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         Bordet Jules:     more books (22)
  1. Studies in Immunity by Jules Bordet, 2010-01-11
  2. Prix Nobel Belge: Maurice Maeterlinck, Auguste Beernaert, Ilya Prigogine, Christian de Duve, Dominique Pire, Jules Bordet, Albert Claude (French Edition)
  3. Belgian Microbiologists: Jules Bordet, Peter Piot, Kevin de Cock, Émile Van Ermengem
  4. Hospitals in Belgium: List of Hospitals in Belgium, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Az Groeninge, Institut Jules Bordet, Eeuwfeestkliniek
  5. BORDET, JULES (1870-1961): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  6. Belgian Nobel Laureates: Maurice Maeterlinck, Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Albert Claude, Dominique Pire, Christian de Duve
  7. Free University of Brussels Alumni: Enver Hoxha, Paul-Henri Spaak, Paul-Emile Janson, Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Amir-Abbas Hoveida
  8. Microbiologiste Belge: Jules Bordet, Corneille Jean François Heymans, Albert Hustin, Marc Verstraete, Emiel Boulpaep, Émile Van Ermengem (French Edition)
  9. Centre Hospitalier Belge: Az Groeninge, Institut Jules Bordet, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Hôpital Brugmann, Hôpital Érasme (French Edition)
  10. Immunologists: Paul Ehrlich, Edward Jenner, Emil Adolf Von Behring, Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, Jules Bordet, List of Geneticists, Betty Diamond
  11. Belgian Biologists: Jules Bordet, Albert Claude, Lucien Lison, Edouard Van Beneden, Ernest Feytmans, Frederic Rousseau, Frans Van Roy
  12. Belgian Academics: Jules Bordet, Ilya Prigogine, Franz Cumont, Jacques Drèze, Chaïm Perelman, Paul Beliën, Marc Lacroix, Georges Lemaître
  13. Traité de l'Immunité dans les Maladies Infectieuses. by Jules (1870-1961). BORDET, 1939
  14. Studies In Immunity by Bordet Jules 1870-, 2010-10-15

41. International: Italiano: Salute: Medicina: Medici E Ricercatori: Bordet, Jules -
Translate this page Italiano Salute Medicina Medici e Ricercatori bordet, jules - Open Site . In tutta la Directory, Solo in Medici_e_Ricercatori/bordet,_jules
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42. Athénée Royal Jules Bordet Soignies
jules bordet (du nom denotre prix Nobel ) à Soignies est une école publique de la Communauté
  • L'Athénée Royal Jules Bordet (du nom de notre "prix Nobel") à Soignies est une école publique de la Communauté française de Belgique. Elle regroupe une section "maternelle" pour enfants de 2,5 à 6 ans, une section "fondamentale" pour enfants de 6 à 12 ans et une section secondaire pour les 12-18 ans. Elle accueillle de nombreux élèves de toutes nationalités. Les cours sont donnés en français . Soignies est une ville de 24000 habitants, située à 30 kms de Bruxelles et à 9 kms du SHAPE ( Supreme headquarters allied powers in Europe ). Athénée Royal Jules Bordet ( the name of "our" Nobel Prize ) is a public school . It is divided in three sections : one "pre-elementary" for 2.5 to 6 years old little children, one "elementary" section for 6 to 12 years old children, and one secondary section with "general education" for 12 to 18 years old students. " General" secondary school means that it prepares to the University. Here, you can learn french, english, dutch, german, spanish , mathematics, geography, physics, history, economics, biology, latin, music, painting, old greec, sports... Non-confessionnal moral, catholic, protestant, islamic and judaic religion are also at the choice of the parents. Soignies is a little town of 24000 inhabitants situated at 20 miles from Brussels ( the capital city of Europe ) and at 5 miles from the SHAPE ( Supreme headquarters of allied Powers in Europe ) where live many people from many countries. Un internat moderne mixte est rattaché à l'école, dans un cadre de verdure et de calme sans pareil ( voir page Internat de la C.F. à Soignies ). For pupils and students who want to be residents in the boarding-school, there is one, for boys and girls, in a cool and "green" environment. You get all informations about it at page " internat de la C.F. à Soignies" For further information, fax us at +32-67-340587 or leave a E-mail.
  • 43. Jules Bordet Gravesite
    Mike s Notes jules bordet developed the whooping cough vaccine and won the NobelPrize for Medicine. If you are looking for his grave, he is buried near
    Name: Jules Bordet (1870 - 1961) Category: Scientists Burial Location: Ixelles Cemetery, Brussels, Belgium. Mike's Notes: Jules Bordet developed the whooping cough vaccine and won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. If you are looking for his grave, he is buried near the far left end of the cemetery as you walk in through the main gate (to the left of the military section).

