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         Bloch Konrad:     more detail
  1. Lipide metabolism by Konrad Emil Bloch, 1960
  2. Blondes in Venetian Paintings, the Nine-Banded Armadillo, and Other Essays in Bi by Professor Konrad Bloch, 1997-02-27
  3. Biography - Bloch, Konrad E. (1912-2000): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  4. Lipide metabolism by Konrad Bloch, 1960
  5. Biological and Chemical Aspects of Oxygenases: Proceedings of the Unit by Konrad Bloch, 1966
  6. German Biochemists: Konrad Emil Bloch, Hermann Emil Fischer, Samuel Mitja Rapoport, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Adolf Butenandt
  7. American Biochemists: Isaac Asimov, Linus Pauling, Kary Mullis, Konrad Emil Bloch, Walter Gilbert, Gregory Goodwin Pincus, Stanley B. Prusiner
  8. Blondes in Venetian Paintings, the Nine-Banded Armadllo, and Other Essays in Biochemistry by Konrad Bloch, 1994
  9. Lipide Metabolism; by Konrad, (Editor); Bloch, 1960
  10. N-methylcysteine and derivatives, by Konrad Emil Bloch, 1938

81. BiBl
bloch, konrad E. (1912 ) American scientist and educator. Born January 21, 1912 in Neisse, Germany, he shared the Nobel Prize in medicine, 1964,
BICKEL, Otto ( - ) German stamp dealer and promoter of San Marino Philatelist. - San Marino SMR1997F27.3 BICKERSTAFF, ISSAC - see SWIFT, JONATHAN BIDER, Oskar, Swiss pioneer aviator. He was born on July 12, 1891 at Langenbruck near Basel, Kanton Basel-Land. On January 1, 1913, in Bleriot Monoplane he crossed the Pyrenees in a flight from Pau in southern France to Madrid. On July 13, 1913 he was the first to fly across the Alps from Bern to Milan, landing with one touch-down at Domodossola. He distinguished himself in promoting military and civil aviation. As a farmer in Argentina, Oskar Bider decided that he wanted to be a pilot. He obtained his pilot's license on December 8, 1912 in Pau. During the years 1913-1914 he achieved numerous flying firsts. In 1915 he became a lieutenant, chief pilot and chief instructor of the new Swiss Air Force. In 1919 he led the "Flight around Switzerland". He was the cofounder of the Society for Tourism with Hydroplanes. He died when his plane crashed at Dubendorf on July 7, 1919 - Switzerland 620 BIERSTADT, Albert (1830-1902) American artist. Born January 7, 1830 in Dusseldorf, Germany, he was a landscape painter best known for works that depicted the Far West. He died February 18, 1902 in New York, New York. - United States USA1998H27.13 (painting)

82. Das Leben Der Zelle Chemisch Beschreiben
Translate this page 1964 wurden konrad bloch und Feodor Lynen gemeinsam für ihre unabhängig 1968 wurde konrad bloch (r.) von TH-Rektor Gerd Albers mit der Würde eines
Mitteilungen der TUM, Ausgabe 5 (00/01)
Das Leben der Zelle chemisch beschreiben Norbert Willisch Foto: Archiv 22.08.2001, Christoph Mokler

83. Science -- Author Index {19 March 1999; 283 (5409)}
Pamela J. (in Reports) Letter bloch, konrad E. (in Letters) Letter Bloembergen, Nicolaas (in Letters) Abstract Full Text Blumenthal, Jonathan (in
Author Index
Volume 283, Number 5409, Issue of 19 March 1999
B C D ... Z
Ahern, Kevin (in )
Altshuler, B. L. (in Perspectives)
Arrow, Kenneth J. (in Letters)
Axelrod, Julius (in Letters)
Aziz, Hany (in Reports)
(in Reports)
Balter, Michael (in News Focus)
Baltimore, David (in Letters)
Barinaga, Marcia (in News of the Week)
Barinaga, Marcia (in News of the Week)
Benacerraf, Baruj (in Letters)
Bjorkman, Pamela J. (in Reports)
Bloch, Konrad E. (in Letters)
Bloembergen, Nicolaas (in Letters)
Blumenthal, Jonathan (in Reports)
Bradke, Frank (in Reports)
Brand, Ulrike (in Reports)
Brannon, Elizabeth M. (in Letters)
Brown, Herbert C. (in Letters)
Brown, Michael S. (in Letters)
Brown;, Sandra (in Technical Comments)
Campman, K. (in Reports)
Chirino, Arthur J. (in Reports)
Chiu, Daniel T. (in Reports)
Cibelli, Jose B. (in Letters)
Clarke, A. R. (in Reports)
Cobb, Stephen (in Policy Forum)
Cohen, Jon (in News of the Week)
Cohen, Stanley (in Letters)
Collinge, J. (in Reports)
Collins, D. Louis (in Reports)
Cooper, Leon N.

