. Cori ha colaborado con la mayor parte de su trabajo de investigacion, que comienza en sus dias de estudiante y peladura de su interes mutuo a las ciencias preclinicas. Su primer papel conjunto resulto de un estudio inmunologico del complemento del suero humano.

62. Articles - Gerty Cori
gerty cori also published eleven articles as single author. Reference.National Library of Medicine, Dr. gerty theresa cori Biography
Home Electric Scooters

Dr. Gerty Theresa Cori , n©e Radnitz August 15 October 26 ) was an American biochemist born in Prague (then Austria-Hungary ) who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in for their discovery of how glycogen (animal starch) — a derivative of glucose — is broken down and resynthesized in the body, for use as a store and source of energy.
Born into a Jewish family, she was tutored at home before enrolling in a Lyceum for girls. Her uncle, a professor of pediatrics, encouraged her to attend medical school, and she was admitted to the German University of Prague in , at that time there where there were only a few female students. While studying she met Carl Cori, they married in 1920 following graduation, with her converting to Catholicism (possibly to lessen the objections of his family). In they both emigrated to the United States Buffalo, New York . In , they became naturalized citizens of the United States.
While at Roswell they were discouraged from working together, but did so anyway, devoting their efforts to how energy is produced and transmitted in the human body. Specializing in

63. Articles - Carl Ferdinand Cori
Ihde, AJ cori, Carl Ferdinand, and gerty theresa Radnitz cori. American NationalBiography Online Feb. 2000. All text is available under the terms of the
Home Electric Scooters
Carl Ferdinand Cori
December 5 October 20 ) was an American biochemist born in Prague (then in Austria-Hungary ) who, together with his wife Gerty Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel Prize in for their discovery of how glycogen (animal starch) - a derivative of glucose - is broken down and resynthesized in the body, for use as a store and source of energy.
Carl was the son of Carl Cori, a physician, and Martha Lippich, he grew up in Trieste where his father was the director of the Marine Biological Station. In late the Cori family moved to Prague and Carl entered the medical school at the German University. While studying there he met Gerty Theresa Radnitz . He was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army and served in the ski corps, and later was transferred to the sanitary corps, for which he set up a laboratory in Trieste. At the end of the war Carl completed his studies, graduating with Gerty in . Carl and Gerty married that year and worked together in clinics in Vienna
Carl was invited to Graz to work with Otto Loewi to study the effect of the vagus nerve on the heart , Loewi would receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in for this work. While Carl was in Graz, Gerty remained in Vienna. A year later Carl was offered a position at the State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases (now the Roswell Park Memorial Institute) in

64. Especiales Diario Médico
Translate this page gerty theresa cori nació en Praga el 15 de agosto de 1896. gerty theresa corifalleció el 26 de octubre de 1957 a consecuencia de un fallo renal.
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Bernardo Houssay, Gerty Theresa Cori y Carl F. Cori Bernardo Houssay Bernardo Houssay .
Gerty Theresa Cori Gerty Theresa Cori .
Carl Ferdinand Cori Carl Ferdinand Cori .
© Recoletos Medios Digitales S.L. Aviso Legal

65. Cori, Gerty Theresa /1896 - 1957/WWW.MLP.CZ
Mestská knihovna v Prazeoficiální internetové strány.
Mìstská knihovna v Praze / Municipal library of Prague Seznam autorit / A list of personages
Cori, Gerty Theresa /1896 - 1957
(amer. biochemièka èes.pùv.; Nobelova cena za fyziologii a lékaøství 1947)
Záhlaví: Název OCH Rok Signatura Druh dokumentu Svazky : Cori, Carl Fernando (soubor výstøižkù) soubor výstøižkù svazky KHOLOVÁ, Linda: Romeo a Julie z laboratoøe * PRV 17/C výstøižek svazky LUDVÍK, Martin: Z Prahy pochází pìt nositelù Nobelovy ceny * PRV 10 výstøižek svazky RECHCÍGL, Miloslav: Postavy naší Ameriky D+ D 13312 kniha svazky Poslední aktualizace: 12.8.2005; Generováno systémem Perlie 1.2

66. International: Italiano: Salute: Medicina: Medici E Ricercatori: Cori Née Rad
Translate this page International Italiano Salute Medicina Medici e Ricercatori cori née Radnitz,gerty theresa - Open Site.
Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Medici_e_Ricercatori/Cori_n©e_Radnitz,_Gerty_Theresa Top International Italiano Salute ... Medici e Ricercatori : Cori n©e Radnitz, Gerty Theresa
Vedi anche: Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3 robot company.
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67. Zürich Versicherung Innovator Der Woche - Gerty Theresa Cori
Translate this page Der cori-Zyklus oder warum wir die Leber brauchen, um Kniebeugen machen zu können -gerty theresa cori (1896-1957)

