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         Bohr Niels:     more books (100)
  1. The Physics of Chance: From Blaise Pascal to Niels Bohr by Charles Ruhla, 1992-12-10
  2. Bohr & Quantum Theory by Paul Strathern, 1998
  3. Niels Bohr: His Heritage and Legacy: An Anti-Realist View of Quantum Mechanics (Science and Philosophy) by J. Faye, 1991-09-30
  4. Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes: Niels Bohr and the Construction of a New Physics by Sandro Petruccioli, 2006-11-23
  5. Einstein, Bohr and the Quantum Dilemma: From Quantum Theory to Quantum Information by Andrew Whitaker, 2006-07-17
  6. Popularization and People (1911-1962), Volume 12 (Niels Bohr - Collected Works)
  7. Niels Bohr: Reflections on Subject and Object by Paul McEvoy, 2001-11-01
  8. Redirecting Science: Niels Bohr, Philanthropy, and the Rise of Nuclear Physics by Finn Aaserud, 2003-01-30
  9. The Description of Nature: Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Quantum Physics by John Honner, 1988-04-14
  10. Harmony and Unity: The Life of Niels Bohr (Scientific Revolutionaries) by Niels Bladel, 1988-08
  11. Recent Development in Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the Niels Bohr Centennial Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 6-10, 1985 by Denmark) Niels Bohr Centennial Conference (1985 Copenhagen, Jan Ambjorn, et all 1985-05
  12. Niels Bohr: Die Lektion der Atome (Serie Piper Portrat) (German Edition) by Ernst Peter Fischer, 1987
  13. The Philosophy of Niels Bohr by H.J. Folse, 1985-05-01
  14. Niels Bohr, The Man Who Trapped The Atom by Robert Silverberg, 1965

21. BOHR Niels Henrik David
bohr niels Henrik David. Last updated 25.05.2001 142824 Niels Henrik David Bohr byl dánský fyzik, žijící v letech 1885 1962.
Last updated: 25.05.2001 14:28:24
Obrazová galerie
BOHR Niels - ENGLISH Niels Henrik David Bohr byl dánský fyzik, žijící v letech 1885 - 1962. Byl èlenem mnoha akademií vìd v zahranièí, od roku 1961 èestným profesorem Lomonosov ovy univerzity v Moskvì, byl jedním z nejvýznamìjších vìdcù 20. století. V roce 1922 obdržel Nobelovu cenu za výzkumy a model atomu.
Pøestože o Bohrovu modelu atomu bývá v souèasných uèebnicích jen historická zmínka, nic to neubírá na významu Bohrovy teorie. Ta ve své dobì spojila dva hlavní smìry fyziky - nìmecký teoretický v èele s M. Planckem a A. Einsteinem a anglický experimentální v èele s J.J. Thomsonem a E. Rutherfordem.

Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

22. Niels Bohr
bohr niels. Broad,W. Teller s War. 1992 (30, 32); New York Times 199404-19 (A5); New York Times 1994-05-03 (A15); New York Times 2002-01-07 (A14)
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Encyklopedia bohr niels Henrik Davidbohr niels Henrik David (18851962), fizyk dunski, jeden z najwybitniejszych fizyków XX wieku, uczen JJ Thomsona i E. Rutherforda. Od 1916

24. BOHR Niels Henrik David
bohr niels Henrik David. Last updated 21.10.2004 090158 Niels Henrik David Bohr byl dánský fyzik, žijící v letech 1885 1962.
Last updated: 21.10.2004 09:01:58
Obrazová galerie
BOHR Niels - ENGLISH Niels Henrik David Bohr byl dánský fyzik, žijící v letech 1885 - 1962. Byl èlenem mnoha akademií vìd v zahranièí, od roku 1961 èestným profesorem Lomonosov ovy univerzity v Moskvì, byl jedním z nejvýznamìjších vìdcù 20. století. V roce 1922 obdržel Nobelovu cenu za výzkumy a model atomu.
Pøestože o Bohrovu modelu atomu bývá v souèasných uèebnicích jen historická zmínka, nic to neubírá na významu Bohrovy teorie. Ta ve své dobì spojila dva hlavní smìry fyziky - nìmecký teoretický v èele s M. Planckem a A. Einsteinem a anglický experimentální v èele s J.J. Thomsonem a E. Rutherfordem.

Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

25. BOHR  Niels - ENGLISH
bohr niels ENGLISH. Last updated 21.10.2004 090158. Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen in Denmark in 1885. His father was a professor of physiology at
Last updated: 21.10.2004 09:01:58
Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen in Denmark in 1885. His father was a professor of physiology at the University of Copengagen. Niels attended the same university and was a distinguished soccer player as well as a brilliant student. Bohr studied at J. J. Thomson ´s Cavendish Laboratory and at Rutherford ´s laboratory. At the young age of 28, while working with Rutherford, he invented the first effective model and theory of the structure of the atom. His work ranks as one of the truly great examples of an imaginative mind at work. He was awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize for physics for his study of the structure of atoms. During Worls War 2, Bohr and his family escaped from occupied Denmark to the United States. He and his son, Aage, acted as advisers at the Los Alomos Atomic Laboratories, where the atom bomb was developed. Thereafter, Bohr concerned himself with developing peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Aage Bohr, Neil´s son was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1975.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600.

