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         Cech Thomas R:     more books (16)
  1. CECH, THOMAS R. (1947- ): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  2. Molecular Biology of RNA: Proceedings of a Director's Sponsors-UCLA Symposium, Held at Keystone, Colorado, April 4-10, 1988 (UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology)
  3. Genes We Share With Yeast, Flies, Worms and Mice: New Clues to Human Health and Disease
  4. Science at liberal arts colleges: a better education?(Distinctively American: The Residential Liberal Arts Colleges): An article from: Daedalus by Thomas R. Cech, 1999-01-01
  5. The Double Life of RNA (Howard Hughes Medical Institute Holiday Lectures on Science) by Thomas R. Cech, 2006
  6. Daedalus - Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Distrinctively American - The Residential Liberal Arts Colleges, Winter 1999) by Alexander W. Astin, Susan C. Bourque, et all 1999
  7. The Harvey Lectures: Delivered Under the Auspices of The Harvey Society of New York 1986-1987 by Steven; Thomas R Cech et al Borstein, 1988
  8. The Harvey Lectures by Steven; Thomas R. Cech et al Borstein, 1988-05
  9. The Double Life of RNA; VHS Format by Thomas R. Cech, 1995
  10. The RNA World, 2nd edition (Monograph 37) (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph) by Raymond F. Gesteland, Thomas R. Cech, et all 2000-06-01
  11. RNA Worlds: From Life's Origins to Diversity in Gene Regulation
  12. (WCS)Principles of Water Resources w/ Study Tips SET by Thomas R. Cech, 2004-11-17
  13. Molecular Biology Of RNA Proceedings of a Director's Sponsors-Ucla Symposium, He by Thomas R. (editor) Cech, 1989-01-01
  14. The Rna World (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Series) (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Series) by Thomas R. Cech, 1980

81. Ribosomes Reveal Their RNA Secrets: Science News Online, Aug. 12, 2000
It s just RNA at the center, comments thomas R. cech, president of the HowardHughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md. That s pretty exciting.

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Week of Aug. 12, 2000; Vol. 158, No. 7 , p. 100
Ribosomes Reveal Their RNA Secrets
Jessica Gorman Ribosomes, the cell's protein factories, have been tough targets for researchers aiming to see them close up. Now, for the first time on the atomic scale, scientists know what most of the ribosome looks like. The large ribosomal subunit shows RNA (gray), proteins (gold), and a molecule in the active site (green at center).
Nenad Ban et a l./ Science A new map reveals most of the structures of the two RNA molecules and 31 proteins that make up the larger of the two subunits of a bacterial ribosome. The map suggests where and how the ribosome chemically stitches amino acids into a protein. The new details confirm suspicions that ribosomes' RNA molecules, and not their proteins, make peptides. That result adds to evidence that an RNA-based biochemistry preceded today's DNA-based biology (SN: 8/10/96, p. 93). The results also will help researchers tease out further details of the ribosome's structure and function, information that may be useful in the design of new antibiotics. For decades, the ribosome's unwieldy size has made it a challenge to study. Yet in recent years, researchers around the world have produced maps of increasingly higher resolution using a battery of tools—X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, and computers.

82. Untitled Document
thomas R. cech, the president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI),talked to the FASEB board about the future plans for his organization.
FASEB Board Meets: Condemns Public Library of
Sciences Action, Votes to Join National Health Council
A t is May 7 and 8 meeting, the FASEB Board considered a number of issues ranging from the election of officers for 2002-2003 to the governance of the Federation. Another key issue on its agenda was a response to a petition that calls for scientists to boycott society journals that do not comply with demands made by the Public Library of Science (PloS). The PLoS is asking that journals grant unrestricted, free distribution rights to any and all original research reports within six months of their initial publication date, and that this content be distributed through PubMed Central (National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) or similar online public resources. These demands have not been made in coordination with publishers or with consideration of the business models required for successful journal publishing. FASEB societies have raised objections to the evolving details of this plan and noted potentially undesirable consequences. The FASEB Board denounced this coercive action. In a statement issued May 11, board members said: "As publishers, scientific societies are responsible for the peer review of articles, production and distribution of content, and historic archiving of their journals. Expenses associated with these efforts are recovered from various sources including subscriptions. FASEB supports the right of its member societies to independently establish policies and practices for online access that will assure the viability of their publications."