68. Biografia De Cori, Gerty Theresa
nacionalizada estadounidense, n. en Praga y m. en Saint Louis (Mo.).
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Cori, Gerty Theresa (Gerty Theresa Cori, de soltera Radnitz; 1896-1957) Bioquímica checoslovaca nacionalizada estadounidense, n. en Praga y m. en Saint Louis (Mo.). Estudió en la Universidad Alemana de Praga, donde conoció a Carl Ferdinand Cori, con quien contrajo matrimonio en 1920. En 1922 ambos cónyuges emigraron a Estados Unidos y en 1947 compartieron el premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología con Bernardo Alberto Houssay por sus trabajos de investigación sobre el metabolismo de los hidratos de carbono y la influencia hormonal en la interconversión de azúcares y almidones en el organismo (ciclo de Cori). Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

69. UM Library: Dentistry Library: About Us
cori, gerty theresa nee Radnitz (1896 1957) Prague, Austria. Physiology / Medicine. It is the absence of phosphatase from skeletal muscle tissue which
Words of Women Scientists
This online-only exhibit was developed to support the Women in History Month activities of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Quotations were selected to illustrate the diversity, personal experiences, influence, and significance of women in the sciences, both in history and today. The exhibit is comprised of two sections:
Quotations from Women Scientists
Barton Bates Blackburn Clance ... Zoback Barton, Jacqueline.
United States
"We think of the regular double helix as a one-dimensional sequence of information. But DNA isn't one-dimensional it's three-dimensional. ... Some can be a little left-handed; some can have a little loop out; some can be bent."
Jacqueline Barton on Metal Complexes and DNA. Science Watch January/February 1997. Bates, Gillian.
United Kingdom
"The remarkable thing about that is when we did see cell death, we observed that it is in the same regions of the brain as one would see in HD. We never expected this. Remember, we have this short fragment of the protein, not the whole protein, being expressed in mice. So in terms of what this polyglutamine load is doing in brains, we can say that it doesn't easily kill cells, because we don't see any cell death until the very, very end stage. And it's very selective. It's making cells dysfunction, and that's what's causing the symptoms. This may well be what's happening in patients."

70. Women Chemists Committee
gerty theresa Radnitz and Carl Ferdinand cori were both born in Prague in whatis now the Czech Republic in 1896. They met at the German University of
Women Chemists Committee September, 2004
Dr. Gerty Cori
T he implications for the work of Gerty and Carl Cori on carbohydrate metabolism are so well known in our culture that any normal jock can tell you the importance of carbohydrates in the generation of energy in the mammalian body. The names Gerty and Carl Cori and the term Glucose-1-Phosphate also known as the Cori ester mean nothing to the average American. However, most of them know that if they consume excess carbohydrate they are likely to become obese. Gerty Theresa Radnitz and Carl Ferdinand Cori were both born in Prague in what is now the Czech Republic in 1896. They met at the German University of Prague where both studied Medicine. They collaborated on research work as students and spent recreational time together as well. Carl described her as follows: "She was a fellow student, a young woman who had charm, vitality, intelligence, a sense of humor, and love of the outdoors, qualities which immediately attracted me." They married in 1920 after graduating earlier that year with Doctorates in Medicine. In the early 1920's Gerty began doing biochemical research in Vienna. Her initial research dealt with thyroid treatment for temperature regulation in a patient with congenital myxedema, and subsequently with studies in thyroid ectomized rabbits. In the time period immediately followed WW I, there was wide spread poverty in this part of Europe and anti-Semitism was emerging as a serious issue for them. Since Gerty was Jewish, this meant that her chances of getting an academic position in Europe were extremely slim. They made a decision to emigrate to the United States in 1922. Their first positions were in what is now Roswell Park, New York, near Buffalo, where Gerty continued her studies of thyroid hormone action. This work quickly led to studies on carbohydrate metabolism in vivo and its hormonal regulation.

71. Gerty Cori Biography .ms
gerty theresa cori, née Radnitz, (August 15, 1896 – October 26, 1957) was anAmerican biochemist born in Prague (then AustriaHungary) who, together with
Gerty Cori
Gerty Theresa Cori , née Radnitz August 15 October 26 ) was an American biochemist born in Prague (then Austria-Hungary ) who, together with her husband Carl Ferdinand Cori and Argentine physiologist Bernardo Houssay , received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in for their discovery of how glycogen glucose Born into a Jewish family, she was tutored at home before enrolling in a Lyceum for girls. In 1914, she started medicine at the German Charles University in Prague , where she met Carl Cori. They married in 1920, with her converting to Catholicism (possibly to lessen the objections of his family). In 1922 they both emigrated to the United States to pursue medical research at the 'State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases' (now the Roswell Park Memorial Institute ) in Buffalo, New York Nobel Prize in science, the previous recipients being Marie Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie . The same year, she became a full professor of biochemistry at Washington University , a post she held until her death in 1957.
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72. Wissenschafts-news - Gerty Cori: Die Erste Medizinnobelpreisträgerin
Translate this page gerty theresa Radnitz wurde am 15. August 1896 in Prag geboren, das damals noch Anschließend arbeitete gerty cori zwei Jahre lang als Kinderärztin am
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73. Famous Females: Nobel Prize In Medicine
gerty theresa cori Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Barbara McClintock ChristianeNüssleinVolhard. gerty theresa cori. - was born on August 15th 1896 in Prague
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Tripod Star Wars Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next
Nobel Prize in Medicine for Famous Females
written by Marion Weigel and Annika Falkenberg Gerty Theresa Cori Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Barbara McClintock
Gerty Theresa Cori
- was born on August 15th 1896 in Prague
- studied medicine at the German University in Prague
- married Carl Cori in 1922; he was a doctor too
- both had immigrated to America 1922
- they worked together on the circulation of sugar in human bodies
- they got the Nobel Prize in medicine 1947
- she died in 1957 because of bad illness Rosalyn Sussman Yalow: - was born on July 19th 1921 in New York - studied physics at the University of Illlinois - married Aaron Sussman in 1943; he was an assistent at the university - she worked on a method to find out the concentration of the chemical products in human bodies - she got the Nobel Prize in medicine 1977 - still alive Barbara McClintock: - was born on June 16th 1902 in Hartford (Conneticut) - studied agriculture at Cornell University in Ithaca (N.Y.)

