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         Barkla Charles Glover:     more detail
  1. Hochschullehrer (Edinburgh): Max Born, Charles Glover Barkla, Donald Nicol, Donald Michie, John Hutton Balfour, Richard Gregory, Robert Sibbald (German Edition)
  2. Hochschullehrer (King's College London): Charles Glover Barkla, James Clerk Maxwell, Rosalind Franklin, Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Donald Nicol (German Edition)
  3. "Radiation and matter." (Watt anniversary lectures) by Charles Glover Barkla, 1920
  4. On X-rays and the theory of radiation (Roy. soc. of London. Phil. trans) by Charles Glover Barkla, 1917

21. Articles - Charles Glover Barkla
Charles Glover Barkla (June 7, 1877 – October 23, 1944) was a British physicist.He was born in Widnes and studied at the Liverpool Institute and
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Charles Glover Barkla
June 7 October 23 ) was a British physicist
He was born in Widnes and studied at the Liverpool Institute and Liverpool University . In , after having worked at the universities of Cambridge Liverpool and he was appointed professor of natural philosophy at the University of Edinburgh , a position he held until his death.
He evolved the laws of X-ray scattering and the laws governing the transmission of X rays through matter and excitation of secondary rays. For his discovery of the characteristic X-rays of elements he received the Nobel Prize in Physics . He was awarded the Royal Society Hughes Medal that same year.
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22. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipédia
Translate this page Charles Glover Barkla. Origem Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Charles GloverBarkla (7 de Junho de 1877 - 23 de Outubro de 1944) é um físico.
Charles Glover Barkla
Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
Charles Glover Barkla 7 de Junho de 23 de Outubro de ) © um f­sico. Recebeu em o pr©mio nobel da F­sica , pela descoberta de emissµes caracter­sticas de Raios R¶ntgen pelos elementos.
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23. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipedia
Translate this page Charles Glover Barkla. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Charles Glover Barkla (n.Widnes, Lancashire, 7 de junio de 1877 - † Edimburgo, 23 de octubre de
Charles Glover Barkla
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Charles Glover Barkla (n. Widnes Lancashire 7 de junio de Edimburgo 23 de octubre de F­sico ingl©s Alumno del University College de Liverpool y de la Universidad de Cambridge , fue luego profesor de f­sica en la Universidad de Londres (King's College) y de filosof­a natural en la Universidad de Edimburgo ). Miembro de la Royal Society ), recibi³ de esta entidad la medalla Hughes ( Sus primeras investigaciones tuvieron por objeto el estudio de la relaci³n existente entre el peso at³mico de un elemento y su capacidad de absorci³n de rayos X . Luego investig³ la radiaci³n secundaria de los elementos expuestos a los rayos X e identific³ dos series de radiaci³n caracter­stica homog©nea que denomin³ K y L. Sus trabajos demostraron que la emisi³n de radiaciones secundarias caracter­sticas constitu­a una propiedad del ¡tomo Fue galardonado con el premio Nobel de F­sica en Enlace externo:
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24. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipedia
Translate this page NAME, Barkla, Charles Glover. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, britischer Physikerund Nobelpreisträger. GEBURTSDATUM, 7. Juni 1877. GEBURTSORT, Widnes
Charles Glover Barkla
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Charles Glover Barkla 7. Juni in Widnes Lancashire 23. Oktober in Edinburgh ) war ein britischer Physiker und Nobelpreistr¤ger.
Charles Barkla begann nach dem Besuch des Liverpool Institutes mit dem Studium der Mathematik und Physik am University College Liverpool , damals Teil der Victoria University . Nach dem AbschluŸ in Physik promovierte er erhielt er ein Forschungsstipendium am Cavendish-Laboratorium des Trinity College in Cambridge . Er wechselte allerdings bereits ein Jahr sp¤ter an das King's College und kehrte nach Liverpool zur¼ck. Er ¼bernahm eine Professur f¼r Physik an der Universit¤t London und wechselte an den Lehrstuhl f¼r Naturphilosopie an der Universit¤t Edinburgh , den er bis zu seinem Tod innehatte. Barkla heiratete Mary Esther Cowell und hatte zwei S¶hne und eine Tochter. Bearbeiten
Barkla besch¤ftigte sich bereits seit 1902 mit der R¶ntgenstrahlung . Er entdeckte die charakteristischen Spektrallinien der chemischen Elemente im R¶ntgenbereich sowie den Fluoreszenzanteil der Streustrahlung. Ebenso entdeckte er die

