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Chandrasekhar Subramanyan: more detail |
81. ASÍ FUNCIONA Translate this page chandrasekhar, subramanyan (Compartido), EE.UU, 1983. Charpak, Georges, Francia,1992. Cherenkov, Pavel A. (Compartido), URSS, 1958 http://www.asifunciona.com/que_quien/nf_apellido/nobel_fisica_apellidos.htm | |
82. EMU Velkommen Til Astronomi PÃ¥ IndiensPortalen chandrasekhar, subramanyan (1910 Lahore 1995) Indisk astrofysiker. Nobel Prize1983 for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to http://indiensportalen.emu.dk/fag/as/hi.html | |
83. Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy: Bitesize Astronomy The first person to work it out was the extraordinarily brilliant Indianastrophysicist subramanyan chandrasekhar, who found that the core of a star must be http://www.badastronomy.com/bitesize/chandra.html | |
84. Crash On Save, Errors In Make Check Nobel Prize in Physics 1983 The prize was awarded by one half to chandrasekhar,subramanyan, USA, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, b. http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2001-August/002242.html | |
85. Torinoscienza.it > Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Translate this page Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar. 19/10/1910 - 21/08/1995. subramanyan chandrasekhar.DallIndia allInghilterra per scoprire il destino delle stelle http://www.torinoscienza.it/personaggi/apri?obj_id=248 |
86. OnlineFizik - Fizik Ve Fizik Eðitimi - Fizik Konularý - 1981 - 1990 Yýllarý chandrasekhar, subramanyan ABD, Chicago Üniversitesi, Chicago, IL, d. 1910 (Lahore,Hindistan), ö. 1995 Yildizlarin yapilari ve evrimlerine iliskin önemli http://www.onlinefizik.com/content/view/113/28/ | |
87. Çëåêôñïíéêüò Öõóéêüò Êüóìïò graviational radiation on the secular stability of the Maclaurin spheroid ,Astrophys. J., 161, 561 69 (1970). subramanyan chandrasekhar (1910-1995) http://www.eef.gr/epw/art_id.asp?art_id=24&id_mag=1&page_num=2 |
88. Nobel ödülleri subramanyan chandrasekhar, William Alfred Fowler, Simon van der Meer, Carlo Rubbia.Yildizlarin evrimi ve fiziksel süreçleri üzerine yapmis oldugu teorik http://www.sonboyut.net/NOBEL/NOBEL8190.htm | |
89. Astronomisk Ordliste - C subramanyan chandrasekhar påviste at hvis den hvite dvergens masse overstiger engrenseverdi på ca. 1,44 solmasser vil det oppstå en gravitasjonell kollaps http://www.aosics.com/nas/ordliste.jsp?p=C |
90. La DINEMO O Teoría MOND Translate this page El físico pakistaní, con una gran parte de formación autodidacta y premio Nobelde Física en 1983, subramanyan chandrasekhar, en el año 1939 publicó un http://www.astrocosmo.cl/h-foton/h-foton-12_06.htm | |
91. A Tribute To Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - 1983 Physics Nobelist Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar was born in Lahore (then in British India) Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar, known to the world as Chandra, died on 21 August 1995. http://www.tamil.net/people/andrew/subra.htm | |
92. Chandrasekhar Biography of Subrahmanyan chandrasekhar (19101995) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Chandrasekhar.html | |
93. APOD: September 1, 1995 - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 1910-1995 Brief obituary and photograph (from NASA s Astronomy Picture of the Day). http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap950901.html | |
94. JohnAvery The course in mathematical methods at Chicago was taught by the famous astrophysicistSubramanyan chandrasekhar, who drove down from Yerkes observatory once http://www.learndev.org/People/John Avery/Index.html |
95. SAAG-Forum Nobel laureates such as, chandrasekhar Venkataraman (Physics)1930, Subramanyanchandrasekhar (Physics)-1983, and Gobind Khorana (Medicine)-1968 have http://www.saag.org/BB/view.asp?msgid=20704 |
96. Physics4u-Ôóáíôñáóå÷Üñ ÓïõìðñáìáíéÜí Ï áóôñïöõ The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.physics4u.gr/articles/2002/chandrasekhar.html | |
97. Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan The chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass of a white dwarf before it turns into chandrasekhar has also investigated the transfer of energy in stellar http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/Chandrasekhar/ | |
98. Dialogo On Line Tra Fiorella Operto, Gian Maria Borrello E Tommaso Correale Sant http://www.fondazionebassetti.org/06/docs/operto-borrello-correale.htm | |
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