84. Blondes In Venetian Paintings
by konrad bloch University Press refused to give us permission to publish this informative article by Dr. bloch on Internet for the reason given below.
by Konrad Bloch
An Exotic Model for Biomedical Research

The nine-banded armadillo ( Dasypus novemcinctus Mycobacterium leprae multiplies best in man in the cooler regions of the body. Thus wrote Eleanor Storrs, a biochemist at the Gulf South Research Institute in New Iberia, Louisiana. Yale University Press refused to give us permission to publish this informative article by Dr. Bloch on Internet for the reason given below. We retained his introductory sentences since they were quoted directly from a paper by Dr. Storrs. Yale did not ask for her permission to publish them.
It should be evident to everyone why she has not been able to get a fair hearing. If a prestigious university press is afraid to permit reprinting of an article favorable to Dr. Storrs, how can we expect ordinary individuals to stand up to the wrath of U.S. Public Health Service? I am sure you realize that the subject matter of your site may be viewed by many as controversial. Consequently, I don't think it would be prudent for Mr. Bloch's book to be excerpted there at this time. It is in our best interests to be sure we (both the Press and Mr. Bloch) are not misconstrued as endorsing or being involved in controversial endeavors. If you would, please remove the direct quotation. Replacing it with a summary and a reference to BLONDES IN VENETIAN PAINTINGS, as you suggested, is certainly within your rightprovided it does not quote Mr. Bloch's words extensively.

Translate this page Wir hören konrad Bayer nicht als Altavangardisten, sondern kriegen die Ware direkt Der Philosoph Ernst bloch faßte in der anschließenden Diskussion die
Konrad Bayer: der sechste sinn
1) aus dem roman "der sechste sinn"
berlin, juli 1962 (28 min)
2) aus: der sechste sinn.
lesung vor der "gruppe 47"
saulgau, herbst 1963 (38 min)
3) einige passagen aus: der sechste sinn.
lesung vor der "gruppe 47"
sigtuna, september 1964 (43 min)
Konrad Bayer
Der sechste Sinn Originaltonaufnahmen 1962-1964 2-CD-Set, 110 Minuten, 34 Tracks ISBN 3-932513-32-0 EUR 26,80 BESTELLUNG Stimmen der Kritik: "Diese Doppel-CD mit Originaltonaufnahmen stört die Kanonisierung. Wir hören Konrad Bayer nicht als Altavangardisten, sondern kriegen die Ware direkt aus der Werkstatt geliefert. Die Dichte des Materials, die Vielfältigkeit der Technik, natürlich auch die Verweigerung, die nicht postuliert, sondern durchgearbeitet wird, erschliessen sich sofort. Nicht die Gruppe 47, Bayer hat den Konsens aufgekündigt." (Jungle World, Berlin) "Ein grosser Coup!" (Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich)

1964 konrad bloch, Feodor Lynen. 1963 Sir John Carew Eccles, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, Andrew Fielding Huxley. 1962 Francis Harry Compton Crick,


2001 Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt, Paul M. Nurse
2000 Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric R. Kandel 1998 Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad 1997 Stanley B. Prusiner 1996 Peter C. Doherty, Rolf M. Zinkernagel 1994 Alfred G. Gilman, Martin Rodbell 1993 Richard J. Roberts, Phillip A. Sharp 1992 Edmond H. Fischer, Edwin G. Krebs 1991 Erwin Neher, Bert Sakmann 1990 Joseph E. Murray, E. Donnall Thomas 1989 J. Michael Bishop, Harold E. Varmus 1988 Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Hitchings 1987 Susumu Tonegawa 1986 Stanley Cohen, Rita Levi-Montalcini 1985 Michael S. Brown, Joseph L. Goldstein 1983 Barbara McClintock 1981 Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, Torsten N. Wiesel 1980 Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset, George D. Snell 1979 Allan M. Cormack, Godfrey N. Hounsfield 1978 Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, Hamilton O. Smith 1977 Roger Guillemin, Andrew V. Schally, Rosalyn Yalow 1976 Baruch S. Blumberg, D. Carleton Gajdusek 1975 David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco, Howard Martin Temin

