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101. WAR CRIMES IN AFGHANISTAN IGNORED BY An American political scientist lists proposals for rules of war based on international law. http://home.no.net/dawatnet/war_crimes_in_afghanistan_ignore.htm | |
102. Bush, Cheney Attack Amnesty International Bush, Cheney Attack amnesty international. by Jim Lobe. WASHINGTON Stung by amnesty international s condemnation of US detention facilities in Iraq and http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0601-01.htm | |
103. Amnesty International Iraq Press releases, open letters, annual reports and links for related campaigns. http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/countries/iraq?Open&Count=30 |
104. Welcome To Amnesty International Canada amnesty international Canada Pacific Regional Office amnesty international is launching the Voices Rising CD, a new collection of songs featuring http://www.amnesty.bc.ca/ | |
105. Amnesty International 1999 Annual Report On Macao Document expressing concerns about the adequacy of human rights protection after the return of Macau to Chinese sovereignty. http://www.amnesty.org/ailib/aireport/ar99/asa27.htm | |
106. Amnesty International - Argentina Translate this page Sumate al mayor movimiento global por la defensa activa de los derechos humanos, a través del centro de activismo on-line de amnesty international http://www.amnesty.org.ar/ | |
107. Amnestyshop.org.uk amnesty international UK. Order online anytime. Welcome to the amnesty international UK online store amnestyshop.org.uk The site has been completely http://www.amnestyshop.org/ | |
108. Amnesty International Annual Report 2002 The report documents human rights violations during 2001 all over the world, with a special focus on human rights restrictions and violations in the aftermath of September 11. Complete text and press information. http://web.amnesty.org/web/ar2002.nsf/ | |
109. Amnesty International Recent AI Publications on Africa. http://web.amnesty.org/ai.nsf/REGIONS/AFRICA?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&a |
110. Amnesty International USA Group 133 | Home amnesty international USA Group 133 works for human rights in the Somerville, Arlington, Cambridge area of Massachusetts. http://www.amnesty133.org/ | |
111. NORDKOREA Ai Jahresbericht 2003 Der Jahresbericht 2003 stellt die Lage bezogen auf Menschenrechte dar. http://www2.amnesty.de/internet/deall.nsf/51a43250d61caccfc1256aa1003d7d38/0b6dc |
112. Amnesty International Report 2000 amnesty international online. Annual report 2000. This report documents human rights issues of concern to AI worldwide during 1999. http://www.web.amnesty.org/web/ar2000web.nsf/ | |
113. Anfangsseite AI Frauengruppen Schweiz Die Gruppe will Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Frauen an die ffentlichkeit bringen, mit Aktionen, Veranstaltungen und Medienarbeit die ffentlichkeit sensibilisieren. Dazu bietet sie Informationen zu Agenda und Aktivit¤ten und ein Archiv. http://www.ai-frauen.ch/ | |
114. Paul De Rooij: Amnesty International: A False Beacon? When I was on the Board of Directors of amnesty international USA near the end 1 amnesty international, Israeli army must respect human rights in its http://www.counterpunch.org/rooij10132004.html | |
115. Vanderbilt Amnesty International University chapter of amnesty international focuses on eliminating human rights abuses through weekly meetings, letter writing, and an email listserv. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/Students/Organizations/amnesty/ | |
116. Amnesty International - Circoscrizione Campania Basilicata Napoli Gruppi ed organizzazione, azioni ed appelli, notiziario ed informazioni per l'adesione, calendario eventi. (Richiede Flash). http://amnestycampania.it/ |
117. Amnesty International Luxembourg Translate this page Activités et campagnes en cours de la section luxembourgeoise. http://www.amnesty.lu/ |
118. : Amnesty International : Zespó³ Ds. Odmawiaj±cych S³u¿by Og³lnopolski zesp³Å ludzi dziaÅajÄ cym na rzecz przestrzegania praw czÅowieka w konfliktach zbrojnych, wojsku, jak i praw poborowych, powstaÅy przy polskiej amnesty international. http://free.ngo.pl/aizosw/ | |
119. Democracy Now! | Amnesty International Declares Father Jean-Juste A "Prisoner Of We speak with amnesty international about his case and the ongoing violence in amnesty international has announced it considers Father JeanJuste a http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/07/28/149242 |
120. Amnesty - Stockholms Universitet Information om amnesty international, l¤nkar och uppdaterad information om deras arbete. http://www4.amnesty.se/~g330/ | |
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