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         Bordet Jules:     more books (22)
  1. Studies in Immunity by Jules Bordet, 2010-01-11
  2. Prix Nobel Belge: Maurice Maeterlinck, Auguste Beernaert, Ilya Prigogine, Christian de Duve, Dominique Pire, Jules Bordet, Albert Claude (French Edition)
  3. Belgian Microbiologists: Jules Bordet, Peter Piot, Kevin de Cock, Émile Van Ermengem
  4. Hospitals in Belgium: List of Hospitals in Belgium, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Az Groeninge, Institut Jules Bordet, Eeuwfeestkliniek
  5. BORDET, JULES (1870-1961): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  6. Belgian Nobel Laureates: Maurice Maeterlinck, Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Albert Claude, Dominique Pire, Christian de Duve
  7. Free University of Brussels Alumni: Enver Hoxha, Paul-Henri Spaak, Paul-Emile Janson, Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Amir-Abbas Hoveida
  8. Microbiologiste Belge: Jules Bordet, Corneille Jean François Heymans, Albert Hustin, Marc Verstraete, Emiel Boulpaep, Émile Van Ermengem (French Edition)
  9. Centre Hospitalier Belge: Az Groeninge, Institut Jules Bordet, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Hôpital Brugmann, Hôpital Érasme (French Edition)
  10. Immunologists: Paul Ehrlich, Edward Jenner, Emil Adolf Von Behring, Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, Jules Bordet, List of Geneticists, Betty Diamond
  11. Belgian Biologists: Jules Bordet, Albert Claude, Lucien Lison, Edouard Van Beneden, Ernest Feytmans, Frederic Rousseau, Frans Van Roy
  12. Belgian Academics: Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Franz Cumont, Jacques Drèze, Chaïm Perelman, Paul Beliën, Marc Lacroix, Georges Lemaître
  13. Traité de l'Immunité dans les Maladies Infectieuses. by Jules (1870-1961). BORDET, 1939
  14. Studies In Immunity by Bordet Jules 1870-, 2010-10-15

61. Article About "Jules Bordet" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004
The jules bordet reference article from the English Wikipedia on 24Apr-2004 jules bordet. imagejules_bordet.jpg. jules Jean Baptiste Vincent bordet
The Jules Bordet reference article from the English Wikipedia on 24-Apr-2004 (provided by Fixed Reference : snapshots of Wikipedia from
Jules Bordet
Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet June 13 April 6 ) was a Belgian immunologist and microbiologist . The bacterial genus Bordetella is named for him. He became Doctor of Medicine in 1892 and began his work at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1894, where, in the laboratory of Elie Metchnikoff, he described phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells . In 1898 he described hemolysis evoked by exposure of blood serum to foreign blood cells. In 1900, he left Paris to found the Pasteur Institute in Brussels, and made his discovery that the bacteriolytic effect of acquired specific antibody is significantly enhanced in vivo by the presence of innate serum components which he termed alexine (but which are now known as complement ). This mechanism became the basis for complement-fixation testing methods that enabled the development of serological tests for syphilis (specifically, the development of the

62. Jules Bordet (1870-1961) - Biographie - Archives De L'Institut Pasteur
jules bordet , Florilège des Sciences de Belgique, Académie Royale Si lors de vos recherches vous trouviez des papiers de jules bordet,
accueil collecte biographies fonds ... liens
Jules Bordet (1870-1961)
fonds d'archives

Besredka , A. Borrel Mesnil , A. Salimbeni et M. Weinberg
in vitro

1899 Epouse Marthe Levoz, avec laquelle il aura trois enfants, Simone, Marguerite et Paul (P. Bordet).
l'union en proportions variables excito-productrice
1906 Isole le bacille de la coqueluche Bordetella pertussis
Calmette et E. Roux Bertrand , A. Borrel, F. Mesnil, Ch. Nicolle , A. Yersin , en sont membres).
Pasteur Vallery-Radot
au nom de l'Institut Pasteur, et G. Ramon Publications en collaboration avec : P. Bordet, Ciuca, L. Delange, O. Gengou, V. Fally, P. Gay, Jaumain, E. Renaux, Sleeswyk. - Bordet (Paul), "Jules Bordet", - Craps (Lucien), La naissance de l'immunologie Histoire des pasteuriens , Paris, Institut Pasteur, 1986, 6 p. Si lors de vos recherches vous trouviez des papiers de Jules Bordet, vous serait-il possible d'en informer le Service des Archives archives scientifiques - scientific archives - biologie - biology - [IP_19722_dd]