83. Yale Bulletin And Calendar
thomas R. cech. cech has been an active investigator into the enzymatic activityof RNA, for which he received the Nobel Prize (with Yale Professor Sidney
September 21, 2001 Volume 30, Number 3
Famed paleontolgoist Meave G. Leakey is one of the six experts who will conduct a symposium at Silliman College.
Experts to discuss 'The Development
of Earth and Its Life' Yale's celebration of its 300-year history will continue with a symposium exploring the history of something much, much older this planet and the creatures that inhabit it.
Friday, Sept. 28
Saturday, Sept. 29 G.J. Wasserburg.
Wasserburg uses isotopic analysis as a tool in his research on the Earth and the universe beyond. He has studied the early history of the universe and the solar system using extinct radionuclides and has developed a chronology of the early solar system. His broad interests include the evolutionary history of the moon as well as the geochemistry of terrestrial oceans and other aqueous systems. He received the Crafoord Prize, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Thomas R. Cech. Cech has been an active investigator into the enzymatic activity of RNA, for which he received the Nobel Prize (with Yale Professor Sidney Altman) in 1989. Their discovery of the role of RNA as both an information carrier and a catalyst has influenced studies on the origin of life and the treatment of viral infections. A member of the NAS and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cech received the National Medal of Science in 1995. J. William Schopf.

84. Nobelpreistraeger Thomas R. Cech Vip Promi Und Vip Linkliste Inkl. Stars & Stern
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85. Sheffield Chemdex - Autobiographies
Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1989 with thomas R. cech for theirdiscovery of catalytic properties of RNA Reviews Rate It Hits 479,

86. Sheffield Chemdex - Autobiographies
Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1989 with thomas R. cech for theirdiscovery of catalytic properties of RNA Comentarios Evaluarlo Visitas

87. Thomas R. Cech, Professor
Translate this page thomas R. cech, PROFESSOR. (Cientista, Ph.D. em Química). Nome Completo. thomas R.cech. Nascimento. 08 de Dezembro de 1947 - EUA. Principais Trabalhos R Cech.htm
Página Principal THOMAS R. CECH, PROFESSOR (Cientista, Ph.D. em Química) Nome Completo Thomas R. Cech Nascimento 08 de Dezembro de 1947 - EUA Principais Trabalhos Prêmio Nobel de Química de 1989 pela descoberta de propriedades catalíticas do RNA saiba mais sobre RNA + sobre Thomas R. Cech FOTOS SITE OFICIAL IMDB ADORO CINEMA Data de Envio 30 de Janeiro de 2005 Item Enviado Email Data de Retorno 13 de Abril de 2005 Item Retornado Foto polaroid colorida autografada Endereço Utilizado
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88. VEDA
Nositel Nobelovy ceny za chemii thomas R. cech v Praze. thomas R. cech, nositel thomas R. cech se narodil 8. prosince 1947 v Chicagu v rodine lékare.
Pondìlí 14.10.2002
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INFO: Nositel Nobelovy ceny v Praze
Jan Konvalinka Nositel Nobelovy ceny za chemii Thomas R. Cech v Praze Thomas R. Cech, nositel Nobelovy ceny za chemii za r. 1989, profesor biochemie na Coloradské universitì v Boulderu a president Howard Hughes Medical Institutes ve Washingtonu, obdrží èestný doktorát UK pøi slavnostní ceremonii ve ètvrtek 17.10 v Karolinu. Bìhem svého pražského pobytu pøednese prof. Cech dvì pøednášky: první nazvanou "RNA jako enzym" ve støedu, 16.10 ve 14.00 v Modré posluchárnì Karolina v Celetné ulici, druhou s názvem "Život na konci chromosomù: telomery a telomerasy" v pátek 18.10 2002 v 10.00 v zasedací síni UOCHB AV ÈR , Flemingovo n. 2 , Praha 6-Dejvice. Prof. Èechovi byla v roce 1989 mu byla udìlena Nobelova cena za revoluèní objev, že molekula RNA, známá jako nositelka genetické informace, je schopna pùsobit jako enzym, tj. katalysovat chemické reakce podobným zpùsobem, jako to dìlají bílkoviny. Tento objev se týká nejen samých základù vzniku života a fungování lidské buòky, ale má také klíèový význam pro biotechnologie a moderní biomedicínu.

