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         Arrhenius Svante August:     more detail
  1. ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST (1859-1927): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Earth Science</i>
  2. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Zweiter Teil. by Svante August Arrhenius, 1903
  3. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes I, II by Akademisk; Arrhenius, Svante August Afhandling, 1884-01-01
  4. CHEMISTRY IN MODERN LIFE by Svante August Arrhenius, 1925
  5. Chemistry in Modern Life. Translated from the Swedish and revised by Clifford Shattuck Leonard. by Svante August. ARRHENIUS, 1925-01-01
  6. Électrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  7. Chimiste Suédois: Alfred Nobel, Svante August Arrhenius, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, George de Hevesy, Carl Wilhelm Scheele (French Edition)
  8. Naissance En Suède: Ulf Grahn, Svante August Arrhenius, Peter Forsberg, Stefan Edberg, Mats Wilander, Jonas Björkman, Elias Magnus Fries (French Edition)
  9. Lauréat Du Prix Nobel de Chimie: Ernest Rutherford, Wilhelm Ostwald, Ahmed Zewail, Svante August Arrhenius, Kurt Wüthrich, Kurt Alder (French Edition)
  10. Electrochimie: Électrophorèse, Humphry Davy, Michael Faraday, Svante August Arrhenius, Conductivité Électrique, Oxyde (French Edition)
  11. Swedish Chemists: Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Alfred Nobel, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Nils Gabriel Sefström, Jöns Jacob Berzelius
  12. Uppsala University Alumni: Carl Linnaeus, Anders Celsius, Johan August Arfwedson, Svante Arrhenius, Carl Xvi Gustaf of Sweden
  13. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science: Vol. XLI by Svante August and Others Arrhenius, 1896
  14. Recherches Sur La Conductibilite Galvanique Des Electrolytes by Svante August Arrhenius, 1884

21. Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859. Svante AugustArrhenius (1859–1927), Arrhenius began by assisting Edlund in his work on
Svante August Arrhenius was born on February 19, 1859. His father was a land surveyor employed by the University of Uppsala and in charge of its estates at Vik, where Svante was born. The family moved to Uppsala in 1860. From an early age Svante had shown an aptitude for arithmetical calculations, and at school he was greatly interested in mathematics and physics. In 1876 he entered the University of Uppsala, studying mathematics, chemistry and physics. The practical instruction in physics was not of the best, and in 1881 he went to Stockholm to work under Professor E. Edlund at the Academy of Sciences. Arrhenius began by assisting Edlund in his work on electromotive force measurements in spark discharges but soon moved to an interest of his own. This resulted in his thesis (1884) Recherches sur la conductibilité galvanique des électrolytes (Investigations on the galvanic conductivity of electrolytes). From his results the author concluded that electrolytes, when dissolved in water, become to varying degrees split or dissociated into electrically opposite positive and negative ions. The degree to which this dissociation occurred depended above all on the nature of the substance and its concentration in the solution - being more developed the greater the dilution. The ions were supposed to be the carriers of the electric current, e.g. in electrolysis, but also of the chemical activity. The relation between the actual number of ions and their number at great dilution (when all the molecules were dissociated) gave a quantity of special interest ("activity constant").

22. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry: Svante August Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius. External links. The Nobel Prize Svante August Arrhenius The Nobel Foundation powered by - The World Heritage Sites
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23. Svante August Arrhenius - EvoWiki
Svante August Arrhenius (18591927), Swedish chemist and Nobel Prize recipientfor Chemistry in 1903. Arrhenius defined the general properties of acids and
Svante August Arrhenius
From EvoWiki
Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927), Swedish chemist and Nobel Prize recipient for Chemistry in 1903. Arrhenius defined the general properties of acids and bases , and studied chemical kinetics and electrolyte solutions , all of which was critical to an understanding of the chemical basis of life. Arrhenius is also noteworthy for his belief in panspermia JGK Retrieved from " Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox

24. Svante August Arrhenius - Definition Of Svante August Arrhenius In Encyclopedia
Svante August Arrhenius (February 19, 1859 – October 2, 1927) was a Swedishchemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry.
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Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), near Uppsala Sweden , the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. His father had been a land surveyor for Uppsala University , moving up to a supervisory position. At the age of three, Arrhenius taught himself to read, despite his parents' wishes, and by watching his father's addition of numbers in his account books, became an arithmetical prodigy. In later life, Arrhenius enjoyed using masses of data to discover mathematical relationships and laws. At age 8, he entered the local cathedral school, starting in the fifth grade , distinguishing himself in physics and mathematics , and graduating as the youngest and ablest student in At the University of Uppsala, he was unsatisfied with the chief instructor of physics and the only faculty member who could have supervised him in chemistry, so he left to study at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm under the physicist Erik Edlund in . His work specialized on the conductivities of electrolytes . In , based on this work, he submitted a 150-page dissertation on electrolytic conductivity to Uppsala for the doctorate . It did not impress the professors, and he received the lowest possible passing grade. Later this very work would earn him the

25. ARRHENIUS Svante August
arrhenius svante august. Last updated 05.08.2001 063408. ARRHENIUS SvanteAugust ENGLISH . Svante August Arrhenius byl švédský fyzik a chemik,
Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:34:08
Svante August Arrhenius byl švédský fyzik a chemik, žijící v letech 1859 - 1927. Byl to také jeden z nejvšestranìjších pøírodovìdcù své doby. Teorií elekrtrolytické disociace, za níž obdržel v roce 1903 Nobelovu cenu , se zabýval již ve své disertaèní práci (1883). Stipendium Švédské akademie vìd mu umožnilo poznat významná evropská vìdecká pracovištì i osobnosti, jako Ostwalda Nernsta van´t Hoffa a další. Spolu s nimi byl Arrhenius zakladatelem fyzikální chemie a jejího odborného èasopisu. Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

26. Digital Termpapers: Term Papers On Svante August Arrhenius
Svante August arrhenius svante august Arrhenius was born at Uppalsa, Sweden, onFebruary 19, 1859 His intelligence and cr.
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Svante August Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius was born at Uppalsa, Sweden, on February 19,
1859 His intelligence and creativity were apperent nt from an early agehe taught
himself to read when he was three Although credi ted with many scientific
innovations, he remains best known for his ionic theory of solutions, For which he
was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1903 Arrhenius henius died in
Stockholm on October 2, 1927
Science is a human endeavor subject to human frailties and governed by
personalities, politics, and prejudice ces. One of the best illustrations of the often
bumpy path of the advancement of scientific knowledge is the story of Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius. When Arrhenius henius began his doctorate at the University of Uppsala around 1880, he chose to study the passage of electricity through solutions. This was a problem that had baffled scientists for a century, The

27. Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius (February 19, 1859 – October 2, 1927) was a Swedishchemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry.
Svante Arrhenius
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Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), near Uppsala Sweden , the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. His father had been a land surveyor for Uppsala University , moving up to a supervisory position. At the age of three, Arrhenius taught himself to read, despite his parents' wishes, and by watching his father's addition of numbers in his account books, became an arithmetical prodigy In later life, Arrhenius enjoyed using masses of data to discover mathematical relationships and laws. At age 8, he entered the local cathedral school, starting in the fifth grade , distinguishing himself in physics and mathematics , and graduating as the youngest and ablest student in At the University of Uppsala, he was unsatisfied with the chief instructor of physics and the only faculty member who could have supervised him in chemistry, so he left to study at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm under the physicist Erik Edlund in . His work specialized on the conductivities of electrolytes . In , based on this work, he submitted a 150-page dissertation on electrolytic conductivity to Uppsala for the doctorate . It did not impress the professors, and he received the lowest possible passing grade. Later this very work would earn him the

28. Svante A. Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius was bom at WUk, Sweden, on February 19, 1859 His intelligenceand creativity were appare nt from an early agehe taught himself to

29. Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius (February 19, 1859October 2, 1927) was a Swedish scientistworking on the border between physics and chemistry.
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Svante Arrhenius
Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish scientist working on the border between physics and chemistry . Though sometimes classed as a physicist and sometimes as a chemist , he is best described as one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), Kalmar district, near Uppsala Sweden , the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. His father had been a land surveyor at the University of Uppsala , moving up to a supervisory position. At the age of three, Arrhenius taught himself to read, despite his parents' wishes, and by watching his father's addition of numbers in his account books, became an arithmetical prodigy. In later life, Arrhenius enjoyed using masses of data to discover mathematical relationships and laws. At age 8, he entered the local cathedral school, starting in the fifth grade, distinguishing himself in physics and mathematics , and graduating as the youngest and ablest student in At the University of Uppsala, he was unsatisfied with the chief instructor of physics and the only faculty member who could have supervised him in chemistry, so he left to study at the Physical Institute of the Swedish Academy of Sciences in

30. Svante August Arrhenius - Wikipédia
Svante August Arrhenius
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Cet article fait doublon avec Arrh©nius . Il a ©t© demand© de les fusionner sur la page pr©vue   cet effet . Merci de n'y apporter aucune modification tant que cette fusion n'aura pas ©t© effectu©e et que ce message n'aura pas disparu. Svante August Arrhenius (Wijk 19 f©vrier Stockholm 2 octobre ) ©tait un chimiste su©dois . Il re§ut le Prix Nobel de chimie en , apr¨s avoir ©t© laur©at de la M©daille Davy en 1902. Il a ©galement ©t© laur©at de la M©daille Faraday en 1914. Svante August Arrhenius Ses travaux de recherche port¨rent sur la conductivit© des solutions d' ©lectrolytes , et lui permirent de r©diger qui pr©figure sa th©orie de la dissociation.
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31. Svante August Arrhenius - Wikipedia
Translate this page Svante August Arrhenius. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Svante AugustArrhenius (n. Vik, Suecia, 19 de febrero de 1859 - † Estocolmo, 2 de octubre de
Svante August Arrhenius
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.
Svante August Arrhenius (n. Vik Suecia 19 de febrero de Estocolmo 2 de octubre de Qu­mico sueco Estudi³ en la Cathedral School de Upsala , cuando su familia se traslad³ a esta ciudad desde Vik, asistiendo a la universidad de esa misma ciudad cuando contaba 17 a±os de edad. Posteriormente estuci³ en la universidad de Estocolmo . Imparti³ clases de f­sica en la Escuela T©cnica Superior de esta Universidad ( ), alcanzando el grado de catedr¡tido de la la misma ( ). En pas³ a dirigir el Instituto Nobel de Qu­mica F­sica Siendo estudiante, mientras preparaba el doctorado en la universidad de Upsala, investig³ las propiedades conductoras de las disoluciones electrol­ticas , que formul³ en su tesis doctoral. Su teor­a afirma que en las disoluciones electrol­ticas, los compuestos qu­micos disueltos, se disocian en iones , manteniendo la hip³tesis de que el grado de disociaci³n aumenta con el grado de diluci³n de la disoluci³n, que result³ ser cierta s³lo para los electrolitos d©biles. Creyendo que esta teor­a era err³nea, le aprobaron la tesis con la m­nima calificaci³n posible. Esta teor­a fue objeto de muchos ataques, especialmente por

32. Chemistry 1903
svante august arrhenius. svante august arrhenius. Sweden. Stockholm UniversityStockholm, Sweden. b. 1859 d. 1927. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" Svante August Arrhenius Sweden Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden b. 1859
d. 1927 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
Presentation Speech
Svante Arrhenius
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Find a Laureate: Get to know all 770 Prize Winners! » Games and Simulations » SITE FEEDBACK ... TELL A FRIEND Last modified April 13, 2005