63. Jules Bordet (1870-1961) - Fonds D'archives De L'Institut Pasteur
Translate this page Deux petits-enfants de jules bordet, Mme Craps et M. Pierre Govaerts, Si lorsde vos recherches vous trouviez des papiers de jules bordet,
accueil collecte biographies fonds ... liens
Notice descriptive du fonds
Jules Bordet (1870-1961)

fonds d'archives Jules Bordet
Lieu de conservation : Institut Pasteur, Service des Archives, 28 rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France
Dates :
Niveau de description :
Nom du producteur : Bordet (Jules)
Notice biographique : don de Mme Craps-Devroey (2003), de Pierre Govaerts (2003) Historique de la conservation : Conditions de reproduction : de l'Institut Pasteur Langue des documents : Instruments de recherche : GUE NGR .3) ; G. Ramon ( RAM Annales de l'Institut Pasteur Bibliographie La naissance de l'immunologie Histoire des pasteuriens , Paris, Institut Pasteur, 1986, 6 p. ISAD(G) Date(s) de la description : Si lors de vos recherches vous trouviez des papiers de Jules Bordet, vous serait-il possible d'en informer le Service des Archives archives scientifiques - scientific archives - biologie - biology - [IP_19722_dd]

64. Jules Bordet
Translate this page Medical eponyms, bordetella pertusis, fenomeno de bordet.
Jules Bordet (1870-1961)
Bordetella pertussis bordetella Royal Society of Edinburgh de Paris, Royal Society y de la National Academy of Sciences
-Jules Bordet - Biography. Nobel e-Museum
Trabajos de Jules Bordet
  • Le microbe de la coqueluche. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1906, 20, 731-41.

65. Eponimos Medicos Y Biografias Medicas
Translate this page bordet, jules (1870-1961), bordetella pertussis, Marzo, 2004. Bright,Richard (1789-1859), Enfermedad de Bright, Febrero, 2000
Addison, Thomas (1793-1860) Enfermedad, anemia, queloide de Addsion Mayo, 2001 Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) Noviembre, 2004 Mayo, 2003 Mayo, 2004 Banting, Frederick Grant (1891-1941) Tratamiento de Banting Diciembre, 2001 Febrero, 2004 Barraquer i Barraquer, Ignasi (1884-1965) Septiembre, 2002 Barraquer i Roviralta, Lluis (1855-1928) Septiembre, 2002 Agosto, 2005 Behring, Emil Adolf von (1854-1917) Suero de Behring Abril, 2001 Cisura, ligamento, tejido de Bichat Agosto, 2000 Billroth, Theodor (1829-1894) Operación de Billroth Abril, 1999 Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738) Síndrome de Boerhaave Marzo, 1999 Bordet, Jules (1870-1961) Bordetella pertussis Marzo, 2004 Bright, Richard (1789-1859)

66. MSN Encarta - Bordet, Jules-Jean
Translate this page bordet, jules-Jean (Soignies 1870 - Bruxelles 1961), batteriologo belga. Nel 1919gli fu conferito il Trova altre informazioni su bordet, jules-Jean
  • MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Migliora la tua esperienza con Encarta Cerca in Encarta
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67. Table Of Contents
Christos Sotiriou, MD, jules bordet Institute, Free University of Brussels,Belgium Christine Desmedt, PhD, jules bordet Institute, Free University of
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Molecular Oncology of Breast Cancer
Jeffrey S. Ross, M.D., Albany Medical College/Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, MD, FACP, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Foreword: Preface: Chapter 1. Introduction and Background Gabriel N. Hortobagyi, MD, FACP, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Chapter 2. Molecular Diagnostic Techniques in Breast Cancer Chapter 3. Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Breast Cancer Abenaa Brewster, MD, MHS, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Chapter 4. Predisposition for Breast Cancer
Chapter 5. Screening and Early Detection, Serum and Nipple Aspirates, Routine and Molecular Methods including Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction, and Proteomics Genomic and Molecular Classification of Breast Cancer
Virginie Durbecq, PhD, Jules Bordet Institute, Free University of Brussels, Belgium