Translate this page Niels bohr niels Henrik David Bohr (7 Ottobre 1885 - 18 Novembre 1962), fisico danese, nlNiels Bohr plNiels Bohr ptNiels Bohr ruБор, Нильс
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Nobel per la fisica
Niels Bohr
Niels Henrik David Bohr (7 Ottobre 1885 - 18 Novembre 1962), fisico danese, che diede contributi essenziali nella comprensione della struttura atomica e nella meccanica quantistica.
Nato a Copenhagen, si laure² in quella universit , ottenendo il dottorato nel 1911; l'anno seguente fu presso Ernest Rutherford a Manchester. Inizialmente interessato alle propriet  dei metalli, cominci² a studiare la teoria di Plank dei quanti.
Nel 1913 Bohr pubblic² un lavoro sull'assorbimento dei raggi alfa, ma si dedic² anche allo studio della struttura atomica, basandosi sui lavori di Rutherford, (il cui modello era in contraddizione con la fisica classica), integrandoli con la teoria di Plank dei quanti.
Propose infatti che gli elettroni si muovessero su orbite stabili con energie definite e discrete attorno al nucleo atomico. Inoltre, un elettrone poteva cambiare orbita emettendo o assorbendo fotoni di energia proporzionale alla differenza di energia dei livelli.
Questo divenne la base della teoria dei quanti e la contraddizione con l'approccio classico fu poi risolta dalla meccanica quantistica negli anni a venire.

27. Fredsakademiet: Freds- Og Sikkerhedspolitisk Leksion B 161 : Bohr, Niels
Niels Bohr Instituttet ved Københavns Universitet og the Niels Bohr Bohr, Niels Atomfysik og menneskelig erkendelse II Artikler fra årene 19581962.
Bohr, Niels
F. D. 1962
Atomgfysiker og atompacifist Albert Einstein ; Robert J. Oppenheimer.
Bohr, Niels: Atomfysik og menneskelig erkendelse
Bohr, Niels: Atomfysik og menneskelig erkendelse II
Bohr, Niels: Atomteori og naturbeskrivelse
Niels Bohr
: Niels Bohr, en biografi. 1985. - ISBN 87-7245-006-5
Avery, John: Science and Society Chapter 13, Atomic And Nuclear Physics

. 1985. - ISBN 87-7456-219
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28. Free Essays On Niels Bohr
Niels bohr niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen, he is the son of a physiology professor, and went to school at the University.
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Niels Bohr
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29. Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr born Oct. 7, 1885, Copenhagen, Den. d. Nov. 18, 1962, Copenhagen. He was a physicist who was the first to apply the quantum theory,
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr - born Oct. 7, 1885, Copenhagen, Den. d. Nov. 18, 1962, Copenhagen. He was a physicist who was the first to apply the quantum theory, which restricts the energy of a system to certain discrete values, to the problem of atomic and molecular structure. For this work he received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922. He developed the so-called 'Bohr theory of the atom and liquid model of the atomic nucleus.' Early life Bohr's father, Christian Bohr, professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen, was known for his work on the physical and chemical aspects of respiration. His mother, Ellen Adler Bohr, came from a wealthy Jewish family prominent in Danish banking and parliamentary circles. Bohr's scientific interests and abilities were evident early, and they were encouraged and fostered in a warm, intellectual family atmosphere. Niels's younger brother, Harald, became a brilliant mathematician. Bohr distinguished himself at the University of Copenhagen, winning a gold medal from the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters for his theoretical analysis of and precise experiments on the vibrations of water jets as a way of determining surface tension. In 1911 he received his doctorate for a thesis on the electron theory of metals that stressed the inadequacies of classical physics for treating the behaviour of matter at the atomic level. He then went to England, intending to continue this work with Sir J.J. Thomson at Cambridge. Thomson never showed much interest in Bohr's ideas on electrons in metals, however, although he had worked on this subject in earlier years. Bohr moved to Manchester in March 1912 and joined Ernest Rutherford's group studying the structure of the atom.