Dr. svante august arrhenius won the Nobel Prize for his work in 1903, Snelders HAM, arrhenius, svante august , Charles C. Gillispie, editor,
Although this paper contains the standard chronological biography of Dr. Arrhenius, our goal is broader. First, we hope to show a more personal view of Dr. Arrhenius as related to us by Dr. Hubert Alyea in an interview. Second, we would like to present an overview of Dr. Arrhenius' Nobel Prize winning work and the difficulty he had in gaining acceptance in the scientific community. Finally we will offer a lab that simulates Dr. Arrhenius's work in hopes that some teachers will let their students experience a little piece of chemical history.
Reminiscing about Svante A. Arrhenius
Dr. Hubert Alyea worked in Sweden under Dr. S. A. Arrhenius during 1925 and 1926. He was Arrhenius' last graduate student and has very fond memories of the great scientist. The path that led Dr. Alyea to Arrhenius' lab began in 1920 when he entered Princeton at the age of 15. His work and studies were delayed when he contracted polio at the age of 19; however, he feels that the year he spent in bed as a result of his illness was a time of great inner reflection and that he emerged with a strong commitment to accomplish something with his life that would contribute to the good of humanity. After Dr. Alyea graduated from Princeton he was awarded a grant to study with Arrhenius, and he left for Sweden. At the time of Dr. Alyea's arrival, Svante Arrhenius was already 66 years old, and the bulk of his research had been completed. What had been a bustling lab in earlier years now supported only a few graduate students. Dr. Alyea felt this atmosphere was perfect for him; he received the mentoring that he needed to thrive. Although Dr. Alyea worked directly under Beckstrum, Arrhenius' assistant, he recalls how Svante Arrhenius came in to the lab at least twice every day to ask how the work was going and what Alyea planned to do that day.

34. Biografia De Arrhenius, Svante August
Translate this page arrhenius, svante august. (1859-1927) Físico y químico sueco, svante augustarrhenius cursó sus estudios en las universidades de Uppsala y Estocolmo.
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927) Físico y químico sueco, nacido cerca de Uppsala y muerto en Estocolmo. Svante August Arrhenius cursó sus estudios en las universidades de Uppsala y Estocolmo. Explicó física en la Escuela Técnica Superior de esta Universidad (1891-95), donde pronto obtuvo una cátedra (1895-1904), y en 1904 pasó a dirigir el Instituto Nobel de Química Física (1905-27).
Svante August Arrhenius Mientras se preparaba para obtener el título de doctor en filosofía por la Universidad de Uppsala, Arrhenius formuló su teoría de la ionización o disociación electrolítica. Esta teoría fue objeto de muchos ataques, especialmente por lord Kelvin, pero Arrhenius se vio apoyado por Jacobus Van't Hoff, en cuyo laboratorio había trabajado como becario extranjero (1886-90), y por Wilhelm Ostwald; cuando, por fin, resultó ampliamente aceptada en los medios científicos, le valió a su autor la concesión del premio Nobel de Química del año 1903. En su extensa labor científica, aparte de la citada teoría, figuran trabajos sobre diversos aspectos de la físico-química, como las velocidades de reacción, sobre la práctica de la inmunización y sobre astronomía.

35. Svante August Arrhenius Winner Of The 1903 Nobel Prize In Chemistry
svante august arrhenius, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel PrizeInternet Archive.
1903 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
    in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation.

    Residence: Sweden
    Affiliation: Stockholm University
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36. Arrhenius, Svante
in full svante august arrhenius (b. Feb. 19, 1859, Vik, Swed.d. Oct. 2, 1927,Stockholm), Swedish physical chemist best known for his theory that
Arrhenius, Svante,
Arrhenius, 1918 By courtesy of the Kungl Biblioteket, Stockholm in full SVANTE AUGUST ARRHENIUS (b. Feb. 19, 1859, Vik, Swed.d. Oct. 2, 1927, Stockholm), Swedish physical chemist best known for his theory that electrolytes, certain substances that dissolve in water to yield a solution that conducts electricity, are separated, or dissociated, into electrically charged particles, or ions, even when there is no current flowing through the solution. In 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
Early training.
Arrhenius is said to have taught himself to read at the age of three and to have become interested in mathematics from watching his father add columns of figures. He attended the Cathedral School at Uppsala and went on to the university, where he studied physics, mathematics, and chemistry. In pursuit of his doctorate he migrated to Stockholm to work on electrolysis under Erik Edlund. In 1883 he published his first paper and in May 1884, at Uppsala, defended his doctoral thesis containing in embryo the dissociation theory.
Acceptance of his theory.