87. Konrad Bayer: Der Sechste Sinn
Translate this page der sechste sinn von konrad Bayer. Eine Rezension von Klaus Kastberger. von Ernst bloch und sie hat natürlich kein bißchen von konrad Bayer gelernt.
Konrad Bayer
der sechste sinn

Originaltonaufnahmen 1962 - 1964
Es liest der Autor
2 CDs
Spielzeit: 110 Min.
ISBN 3-932513-32-0
Originalbeitrag Klaus Kastberger
3. Dezember 2002

88. Der Dichter Ist Der Katalysator
bloch nach einer Lesung konrad Bayers vor der Gruppe 47, von der die Philosophen manches lernen können.
der dichter ist der katalysator Über Konrad Bayer * In seinem berühmten Buch über die Kultur des Stromgebiets Donau macht der italienische Germanist Claudio Magris, der die experimentelle Literatur der Wiener Gruppe nicht besonders mag, eine Ausnahme: "In jener starren, konservativen Atmosphäre der fünfziger und sechziger Jahre entdeckte die Gruppe eine Tradition wieder, die zugleich surrealistisch, dadaistisch und volkstümlich war; sie versuchte, sich der wachsenden Verfremdung zu widersetzen, die dem Individuum seine unmittelbare, tastbare Erfahrung entnahm und wollte Poesie entdecken im wilden Experiment, in der Montage und im Kalauer, in phonetischen Glanzstücken und Happenings , in einer Mischung von Werbung und Nonsens, in spöttischer Provokation, in einem Projekt wie das Dirigieren eines Vögelchors oder das Bauen eines zehn Kilometer langen Hauses oder das Drucken einer fake -Zeitung für eine Person. Diese Gaukler brachten neues Leben ins erstarrte österreichische Kulturklima und in ihrer Mitte befand sich ein echter Dichter, Konrad Bayer, der 1964 gestorben ist." Das konzert für metronome und singvögel , die wohnstrasse und die konrad-bayer-zeitung Am Anfang der sechziger Jahre löst sich die Gruppe auf; die Aufführung ihrer

89. Kisokos - A Nobel-díjasok Névsora
Andrew Fielding 1917 GB Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd 1914- GB 1964 bloch, konrad Emil 1912- USA Lynen, Feodor 1911-1979 D 1965 Jacob, François 1920- F Lwoff,
A Nobel-díjasok névsora
A Nobel-díjasok névsora A fizikai, kémiai, orvosi és irodalmi díjat svéd intézmények, a békedíjat a norvég parlament ítéli oda. A külön tõkéjû közgazdasági díjat a Svéd Birodalmi Bank alapította fennállásának 300. évfordulóján, 1969-ben. D Német Birodalom, Németország, NDK, NSZK SU Oroszország, Szovjet-Oroszország, Szovjetunió Intézményeknél a születési év oszlopában az alapítás éve áll. KÉMIAI 901 van't Hoff, Jacobus Henricus 1852-1911 NL 1902 Fischer, Emil 1852-1919 D 1903 Arrhenius, Svante August 1859-1927 S 1904 Ramsay, Sir William 1852-1916 GB 1905 Baeyer, Adolf von, lovag 1835-1917 D Schultz, Theodore William 1902- USA 1980 Klein, Lawrence Robert 1920- USA 1981 Tobin, James 1918- USA 1982 Stigler, George 1911- USA 1983 - 1984 Stone, Sir Richard 1913- GB 1985 Modigliani, Franco 1928- USA 1986 Buchanan, James McGill 1919- USA 1987 Solow, Robert M. 1924- USA 1988 Allais, Maurice F 1989 Haavelmo, Tryggve N