30. Niels Bohr | Physicist
Brief biography and book references.
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Niels Bohr
Physicist The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the
opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr was born on October 7, 1885 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bohr made numerous contributions to our understanding of atomic structure and quantum mechanics. He won the 1922 Nobel Prize for physics, chiefly for his work on the structure of atoms. Bohr received his doctorate in physics from the University of Copenhagen in 1911. He then traveled to Manchester, England to study under British physicist Ernest Rutherford. In 1913 Bohr published a theory about the structure of the atom based on an earlier theory of Rutherford's. Rutherford had shown that the atom consisted of a positively charged nucleus, with negatively charged electrons in orbit around it. Bohr expanded upon this theory by proposing that electrons travel only in certain successively larger orbits. He suggested that the outer orbits could hold more electrons than the inner ones, and that these outer orbits determine the atom's chemical properties. Bohr also described the way atoms emit radiation by suggesting that when an electron jumps from an outer orbit to an inner one, that it emits light. Later other physicists expanded his theory into quantum mechanics. This theory explains the structure and actions of complex atoms. Bohr became a professor of physics at the University of Copenhagen in 1916. In 1920 Bohr was named director of the newly constructed "Institute of Theoretical Physics" at the University. Bohr became a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1926, receiving the Royal Society Copley Medal in 1938. During World War II, Bohr fled Copenhagen to escape the Nazis. He traveled to Los Alamos, New Mexico to advise the scientists developing the first atomic bomb. He returned to Copenhagen after the war and later promoted the peaceful use of atomic energy.

31. Physics 1922
(18851962) bohr formulated in 1913 an alternative atomic model, in which only certain circular orbits of the electrons are allowed.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922
"for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them" Niels Henrik David Bohr Denmark Copenhagen University
Copenhagen, Denmark b. 1885
d. 1962 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922
Presentation Speech
Niels Bohr
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The 1922 Prize in:


Physiology or Medicine

Find a Laureate: Get to know all 770 Prize Winners! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 13, 2005

32. Bohr, Niels (1885-1962) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Articles on the scientist and the Copenhagen interpretation.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality Danish ... Scientific Families
Bohr, Niels (1885-1962)

Danish physicist who proposed a successful quantum model of the atom in 1913. His model assumed that (1) the electron exists at precise distances from the nucleus, (2) as long as an electron remains in one location, no energy is given off, (3) electrons have circular orbits (this is only correct for s orbitals), and (4) the angular momenta associated with allowed electron motion are integral multiples of . Bohr stated the Correspondence Principle, which states that quantum mechanical formulas must reduce to the classical results in the limit of large quantum number. He also advocated a probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics known as the Copenhagen interpretation Bohr (Aage) Bohr (Christian) Bohr (Harald)
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)
References Blaedel, N. Harmony and Unity: The Life of Niels Bohr. Madison, WI: Science Tech, 1988. Murdoch, D. Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pais, A.

33. Niels Bohr Archive
A repository of primary material for the history of modern physics, pertaining in particular to the early development of quantum mechanics and the life and career of niels bohr. News, collections, library, publications and seminars.
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Last updated: June 2004

34. Bohr_Niels
Biography of niels bohr (18851962) niels bohr s father was Christian bohr and his mother was Ellen Adler. Christian bohr was awarded a doctorate in
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Born: 7 Oct 1885 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Died: 18 Nov 1962 in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Niels Bohr 's father was Christian Bohr and his mother was Ellen Adler. Christian Bohr was awarded a doctorate in physiology from the University of Copenhagen in 1880 and in 1881 he became a Privatdozent at the university. Late in the same year he married Ellen, who was the daughter of David Adler, a Jewish politician with a high standing in Danish political and commercial life. Christian and Ellen had three children. The eldest was Jenny born in 1883 in the mansion which David Adler had owned opposite Christiansborg Castle where the Danish Parliament sat. Ellen's mother had continued to live in this house after her husband David Adler died in 1878 and Ellen had gone back to her mother's home to have her child. Two years later Niels was born on his mother's 25 th birthday in the same stately home, Ellen again having returned to her mother's house for the birth of her child. The third child of the family, who went on to become a famous mathematician, was

35. Niels Bohr
Kort biografi om fysikeren, hans atommodel, det periodiske system og kvanteteorien.
Niels Henrik David Bohr
Niels Bohr

tre notater.
Disse notater blev et vigtigt led i forskningen omkring kvanteteorien
Det Periodiske System

Det Periodiske System ... [Historisk]

36. Niels Bohr Institutet - Offentlige Hjemmesider
Popul¦rvidenskabelige sider om instituttets forskning i h¸jenergifysik, kernefysik, biofysik og komplekse systemer.
Klik for at se
subatomar fysik . I bio- og kaosfysikken er et fællestræk den kompleksitet, man finder i stof opbygget af mange atomer. Deraf navnet komplekse systemers fysik Kort om Niels Bohr Institutet Kort om Niels Bohr (engelsk)
Niels Bohr Institutet Ørsted Laboratoriet Astronomisk Observatorium Geofysisk Afdeling ... Flere links Kommentarer, fejl og mangler
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Peter Z. Skands