89. Cech
cech, thomas Robert (szül. 1947. dec. 8. Chicago, Illinois, USA), amerikaibiokémikus és molekuláris biológus; 1989ben Sidney Altmannal közösen kémiai
Cech, Thomas Robert (szül. 1947. dec. 8. Chicago, Illinois, USA), amerikai biokémikus és molekuláris biológus; 1989-ben Sidney Altmannal közösen kémiai Nobel-díjat kapott. Cech egyetemi tanulmányait az iowai Grinnell College-ban (B. A. 1970) és a Berkeleyben, a Kaliforniai Egyetemen (Ph. D. 1975, kémia) végezte. 1975–77-ig a Massachusetts Institute of Technologyn (Massachusettsi Muegyetem) dolgozott mint a National Cancer Institute (Országos Onkológiai Intézet) ösztöndíjasa. 1978-ban a Coloradói Egyetem kémiatanszékére került, és 1983-ban egyetemi tanár lett. Emellett 1978-tól a National Institute of Health (Országos Egészségügyi Intézet) és 1988-tól a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Howard Hughes Orvostudományi Intézet) kutatója volt. Cech és Altman Nobel-díjukat azért kapták, mert – egymástól függetlenül – felfedezték, hogy az RNS-nek, amelyet azelôtt kizárólag a genetikai információ passzív átvivôjének tartottak, enzimatikus szerepe is van: életfontosságú, sejten belüli reakciókat katalizál. Felfedezésük elôtt kizárólag a fehérjéknek tulajdonítottak enzimatikus aktivitást. Elsôként Cech mutatta ki, hogy az RNS-molekula képes kémiai reakciót katalizálni, és eredményeit 1982-ben publikálta. Altman, akinek korábbi kutatásai nagyon hasonló következtetéshez vezettek, 1983-ban meggyôzôen bizonyította az RNS-molekula hasonló enzimatikus aktivitását. Vissza az Arcképtárba

90. Encyclopedia: Ribozyme
In 1989, thomas R. cech and Sydney Altman won the nobel prize in chemistry for thomas R. cech received Nobel Prize in 1989 because he discovered the

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    Encyclopedia: Ribozyme
    Updated 42 days 13 hours 44 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Ribozyme A ribozyme (from RNA enzyme ) is an RNA molecule , that catalyzes a chemical reaction . Many natural ribozymes catalyze either their own cleavage or the cleavage of other RNAs, but they have also been found to catalyze the aminotransferase activity of the ribosome . Investigators studying the origin of life have produced ribozymes in the laboratory that are capable of catalyzing their own synthesis under very specific conditions. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a nucleic acid consisting of a string of covalently-bound nucleotides. ... A ribbon diagram showing the tertiary structure of neuraminidase. ...

    91. Encyclopedia: Thomas R. Cech
    RNA Katalyse mit und ohne Proteine - Translate this page thomas R. cech Rolf-Sammet-Stiftungsgastprofessor 2004 der Aventis Foundation thomas R. cech wurde 1947 in Chicago geboren, studierte am Grinnell

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    Encyclopedia: Thomas R. Cech
    Updated 212 days 16 hours 51 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Thomas R. Cech Thomas R. Cech received Nobel Prize in because he discovered the catalytic properties of RNA with Sidney Altman Categories People stubs
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  • 92. Philanthropy Magazine @ The Philanthropy Roundtable
    The trustees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have selected thomas R.cech of the University of Colorado at Boulder to become the next president of

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    May/June 1999 Subscribe Renew Subscription
    Staffing Up
    The trustees of the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation have named five executives to leadership roles: Steven L. Anderson , president; Philip Thomas , vice president for capital grants and facilities; David Roush , vice president of finance and administration and treasurer; David Zemel , vice president for programs and assistant secretary; and Donald E. Pray , secretary and executive director emeritus. The Honorable Thomas A. Daschle , United States Senator; Tom Freston , the chairman and CEO of MTV Networks; the Honorable Henry A. Kissinger , Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc.; and Will Smith will be joining the national Board of Advisors of the The Pew Charitable Trusts have announced the promotion of Henry B. Bernstein Joy A. "Jamie" Horwitz has been appointed to the newly-created position of director of legal affairs. Maxwell King is the new director both the Howard Heinz Endowment and the Vira I. Heinz Endowment