90. Jewish Chemists
Sidney Altman; Adolph von Baeyer 4; konrad bloch; Ronald Breslow; Herbert C. Brown; Melvin Calvin; Heinrich Caro; Sir Ernst Chain; Gerty Cori 9
  • Sidney Altman Adolph von Baeyer Konrad Bloch Ronald Breslow Herbert C. Brown Melvin Calvin Heinrich Caro Sir Ernst Chain Gerty Cori Carl Djerassi Ernest Eliel Gertrude Elion Kasimir Fajans Rosalind Franklin Moses Gomberg Fritz Haber Herbert Hauptman George de Hevesy Roald Hoffmann Jerome Karle Izaak Kolthoff Arthur Kornberg Sir Hans Krebs Sir Harold Kroto Raphael Levine Fritz Lipmann Rudolph Marcus Herman Mark Lise Meitner Viktor Meyer Otto Meyerhof Henri Moissan George Olah Sir Max Perutz John Polanyi Michael Polanyi Ilya Prigogine Tadeus Reichstein Stuart Rice Gabor Somorjai William Stein Gilbert Stork Max Tishler Otto Wallach Otto Warburg Frank Westheimer Saul Winstein Rosalyn Yalow
  • Robert Abeles Anatol Abragam Berni Alder Sidney Altman Christian Anfinsen Alfred Bader Adolph von Baeyer Allen Bard Jacqueline Barton Sidney Benson Paul Berg Robert Bergman Ernst Bergmann Max Bergmann
    John Bernal Bruce Berne Richard Bernstein R. Stephen Berry Richard Bersohn Jerome Berson Solomon Berson Jacob Bigeleisen Felix Bloch Herman Bloch Konrad Bloch Ronald Breslow Leo Brewer Herbert C. Brown

91. The Hindu : Laureates In Medicine: Down Memory Lane
1964 konrad bloch and FEODOR LYNEN for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.
Online edition of India's National Newspaper
Thursday, October 25, 2001
Front Page
National Southern States Other States ... Next
Laureates in medicine: Down memory lane
2001 LELAND H. HARTWELL, R. TIMOTHY HUNT and PAUL M. NURSE for their discoveries of "key regulators of the cell cycle." 2000 ARVID CARLSSON, PAUL GREENGARD and ERIC KANDEL for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system. 1999 GNTER BLOBEL, for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell. 1998 ROBERT F. FURCHGOTT, LOUIS J. IGNARRO and FERID MURAD for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. 1997 STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection 1996 PETER C. DOHERTY and ROLF M. ZINKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. 1995 EDWARD B. LEWIS, CHRISTIANE NSSLEIN-VOLHARD and ERIC F. WIESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development. 1994 ALFRED G. GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells.

92. Encyclopedia: Konrad Bloch
Other descriptions of konrad bloch. konrad Emil bloch (January 21, 1912 October 15, 2000) was a German-American biochemist. Born in Neisse, Germany,

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    Encyclopedia: Konrad Bloch
    Updated 215 days 22 hours 14 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Konrad Bloch Konrad Emil Bloch January 21 October 15 ) was a German-American biochemist Born in Neisse, Germany , in 1912. Educated at the Technische Hochschule in Munich , fled the Nazis in 1934 and went to the Schweizerische Forschungsinstitut in Davos Switzerland , before moving to the United States in 1936. Appointed to the department of biological chemistry at Yale Medical School. In America he enrolled at Columbia University , he received a Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1938. He taught at Columbia from 1939 to 1946. From there he went to the university of Chicago and then to

    93. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
    konrad bloch and FEODOR LYNEN for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.
    Search Now: Search: English Books Japanese Books Both Keywords:
    Japanese customer service Shipping Information Are you in Japan? Are you interested in Japan? English Books in Japan Books in Japanese Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
    last updated on Link: Official Website of Nobel Foundation: Physiology or Medicine Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection PETER C. DOHERTY and ROLF M. ZINKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. EDWARD B. LEWIS CHRISTIANE NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD and ERIC F. WIESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development. ALFRED G. GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells. RICHARD J. ROBERTS

    94. ChemieOnline - Wissenschaftler
    Translate this page Home » Bibliothek » Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler » konrad Emil bloch. konrad Emil bloch deutsch-amerikanischer Biochemiker.

    95. SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates
    1964 konrad bloch and Feodor LYNEN discover the mechanism and regulation of cholesterol fatty acid metabolism. 1965 François JACOB, André LWOFF and
    Home Biotechnology Celebrity support Benefits of animal research ... Links
    Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology and Medicine (1960 - 1969)
    Alfred Bernhard Nobel
    Nobel Survey Index
    Photo: Wellcome Institute Library The Timeline
    "I agree that animal experimentation should be humane and regulated, but the regulations must not be so onerous as to impede legitimate experimentation, which is now the case in many places." - Michael S Brown, M.D., Nobel Prizewinner 1985 Sir Frank MacFarlane BURNET and Sir Peter Brian MEDAWAR - describe acquired immunological tolerance. Georg von BŠKŠSY - shows how the inner ear works. Francis Harry Comptom CRICK, James Dewey WATSON and Maurice Hugh Frederick WILKINS - discover the molecular structure of DNA and RNA and how they transmit genetic information. Sir John Carew ECCLES, Sir Alan Lloyd HODGKIN and Sir Andrew Fielding HUXLEY - discover the ionic mechanisms by which nerves function. Peyton ROUS - discovers tumour-inducing viruses. Charles Brenton HUGGINS - devises the hormonal treatment of prostatic cancer.

