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         Amnesty International:     more books (101)
  1. Amnesty, Human Rights and Political Transitions: Bridging the Peace and Justice Divide (Studies in International Law) by Louise Mallinder, 2008-08-28
  2. The Uprooted: Refugees and the United States: A Multidisciplinary Teaching Guide by David M. Donahue, Nancy Flowers, 2002-05-10
  3. Amnesty for Crimes against Humanity under International Law by Ntoubandi, F.Z., 2007-11-30
  4. Amnesty International by Universe Publishing, Contact Press Images, 2005-07-01
  5. Within These Walls: Memoirs of a Death House Chaplain by Rev. Carroll Pickett, Carlton Stowers, 2009-04-01
  6. Amnesty International: 2009 WaLL Calendar
  7. Amnesty International: 2008 Wall Calendar by Universe Publishing, 2007-08-09
  8. Maze of Injustice: The Failure to Protect Indigenous Women From Sexual Violence in the USA by Amnesty International, 2007
  9. Our World, Our Rights: Teaching about Rights and Responsibilities in the Elementary School by Amnesty International, 2001-07
  10. The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Life in the Balance (Open Media Pamphlet Series)
  11. Amnesty International Report, 1987 by Amnesty International, 1987-09
  12. Amnesty International (International Organizations) by Deena Banks, 2003-08
  13. Thoughts on Human Dignity and Freedom by Amnesty International, 1991-08
  14. Stone Walled: Police Abuse and Misconduct Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People In The U.S. by Amnesty International Staff, 2005-01-31

121. Menschenrechte In Weißrussland Stärken - Amnesty-Gruppe 1310 (Berlin-Mitte)
Die Gruppe engagiert sich vor allem f¼r die Menschenrechte in WeiŸrussland. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bildet der Einsatz gegen die Todesstrafe.
Startseite unseres Angebots gehen, die auch genutzt werden kann, wenn Ihr Rechner keine Frames anbietet.

122. AIUSA Group 4
Home page for amnesty international USA s Group 4 of Seattle, Washington, a grassroots activist organization whose members are dedicated to human rights,




GROUP 4 of Seattle, Washington
AI Group 4, AI UW and friends denounce torture on June 24, 2005.
Welcome to the home page of AIUSA Group 4. AIUSA is the US Section of Amnesty International , a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights. AI's vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. In pursuit of this vision, AI's mission is to undertake researchand action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedome of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote human rights. AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is solely concerned with the impartial protection of human rights. AI has a varied network of members and supporters around the world. At latest count, there were more than 1.8 million members, supporters, and subscribers in over 150 countries and territories from every region of the world. Although they come from many different backgrounds and have widely different political and religious beliefs, they are united by a determination to work for a world where everyone enjoys human righs.

123. Amnesty International Group 92, San Fernando Valley CA
Chapter of amnesty international in San Fernando Valley, California.

124. Amnesty International

125. Amnesty
Pr©sentation du mouvement de d©fense des droits humains, agenda du groupe 116 et actions.

126. AI Fricktal
Die Gruppe Fricktal konzentriert sich insbesondere auf Kampagnen zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen, AktionFile Kolumbien, Caribbean Regional Aktion, Briefe gegen das Vergessen usw.
Monatsbriefe September 2005 Kolumbien
De-facto-Amnestie für Todesschwadronen London/Bern, 1. September 2005. Die kolumbianischen Gesetze zur Demobili­sierung verhindern die Strafverfolgung der Täter und die Entschädigung der Opfer. Zu diesem Schluss kommt ein heute in Madrid veröffentlichter Bericht von Amnesty International. Zivilpersonen in Medellín sind auch weiterhin dem Terror der Paramilitärs ausgesetzt.
Die Demobilisierung der Paramilitärs in Kolumbien ist eine Augenwischerei – das ist das Fazit eines heute veröffentlichten Berichts von Amnesty International (AI). «Die Situation in Medellín beweist, dass die Gesetze zur Demobilisierung in Kolumbien weder zur nachhaltigen Auflösung paramilitärischer Einheiten führen noch deren Opfern Gerechtigkeit verschafften», kritisiert AI. «Die Verantwortlichen für Massaker, Entführungen und Vertreibungen profitieren von einer de-facto-Amnestie.» Der neue AI-Bericht Colombia: the Paramilitaries in Medellín: Demobilization or Legalization? analysiert unter anderem Mängel und Folgen des im Juni dieses Jahres verabschiedeten Gesetzes für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden . Das Gesetz ermöglicht erhebliche Hafterleichterungen für demobilisierte Paramilitärs. Gleichzeitig erschwert es die Untersuchung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen und die Entschädigung der Opfer. Dieses Gesetz führt weder zu Gerechtigkeit noch zu Frieden in Kolumbien , erklärt AI. Besorgniserregend ist ausserdem, dass ehemalige Paramilitärs oft in die kolumbianischen Streitkräfte oder in private Sicherheitsdienste eingegliedert werden.