    93. Minutes Of The Meeting Of The Advisory Committee To The Director, September 14,
    William R. Brody, MD, Ph.D. Christine K. Cassel, MD thomas R. cech, Ph.D.Steven Chu, Ph.D. Yank D. Coble, Jr., MD Victor J. Dzau, MD Rebecca Eisenberg, JD
    Department of Health and Human Services
    National Institutes of Health
    Minutes of the Meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Director
    September 14, 2000 The telephone conference call meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), National Institutes of Health, was convened on Thursday, September 14, 2000, in Room 151, Building 1, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland. The entire meeting was open to the public beginning at approximately 4:20 p.m. Dr. Ruth L. Kirschstein presided as Acting Chair. Members Present: William R. Brody, M.D., Ph.D.
    Christine K. Cassel, M.D.
    Thomas R. Cech, Ph.D.
    Steven Chu, Ph.D.
    Yank D. Coble, Jr., M.D.
    Victor J. Dzau, M.D.
    Rebecca Eisenberg, J.D.
    Elaine V. Fuchs, Ph.D. Ting-Kai Li, M.D. Jane A. Menken, Ph.D. Shirley M. Tilghman, Ph.D. Phillip L. Williams Donald E. Wilson, M.D. Members Absent: Eric S. Lander, Ph.D. Philip Needleman, Ph.D. Ruth J. Simmons, Ph.D. Larry L. Smarr, Ph.D. Arthur D. Ullian NIH Employees Present: Vida Beaven, Ph.D., OD/NIH

    94. Entrez PubMed
    3, Opresko PL, Mason PA, Podell ER, Lei M, Hickson ID, cech TR, Bohr VA. 5, Mandell JG, Bahler J, Volpe TA, Martienssen RA, cech TR. T

    95. Research NeuroSurgeons By Name – Doctor Reports
    Dr. thomas E. Carter, MD Los Angeles , California Dr. Rudolph Cartwright,MD - Odessa , Texas Dr. Augusto R. Chavez, MD - Olympia Fields , Illinois
    You are here: Home NeuroSurgeons C-Cho Our mission is to improve the quality of health care nationwide. With our transparent, accurate, and objective provider ratings and expert advisory services, we are creating the standard for healthcare quality. Did You Know? practicing physicians in the USA have state or federal disciplinary actions. Is your physician one of them? Remember: Physicians below may or may not have a disciplinary action.
    HealthGrades in the News...
    "According to HealthGrades, the health-care-rating organization that conducted the study, needless deaths averaged 195,000 a year in 2000, 2001, and 2002. 'That's the equivalent of 390 jumbo jets full of people dying each year,' says Dr. Samantha Collier, vice president of medical affairs." - Newsweek, August 2, 2004
    "The study by Health Grades Inc., a health-care consulting firm in Colorado that rates hospitals, estimated that medical errors in U.S. hospitals contributed to almost 600,000 patient deaths over the past three years, double the number if deaths from a study published in 2000 by the Institute of Medicine."- The Wall Street Journal

    96. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Cech
    Premio Nobel 1988 Premio Nobel 1990 Monografie, articoli e tesine di storia Chemicum/NobelChimica/Cech.htm
    Theatrum Chemicum Personae: Thomas R. Cech Thomas R. Cech n. 1947 Premio Nobel per la chimica 1989 con Sidney Altman Premio Nobel 1988 Premio Nobel 1990 Monografie, articoli e tesine di storia della chimica! var site="s10minerva"

    97. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Cech, Thomas -
    Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Chimici_e_Ricercatori/Cech,_Thomas Top International Italiano Scienze ... Chimici e Ricercatori : Cech, Thomas
    Thomas Robert Cech ¨ stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1989, per la scoperta delle propriet  catalitiche dell' RNA.
    Vedi anche: Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3 robot company.
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    98. Funding Above And Beyond Scientific Research: An Interview With Thomas R. Cech,
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