25. Physicist / Astronomer B
barkla charles glover (18771944) United Kingdom. 1917 Nobel Physics prize forhis discovery of the characteristic Roentgen radiation of the elements
Physicist / Astronomer Stamps
  • Bardeen John (1908-1991) USA
    Nobel Physics prize for research on semiconductors and the discovery of the transistor effect
    Nobel Physics prize for the theory of superconductivity, usually called the BCS-theory
  • Barkhausen Heinrich (1881-1956)
  • Barkla Charles Glover (1877-1944) United Kingdom
    Nobel Physics prize for his discovery of the characteristic Roentgen radiation of the elements
  • Basov Gennadiyevich Nikolay (1922-2001 ) USSR
    Nobel Physics prize 1964 Nobel Physics prize for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle
  • Becquerel Antoine (1788-1878)
  • Becquerel Henri Nobel Physics prize in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity
  • Bednorz Georg Johannes (1950) Germany Nobel Physics prize for important break-through in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials
Bessel (1784-1846) was an astronomer and mathematician known best for the functions bearing his name; the Bessel functions of first and second order appear on this German stamp. Bessel was the first to measure the parallax of a star (Cygni 61) in 1838, thus making it possible to calculate its distance. Observing the motions of the stars Sirius and Procyon, he deduced that each was orbiting around another, dark star. These dark stars were later found to be white dwarfs.
  • Bethe Hans Albrecht (1906 Germany-2005) USA Nobel Physics prize for his contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars

26. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipédia
Translate this page Charles Glover Barkla est un physicien anglais né en 1877 à Widnes (Lancshire)et décédé à Edimbourg en 1944. Il étudia principalement la propagation des
Charles Glover Barkla
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Charles Glover Barkla est un physicien anglais n© en 1877   Widnes (Lancshire) et d©c©d©   Edimbourg en 1944. Il ©tudia principalement la propagation des ondes radio et les rayons X et re§u le Prix Nobel de physique en 1917 ainsi que la M©daille Hughes cette mªme ann©e.
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- Acc©dez d'un seul coup d’œil   toute la s©rie des articles de Wikip©dia concernant la physique. R©cup©r©e de « Cat©gories Prix Nobel de physique Naissance en 1877 ... D©c¨s en 1944 Affichages Outils personels Navigation Rechercher Bo®te   outils Autres langues

27. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
Charles Glover Barkla. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Medal Nagrody Nobla.Charles Glover Barkla (7 czerwca 1877 – 23 pazdziernika 1944) fizyk
Charles Glover Barkla
Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
Charles Glover Barkla 7 czerwca 23 października fizyk brytyjski Profesor uniwersytetu w Londynie i Edynburgu , badacz fal elektromagnetycznych i promieniowania rentgenowskiego . W roku otrzymał Nagrodę Nobla Źr³dło: " Kategorie Brytyjczycy Nobliści - fizyka Views osobiste nawigacja Szukaj narzędzia W innych językach