127. Bienvenue Sur Le Site Officiel D'Amnesty Belgique Francophone
Translate this page La situation des femmes dans le monde documents, communiqués de presse, actions urgentes, sélection de sites.
Page d'accueil Centre d'actions Droits des femmes Amnesty-jeunes ... Agenda Amnesty International, Rue Berckmans, 9 - 1060 Bruxelles. Tel: 02/538.81.77 Nous contacter Compte: 001-0520520-94 Accueil Navigation Plan du site
Rapport annuel 2005 Ce Rapport, qui couvre 149 pays et territoires, souligne une certaine incapacité des gouvernements nationaux et des organisations internationales à combattre les atteintes aux droits humains.
En savoir plus

Visionnez la vidéo en cliquant ici

Commandez le rapport en ligne ici
Belgique : un francophone sur trois connaît dans son environnement un couple vivant des violences conjugales inacceptables Selon un sondage réalisé par Amnesty International, le Soir Mag et Dedicated Research, la violence familiale reste une très grave préoccupation dans notre pays. en savoir plus
en savoir plus
Qui va répondre des crimes commis au Soudan ?
Pour agir

128. Amnesty Youth
Ungdomsafdeling af amnesty international.

129. Amnesty International Femmes
Translate this page La situation des femmes dans le monde documents, communiqués de presse, actions urgentes, sélection de sites.
Paraguay : craintes pour la sécurité de deux religieuses
Juana Antonia Barua et Clara Nimia Insaurralde, deux religieuses appartenant à la (...)
Amnesty International est préoccupée par sa sécurité ainsi que par celle des autres membres du personnel du CIAM. Entre le 25 avril et le 1er juillet, Lydia Cacho Ribeiro aurait reçu au moins 42 appels de (...)
ÉQUATEUR : Crainte pour la sécurité de María Teresa Cherres Mesías
Mais aussi...
Pour voir toutes les actions en cours...
La justice internationale face à la violence contre les femmes
Grâce au travail qui a été mené par des organisations de défense des droits des femmes du monde entier, le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) pose des principes exigeants en matière de violence contre les femmes.
* La CPI doit soutenir les victimes de violences, afin de les encourager à témoigner
* Les femmes participent au fonctionnement de la CPI à tous les niveaux
* La CPI peut accorder une (...)
Nigéria : La violence exercée contre les femmes au sein de la famille atteint des proportions alarmantes
Lagos, Nigéria -

130. Amnesty International Publications On Peru
Recent AI publications on Peru including annual reports, other reports and news releases. From 1996 to date.

131. KU Amnesty International
University of Kansas chapter of amnesty international web page.
Welcome to the home page for the
University of Kansas chapter of
Amnesty International
Benefit Concert for Sudan at Liberty Hall
Chuck Berg Jazz Group
Johnny Quest
5th of July
Approach Danny Pound Brandon Mayer Free All Beats Honorary Speakers: Bobbie-Francis McDonald (Sudan Advocacy Action Forum) Ibraham Sabiel (Former resident of Darfur) Kalid El-Hassan (Former resident of Sudan) Screenings: Human Rights Watch, Darfur Destroyed Alain Resnais, Night and Fog Date: Wednesday the Sixth of April 8:00pm-2:00am Cost (All money to Doctors Without Borders): $10 "Governments are taking human rights off their agenda. There is an attempt to redefine human rights to make profit and to demote human rights as an issue.... We believe in the universality of rights for all. The people of the earth deserve nothing else. No lesser personanywhere." Austin Hart or Amber VanSchuyver Amnesty International University of Kansas Kansas Union Lawrence KS

132. ZIMBABWE - Amnesty International
Current and recent reports.
Document library
Recent documents Documents by region Documents by theme ... Order AI publications Search by AI INDEX View this list in
LIBRARY AFRICA SOUTHERN AFRICA ZIMBABWE [ All ] News Reports Urgent Actions [1] Showing results 1 - 31 out of 165 Zimbabwe: Secret footage reveals desperate plight of homeless AFR 46/026/2005 The Wire, August 2005. Vol. 35, No.7. NWS 21/007/2005 Zimbabwe: Government must not be allowed to silence African Union AFR 46/023/2005 Zimbabwe: Government must not be allowed to silence African Union AFR 46/022/2005 Democratic Republic of Congo: arming the east AFR 62/006/2005 Urgent Action in Focus: July 2005 ACT 60/014/2005 Zimbabwe: More deaths as mass evictions continue unabated AFR 46/021/2005 Zimbabwe: Amnesty International rejects AU claim that violations are 'internal' matter AFR 46/020/2005 Zimbabwe: Unprecedented call for UN and AU action over evictions by 200 rights groups AFR 46/017/2005 Zimbabwe: Joint Appeal by Amnesty International, the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) and Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights AFR 46/024/2005 Zimbabwe: 150 groups to launch unprecedented appeal for action by UN and AU AFR 46/016/2005 Zimbabwe: Open letter from AI to President Robert Mugabe on the forced evictions in Zimbabwe AFR 46/019/2005 Nigeria: Open letter from AI to President Olusegun Obasanjo, Chair of the African Union, on the forced evictions in Zimbabwe