    96. Science Timeline
    bloch, konrad Emil, 1953. Bloom, Paul, 1990. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 1775. Board of Longitude, 1714,. Bode, Johann Elert, 1766, 1781, 1802, 1846
    use checkboxes to select items you wish to download
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    Baade, Wilhelm Henrich Walter, 1934, 1951, 1952 Babbage, Charles, 1834 Babo, Lambert, 1847 Babylonian mathematicians, 1500 bce Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1704 Bachelard, Gaston, 1934 Back, Ernest E. A., 1912 Backus, John, 1957, 1958 Bacon, Francis, 1605, 1620 Bacon, Francis, 1949 Bacon, Roger, after 1230, 1267 Baekeland, Leo, 1913 Bak, Per, 1986 Baldwin, James Mark, 1896, 1949 Baltimore, David, 1970, 1980, 1982 Banting, Frederick Grant, 1921 Baran, Paul, 1962 Bardeen, John, 1947, 1957 Barghoorn, Elso S., 1977 Barnard, Christian, 1968 Barnea, Anat, 1994 Barrow, Isaac, 1662 Bartholin, Thomas, 1652 Basov, Nikolai Gennediyevitch, 1954

    97. Wissens-Portal ( #wpx-pe00.htm# 25.01.2005 / Auskunft, Wissen, Lernen,
    Translate this page bloch, konrad E. 21, 01, 1912 . 15, 10, 2000, Biochemiker . bloch, konrad E. / dt.-amerik. Biochemiker, Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 1964
    Quick: [ Frage (email) Infos Themen Heim
    Name Vorname G-Tag G-Mon G-Jah Geb-Land T-Tag T-Mon T-Jah Adderley Nat USA Musiker Wicki Bernhard Schauspieler Regisseur Krebs Dieter D Schauspieler Kabarettist Seemann Horst Regisseur Film Wennemann Klaus D Schauspieler Film Thiedemann Fritz D Sportler Springreiter Davis Marc USA Asmus Rudolf Musiker Harris Gene USA Musiker Pianist Rudolf D Wilson Robert W. USA Astrophysiker Physiker Craxi Bettino Italien Politiker Lamarr Hedy Schauspieler Film Cossutta Carlo Italien Musiker Budge Donald USA Sportler Tennisspieler Hielscher Liane Schauspieler Film Gulda Friedrich Musiker Pianist Benrath Martin D Schauspieler Kinsky Eva Schauspieler Film Berendt Joachim Ernst D Autant-Lara Claude Regisseur Film Jaeger Henry D Schriftsteller Vadim Roger Frankreich Regisseur Schauspieler Jay Hawkins Screamin' USA Musiker Schulz Charles M. USA Zeichner Kedrova Lila Schauspieler Film Hundertwasser Friedensreich Maler Graphiker Varney Jim USA Sportler Handball Goes Albrecht D Schriftsteller Theologe Haza Ofra Israel Musiker Matthews Sir Stanley GB Sportler Ionna Italien Herrscher Otto Schriftsteller Kabarettist Leckebusch Michael Produzent Regisseur Kaiser Edmond Frankreich Ferrari Lolo Frankreich Gray Charles Schauspieler Film Rolf D Regisseur Schauspieler Oppenberg Dietrich D Zeitungsverleger Piper Klaus D Unternehmer Verleger Comfort Alex GB Philosoph Schriftsteller Strecker Frank D Regisseur Schauspieler Dury Ian Musiker Rudolf Politiker Jurist Freund Gisele D Fotograf Droemer Willy D Bourguiba Habib Tunesien Politiker Bassani Giorgio Italien Schriftsteller Harlander Willy D Schauspieler Film Borg Kim Finnland Musiker Jones Jonah USA Bartali Gino Sportler Radsportler