    44. Jules Bordet -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    jules bordet. Categories Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners,Microbiologists, jules Jean Baptiste Vincent bordet (June 13, 1870 April 6,
    Jules Bordet
    [Categories: Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winners, Microbiologists, 1961 deaths, 1870 births]
    Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet (June 13, 1870 - April 6, 1961) was a (A native or inhabitant of Belgium) Belgian (A medical scientist who specializes in immunology) immunologist and (A specialist in microbiology) microbiologist . The bacterial genus (Click link for more info and facts about Bordetella) Bordetella is named for him.
    He became Doctor of Medicine in 1892 and began his work at the (Click link for more info and facts about Pasteur Institute) Pasteur Institute in (The capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce) Paris in 1894, where, in the laboratory of Elie Metchnikoff, he described (Process in which phagocytes engulf and digest microorganisms and cellular debris; an important defense against infection) phagocytosis of bacteria by (Blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi; an important part of the body's defense system) white blood cell s. In 1898 he described

    45. Jules Bordet - Anagrams
    Rearranging the letters of jules bordet (Won 1919 Nobel prize for medicine) gives Find more anagrams of jules bordet (or any other text)!
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    Rearranging the letters of Jules Bordet (Won 1919 Nobel prize for medicine) gives: Job resulted? (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand)
    Download FREE anagram-generating software for your Windows computer Webmasters: make money from your website! Instructions for linking to this page! Learn about the Anagram Genius software (Windows/MacOS) Search the Archive Add YOUR anagrams to the Archive! League table of top contributors Find anagram aliases of jules bordet (or any other text)! Find gold service anagrams of jules bordet (or any other text)! Anagram Genius Archive Main Index Anagram Genius Archive France Index home page
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    46. MSN Encarta - Bordet, Jules
    Translate this page bordet, jules (1870-1961), bactériologiste belge lauréat du prix Nobel. Autres fonctionnalités Encarta. Rechercher bordet, jules
    • Accueil MSN Ma page Hotmail Recherche ... Tout savoir sur la gamme Encarta Rechercher
      Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif et un guide du Web. En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Bordet, Jules Bordet, Jules (1870-1961), bact©riologiste belge laur©at du prix Nobel. Il re§ut en 1919 le prix Nobel de physiologie ou m©decine pour sa d©couverte... M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    47. Brussels - Belgium - Survey Of European Breast Cancer Services - ESO
    The multidisciplinary breast team at the jules bordet Institute is dedicated to This jules bordet team also has a growing interest in the field of
    @import url("/ebcs/css/struttura.css"); Skip Navigation September 15, 2005
    • Home Directory Questionnaire Contacts ... Belgium List for country:
      Belgium, 4 Germany, 2 France, 1 Hungary, 1 Italy, 5 Portugal, 1 Slovenia, 1 Spain, 2 The Netherlands, 1 United Kingdom, 2
      Jules Bordet Institute
      Brussels, Belgium
      General information
      The multidisciplinary breast team at the Jules Bordet Institute is dedicated to clinical management and research in the area of breast cancer. The activity of the multidisciplinary team is based on:
      • diagnosis through needle biopsy or microbiopsy, echoguided or stereoguided on a digital table (Mammotome) diagnostic or therapeutic macrobiopsy with a steroguided system on a digital table (Mammotome) surgical biopsy under local anaesthesia integrated surgical treatment of any mammary lesion with advanced techniques such as peroperative Iridium and the sentinel node technique immediate reconstruction in some mastectomy cases.
      A full diagnostic unit (radiology including MRI , pathology) allows the diagnosis. Most diagnostic and therapeutic techniques are available, either for daily practice or in the context of research protocols : sentinel node biopsy, Mammotome, radio-guided surgery, intraoperative radiotherapy with Iridium, breast MRI, pet-scan, laser treatment for mucositis, molecular biology / pathology techniques and microarrays analysis. Patients are treated by an effective multidisciplinary team acquainted of all the leading treatments: there is close co-operation among the specialists working in the Screening, Surgery, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Nuclear Medicine, Rehabilitation and Anatomopathology services.

    48. Especiales Diario Médico
    Translate this page jules bordet murió en 1961, a los 91 años de edad, en Bruselas. Durante el sigloXIX ya se tenían ciertas ideas sobre la inmunidad, si bien se limitaban a
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    Jules Vincent Bordet Jules Vincent Bordet . ...