Velkomin á vefsíðu Íslandsdeildar amnesty international. amnesty international (AI) er hreyfing fólks um heim allan sem berst fyrir alþjóðlega viðurkenndum
Beina leið á efnisyfirlit þessarar síðu
Velkomin á vefsíðu Íslandsdeildar Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) er hreyfing fólks um heim allan sem berst fyrir alþjóðlega viðurkenndum mannréttindum. Hugsjón Amnesty International miðar að heimi þar sem sérhver einstaklingur nýtur allra þeirra réttinda sem fólgin eru í Mannréttindayfirlýsingu Sameinuðu þjóðanna og öðrum mannréttindasáttmálum. Með það að markmiði sinnir Amnesty International rannsóknum og grípur til aðgerða í því skyni að hindra og stöðva alvarleg brot á mannréttindum, í samræmi við þann tilgang samtakanna að efla virðingu fyrir öllum mannréttindum. Amnesty International er óháð öllum stjórnvöldum, stjórnmálastefnum, efnalegum hagsmunum og trúarbrögðum. Samtökin hvorki styðja né eru andsnúin nokkrum stjórnvöldum eða stjórnmálakerfi, né styðja þau endilega viðhorf þeirra einstaklinga, sem eru viðfang mannréttindabaráttu samtakanna. Taktu þátt. Þú getur lagt þitt af mörkum. Um leið og þú gerist félagi í Amnesty International verðurðu þátttakandi í alþjóðlegri hreyfingu. Takir þú þátt sem einstaklingur, sem þátttakandi í hópstarfi eða í skyndiaðgerðaneti samtakanna verður rödd þín ein meðal ótal annarra sem beita þrýstingi til að ná fram breytingum. Þegar þú gerist félagi í Amnesty International verðurðu þátttakandi í lýðræðislegri hreyfingu sem lýtur eigin stjórn. Við bjóðum þér að vinna í þágu mannréttinda: Gerstu félagi!

134. France/Algeria : France Must Now Face Up To Its Judicial Obligations - Amnesty I
Report by amnesty international on French war crimes including torture and summary executions of Algerians during the Algerian war in the late 1950's.

135. Amnesty International - SourceWatch
amnesty international (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who amnesty international is primarily motivated not by human rights but by publicity.

136. Saudi Arabia: The Forgotten Iraqi Refugess In Rafha - Amnesty International
Campaign for the human rights of Iraqi refugees in Saudi Arabia. Includes the addresses of the responsible authorities and a video with a victim's account.

137. What Is Amnesty International?
What does amnesty international do for such prisoners? What happens when amnesty international is uncertain about the grounds for a person s imprisonment?
What is Amnesty International?
Last updated 21.03.96

138. Emerce - Nieuwsindex Homepage
amnesty international verwijt Amerikaanse bedrijven dat ze technologie aan China leveren waarmee internetsites om politieke redenen geblokkeerd worden.
Events Lees meer over de komende events van Emerce en meld u aan.

139. ABC News: Amnesty International Takes Aim At U.S.
amnesty international s Secretary General Irene Khan answers a reporter s LONDON May 25, 2005 — amnesty international branded the US prison camp at

140. Amnesty International - Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis
amnesty international states its opinion about how to bring to justice those responsible for the crimes of 11 September, how to deal with abuses committed in Afghanistan, and how to address any abuses by USled Coalition forces in Afghanistan. They offer latest information, a library of documents, press kit, and campaign information.
Current campaigns
Previous campaigns Campaigning resources
Justice Not Revenge: 11 September Crisis
En Español
Prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay. US Department of Defense Photo Human rights forgotten in USA's 'war on terrorism' - March 2003
USA : Guantánamo detainees - the legal black hole deepens

Americas: Security for all means human rights for all

Real security can only be achieved through full respect for the human rights of all, Amnesty International warned today as Ministers of Defence from all over the American continent meet in Santiago, Chile, to discuss regional security.
Pakistan: No need for more laws to fight political violence

Amnesty International today voiced its concern over the recent expansion of Pakistan's Anti-terrorism Act. The amendment to the law, introduced by Ordinance, allows the detention of people suspected of "terrorist" offences for up to one year without charge or trial. It also allows police and security forces to investigate the assets and bank accounts of the relatives of suspects
Yemen/USA: government must not sanction extra-judicial executions

Amnesty International has today written to the President of the United States, George Bush, to express its deep concern at reports that the six men blown up in a car in Yemen on 3 November were killed allegedly by a missile launched by a CIA-controlled Predator drone aircraft.

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