28. Charles Glover Barkla - Wikipedia
ufficiale del Premio Nobel. Fisica MilliBar il Bar della fisica
Charles Glover Barkla
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Nobel per la fisica Charles Glover Barkla 7 giugno 23 ottobre ) fu un fisico inglese , professore di filosofia naturale ad Edimburgo dal . Ha ricevuto il Premio Nobel per la fisica nel per i suoi studi sui raggi X . Ha sviluppato le leggi che regolano la diffusione dei raggi X e quelle che governano la trasmissione degli stessi attraverso la materia , nonch© l'eccitazione dei raggi secondari. modifica
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29. Barkla
Charles Glover Barkla, (1877 1944). Brit fizikus, Nobel-díjas. Cambridge-ben aTrinity és a Kings College-ban tanult. 1902 A Liverpooli Egyetem oktatója
Charles Glover Barkla, (1877- 1944) Brit fizikus, Nobel-díjas Cambridge-ben a Trinity és a Kings College-ban tanult. 1902: A Liverpooli Egyetem oktatója lett 1906: Barkla és C. A. Sadler röntgensugarak kal határozzák meg a szénatom elektronjainak a számát, amivel az Avogadro szám meghatározásának egy új módszerét is kidolgozzák. Barkla Nagyjából ugyanekkor polarizál ni is tudja a röntgensugarakat (olyan röntgenhullámokat válogatott ki, amelyek ugyanabban a síkban rezegnek), ezzel kimutatja, hogy a röntgensugarak transzverzális hullámok, azaz olyanok, mint a fény és más elektromágneses sugárzások. 1909: A Londoni Egyetemre megy át 1913: Az edinburgh-i Egyetemen a természetfilozófia professzora lesz 1911: Kísérletei alapján tisztázódik a röntgensugárzás két fajtája , a fékezési és a karakterisztikus. A fékezési sugárzás akkor keletkezik, amikor az elektron az atomba csapódva lefékezõdik. A karakterisztikus sugárzás nagy energiájú nyalábjai az adott antikatód anyagára jellemzõ frekvenciákat tartalmaznak, amelyek különbözõ sorozatokba rendeltek, és a K,L,M,O,P betûjelekkel nevezték el õket. A lítiumtól a neon i g csak a K sorozat fedezhetõ fel, a nagyobb rendszámú elemeknél jelentkeznek a sorozat késõbbi tagjai.

30. System Analysis - Cross Over Research - Metaphysics - Philosophy By Jörg Lenau
Translate this page Aston Francis William, Avogadro Amadeo, barkla charles glover, Bergius Friedrich,Bernard Claude, Berthelot Marcelin, Berthollet Claude Louis Graf von,
Revolutionär kann nur sein, wer revolutionär war! A strologische C harakteranalyse ... mail

31. Charles Glover Barkla - Biography
charles glover barkla was born on June 7, 1877 at Widnes, Lancashire, England, charles glover barkla married Mary Esther, the eldest daughter of John T.
Charles Glover Barkla was born on June 7, 1877 at Widnes, Lancashire, England, where his father, J.M. Barkla, was Secretary to the Atlas Chemical Company. He was educated at the Liverpool Institute and entered University College, Liverpool, in 1894 to study mathematics and physics, the latter under Oliver Lodge. He graduated with First Class Honours in Physics in 1898 and in the following year he obtained his master's degree. Also in 1899, he was awarded a research scholarship by the Royal Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851 and he proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, to work in the Cavendish Laboratory with J. J. Thomson . He migrated to King's College during 1900 and in 1902 returned to Liverpool as Oliver Lodge Fellow. From 1905 to 1909 he was successively demonstrator, assistant lecturer in physics and special lecturer in advanced electricity at the University, and in 1909 he succeeded H. A. Wilson as Wheatstone Professor of Physics in the University of London. In 1913, Barkla accepted the Chair in Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh and he held this position until his death.
Barkla, a Fellow of the Royal Society, had several honorary degrees. He was appointed Bakerian Lecturer (Royal Society) in 1916 and he was awarded the Hughes Medal in the following year.

