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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
81. Noticias Anteriores Translate this page En una carta dirigida a los Obispos carlos ximenes belo, SDB, que ayudaba aladministrador apostólico de Dili, monseñor carlos felipe ximenes belo. http://www.aciprensa.com/notic1999/setiembre/notic743.htm | |
82. Noticias Translate this page carlos felipe ximenes belo, el Obispo que en 1996 ganó el Premio Nobel de la Pazpor sus esfuerzos a favor de Timor Oriental, está de visita en el país y http://www.aciprensa.com/notic2002/agosto/notic1632.htm | |
83. UNTAET: Chief Minister, SRSG Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Dili Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo lent his voice to one of two public serviceannouncements that will be broadcast on national television. http://www.pcug.org.au/~wildwood/02jandv.htm | |
84. 1996 Nobel Peace Prize On 10 October 1996, the Nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to awardBishop carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, http://www3.itu.int/MISSIONS/Indonesia/Nobel.htm | |
85. Timor-chronologie carlos felipe ximenes belo, et le militant Jose du CICR, ainsi que la résidence de Mgr carlos felipe belo, http://asiep.free.fr/indonesie/timor/timor-chronologie.html | |
86. Noticias Julio Translate this page carlos felipe ximenes belo. La agencia misionera MISNA ha informado que el ex carlos felipe ximenes belo, se incorporará como misionero a una comunidad http://pwp.007mundo.com/combonianos/notijulio.htm | |
87. Warta Berita - Radio Nederland, 20 Desember 2002 Ikuti keterangannya kepada Radio Nederland carlos felipe ximenes belo Demikian carlos felipe ximenes belo, Uskup Dili yang segera mengundurkan diri. http://www.mail-archive.com/berita@rnw.nl/msg00786.html | |
88. Eskalation Der Gewalt In Osttimor :: Presseinformationen :: Missio Online :: Mis Translate this page Dramatischer Höhepunkt der Eskalation der Gewalt sind die Attacken gegen denFriedensnobelpreisträger Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo SDB. http://www.missio.at/publikationen/presse/info21.html | |
89. Archive007la.html Translate this page (Dom carlos F. ximenes belo). Sinto uma imensa dor, Dom carlos felipe ximenesbelo com uma visita de cortesia, acompanhado por um bom diálogo sobre a http://www.menschenrechte.org/archive/latainamerika_archive/Archive007la.htm | |
90. Gi? Thܪng Nobel Translate this page Ngu?i th? nh?t du?c gi?i là Ð?c Giám m?c carlos felipe ximenes belo và ngu?i th?hai là ông José Ramos-Horta, Ch? t?ch M?t Tr?n Cách M?ng Giành Ð?c L?p Cho http://www.lmvntd.org/btlm1196/bai10.htm | |
91. IRNC, Institut De Recherche Sur La Résolution Non Violente Des Conflits Translate this page 1996 MGR carlos felipe ximenes belo Bishop of East Timor, carlos belo is workingwith José Ramos-Horta towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict http://www.irnc.org/Recherches/Culture/Items/3.htm | |
92. - TIMOR LESTE A Atribulada História De Uma Pequena Ilha Translate this page Dom carlos felipe ximenes belo levou a voz em defesa dos direitos Fala-semuito do atual bispo, dom carlos ximenes belo, e de sua veemente defesa da http://www.pime.org.br/pimenet/mundoemissao/igrejamasiatimor.htm | |
93. EURAC Research - 9 - Artik_13 Translate this page und an Bischof carlos felipe ximenes belo ist die Osttimor-Problematik wiederumin den Mittelpunkt weltweiter Aufmerksamkeit gerückt. http://www.eurac.edu/Press/Academia/9/Artik_13.asp | |
94. USCCB - East Timor Update recognizes, admires, and honors carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose RamosHortafor their sustained and self-sacrificing contributions on behalf of their http://www.usccb.org/sdwp/international/update97.htm | |
95. Bishop Carlos Belo Winner Of The 1996 Nobel Prize In Peace carlos Filipe ximenes belo, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize InternetArchive. carlos FILIPE ximenes belo. 1996 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate http://almaz.com/nobel/peace/1996a.html | |
96. Bishop Carlos Belo Hero File Bishop carlos belo. Full name Bishop carlos Filipe ximenes belo. The NobelPeace Prize 1996 carlos Filipe ximenes belo José Ramos-Horta http://www.moreorless.au.com/heroes/belo.html | |
97. Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes carlos ximenes belo, 1995. Copyright Sygma belo was ordained a bishop in 1983.As spiritual leader of a territory that is overwhelmingly Catholic, http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/728_31.html | |
98. East Timor - Alternative News The attack on the church follows the torching of Bishop carlos felipe Ximenesbelo s residence in Dili, which prompted belo to flee to Australia on Tuesday. http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_reports/east_timor/altnews/ | |
99. Bill Summary Status Title To honor 1996 Nobel Peace Prize recipients Bishop carlos felipe XimenesBelo and Jose RamosHorta, and to express support for the process of building http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d105:45:./list/bss/d105HE.lst:@T |
100. Irwin Abrams: "Nobel Prize Has Antioch Link" Jose RamosHorta of East Timor, who with his countryman Bishop carlos FelipeXimenes belo will be presented with the award at the ceremony in Oslo on http://www.irwinabrams.com/articles/ddn_dec96.html | |
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