68. Krankenhäuser
Translate this page Institut jules bordet/jules bordet Instituut Rue Héger-bordet/Héger-bordetstraat1, 1000 Brüssel Tel (+32.2) 541.31.11 - Fax (+32.2) 541.35.06
Hilfe Kontakt Site map document.navtop_selected = "bt2"; document.navtop_selected_unhighlighted = '/bric/content/de/bt_2.gif'; in Alle Abschnitte Bürger Unternehmen Tourismus und Freizeit Offizielle Dokumente Kinder und Kinderbetreuung Lebenslanges Lernen Arbeiten Wohnen ... Gesundheit Krankenhäuser Krankenhäuser
Allgemeine Website :

  • Tel : (+32.2) 482.40.00
    Tel : (+32.2) 506.71.11
- Le Bivouac
Tel : (+32.2) 373.95.90 - Fax : (+32.2) 373.95.99
- Centre/Centrum "Chez Nous"
Tel : (+32.2) 762.36.61
- Centre Hospitalier/Ziekenhuis Albert Laurent
Tel : (+32.2) 482.13.00
Allgemeine Website :
  • Tel : (+32.2) 287.51.11 Website : Tel : (+32.2) 340.40.40 Website : Nouvelle Clinique de la Basilique/Nieuwe Kliniek van de Basiliek Tel : (+32.2) 422.42.42 Website :
- Centre Hospitalier/Verpleegcentrum Jean Titeca Tel : (+32.2) 735.01.60 - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire/Universitair Verplegingscentrum Brugmann Tel : (+32.2) 477.21.11 - Fax : (+32.2) 477.20.13 Allgemeine Website :

69. Hospitals
Institut jules bordet/jules bordet Instituut Rue Hégerbordet/Héger-bordetstraat1, 1000 Brussels Tel (+32.2) 541.31.11 - Fax (+32.2) 541.35.06
Help Contact Site map document.navtop_selected = "bt2"; document.navtop_selected_unhighlighted = '/bric/content/en/bt_2.gif'; in All sections Citizens Business Tourism and leisure Official documents Having and caring for children Lifelong education Working Housing ... Get a new password You are here : Citizens Health Hospitals Hospitals Below is a list of the hospitals, clinics and university centres in the Brussels-Capital Region:
General website :

  • Avenue Josse Goffin/Josse Goffinlaan 180, 1082 Brussels
    Tel : (+32.2) 482.40.00
    Rue des Alexiens/Cellebroersstraat 11, 1000 Brussels
    Tel : (+32.2) 506.71.11
- Le Bivouac
Tel : (+32.2) 373.95.90 - Fax : (+32.2) 373.95.99
- Centre/Centrum "Chez Nous"
Av. de Broqueville/de Broquevillelaan 147, 1200 Brussels
Tel : (+32.2) 762.36.61 - Centre Hospitalier/Ziekenhuis Albert Laurent Av. de Selliers de Moranville/de Selliers de Moranvillelaan 91, 1082 Brussels Tel : (+32.2) 482.13.00 General website :

70. Febrile Neutropenia, Brussel, Belgium, Bordet
Institut jules bordet, Brussels, Belgium Francesco Menichetti, MD CisanelloHospital Pisa, Italy Reuben Ramphal, MD University of Florida


th International Symposium on Febrile Neutropenia
Seville, Spain 27-29 January 2005
Barcelo Gran Hotel Renacimiento
Symposium Secretariat
70 Technology Drive
Alpharetta, Georgia
30005-3969 USA
Tel : +1 (770) 751.7332 Fax : +1 (770) 751.7334 Email :
Chair : Jean Klastersky, MD Institut Jules Bordet Brussels, Belgium Co-Chairs : - Miguel Sanz, MD Hospital Universitario La Fe Valencia, Spain - John R. Wingard, MD University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, United States Scientific Committee Ben E. De Pauw, MD University Medical Center St.- Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Jean Klastersky, MD Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium Francesco Menichetti, MD Cisanello Hospital Pisa, Italy Reuben Ramphal, MD