37. Arrhenius, Svante August --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
arrhenius, svante august (1859–1927), Swedish chemist and physicist, born inWijk; professor and administrator University of Stockholm 1891–1905;
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38. Svante Arrhenius: Definition And Much More From
arrhenius, svante august (sfän t?, ära ne?s) , 1859–1927, Swedish chemist. The noun svante august arrhenius has one meaning
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Dictionary Encyclopedia WordNet Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Svante Arrhenius Dictionary Ar·rhe·ni·us ə-rē nē-əs, ə-rā Svante August
Swedish physicist and chemist. He won a 1903 Nobel Prize for his electrolytic theory of dissociation. Encyclopedia Arrhenius, Svante August sf¤n tə, ¤rā nēəs ) , 1859–1927, Swedish chemist. He was a professor of physics in Stockholm in 1895 and became director of the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry, Stockholm, in 1905. For originating (1884, 1887) the theory of electrolytic dissociation, or ionization, he received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He also investigated osmosis and toxins and antitoxins. His works, translated into many languages, include Immunochemistry Quantitative Laws in Biological Chemistry The Destinies of the Stars (tr. 1918), and Chemistry in Modern Life (tr. 1925). WordNet Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words. The noun Svante August Arrhenius has one meaning: Meaning #1 Swedish chemist and chemist noted for his theory of chemical dissociation (1859-1927)
Synonym: Arrhenius
Svante Arrhenius Svante August Arrhenius February 19 October 2 ) was a Swedish chemist and one of the founders of the science of physical chemistry Arrhenius was born at Vik (also spelled Wik or Wijk), near

39. Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
arrhenius, svante august (18591927) arrhenius, svante. Worlds in the MakingThe Evolution of the Universe. New York Harper Row (1908).
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Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927)
Swedish physical chemist and Nobel Prize winner (1903), famous for his work on electrolytes, who was the first to present a detailed scientific hypothesis of panspermia . In this, he argued that life arrived on Earth in the form of microscopic spores that had been propelled across interstellar space by the radiation pressure of star light. His seminal 1903 paper on the subject was in response to "the failure of repeated attempts made by eminent biologists to discover a single case of spontaneous generation of life". In its fully-developed form, Arrhenius's hypothesis reached a wide audience through his book Worlds in the Making (1908, first published as Varldarnas utveckling in Sweden in 1906). Arrhenius was optimistic that, subject to the low temperatures in space, spores would be able to remain viable for very long periods. As for the effect of solar radiation, although Arrhenius was aware of the potentially lethal effect of ultraviolet on living cells, he insisted that "All the botanists that I have been able to consult are of the opinion that we can by no means assert with certainty that spores would be killed by the light rays in wandering through infinite space." His support for panspermia tied in with his fundamental belief that "all organisms in the universe are related and the process of evolution is everywhere the same." He thought life on other worlds might be common, though he opposed

40. FECS Millennium Project - Arrhenius
arrhenius, svante august Born Wik near Uppsala (Sweden), 19 February 1859 DiedStockholm (Sweden), 2 October 1927. arrhenius. arrhenius was a brilliant
FECS Millennium Project
100 Distinguished European Chemists
19th Century
Arrhenius, Svante August
Born: Wik near Uppsala (Sweden), 19 February 1859
Died: Stockholm (Sweden), 2 October 1927
Arrhenius was a brilliant student who learned to read at the age of three and graduated from secondary school as the youngest and brightest in his class. University studies in chemistry, physics and mathematics then followed in Uppsala where he also received his doctoral degree in 1884. His thesis on the galvanic conduction of electrolytes marked a breakthrough in chemistry because it explained the conductivity of the electrolytes by dissociation into positive and negative ions. This revolutionary theory was met with much opposition but became gradually accepted. The early proponents of the theory were W. Ostwald and J.H. vant Hoff who together with Arrhenius are considered as founders of modern physical chemistry. Arrhenius was rewarded in 1903 with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1891 Arrhenius moved to the newly founded University of Stockholm where four years later his post was converted to a professorship in physics. In 1905 Arrhenius was appointed director of the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry in Stockholm. During his later years Arrhenius became increasingly interested in cosmic physics and the origin of life on earth. He suggested that life had begun when living spores had wandered through the empty space to earth. He was also one of the first scientists to study the influence of carbon dioxide on the earth's temperature, which is now known as the "greenhouse effect".

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