    49. Lexikon Jules Bordet
    jules bordet aus der freien EnzyklopädieWikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz. Die Liste der Autoren ist unter

    Mitglieder Community Suche ... Hilfe document.write(''); im Web in in Shopping Branchen Lexikon Artikel nach Themen alphabetischer Index Artikel in Kategorien Weitere Themen
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    Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Jules Bordet
    Jules Bordet
    Jules Bordet 13. Juni in Soignies 6. April ) war ein belgischer Biologe und Immunologe. F¼r seine Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiet der Immunit¤t erhielt er den Nobelpreis f¼r Medizin Bearbeiten
    Biografie (dt.) Biografie (engl.)
    Von " Einordnung Mann Belgier ... Nobelpreistr¤ger f¼r Medizin Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel " Jules Bordet Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz . Die Liste der Autoren ist unter dieser Seite bearbeitet werden.

    50. Cenim Institut Jules Bordet
    The CeNIM is a non profit organisation, whose goal is to promote the use ofcomputers by the medicine doctors from Namur (Belgium).

    51. Cenim Institut Jules Bordet
    est de promouvoir l informatique auprès du corps médical de la région de

    52. Entrez PubMed
    The Supportive and Palliative Care Unit of the Institut jules bordet officiallystarted its activiti

    53. Entrez PubMed
    Radiotherapy Department, jules bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium. Our clinicalexperience with 58 patients receiving TBI as part of their treatment for a

    54. Jules Bordet - The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
    jules Lean Babtiste Vincent bordet. For his discoveries relating to immunity External links. The Nobel Prize jules bordet The Nobel Foundation
    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1919
    Next Home Chemistry Peace ... Economics
    Jules Lean Babtiste Vincent Bordet
    "For his discoveries relating to immunity" External links The Nobel Prize - Jules Bordet
    The Nobel Foundation

    powered by - The World Heritage Sites

    55. Science And Education
    jules bordet (18701961), biologist and immunologist. The biologist andimmunologist jules bordet was born in Soignies on the 13th of June 1870.

    56. Sciences Et Enseignement
    Translate this page jules bordet (1870-1961), biologiste et immunologiste. Biologiste etimmunologiste, jules bordet est né à Soignies le 13 juin 1870.

    57. Encyclopedia: Jules Bordet
    Other descriptions of jules bordet. jules Jean Baptiste Vincent bordet (June 13,1870 April 6, 1961) was a Belgian immunologist and microbiologist.

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    Encyclopedia: Jules Bordet
    Updated 216 days 1 hour 33 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Jules Bordet Jules Jean Baptiste Vincent Bordet June 13 April 6 ) was a Belgian immunologist and microbiologist . The bacterial genus Bordetella is named for him.
    He became Doctor of Medicine in and began his work at the Pasteur Institute in Paris in , where, in the laboratory of Elie Metchnikoff, he described phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells . In he described hemolysis evoked by exposure of blood serum to foreign blood cells. In , he left Paris to found the Pasteur Institute in Brussels , and made his discovery that the bacteriolytic effect of acquired specific antibody is significantly enhanced in vivo by the presence of innate serum components which he termed alexine (but which are now known as complement ). This mechanism became the basis for

    58. Mercure Brussels Airport 4M, Ave Jules Burdet 74 Bordet, Brussels, BE - Guest Re
    Mercure Brussels Airport 4M, Brussels Read reviews and check rates for this andother hotels in Brussels, Belgium. Since 1996, HotelsTravel is the original
    Top Cities Brussels
    Brussels Hotels - #1

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    Brussels Hotels - #3
    ... Mercure Brussels Airport 4M
    Mercure Brussels Airport 4M
    Ave Jules Burdet 74 Bordet, Brussels, BE, 1140 View Map of Brussels showing Mercure Brussels Airport 4M Check rates for the Brussels hotel: Mercure Brussels Airport 4M Click on photo to view
    It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed. is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the photos. - Hotel
    Year Built - 1988
    Additional Property Description -
    Located Close To the City Centre and Brussels Domestic
    Airport. 500 M from the Nato Headquarters. 112
    Comfortable Rooms and 7 Suites, 3 Non-Smoking Floors
    and 2 Rooms For Disabled Guests. Property Amenities
    • Business center Free parking Meeting rooms Pets accepted Restaurant Wheelchair accessible
    Area Attractions Primary City - Bru - Antwerp 50 Km N Bordet 0.5 Km N Botanique 5 Km S Brupark 6 Km Se City 2 5 Km S Germinal 0.3 Km N

    59. Armand Bonnetain - Jules Bordet
    Armand Bonnetain, bronze plaque jules bordet (1921). Up Next page.
    Armand Bonnetain , bronze plaque "Jules Bordet" (1921)

    60. Jules Bordet > C'est Du Belge !
    Jules Bordet Dates : Origine : belge Liens : : Jules Bordet

    wallonie-en-ligne : Jules Bordet : Jules Bordet
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