74. Dorlands Medical Dictionary
cori (Co·ri) (ko¢re) gerty theresa Radnitz. Czechoslovakianborn American physicianand biochemist, 1896–1957; co-winner, with her husband Carl Ferdinand

75. Carl Ferdinand Cori - Enpsychlopedia
Reference. Ihde, AJ cori, Carl Ferdinand, and gerty theresa Radnitz cori.American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.

76. Modification De Gerty Theresa Cori - Modifier - Wikipédia
gerty cori Wikipedia - Translate this page ALTERNATIVNAMEN, cori, gerty theresa oder Radnitz, gerty theresa (Mädchennname).KURZBESCHREIBUNG, Biochemikerin, Nobelpreisträgerin. GEBURTSDATUM, 15.

77. Medicampus: Cori
cori - Semester. eMail an das Semester Zur Semesterhomepage gerty theresa cori. (gerty theresa cori). * 15. August 1896 in Prag
Medicampus - Das Campus-Portal für Studenten und Dozenten der Medizinischen Fakultät der WWU Münster Sitemap Start Studiengang Studierende ... UKM Lageplan Humanmedizin Semesterkohorten
Das Gerty Theresa "Cori" - Semester
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Wer war Gerty Theresa "Cori"?
Biochemikerin (Gerty Theresa Cori) * 15. August 1896 in Prag
† 26. Oktober 1957 in St. Louis (Missouri, USA) Gerty Cori war die dritte Frau und erste US-Amerikanerin, der die Ehrung eines Nobelpreises zuteil wurde. Geboren wurde sie unter ihrem Mädchennamen Radnitz als älteste von drei Töchtern wohlhabender Eltern in Prag, wo sie auch im Jahre 1914 das Medizinstudium an der dortigen deutschen Universität begann. Während des Studiums freundete sie sich mit Carl Cori an, der ebenfalls Medizin studierte. Gemeinsame Interessen wie Wandern, Bergsteigen und die Arbeit im Physiologisch-chemischen Laboratorium verbanden die beiden, so dass sie nach Vollendung ihres Studiums im Jahre 1920 heirateten. Das Ehepaar Cori interessierte sich von Anfang an mehr für die Forschung als für die ärztliche Praxis. Darum gingen sie im Jahre 1922 in die USA nach Buffalo (New York) an das State Institute for Study of Malignant Diseases. 1931 gingen sie nach St. Louis (Missouri), wo die Coris bald zur Biochemischen Abteilung wechselten und hier vor allem über intermediäre Stoffwechsel arbeiteten, insbesondere über Kohlenhydrate im Muskel.

78. Augenblicke - Gerty Theresa Cori
Translate this page Bild 1 von 3, weiter. Der cori-Zyklus. Jede menschliche Zelle ist Schauplatzeiner unglaublich großen Anzahl chemischer Prozesse.
Bild 1 von 3 weiter Der Cori-Zyklus Jede menschliche Zelle ist Schauplatz einer unglaublich großen Anzahl chemischer Prozesse.
Allein vom Glycolyseweg und vom Citronensäure-Cyclus (in Farbe) strahlen über 500 allgemeine Stoffwechselreaktionen aus. Dem österreichischen Forscher-Ehepaar ...

79. Augenblicke - Gerty Theresa Cori
Translate this page zurück, Bild 2 von 3, weiter. Der cori-Zyklus gerty theresa und
zurück Bild 2 von 3 weiter Der Cori-Zyklus ...Gerty Theresa und...

80. The Endocrinologist - UserLogin
Larner J. gerty theresa cori. August 8, 1896October 26, 1957. Biog Mem Nat AcadSci. 1992; 61 111. Lipmann F. Carl Ferdinand cori, 1896-1984. Bioessays.
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