    98. Jungle World 51/2002
    Translate this page konrad Bayer und Gerhard Rühm trugen ihre Texte der Gruppe 47 vor. Walter Jens, Carl Améry, Reinhard Baumgart, Ernst bloch und Hans Mayer treten auf.
    Nr. 51/2002 - 11. Dezember 2002 Im Archiv suchen:
    Interview Disko Inland ... Sport Rubriken Nachrichten
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    Konrad Bayer: Der sechste sinn. Originaltonaufnahmen 1962-1964
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    Premios Nobel
    Von BEKESY, Georg (1899-1972). Estados Unidos CRICK, Francis Harry Compton WATSON, James Dewey (n.1928). Estados Unidos, WILKINS, Maurice Hugh por sus descubrimientos sobre la estructura del DNA ECCLES Sir John Carew (1903-1997) Australia, HODGKIN Alan Lloyd HUXLEY Andrew Fielding BLOCH Konrad (1912-2000) Estados Unidos; LYNEN, Feodor (1911-1979) Alemania JACOB François (n. 1920) Francia, LWOFF, André (1902-1944) Francia, MONOD, Jacques (1910-1976) Francia ROUS, Peyton (1879-1970) Estados Unidos, HUGGINS Charles Brenton (1901-1998) Estados Unidos GRANIT, Ragnar (1900-1991) Suecia, HARTLINE Haldan Keffer (1903-1983) Estados Unidos; WALD George HOLLEY Robert W. (1922-1993), Estados Unidos, KHORANA, Har Gobind (n 1922) Estados Unidos, NIRENBERG Marshall W. (n. 1927) Estados Unidos DELBRUCK, Max (1906-1981), Alemania; HERSEY, Alfred

    100. »²¤¯¤j¾Ç_²z¤u¾Ç°|_¥Íª«§Þ³N¬ãµo¤¤¤ß
    The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    1964 Nobel Laureate in Medicine for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism. Background Born: 1912
    Place of Birth: Neisse, Germany
    Residence: U.S.A.
    Affiliation: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA ¥Í¥­¤¶²Ð¡G -. Konard Bloch ¡A ¼w°ê¤H¡A David Rittenberg¦X§@¬ã¨sÁx©T¾Jªº¥Íª«¦X¦¨¡A¦¹¤è­±¤§¤u§@¦û¾Ú¤FBloch¤§¬ã¨s¥Í²P´X¥G¤G¤Q¦~¡C 1941¦~Konrad Bloch»P¥þ³¡Teutschµ²±B,¥L­Ì¦³¨â­Ó«Ä¤lPeter©MSusan¡C 1946¦~BlochÂಾ¦ÜªÛ¥[­ô¤j¾Ç¾á¥ô¥Íª«¤Æ¾Çªº§U±Ð¡C¦bªÛ¥[­ô¥ÑE. A. Evans Jr.¬°­ºªº¥Íª«¤Æ¾Ç³¡ªù¸Ì¡A«ùÄò¹ïÁx©T¾J¥Íª«¦X¦¨¤§¬ã¨s¤u§@¡CBloch¦bªÛ¥[­ôªº´Á¶¡©MJ. Snoke¤]½Õ¬d¤Ftripeptide glutathioneªº»¯À¦X¦¨¡C 1954¦~Bloch³Q¥ô©R¬°«¢¦ò¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç¨t±Ð±Â¡A¨¦b1968¦~¥L¦¨¬°¤F¨t¥D¥ô¡C°£¤FÄ~Äò¦b²m©M©T¾J¥Í·½½×¤è­±¤Wªº¬ã¨s¡A¥LÅܱo¹ï¤£¹¡©M¯×ªÕ»Äªº»¯À§Î¦¨·P¿³½ì¡C Bloch³Õ¤h´¿±o¨ì³o¨Ç¼ú³¹©M¼ú¶µ¡GMedal of the Societe de Chimie Biologique (1958), Fritzsche Award (American Chemical Society, 1964), Centennial Science Award (University of Notre Dame, 1965), Cardano Medal (Lombardy Academy of Sciences, 1965), Distinguished Service Award (University of Chicago School of Medicine, 1964), William Lloyd Evans Award (Ohio State University, 1968). He holds honorary doctor degrees from the universities of Uruguay (1966), Brazil (1966), Nancy (1966), Columbia University (1967) ,Technische Hochschule, Munich (1968), and Brandeis University (1970)¡C

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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