71. List Of Scientists By Field
Translate this page bordet, jules. bordet, jules. Bordeu, Théophile de. Borel, Émile. Borel, Pierre.Borel, Pierre. Borel, Pierre. Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso
Baade, Wilhelm Heinrich Walter Babbage, Charles Babbage, Charles Babcock, Ernest Brown Babcock, Stephen Moulton Babcock, Stephen Moulton Babinet, Jacques Babinet, Jacques Babington, Charles Cardale Babington, William Baccelli, Guido Bach, Aleksei Nikolaevich Bach, Aleksei Nikolaevich Bache, Alexander Dallas Bachelard, Gaston Bachelier, Louis Bachmann, Augustus Quirinus Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich Back, Ernst E. A. Bacon, Francis Bacon, Roger Bacon, Roger Bacon, Roger Badger, Richard McLean Badger, Richard McLean Baekeland, Leo Hendrik Baer, Karl Ernst von Baer, Karl Ernst von Baer, Karl Ernst von Baeyer, Adolf Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von Baglivi, Georgius Baier, Johann Jacob Baier, Johann Jacob Baier, Johann Jacob Bailey, Edward Battersby Bailey, Liberty Hyde Bailey, Loring Woart Bailey, Solon Irving Baillie, Matthew Baillou, Guillaume de Bailly, Jean-Sylvain Baily, Francis Baily, Francis Bain, Alexander Bain, Alexander Baird, Spencer Fullerton Baird, Spencer Fullerton Baker, Henry Baker, John Gilbert Bakewell, Robert Balandin, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Balbus Balbus Baldi, Bernardino

72. PAPHE : Brussels, Institut Jules Bordet
Translate this page monumentale destinée en principe au transport du matériel roulant. Autreappellation Clinique médico-chirurgicale Paul Héger et Institut jules bordet
Belgique Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Bruxelles rue Héger-Bordet, 1/3
Bruxelles-Ville (Pentagone) Architectes Sta. Jasinski et G. Brunfaut english General hospital italiano Ospedale Hospital general Hospital general nederlands Algemeen ziekenhuis english Medical activities italiano Actividades medicas nederlands Medische activiteiten bibliographie, sources d'archives History:
In 1925, the Commission for Public Assistance created a tumour centre (radium department) in the Brugmann hospital with the collaboration of the University of Brussels and the Miners Union.
In 1939, the C.P.A. completed the construction of a complex designed by the architects Brunfaut and Jasinski as an anti-cancer centre, close to and operating in association with the Saint-Pierre Hospital.
During the 60's, the facade comprising windows and balconies was clad using a curtain wall to extend the premises and to prevent suicides (8 storeys).
Throughout the 70's, internal fixtures and fittings were modernised, while respecting the modulation and general structure of the original layout.

73. Athénée Royal Jules Bordet [SOIGNIES]
Translate this page Athénée Royal jules bordet SOIGNIES . Adresse du Centre Cyber-Média de type GE.Cyber-école 1099 Boulevard Franklin Roosevelt 7060 - SOIGNIES

74. Study Posting (3037) -- Trial #55210, Prostate Cancer, Bruxelles, Belgium
Institut jules bordet 1 rue Héger bordet Bruxelles, Belgium, B1000 Telephone+32 2 541 32 34 Fax +32 2 538 08 58 Email. If you would like to learn more
Trial Information
Summary: SPARC Trial - Satraplatin in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer Patients Previously Treated with One Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Regimen.
The SPARC trial is designed to compare the combination of the investigational oral cytotoxic drug, satraplatin, and prednisone, versus prednisone alone as second line chemotherapy in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC). TARGET PATIENT POPULATION:
The SPARC trial is intended for patients who have hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC) and whose disease has progressed after treatment with one chemotherapy regimen. Please refer to the Eligibility Criteria page for the key inclusion and exclusion criteria. WHAT IS SATRAPLATIN:
Satraplatin is a member of the platinum-based class of chemotherapy drugs. Platinum-based drugs have been clinically proven to be one of the most effective classes of anticancer therapies. Unlike the currently marketed platinum-based drugs, satraplatin can be given orally. Satraplatin is also the only platinum-based drug that has demonstrated efficacy against prostate cancer in a randomized trial. RATIONALE:
There are currently no approved chemotherapy drugs for the second line treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC). In a preliminary randomized trial conducted in Europe, the combination of satraplatin and prednisone had superior activity compared to prednisone alone, for the treatment of HRPC patients who had not previously been treated with chemotherapy.

