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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
41. Keesing's Worldwide Online - Hot Topics: East Timor residence of Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, the 1996 Nobel Peace laureate . While there they met Mgr carlos ximenes belo, the Bishop of Dili (the http://www.keesings.com/hot_topics/east_timor/ | |
42. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Biography .ms carlos felipe ximenes belo (born February 3, 1948) is a Roman Catholic bishopwho received, cacarlos felipe ximenes belo plcarlos felipe ximenes belo http://carlos-felipe-ximenes-belo.biography.ms/ | |
43. Modification De Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - Modifier - Wikipédia THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR 1996carlos felipe ximenes belo and José RamosHorta carlos belo, bishop of EastTimor, has been the foremost representative of the people of East Timor. http://fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo&action=edit |
44. Eglise Catholique En France - Mgr Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo Quitte Son évêch l Eglise catholique en France. http://www.cef.fr/catho/actus/communiques/1999/commu46.php | |
45. MSN Encarta - Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Translate this page belo, carlos felipe ximenes (1946- ), évêque catholique, co-lauréat du prix Nobelde la paix 1996 avec José Ramos-Horta, pour ses efforts en faveur de http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_941534481/Belo_Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes.html | |
46. Nobels Fredspris Gjennom 100 år - Jose Ramos-Horta Og Carlos Felipe Ximenes Bel carlos felipe ximenes belo (1948 ), Øst-Timor Jose Ramos-Horta belo blevalgt til overhode for den katolske kirken på Øst-Timor i 1983. http://www.aktive-fredsreiser.no/biblioteket/nobels_fredspris/1996_ramoshorta_xi | |
47. EAST TIMOR - 1997 carlos felipe ximenes belo, East Timor s Archbishop and Jose Ramos Horta, anexiled Timorese leader, were awarded the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize for their work http://www.webcom.com/hrin/parker/country/etimor.html | |
48. Interview With Irwin Abrams By Rebecca Sweat and Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose RamosHorta, human rightsactivists in East Timor who were being oppressed by the Indonesian government. http://www.irwinabrams.com/bio/sweat.html | |
49. East Timor Conflicts, 1974-2002 1996.10, Nobel peace prize was awarded to Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo andJosé RamosHorta to the embarrassment of Indonesia http://www.regiments.org/wars/20thcent/75timor.htm | |
50. SSPXAsia.com: East Timor News Archive Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, apostolic administrator of Dili, Nobel peaceprize winner in 1996, has taken an active part in promoting the rights of http://www.sspxasia.com/Countries/East_Timor/NewsArchive.htm | |
51. Liberation Theology -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about carlos felipe ximenes belo) carlosfelipe ximenes belo (Click link for more info and facts about Samuel Ruiz) http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/L/Li/Liberation_theology.htm | |
52. Kenangan Pribadi Uskup Belo Atas Almarhum Paus Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo punya kenangan pribadi dengan Sri Paus carlos ximenes belo CXB Yang pertama itu bagi saya, pesan yang besar yang http://www2.rnw.nl/rnw/id/spesial/sripauswafat/kenangan_belo_050407?view=Standar |
53. Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes carlos Filipe ximenes belo was born in Wailakama, a village in Vemasse, He was the fifth child of Domingos Vaz felipe and Ermelinda Baptista Filipe. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/B/Belo/Belo.htm | |
54. Golem.de - Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel carlos felipe ximenes belo aus der freienEnzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie http://lexikon.golem.de/Carlos_Felipe_Ximenes_Belo | |
55. Para Saber Más Translate this page David TRIMBLE. Elie WIESEL. Norman BORLAUG. John HUME. Shimon PERES. Desmond TUTU.Jody WILLIAMS. Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo. Oscar ARIAS SANCHEZ http://www3.unesco.org/manifesto2000/sp/sp_pour_en_savoir_plus.htm | |
56. Welcome To Uprising Radio Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo July 26, 2005 The solutions to repression inprisons lies, not within the prison, but without. http://www.uprisingradio.org/subthoughts/ | |
57. Religion And Peacemaking Web Links: Library And Links: Jeannette Rankin Library Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo A BBC special report from October 1999 entitledBishop belo East Timor s spiritual leader describes the work of 1996 http://www.usip.org/library/topics/rp.html | |
58. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Historic Day For East Timor The Nobel Prizewinning Bishop of Dili, carlos felipe ximenes belo, called onSunday for voters to turn out despite any intimidation they might face. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_433000/433244.stm | |
59. BBC News | Asia-Pacific | Timor Deal Boosts UN Hopes Don t be afraid, be brave and choose the future of East Timor, the Nobel prizewinning Bishop of Dili, carlos felipe ximenes belo, said. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_432000/432947.stm | |
60. Biografia De Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes Translate this page belo, carlos felipe ximenes. (1948- ) Obispo de Timor Oriental, n. en Uailacama.En 1962 ingresó en un seminario salesiano, ordenándose sacerdote en 1980. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/b/belo.htm | |
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