32. Physics 1917
charles glover barkla. charles glover barkla. United Kingdom. Edinburgh UniversityEdinburgh, United Kingdom. b. 1877 d. 1944
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1917
"for his discovery of the characteristic Röntgen radiation of the elements" Charles Glover Barkla United Kingdom Edinburgh University
Edinburgh, United Kingdom b. 1877
d. 1944 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1917
Charles Glover Barkla
Swedish Nobel Stamps
The 1917 Prize in:


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33. Charles Glover Barkla Winner Of The 1917 Nobel Prize In Physics
charles glover barkla, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive.
1917 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his discovery of the characteristic Röntgen radiation of the elements.

    Residence: Great Britain
    Affiliation: Edinburgh University
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34. Barkla, Charles Glover
barkla, charles glover. (b. June 7, 1877, Widnes, Lancashire, Eng.d. Oct.23, 1944, Edinburgh, Scot.), British physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize
Barkla, Charles Glover
(b. June 7, 1877, Widnes, Lancashire, Eng.d. Oct. 23, 1944, Edinburgh, Scot.), British physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1917 for his work on X-ray scattering, which occurs when X ray s pass through a material and are deflected by the atomic electrons. This technique proved to be particularly useful in the study of atomic structures. Educated at Trinity and King's colleges, Cambridge, he joined the faculty of Liverpool University in 1902, moved to the University of London in 1909, and became professor of natural philosophy at the University of Edinburgh in 1913. In 1906 Barkla and C.A. Sadler used X-ray scattering to determine the number of electrons in the carbon atom. At about the same time Barkla was able to polarize X rays (select X-ray waves that vibrate in the same plane), thus demonstrating that X rays are transverse waves and hence like other electromagnetic radiations, such as light.

35. Barkla, Charles Glover --  Encyclopædia Britannica
barkla, charles glover British physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize forPhysics in 1917 for his work on Xray scattering, which occurs when X rays pass
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Charles Glover Barkla
born June 7, 1877, Widnes, Lancashire, Eng.
died Oct. 23, 1944, Edinburgh, Scot.
British physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1917 for his work on X-ray scattering , which occurs when X rays pass through a material and are deflected by the atomic electrons. This technique proved to be particularly useful in the study of atomic structures.
Barkla, Charles Glover...

36. Barkla, Charles Glover. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05
barkla, charles glover. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
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37. Charles Glover Barkla
barkla, charles glover (18771944) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography). barkla, charles glover (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition)
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Sep 15, 2005

38. Barkla, Charles Glover
barkla, charles glover (18771944) barkla was born in Widnes, Lancashire,and studied in Liverpool and at Cambridge. He was professor of physics at
Barkla, Charles Glover
English physicist who studied the phenomenon of X-ray scattering. He found that X-ray emissions are a form of transverse electromagnetic radiation, like visible light, and monochromatic. Nobel Prize for Physics 1917.
Barkla was born in Widnes, Lancashire, and studied in Liverpool and at Cambridge. He was professor of physics at King's College, London, 1909-13, when he became professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University.
In 1903 Barkla published his first paper on secondary radiation - the effect whereby a substance subjected to X-rays re-emits secondary X-radiation. He found that the more massive an atom, the more charged particles it contains, and it is these charged particles that are responsible for the X-ray scattering. Barkla was one of the first to emphasize the importance of the amount of charge in an atom (rather than merely its atomic mass) in determining an element's position in the periodic table.
Between 1904 and 1907 Barkla found that, unlike the low atomic mass elements, the heavy elements produced secondary radiation of a longer wavelength than that of the primary X-ray beam, and that the radiation from the heavier elements is of two characteristic types. Barkla named the two types of characteristic emissions the K-series (for the more penetrating emissions) and the L-series (for the less penetrating emissions). He later predicted that an M-series and a J-series of emissions with different penetrances might exist, and an M-series was subsequently discovered.

39. Barkla, Charles Glover - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Barkla, Charles G
Columbia Encyclopedia® article about barkla, charles glover. barkla, charles glover.Information about barkla, charles glover in the Columbia Encyclopedia®., Charles Glover
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40. Barkley, Charles Wade - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Barkley, Charles W
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