75. Der Nobelpreis Für Physiologie Oder Medizin: Jules Bordet
Immunität . jules bordet *1870, † 1961. PAGERANK SEO.
Home Chemie ... Wirtschaft Jules Bordet
(Belgien) "Für seine Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiet der Immunität"

76. Jules Bordet - Nobelprijs Voor De Fysiologie Of Geneeskunde
jules Lean Babtiste Vincent bordet *1870, † 1961 (België). Voor zijn ontdekkingenover de immuniteit . jules bordet *1870, † 1961.
De Nobelprijs voor de Geneeskunde 1919 Volgende pagina
Vorige pagina

Home ... Economie Jules Lean Babtiste Vincent Bordet
"Voor zijn ontdekkingen over de immuniteit"

77. The Role Of RAS Oncogene In Survival Of Patients With Lung Cancer: A Systematic
2Data Centre, Institut jules bordet, Centre des Tumeurs de l Université Libre deBruxelles, Belgium 3Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institut jules bordet,
@import "/bjc/style_article.css"; SEARCH advanced search help site index 15 September 2005 Journal Home Current issue Previous issue Advance Online Publication ... Contacts For authors Submitting to BJC Services Receive Table of Contents by email Online sample copy FREE Order sample copy ... About nature publishing group
Molecular Diagnostics
British Journal of Cancer
doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602258 Published online 14 December 2004
The role of RAS oncogene in survival of patients with lung cancer: a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis
C Mascaux , N Iannino , B Martin , M Paesmans , T Berghmans , M Dusart , A Haller , P Lothaire , A-P Meert , S Noel , J-J Lafitte and J-P Sculier
Chest Department, CHU Calmette, Lille, France
FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique), Belgium

Received 18 June 2004; revised 29 September 2004; accepted 18 October 2004; published online 14 December 2004
1.56), showing a worse survival for NSCLC with KRAS2 mutations or p21 overexpression and, particularly, in adenocarcinomas (ADC) (HR 1.59; 95% CI 1.26 2.02) and in studies using PCR (HR 1.40; 95% CI 1.18

78. The Role Of HER-2neu Expression On The Survival Of Patients With Lung Cancer: A
3Data Centre, Institut jules bordet, Bruxelles, Belgiuml 4Service d AnatomoPathologie,Institut jules bordet, Bruxelles, Belgium
@import "/bjc/style_article.css"; SEARCH advanced search help site index 15 September 2005 Journal Home Current issue Previous issue Advance Online Publication ... Contacts For authors Submitting to BJC Services Receive Table of Contents by email Online sample copy FREE Order sample copy ... About nature publishing group
British Journal of Cancer
The role of HER-2 neu expression on the survival of patients with lung cancer: a systematic review of the literature
A-P Meert , B Martin , M Paesmans , T Berghmans , C Mascaux , J-M Verdebout , P Delmotte , J-J Lafitte and J-P Sculier
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bruxelles, Belgium
Data Centre, Institut Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, Belgiuml
Service d'Anatomo-Pathologie, Institut Jules Bordet, Bruxelles, Belgium
Service de Pneumologie et d'Oncologie Thoracique, CHU Calmette, Lille, France
Received 24 March 2003; revised 24 June 2003; accepted 8 July 2003 1.86) in favour of tumours that do not express c-erbB-2. In conclusion, the overexpression of c-erbB-2 might be a factor of poor prognosis for survival in NSCLC, but there is a potential bias in favour of the significant studies with an overestimation risk of the magnitude of the true effect of c-erbB-2 overexpression. Keywords: lung cancer; systematic review; HER-2

79. Hotel Brussels - Metropole Hotel On Avenue Jules Bordet, Brussels Belgium,Europe
Hotel Brussels Metropole Hotel Brussels Belgium Online Reservation Services ByeBelgiumHotel.
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80. Jules Bordet Biography
jules bordet biography and related resources. jules Jean Baptiste Vincentbordet (June 13, 1870 April 6, 1961) was a Belgian immunologist and
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Jules Bordet Biography Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet (June 13, 1870 - April 6, 1961) was a Belgian immunologist and microbiologist. The bacterial genus Bordetella is named for him.
He became Doctor of Medicine in 1892 and began his work at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in 1894, where, in the laboratory of Elie Metchnikoff, he described phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells. In 1898 he described hemolysis evoked by exposure of blood serum to foreign blood cells.
In 1900, he left Paris to found the Pasteur Institute in Brussels, and made his discovery that the bacteriolytic effect of acquired specific antibody is significantly enhanced in vivo by the presence of innate serum components which he termed alexine (but which are now known as complement). This mechanism became the basis for complement-fixation testing methods that enabled the development of serological tests for syphilis (specifically, the development of the Wassermann test by August von Wassermann). The same technique is used today in serologic testing for countless other diseases.
With Octave Gengou he isolated Bordetella pertussis in pure culture in 1906 and posited it as the cause of whooping cough.

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