37. Discussions With Einstein On Epistemological Problems In Atomic Physics
Report by niels bohr of his discussions with Albert Einstein over many years on the epistemological implications of quantum theory.
Niels Bohr (1949)
Discussions with Einstein
on Epistemological Problems in Atomic Physics
Source : From Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist (1949), publ. Cambridge University Press, 1949. Neils Bohr's report of conversations with Einstein and Einstein's reply. WHEN invited by the Editor of the series, Living Philosophers With unfailing intuition Einstein thus was led step by step to the conclusion that any radiation process involves the emission or absorption of individual light quanta or "photons" with energy and momentum E hf and P hs respectively, where h is Planck's constant, while f and s are the number of vibrations per unit time and the number of waves per unit length, respectively. Notwithstanding its fertility, the idea of the photon implied a quite unforeseen dilemma, since any simple corpuscular picture of radiation would obviously be irreconcilable with interference effects, which present so essential an aspect of radiative phenomena, and which can be described only in terms of a wave picture. The acuteness of the dilemma is stressed by the fact that the interference effects offer our only means of defining the concepts of frequency and wavelength entering into the very expressions for the energy and momentum of the photon. In this situation, there could be no question of attempting a causal analysis of radiative phenomena, but only, by a combined use of the contrasting pictures, to estimate probabilities for the occurrence of the individual radiation processes. However, it is most important to realize that the recourse to probability laws under such circumstances is essentially different in aim from the familiar application of statistical considerations as practical means of accounting for the properties of mechanical systems of great structural complexity. In fact, in quantum physics we are presented not with intricacies of this kind, but with the inability of the classical frame of concepts to comprise the peculiar feature of indivisibility, or "individuality," characterising the elementary processes.

38. Niels Bohr
In terms of scientific brilliance niels bohr is right at the top, niels bohr entered Copenhagen University in 1903, emerging in 1911 with his doctorate.
History top Home
Historical Notes Bohr, Niels Henrik David Danish physicist, Nobel Prizewinner 1922 for theory of the hydrogen atom
Born: Copenhagen, October 7, 1885
Died: Copenhagen, November 18, 1962 Einstein: " God does not play dice. Einstein: " God is not malicious. Bohr: " Einstein, stop telling God what to do. One of the most sparkling and prolonged scientific jousting matches took place between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein in the 20s and 30s. The latter, who could never accept the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, produced a series of gedanken experiments (thought experiments) designed to disprove the new theory. Bohr would then attempt to show where Einstein had gone wrong. In one of Bohr's successful attempts at this, he was especially pleased to note that Einstein had forgotten that according to his own theory of general relativity clocks run more slowly under the influence of a gravitational field. In terms of scientific brilliance Niels Bohr is right at the top, perhaps second only to Einstein in the hit parade of 20th century scientists. It seems that every scientist who met Bohr came away with an impression of his deep intellect and his kind, gentle manner. (The phrase "large domed head" seems to occur frequently, too.) Bohr lies at the end of a list of philosopher/scientists which charts the establishment of atomism in the scientific canon over the centuries: from the pre-Socratics Democritus and Leucippus;to Epicurus and Lucretius; to Dalton who was the first to create the concept of atoms in a modern scientific format; to Rutherford and Geiger who demonstrated the nuclear structure of the atom; to Bohr who was able to unite Rutherford's atom with the quantum concept of Planck.

39. International Catalog Of Sources For History Of Physics And Allied Sciences
Search records for unpublished source materials in the niels bohr Library archives and over 500 other repositories worldwide.

40. Bohr, Niels
niels bohr His Life and Work as Seen by His Friends and Colleagues (1967, reissued 1985; Popular biographies include Ruth Moore, niels bohr The Man,
Bohr, Niels
Bohr By courtesy of the Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm
One of the foremost scientists of the 20th century, Niels Henrik David Bohr was the first to apply the quantum theory, which restricts the energy of a system to certain discrete values, to the problem of atomic and molecular structure. He was a guiding spirit and major contributor to the development of quantum mechanics and atomic physics . His work on atomic theory was recognized by the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
Early life.
Bohr was born in Copenhagen on Oct. 7, 1885. His father, Christian Bohr, professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen, was known for his work on the physical and chemical aspects of respiration. His mother, Ellen Adler Bohr, came from a wealthy Jewish family prominent in Danish banking and parliamentary circles. Bohr's scientific interests and abilities were evident early, and they were encouraged and fostered in a warm, intellectual family atmosphere. Niels's younger brother, Harald, became a brilliant mathematician. Bohr distinguished himself at the University of Copenhagen, winning a gold medal from the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters for his theoretical analysis of and precise experiments on the vibrations of water jets as a way of determining surface tension. In 1911 he received his doctorate for a thesis on the electron theory of metals that stressed the inadequacies of

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